

Hi my name is Margarette in short I'm Marga I'm 15 years old , and I was once an orphan. My parents died when I was 6, and was given to an orphanage. I lived my life in the orphanage for almost four years and was finally adopted at the age of 10. My biological parents supports me and gives me everything I want. I mean you know because I was lucky to have rich parents . Anyway, my biological parents is Ms. Agatha and Mr. Dan,they are in military so I kinda have military trainings as well. And as time pass by I became an expert when it comes to fighting skills like Gun Shooting, hand to hand combat and more, but it wasn't easy though. And because I'm just 15 years old lots of people , like billionaires showed interest in me. And wanted to hire me as their spy because I have big advantage , like being just a kid which is known to be weak and innocent, and that thought will clear their suspicion if ever I do a crime.