
The hero of ages

Martial Arts
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Jual Obat Aborsi Di Cikarang | 082138183425

Jual obat aborsi di cikarang, obat penggugur kandungan untuk kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan. Obat cytotec misoprostol manjur dan aman tanpa efek samping, 082138183425. Kami menjual obat aborsi asli dengan merk obat cytotec misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan, obat penggugur kandungan ini sangat manjur tanpa efek samping dan aman tanpa kuret. Cara penggunaan dipandu dan dibimbing langsung sampai berhasil (tuntas). Obat cytotec misoprostol ini adalah 100% produk asli dari pfizer USA, perusahaan internasional di bidang kesehatan yang berdiri sejak tahun 1849. Obat aborsi cytotec misoprostol telah direkomendasikan oleh FDA sebagai obat penggugur kandungan yang aman untuk aborsi dan juga efektif sebagai pengobatan telat datang bulan. FDA adalah Food and Drug Administration atau badan pengawas obat dan makanan Amerika Serikat. jual obat aborsi di cikarang Apa Itu Aborsi? Dalam pengertian medis atau ilmu kedokteran, aborsi adalah tindakan untuk mengakhiri kehamilan dengan cara mengeluarkan hasil konsepsi sebelum janin dapat hidup di luar rahim. Langkah sebelum melakukan aborsi pun sebaiknya harus mengetahui usia kehamilan agar proses pengeluaran janin dalam kandungan dapat berjalan maksimal. Untuk menghitung usia kehamilan, anda bisa menggunakan kalkulator kehamilan yang sangat praktis dan juga akurat. Berikut adalah paket tuntas obat penggugur kandungan atau obat aborsi yang kami sediakan: 1 bulan tuntas 2 bulan tuntas 3 bulan tuntas 4 bulan tuntas 5 bulan tuntas jual obat aborsi di cikarang Silahkan pesan sesuai usia kehamilan anda, mengenai informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kontak kami: 082138183425 (respon cepat via WhatsApp) https://wa.me/6282138183425/ https://sites.google.com/view/obat-aborsi-di-apotik/

obataborsidiapotik · Famosos
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1 Chs

One Punch Man: Gunslinger

Isamu's life was filled with hardship and loneliness, witnessing the harsh realities of the world through acts of violence, theft, and cannibalism. Growing up in an unforgiving environment, he had to scavenge for food in garbage bins. When the last person he could call his family died, it propelled him down the path of an anti-hero, pursuing his relentless quest to eliminate evil from the world. (Please note that this story contains violent content.) ------------ -Op Mc -Smart Mc -AU Additional Information: 1. Release Schedule: I will do my best to upload at least three chapters per week, although please understand that I have commitments to work and school that may affect the consistency of uploads. 2. AU: As mentioned earlier, this story is set in an alternative universe with significant changes from the original. However, I am confident that these changed will pique your interest. Additionally characters from other anime will be added, such as characters from MHA. ( My Hero Academia ) 3. OC: I will introduce Original Characters along with corresponding images to help you visualize them better. These characters may possess the same appearance as those from other anime but have distinct personalities. ------------------------------- I own nothing except my OC. I don't claim the cover, nor do i claim the pictures displayed in the Fan-Fic/ Disclaimer: The system exists solely to measure the MC's strength and aid in his improvement. There won't be tasks that grant stat increases like "+2 Strength."

Resounding_Echoes · Cómic
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2 Chs


Isabella is a young commoner who has always dreamed of adventure and true love. But when she meets the Dark Prince, a cursed prince who is feared and hated by all, she finds herself drawn to him in ways that she cannot explain. Despite the warnings of her family and friends, Isabella continues to see the Dark Prince, and she soon discovers that he is not the monster that everyone believes him to be. He is kind and gentle, and he has a heart full of love and compassion. As their love grows stronger, Isabella and the Dark Prince must face many challenges. They must overcome the curse that has plagued the Dark Prince for years, and they must fight against the forces that seek to tear them apart. But no matter what challenges they face, Isabella and the Dark Prince never give up on their love. They know that their love is the most precious gift that they have ever received, and they will do anything to protect it. As their journey unfolds, Isabella and the Dark Prince discover that their love has the power to change the world. They build a new legacy of kindness and compassion, and they touch the lives of many people throughout the land. But as they grow old together, Isabella knows that their time is coming to an end. She reflects on her life, and on the love that has guided her every step of the way. She knows that her love for the Dark Prince has given her the courage and strength to face any challenge, and that their love will continue to guide her, even in death. "The Curse Prince: A Forbidden Desire" is a story of love, courage, and the power of the human heart. It is a tale of two souls who find each other against all odds, and who build a new legacy of hope and compassion in a world full of darkness and despair.

Leo_jay_Trago · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Captive Hearts : Tawanan Hati Sang Pengembala

Slow update!! (Pending) Cerita ini mengandung unsur kekerasan dan seksualis. Diperuntukan untuk usia 21+, jadi di mohon bijak ya! **** Cathrine Alexia Smith, - gadis asal Wiltshire, Inggris. Anak terakhir dari tiga bersaudara dari pasangan Smith. Orang-orang menjulukinya sebagai dewi Afrodit. Dewi yang dikenal akan kecantikannya dalam metologi Yunani kuno. Hingga beribu purnama berlalu, akhirnya gadis itu dipertemukan kembali dengan pria masalalunya -Demon Maleficent. Pria yang secara halus menolak cintanya dan pergi jauh meninggalkannya. Tapi Malam itu, sekelompok mafia datang menculik gadis itu. Geng yang menamai dirinya "The midnight man". geng yang terkenal akan penculikan gadis cantik untuk dijual kembali pada pria-pria hidung belang. Saat itulah Cathrine mendapati William Franclyn Miller. Salah satu anggota dari the midnight man. Pria bermata biru yang seketika membuat hatinya berdegup kencang. Pria itu tidak banyak bicara serta cenderung memisahkan diri dari kelompoknya itu. Dan, Cathrine meyakini dirinya, bahwa pria itu sebenarnya pria yang baik. Hanya saja ia salah pergaulan. Hari demi hari ia dan William lewati bersama. Saat itulah Cathrine semakin tahu watak pria itu sebenarnya. Lantas bagaimana dengan Demon? pria yang sebenarnya diam-diam menyukai gadis itu sejak dulu. Hanya saja satu alasan membuat ia memendam dalam perasaannya. Siapakah yang akan dipilih Cathrine akhirnya? Demon atau William ??

