
Don't forget world history

i need $10 for better grammar patreon.com/Tante_hilda Reincarnate in another world and start a new life. There is a country full of imperialism, a world different from the world where he lives. The boy's hobby during his life was researching history and studying many heroes. However, the boy was unable to investigate the history of his favorites in the new world. There is a law that becomes a big wall. The boy is bound by the law that "history must not be replayed" , but the boy still spends his days thinking about the heroes of his previous world. One day, the boy made a prediction that a war with a neighboring country would soon occur. He told his two friends about his prediction and begged them to be careful, but someone overheard their conversation. This causes the boy and his best friend to leave the village in the worst possible way. He flees to a neighboring country and meets a person traveling with the boy, but that person is a hero in a past world that the boy also knows about. A story of historical exploration tracing the mysteries of this world in different worlds woven by a boy and the heroes of the past. What is history? What do people think? Through his adventures, he meets various people and gets to know their feelings. The boy uses his knowledge to face the darkness of this world.

Tante_Hilda · Fantasía
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24 Chs

house help

 Pan Pan Pan! Pan Pan Pan!

 I hear a loud noise in front of me. What is it?

"Hey! You're dazed again. Come back!"

"Hey, it hurts from clapping my hands so many times! Kai, come back to consciousness quickly!"

 I was relieved. I lost consciousness and remembered the time I met my master.

"Oh, sorry, sorry. How long were you unconscious?"

 I was lost in thought. Thanks to my master's special training, I don't think so much in front of other people, but when I'm in front of these two, I can't help but think. Will they feel safe and let their guard down because it's just the two of them?

 Maybe it's because my master just disappearedSoakingHitaIt seems that

"I've already been in a daze for about five minutes! I want you to give us back all the motivation we had earlier. For now, let's each go home today. We have to help around the house, too."

"Hey, we could have played a little bit if Kai wasn't so dazed. For now, I have to go home and help around the house. Dad will get mad at me if I'm too slow!"

 Haiku says while flopping around, moving his legs alternately on the spot, as if he's about to start running.

"I'm sorry, both of you, my bad habit has come out. I have to hurry home."

 That said, it only takes a few minutes, so there's no need to rush. Perhaps the conversation from earlier was still making me feel more motivated to hike.

 Irene's main selling point is her calmness, so I'm already feeling cold and cold...

"Okay, let's go!"

"Oh, wait, Haiku."

"Hey, I'm going to run around again!"

 Haiku caught us off guard and started running, just like I had suddenly started running. So there's no need to rush!

"You arrived right away. See you tomorrow, Irene! Kai, see you later!"

"Eh, see you tomorrow~"

"…fuuuuuuuuu…see you tomorrow…see you later…"

 As a result of rushing even though there was no need to rush, I was once again shown the difference in physical strength between the two of them... Ugh.

 After that, I caught my breath a little and went home later than the two of us.


"I'm home"

"Welcome back, Kai. Oh, you came back with a lot of injuries today. Come here for a second."

 Even my mother was unperturbed by such an injury. In the beginning, she gave priority to what her son wanted to do, and she watched over him anxiously every day.

 He still worries about me, but for me, it's just the right amount of concern.

"Look, you've got some scratches on your face too. Wait a minute."

 Saying that, my mother picks up a relatively clean cloth, soaks it in a barrel of water, wrings it out lightly, and then comes back to me.

"Okay? You'll have to help your father after this, so don't slack off. You're going to train yourself.StraightsleepYou're working hard in the garden, but you should also work hard in the fields."

 Mom said that while gently stroking the scratches on my cheek with a wet cloth.

 ...Hehehe, it's a little ticklish.

"Yeah, I understand, Mom.

"...This kid is just fine. If he works hard in the fields. I'll ask his father later how hard he worked today. Please be careful as you go."

 He let me off with a bitter smile and a sigh.

 My mother is probably worried that I might have hurt my body in the gymnastics class, so I'll ask my father to check if there's anything wrong with my body. I guess he wants to rest.

 So far, I've been training with Haiku and training with my master, which I've been doing until recently, without taking a break, so I don't think I need to worry that much...

 That's where my mother is. that she has a kind heartSelfaxIt comes through all the time.

 I am also desperately trying to help out with the housework for my father and mother. My father and mother are both hard workers, so I want to help them in any way I can, so I won't cut corners during this time either.

