
Don't Be Damned

A tomb of a great ruler unearthed and the rise of a legendary incarnation. Magic was unleashed and throughout the world, hunters emerged to fight the denizens of the underworld. War is imminent, will we win or become one of the Damned?

Azmirka · Fantasía
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23 Chs

City of Wonders

Kit goes back to his apartment and sees that her sister has bought a lot of luxury clothing brands, furniture, appliances, and even the grocery. Kit was surprised of what her sister did that it took him a minute to fully process everything.

Kit called William to tell him that they'll set off tomorrow and is bringing two other people. Surprisingly, William nonchalantly allows it without any further protest. This Caught Kit off guard as he prepared a lot of reasons as to why he'd need two more people with him.

William abruptly hangs up the call.


The sun hasn't risen up yet and the night still prevails covering everything beneath it in darkness. Only the blinking lights of the lamp posts give light to the area. Victoria and Zach were standing in front of the door of Kit and Maddie's Apartment.

Victoria, who was wearing a white fit sleeveless turtleneck and black denim pants along with a luxurious black Lucci Boots.

Zach was wearing a casual full black suit and sunglasses making him look like a shady gangster trying to extort money from the Templeton's.

Before Victoria could knock, the door opens. Kit was wearing luxury brands all over his body. A black Broberry trench coat, a plain black Deor shirt tucked in his Lucci denim pants, Sand Tony shoes and his silver Brolex watch.

Maddie who also appeared beside Kit was wearing a simple white Zimmer dress that fits her body perfectly showing her petite figure. She was also wearing white Lucci sandals, black Bay-Ran sunglasses, and her small white Paradea Handbag.

Victoria who saw their luxury clothes was in shock knowing that the Templeton's were not a rich family while Zach remained nonchalant not knowing the value of those clothes.

"How are you two wearing such luxurious clothing!" Victoria said in pure disbelief.

Maddie who upon hearing her words had a smirk on her face. She opened her handbag, slowly getting something out. Without saying any words to explain, she revealed the two golden credit cards.

Seeing it, Victoria was just left speechless. Meanwhile, Zach was just nonchalant about everything.

"Let us go shall we." Zach said in a plain serious tone.

They then loaded up all of their belongings in the car and went to the airport.

It took them less than an hour to get to the airport. Waiting for them there was Kolohe. He then guided the four to the private hangar of the Everlast guild.

They were greeted by William who was waiting for them there and guided them towards the private Jet that they'll be riding. Zach looks at William fiercely and William does the same. Victoria notices it and ponders if there's anything going on between the two of them.

The insides of the jet were expectedly luxurious with the comfortable and elegant leather seats, carpets, and furnishings. It was also personalized to the guild as the emblem of the Everlast guild, the sun with 16 rays, was on a wall.

There was also a collection of fine and vintage liquor which William served them with grace. He even gave Zach a glass bourbon in which Zach declined.

"You sure do know your liquor." Victoria said as she sips a glass of whiskey.

"Collecting, preparing, and serving liquor is one of my hobbies." William said in a proud tone.

It only took a few hours before they could finally reach the nation of strongest being in the world, Alexander.

Coming from the speakers, the pilot spoke.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen! If you would look at the left windows, you would see the beautiful nation of Alexandris."

As Kit, Maddie, Victoria, and Zach looked. They were amazed to see the beauty of Alexandris. It was a mix of nature, modernity, magic, and ancient architecture.


In the front of the Alexandrian National Airport, William and Kolohe parted ways with them as they have another matter to attend to. William them to wait for a few minutes as someone will pick them up.

Before the two could leave, Maddie reluctantly returned the two golden credits cards. William took it and thanked her. Kolohe waved goodbye to them before entering a red sports car.

A few minutes had passed, a black SUV had stopped in front of the four. As the driver goes out, they were surprised to see one of Alexander's generals, Ptolemy, was the one to pick them up.

He was wearing casual blue suit with a plain white T-shirt tucked in denim pants. He had short black hair with hints of gray and freshly cut beard. He was also wearing glasses.

He was a well-respected and well-known person in the world of the Hunters. He was given the title of "The Overseer" by his fellow hunters due to his excellent foresight and leadership during the most difficult gate expeditions.

"You must be Mr. Kit and Ms. Maddie Templeton along with your two escorts from the devastators."