Princesstya_ · Integral
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Lycan and His Lover

“Reject me!” She begs. “Reject me now!” His eyes are on the pitiful girl who is on her knees, begging for rejection. Her desperate tone makes his heart ache. He will do anything for this woman. Kiss her, love her and kill anyone for her. But reject? “You are stuck with me, my dear,” his silky voice resonates in her ears. His handsome face leans close, his scarlet eyes locked into hers. “You are mine, Roseanne and I will burn down this world if you go away…” In the kingdom of Ezealyra where supernatural creatures rule over the humans, 18 year old Roseanne Vadimovna is a witch and a slave owned by the Lycan Royal Family. Ruled by the ruthless Lycans, Roseanne is forced to do their bidding until one day she was sold off to an auction for lecherous werewolves. And her world turns upside down when he comes to her life. Dmitri Daskov, the Lycan Duke of Sloria. Her master. Her mate. Elusive, sly and manipulative, Dmitri harbors a dangerous obsession for vengeance against his enemies. When his eyes set on Roseanne, he becomes her new master with a purpose in his mind. Scared by her new circumstances, Roseanne finds herself in a new land with no hope of the future. Yet, she finds herself drawn to the dangerous darkness lurking within Dmitri, a darkness which is about to plunge her into the depths of hell. What will happen when she finds out his true intentions? Can she redeem him? Or will she also drown in his darkness?

Tea_tae · Fantasía
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114 Chs

Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Become a prophet? Recruiting the most outstanding individuals to eradicate demons? Leading the holy army in the extermination of evils? Or you can choose to become the demon lord instead. Create your own subordinates, even shape them according to your wishes. You can also build a dreaded kingdom of darkness and make an army of chaos. You have to pick one of those options in the VR game "Mistrea: A Fantasy Management Sim Game of Light and Dark." The second choice appeals to Ethan Alexander more. To be a good citizen in the real world, he had to follow the rules; why would he do so in a fantasy realm? Thus, in the world of magic and fantastic creatures, he was reborn as Vorn, the demon lord. But that doesn't mean he'll launch campaigns of heinous human slaughter right away. It would be no fun for him to rule over a ruined world. That means that those who worship him will be scarce. He wanted to be adored, hailed and regarded as equal to God by many people. He will keep using methods that are not constrained by any rules. The evil way, but not always violent, and more fun. --------- This story will have some steamy scenes, but those are not the main focus. Main protagonist's women won't get cucked by others. No yuri. I consider this novel a multiple protagonist story. So, there will be POV switches. There will be some dark jokes, so don't be surprised. For some character artworks visit my server: https://discord.gg/ABZFh6cBPM

Gaasuja · Juegos
275 Chs

Marrying My CEO

"Monika,kamu udah punya pacar?" Tanya Alfando setelah mereka selesai menyantap makanan,lalu memperhatikan reaksi sekretarisnya itu. Monika menggelengkan kepala. "Belum sir."jawabnya singkat. Perempuan itu meminum sisa orange juice miliknya lalu meletakkan gelas kosong bekas orange juice di atas meja. "Bagus,kalau begitu kau harus menikah denganku dan lahirkan seorang anak untukku." Perkataan Alfando berhasil membuat sekretarisnya itu syok berat. "Menikah? bos pasti bercanda kan?" Balas Monika sambil memasang wajah kaget. "Tidak,aku serius dan kamu tidak boleh menolaknya." Alfando menatap Monika dengan tegas. "Lalu... apa yang terjadi jika saya menolaknya?" tanya Monika seketika. Raut wajah Monika berubah tegang seketika. "Saya akan memecat kamu dan saya pastikan tidak ada satupun perusahaan yang akan menerima kamu bekerja." "Anda mengacam saya sir?" "Tepat sekali". 'Dasar gay kejam....gue tahu elo punya kekuasaan dan kemampuan buat bikin gue sengsara,gak puas apa bikin hidup gue selama tiga tahun ini menderita.  Sekarang lo maksa gue nikah sama lo dan punya anak?!.' Monika merasa bosnya sungguh keterlaluan,tapi dia bahkan gak memiliki kemampuan untuk melawan apalagi memprotes tindakan kejam bosnya itu. "Bagaimana?" Alfando kembali bertanya "Boleh minta waktu berpikir sir?" "Boleh,lima menit." ujarnya dengan gaya super cool. "Apa lima menit? tapi itu terlalu singkat sir." Protes Monika "Empat menit lagi." Alfando memasang wajah cuek lalu menyesap white coffe miliknya. Monika benar-benar stres dan bingung. Bagaimana mungkin dia bisa mengambil keputusan secara mendadak dan terdesak seperti saat ini. Rasanya dia ingin sekali membunuh monster dihadapannya ini sekarang juga. "Okay,Time is up. Apa jawaban kamu?" "Iya saya bersedia." jawab Monika terdengar  berat. "Bagus,smart girl."

MissYu11 · Ciudad
265 Chs


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