 I believe that helping around the house and doing housework is something we have to do even as adults, and that there is value in doing it ourselves.

 When it comes to helping around the house, I always sayZengoku domainsoukokuhancome to mind.

 During the Qing Dynasty in China, a large religious rebellion called the Taiping Rebellion broke out. The Zeng Guofan, a civil official, put down the rebellion. Even a civil officer might be a commander with great prowess to quell a rebellion, right?

 No, he's weak if you let him fight. As he was mourning the death of his mother, the Qing dynasty ordered him to suppress the rebellion. Before ordering him, generals died of illness one after another, or the imperial courtlifenieceSome even refused to fight because they were sick.

 At that time, the Sogoku clan was singled out. The Qing dynasty lacked manpower to the extent that they could command civilian officials who did not know how far they could fight. What is outrageous is that Zeng Guofan himself recruited soldiers and ordered them to form a corps and fight. Since the Qing Dynasty army is no good, Black has a point, telling him to collect them on his own.

 Yet he followed the Qing dynasty. He assembled a group of solid, hardy, and simple peasants. Soldiers were relatives, their relatives, and neighbors who valued connections. The commander also gathered his own relatives and those with whom he had relationships as masters and disciples, and organized the army with people with whom he had connections, creating an army full of trust.

 As a result, the leadership and unity of the army was enhanced, and the secession of officers and soldiers was prevented. It is also to prevent spies from joining the army. He excelled at organizing.

 However, when they actually fought, they were defeated by the Taiping Heavenly Army. He was so defeated that he attempted suicide. However, he was stopped from committing suicide by an allied commander. After that, he did not give up and reorganized his army and fought and won the battle.

 However, he lost again in battle, attempted suicide again, and was stopped again. Then he waited. I hope the times change. When a civil war broke out within the Taiping Heavenly Army, they aggressively attacked and were able to win.

 After this battle, his father passed away, and he went into mourning again, serving a year and four months in the midst of the battle. Meanwhile, his men kept fighting and winning. He returned to the front and fought again, but he again suffered a crushing defeat.

 After that, he fought again, lost again, and tried to commit suicide for the third time. After this time, he decided to leave the fighting to his subordinates. He decided to stay behind the scenes.

 By doing so, the army began to work well and it became possible to accumulate victories in battle. By directing his subordinates to suppress the Taiping Rebellion, he attained the highest rank of Han bureaucracy.

 Afterwards, he disbanded the army he led and laid the foundation for the Qing Dynasty's western affairs movement, leaving it to the generations of his disciples. He is quite an interesting hero. I honestly think it's amazing that a civilian official so weak in battle was able to suppress the rebellion as a result.

 We ended up talking for a long time, but when I talk about housework, this person's words always come to mind. Because it just touched my heart. 

 When his children grew up, he would send them letters saying, "The family motto of the Zeng family is simplicity and frugality. Do your own housework." Even as he climbed the ranks, he did not act arrogant. to meritconceitConceitedI think it's amazing that there's nothing to do.

 This is because as people climb up the ranks, it tends to become commonplace for people to do things for them, and they forget to thank them for that naturalness. He has been given a low reputation for losing many soldiers unnecessarily, but his reputation has changed.

 Even though he continued to lose battles, he was a hero who suppressed the rebellion.

 I want to imitate the fact that I never forgot the important attitude of a person like Zeng Guohan!

 ... Huh, did it become something like a free research during summer vacation?

 While I was thinking about this, I came to the field where my father was plowing. It's before the wheat harvest, so right nowmilletHieormilletbubblesWeeding of weeds growing in the field and measures against bird damage.

 If I become too focused on harvesting wheat, I will not be able to take care of grains other than wheat, so I need to do it now.

"Father, you're here."

"Oh, Kai. I'm sorry for being quick, but please pull out the weeds in the field. It's this time before the wheat harvest.

"Yes, I understand"

 As instructed by my father, I bent down and started to pull out the weeds. Wow, that's definitely a large amount.

 …this is going to break my bones. Sometimes it takes strength to pull out weeds, but if the roots are strong, you can use a sickle to pull them out.

 Things that can be pulled out by hand are steadily pulled out.

 In other words, this is a battle between the weed roots and my perseverance. I'll do my best!