"Ryu Sungho but you can call me Zach!" Zach said as he respectfully bows to Ptolemy.

"Victoria Clark, it's nice to meet you sir!" Victoria said as she extends her hand to shake the hand of Ptolemy.

"I'm Maddison Templeton but I go by Maddie. I am honored to meet you Mr. Ptolemy." Maddie said in excitement.

"I see that you have very capable escorts Ms. Maddie and Mr. Kit. You must feel secure with the two of them around."

"Do you know why Alexander invited me to meet him?" Kit said.

"I apologize Mr. Kit but only his majesty knows the reason."

As soon as they finished conversing, all of them went inside the black SUV. On the way to the palace, they saw how beautiful and prosperous this nation was.

They saw the tall and modern skyscrapers and the wide roads that knows no traffic. The people and the streets felt a bit different from your usual citizens as most of them knew how to use magic. They even saw a man watering his plants with just his water magic.

There were also wide canals with different kinds of boats from small, big, and even luxurious ones. It was also another form of transportation and entertainment.

They also saw a glimpse of the residential areas. It was as if living there was being transported to a different era. The houses were all Greek looking, made from materials such as limestone, clay, and bricks. It also had a touch of modernity mixed into it.

They also went past and caught a glimpse of the world-famous Verdant University of Magic and Arts where the best students from the world learn and the Modern Library of Alexandria which is visited worldwide by historians and scholars.

Then they finally reached the Palace of Alexandris. It was grand and magnificent. It was heavily influenced and inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Seeing the beauty of the palace, the four were left speechless for a whole minute.

Ptolemy ordered the guards to open the gates and guided the four in the palace.

Inside was a very unexpected modern interior. Red carpets were on every hallway. The walls were painted white and there were a lot of intricate decorations such as paintings of different sizes and a sculpture of various people throughout history but the most eye catching one was of the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena.

The throne room had two large wooden doors adorned with intricate gold and silver designs with two people guarding it. Ptolemy told the four that only Kit Templeton were to go inside but they were allowed to wait for him outside the doors. Victoria, Zach, and Maddie didn't refute it and just followed Ptolemy.

Kit was walking slowly; he was nervous of what'll happen inside. This man, Alexander, knows the name Dante. Only a few people know the significance of that name and no matter how hard he thinks about it. He truly doesn't know how Alexander knows it. He wasn't even that important of a person to begin with to be taken interest off.

As the massive doors open, he saw a vast hall inside. Silence permeated the hall with only the sounds of Kit's footsteps to be heard. There was a red carpet with golden trimmings, numerous marble columns with the banners of Nation and Everlast hanging on the sides.

There was also a massive glass windows on the side that gives a grand view of the city.

The throne was magnificent and majestic. It stands tall and is adorned with elaborate carvings and was made from the finest materials the world and underworld have to offer. The red cushions were made from the resources found in the gates. In the edge each golden armrest was a detailed carving of a horse.

But Alexander was not sitting on the throne, he was near the windows looking at his city in silence. He wears an exquisite red and gold tunic with intricate patterns called the Chiton. Covering most of his chest area is a piece of red luxurious clothing which also serves somewhat as a short cape since the back part reaches down to his knees. He simply wears moon shaped necklace and a ruby ring. On his long blonde hair is a simple golden laurel, symbolizing his status as the King and his great feats.

"May I know why you invited me here, your ugh... your majesty."

"The view, I never get tired of this view. Come take a look," Alexander replied calmly.

Kit walked towards him preparing to use his golden Greek bracer if things went awry but when Kit stood beside him and looked out at the city, his breath caught in his throat. The sight was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The city was a harmonious blend of nature and modernity, a utopia of beauty and progress. Kit's struggled to find words to describe the overwhelming beauty of the city.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Alexander said in a serene tone.

"Yes, your majesty. It's something I have never seen before. Not even New York can compare to this."

"Don't call me that Kit. After all, we're both equals." Alexander said in a serious tone.

Kit with his eyes wide opened, speechless from hearing Alexander's words, swallowed his breath as the thought of Alexander knowing everything about him flashed in his mind. Only a handful of people knew that Kit was the incarnation of the Great King Leonidas.

Kit continued to gaze at the city, steeling himself to sail the uncharted waters called Alexander. If there's one thing he knows for sure, it was that this meeting would be the turning point of his entire life.