

Fantasy Romance
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Lee la novela DON'T MESS WITH THIS GIRL escrita por el autor Rhemrose_Ellonado_9656 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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space called Slayer. Enol is an extraordinarily intelligent being, however, taken by ambition and thirsty for power. In the futuristic world in which the story takes place, the galaxy is divided into several factions, each vying for domination of territories and scarce resources. Enol, with his cunning and charismatic leadership, expands his empire through force, conquering planets and subjugating entire races. As Enol amasses a vast army of fanatical followers, a resistance grows in the shadows. A rebel group, led by an artificial intelligence named Aria, is determined to overthrow Enol's authoritarian regime and restore justice to the galaxy. As the plot develops, Enol faces a series of challenges, from epic battles in space to personal confrontations with her own demons. His journey is filled with betrayals, moral dilemmas and exciting twists and turns as he fights to maintain his power and achieve his goals. Meanwhile, Aria and the rebels sneak into Enol's ranks, hoping to find a way to defeat him from within. Members of the resistance are skilled in advanced technology and military strategy, willing to sacrifice everything for the greater cause. As Enol becomes increasingly tyrannical in his quest for total control, the final battle approaches. Will Aria and the rebels be able to gather forces and overthrow Enol, or will he prove invincible even in the face of adversity? Enol of the Universe Saga (slipperylighthearted) is an electrifying webnovel, full of action, intrigue and suspense. Navigate the far reaches of the galaxy together with Enol and Aria and discover who will prevail in this epic battle for the fate of humanity.

Emerald_Net · Ciencia y ficción
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100 Chs

Harry Potter AU fanfic

-Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible -Read at your own discretion, this is sloppy writing at best. -Harry Potter Alternate Universe, don't take it seriously. -Hiatus -Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible -Everyone knew the boy who lived, but Trenton Epperson never forgot the girl who mattered, the girl who lost everything. -Our MC finds a way to go back and save the ones he loves. The only question was, what would happen to the trio now turned duo thanks to his meddling, would there even be a duo? -No Harem -The MC's memories may be a bit sketchy on what he can and cannot remember depending on what I feel like he should or should not know. It's up in the air whether I do a good job or not. Just don't worry about it and everything will be fine. - This is a Harry Potter Alternate Universe. This will not be a story that follows cannon closely. There will be differences and I'll be writing based on my limited amount of knowledge. Trying to make some things make more sense, we'll see if it works out.

Somenonebody · Película
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31 Chs


"Your options are, either accept your fate and move on to whatever afterlife awaits you, or come with me and live again." Dying was the best thing that ever happened to Sam. After they died in a swimming pool accident, the 23-year-old gender-fluid person met Alpha 7419, aka Alfie, a transmigration system that recruited them in his mission to save the multiverse. Sounds exciting, right? It was for Sam. Not so much for Alfie, who now had to babysit a troublesome host who seemed far more interested in sleeping around than actually completing their assignments. —Excerpt— "You do remember I can read your thoughts, don't you?" the system asked, his voice cracking nervously, hoping that this pervert would have at least some inkling of shame at being caught in her fantasies. He shouldn't have counted on it. Sam grinned wickedly, clearly delighted. Raising her eyebrows and gazing up at him flirtatiously through her thick lashes, she asked, "Hey, what am I thinking now?" The alpha system's breath caught in his throat, and his eyes went wide. "N-n-no! I wasn't made to function like that!" "I am a highly advanced AI system!" he insisted, furious, and, he had to admit, slightly frightened by the unfamiliar feeling aroused in him by the image of himself panting and crying out as his knuckles whitened from how hard he was gripping the sheets. "Hush," Sam crooned at the flustered AI. She grinned wickedly at her soon-to-be partner. "I won't do anything to you that you aren't begging me for on hands and knees." ***ADULT CONTENT WARNING*** This novel contains explicit materials unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18.

Silly_Fox · LGBT+
17 Chs

Falling For A Beast

When the future of her people becomes so uncertain, the only way seen by her parents to ensure that their people are safe and kept from the aftermath of the past war is for Elinor, their daughter, to be given off in marriage. Elinor is the princess of a small kingdom called Pedron. When faced with the idea of marrying an Emperor of whom she has only heard evil tales, she tries to run away. But the plan fails and she has to come face to face with her new reality. Become the Emperor’s betrothed. Time passes by and she soon realizes that not all tales are true, not all demons should burn in hell and some beasts are worth falling in love with. However, darker secrets eventually emerge, threatening to ruin the peaceful life she and Fenrir are starting to build together. Can their love overcome a curse that dates back centuries? — “You’re a mystery, Emperor. I find you hard to figure out.” He smiled a little. “I never intended to be a brain teaser, Lady Elinor.” “You don’t intend to be, but you are,” I said, my eyes never leaving him. “One may think that they know all that there is to be known about you. One may expect you to do one thing, and then you go ahead and defy their thinking so that it’s obvious that no one really knows you at all. Then I guess it becomes safe to ask, who then is Emperor Fenrir and what is his true nature?” I thought I had overstepped my boundaries by saying the things I said, for he watched me yet again with eyes so intense that I found myself falling deep within them, scared of my fall. But he defied expectations yet again. He reached over and took my hand. “What happens when you realise that what you seek could be the end of you?”

Ndidi Otuya · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Trials Of Alister Firestone

A man wakes up and finds himself to be, Alister Firestone, a commoner in another world. Having no recollection of his past, he tries to navigate through his new life, not knowing that this new world is set on a course to collide with a cosmic shitstorm, with otherworldly entities waging war on each other. Watch how Alister uncovers ancient mysteries, millennia-old secrets, and life-changing conspiracies. -------- Alternate Title: Regression Is My Only Option About: The Story is set in a medieval setting. There are cosmic-level entities in the novel, different races, and different organizations with varying interests. The main character is cautious by nature, he likes to solve problems without having to fight but is always prepared for the worst. He wouldn't be overpowered but he will have his "blessings", he will be mature and would place his interest above everything else. There will be no love interest for him but there would be casual romance within the story. This is my first time writing a main character that will progress from weak to strong, so I am open to suggestions. Update Schedule: 1-2 Chapters per week (2000+ words each) I am a Computer Science Major, I hope you guys can understand :) Author: This is not my main account but this is my first time writing an original story, so I would gladly accept all valid criticism, and suggestions. Copyright Disclaimer: This novel is my original work, I own everything, from the characters to the plot. However, I don't own the book cover, so if you are the owner of the cover and want me to take it down, I would gladly do it.

Itish_Srivastava · Fantasía
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5 Chs
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