
Don't Be Damned

A tomb of a great ruler unearthed and the rise of a legendary incarnation. Magic was unleashed and throughout the world, hunters emerged to fight the denizens of the underworld. War is imminent, will we win or become one of the Damned?

Azmirka · Fantasía
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23 Chs

The World Meeting

The time of the world meeting has finally come. President Sobredilla received a lot of backlash for forcing an urgent meeting. To be precise, one week. The backlash he had received was mostly from the big countries such as the United States, Italy, China, North Korea, and the United Kingdom.

In an office, president Sobredilla and Alexander were having a conversation.

"You're receiving quite a backlash from the big shots Mr. president." Alexander said jokingly.

"I don't mind them, it's important that the whole world learn about Alexander as soon as possible"

A buzz was soon heard in the room followed by a female voice.

"Mr. President, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is about to enter the room."

"Kindly let him in Clara"

The door of office opens and behind it was the Secretary-General accompanied by the beautiful secretary Clara. The Secretary-General was a middle-aged man, he had long brown hair tied into a bun, circular glasses, and was wearing an expensive Brioni suit.

President Sobredilla and Alexander stood up from their seats and greeted the Secretary-General. The three of them shook hands and introduced themselves.

"I am the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Rafael Hernandez."

The three then took a seat and continued conversing.

"Who might this person be Mr. president?"

"He's the person who saved Manila from the gate, Alexander III or more prominently known in history as Alexander the Great."

"If the incident didn't happen, I would have never believed that this person would be the great conqueror."

"I'm flattered by the both of you but now that you are here Mr. Hernandez, I would like the United Nations to support me and my nation in the Atlantic."

It was evident that the Hernandez was flabbergasted by what Alexander said. He then asked about the details of his nation and the two engaged in a serious diplomatic discussion.

Alexander also had briefly explained the incoming dangers that the world would face in the future. Thanks to the report that President Sobredilla had sent to the UN, Hernandez was more accepting of the information Alexander gave him but some of it still surprises him.

It was mostly Alexander and Hernandez that had a discussion inside the room, there were some disagreements between both parties at first but in the end, both have reached an agreement regarding Alexander's proposals.


In the grandiose hall of the meeting, wooden antique looking chairs, and tables for each world leader attending. The place walls were made of intricately carved wood. There were two large antique doors in the entrance. The entire hall had a very Spanish vibe into it.

There were already members of the press waiting inside, they were from different countries and networks. The meeting will be broadcasted live worldwide and is a hot topic amongst the people.

The first ones to arrive was the Prime Minister of Japan, Tanaka Taro. He was a dignified man in his 60's wearing a plain black formal suit. His lack hair had hints of gray indicating his old age.

Looking around, Taro noticed a special seat next to him. It caught his eye because he sees a seat reserved for a nation that does not exist. He asked the people in the hall of what that seat may mean but none gave him an answer and so he just sat down in his seat and waited for the meeting to start.

In less than an hour, almost every seat was occupied. There were a few vacant ones, but the meeting would start at the designated time and would not wait for those who are late. The special seat is still vacant which just piqued the curiosity of not only the Japanese Prime Minister but also every person in the hall.

The meeting was about to start, the Secretary-General personally took the stage to address the urgent incident that may forever change the course of the world, the incident of Manila. As soon as his introductions were finished, the two antique doors suddenly opened. Everyone in the hall quickly looked at it.

Entering the hall was Alexander, dressed in his diplomatic Macedonian clothes along with a silver crown that perfectly fits his head. He proudly walked towards his seat, he gave off a charismatic and majestic vibe that everyone in the hall felt.

The press went wild, every camera was pointing at him. The hall lit up so brightly due to the nonstop flashes of the cameras which caused the people inside to cover their eyes. Alexander on the other hand was nonchalant about it and just took a seat.

Seeing this, the Secretary-General introduced Alexander and who he really is.

Hearing about Alexander, everyone in the room was in disbelief. Some of the world leaders were protesting, thinking that this must be a joke.

Hearing all of those protests, Alexander stood up from his seat and went in front and took the stage. Alexander formally introduced himself as the former king of Macedon and the New king of his new nation.

"Everyone, this may come as a surprise to all of you, but I am Alexander III the former king of Macedon and the new king of a new nation in the Atlantic, Alexandris."

"How can we believe that you really are the legendary conqueror?" The president of China asked.

"I have brought before you two people who had discovered my tomb and awakened me."

Alexander called to the stage, Elizabeth and Dr. Daniel Smith. The two of them had shared numerous videos and pictures of their expedition and the tomb of Alexander. Dr. Daniel Smith was a very prominent figure in the world of archaeology so no one in the room believed that the videos and pictures were tampered.

After backing Alexander's claim, the two got out of the stage but were bombarded with questions by the press.

Alexander took the stage again and finally started talking about the serious matters that the world will face. He explained everything to them. The press and world leaders were in disbelief of what they have heard. Even the various people watching were in disbelief and shock. It took them a while before they could fully process the information they had just received.

The door opened suddenly, two people who were dressed in suits rushed towards the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Japan. Their faces turned sour when they heard of the news. Gates opened in their countries, specifically in Washington and Kyoto.

They were preparing to leave the meeting in a hurry when Alexander stopped them.

"Please do not leave, I will let my subordinates handle these gates. Right now, none of you all here have the firepower to fight the Damned." Alexander said in a serious manner as he signaled the Diadochi to go.

"What do you mean we can't go? My country is in peril and as their leader it is my duty to be there in times of disaster." Taro said in a serious tone.

"I share the same sentiments, what if you're men fail to close them?" the President of the United States said.

"I assure you, the tragedy that happened here in Manila would not happen and my men undoubtedly close those gates in less than an hour."

"In that hour? My people might be getting slaughtered by those monsters right now." Taro said.

"I apologize, I forgot to mention that the Damned cannot exit the gate in 26 hours. An artifact called the Global Inhibitor is restricting the gates. You can make a call to someone to confirm that the Damned are not out yet."

The two leaders proceeded to make a call to know the situation of the gates. They were relieved to hear that Alexander told them the truth and they were now a bit more trusting to him.

"How do you propose to deal with these Damned? Will you teach our people magic?" the president of France asked.

"I will, as of this very moment, a university is being constructed in Alexandris that will focus on teaching magic."

"How long would it take for an average person to learn magic?"

"In my time, it would take four years for an average person to learn but there are certain talented individuals who may arise, they may already know how to use magic naturally or it would be easy for them to learn it."

"For teaching us Magic, what do you intend to get in return?" the president of South Korea asked.

"We would get a number of resources that we shall agree upon on a later date."

The world leaders asked Alexander a lot of different stuff, but the questions were mostly about the resources and magic. All of their questions were answered satisfactorily.

After the questions, Alexander's demeanor changed. He gave off a very serious and hostile vibe. Everyone felt this and were completely silent.

"Once everything is settled, I want everyone here to sign a treaty with me. Of course, the contents would be agreed upon by everyone here but one"

Finding it hard to even breathe, no one in the room could speak except for President Sobredilla.

"What may that be Alexander?" President Sobredilla calmly said.

"No organization in the country shall monopolize the individuals who can use magic. If one of you does, then I shall personally annihilate said organization." Alexander said threateningly.