
Don't Be Damned

A tomb of a great ruler unearthed and the rise of a legendary incarnation. Magic was unleashed and throughout the world, hunters emerged to fight the denizens of the underworld. War is imminent, will we win or become one of the Damned?

Azmirka · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Audience with the King

The sun streamed through the expansive windows, casting a warm and golden hue over the extravagant chamber where Alexander and Kit stood. They shared a moment of silence, both captivated by the breathtaking view of the cityscape stretching before them.

"How much do you know about me?" Kit said in a serious tone.

Alexander's gaze remained fixed on the sprawling cityscape. "I know everything about you. Your past, your present, and even maybe your future. I've been watching you from your birth up until now."

The weight of Alexander's words hung in the air, mingling with the warmth of the sun. Kit absorbed the information, his eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Outside, the city thrummed with life, a steady rhythm that provided a backdrop to their unfolding conversation.

"Then why do you want Dante? Why are you interested in me? How do you know my future?" Kit said with hints of nervousness in his voice.

"First of all, I don't want Dante. I just said that name to get your undivided attention. To answer your remaining questions, it's simply because you are the incarnation of the Spartan Warrior King, Leonidas." Alexander said with a smirk on his face.

"What do you know about my future?" Kit asked curiously.

"You'll have a special role to play in the inevitable war with the Damned."

"Then after all these years, if you knew that I was an incarnation since my birth then why didn't you tell me all this back then."

"Respect Kit, because you're a special Incarnation born without any power. If you didn't awaken it, I would never drag you into this mess." Alexander said in a gentle tone.

Hearing those words, Kit finally let his guard down. He thought that he is someone that can be trusted but there is still a part of him inside that is wary of him.

"Do you think I'm strong enough to fulfill my role?

"Out of the five Incarnations right now, you have the potential to stand above them all."

Kit was stunned to hear that he's the strongest of all the Incarnations but there was something that confused him greatly that Alexander said.

"Including me, aren't there only four incarnations?"

"Don't believe anything the United Nation says, there are five but the other one has fallen to corruption."

"Corruption?" Kit asks with a confused look on his face.

"You see, there is a secret organization, Ascendance, who were corrupted by the Queen of the Underworld. Their goal is to aid the Queen of the Underworld to weaken us in the war to come."

Kit was stunned by Alexander's revelation. He wasn't sure what to do since this could be highly classified information that only a handful of people know, and Alexander just told him casually without any hesitation. But him telling a secret like that would only show how serious he is about Kit being his equal.

"What can I do? I feel confused, lost, shaken, and weak in the grand scheme of things." Kit said in a worried tone as he looks at the double doors.

"Don't worry, soon enough you'll walk the right path. I Believe in you."

The two continued to converse on a lot of things, they even talked about casual stuff like their past experiences, Alexander's adventures against the Damned, and Kit's hardships in life. They both enjoyed each other's company and that is when a seed of trust was planted between both men.

As the conversation between the two had concluded, it was written on their faces that they still wanted to talk more. Kit wasn't sure of how he'd take all the information and secrets that Alexander revealed to him. His heart and mind, feeling anxious and fear of what is yet to come but deep inside there is hope and strength in him to protect those dear to him.

Victoria and Zach waited patiently near the entrance; their very presence gives a bit of company and simplicity in the opulent palace teeming with royal air. Kit's expression changed to that of worry as Maddie was yet to be seen.

"Where's Maddie?" Kit asked worriedly.

"She's currently at the house that you'll be staying in. Apparently, she got tired of waiting for you and just went straight there."

"I prepared a nice house since you might be uncomfortable here in the palace. In case something, use this ring, Kit. Alexander said as he gave a golden ring to Kit.

"What's this for?"

"Think of it as a direct emergency hotline to me if you ever find yourself in danger."

"Thank you, I do hope that I wouldn't need to use this."

The three said their farewells to Alexander and thanked him for his hospitality. The palace was massive that the white marble flooring seems to stretch endlessly beneath their feet. It took them quite a while to reach the exit of the palace but as soon as they were about to leave, Alexander, standing from a terrace above shouted to Kit.

"Kit! Be here tomorrow night. I forgot to show you something." Alexander shouted.

"Sure, I'll be there." Kit shouted back while raising his hand to make a thumbs up gesture.


As the night has fully embraced the city, the trio of Kit, Victoria, and Zach rode the simple boats of the canals, seeing the beauty that illuminates Alexandris at the night, the colorful and vibrant lights of the houses, shops, and buildings.

Through their short travel they experienced a little bit of the bustling culture of this very nation. People are smiling, laughing and some even dancing as if there's a festival on going but as the boatman explained, it was like this every night and was possible due to the brilliant leadership of their King.

They eventually arrived at the charming house that was lent to them. It felt tranquil despite the urban buzz. Its architecture blended modern aesthetics with subtle nods to ancient Macedonian designs, exuding pride and culture of Alexander.

They opened the door to find it unlocked with an eerie silence greeting them. They felt anxious, that something wasn't right. Kit knows her sister; he knows that he wouldn't leave an extravagant house like this untouched.

In unspoken agreement, Victoria and Zach exchanged a glance that conveyed a mutual comprehension. A tacit determination passed between them, and with caution, they initiated a silent exploration of the premises, every sense heightened, every nerve on alert for the slightest disturbance.

Paranoia sets in Kit's mind, fear that something bad happened to her, that she was kidnapped, that she never made it here. His heart began to race, he started to sweat, and he looked around the house frantically to look for Maddie.

A loud shout from Victoria caught the attention of the two men. Uncertain if it was hope or despair. The two instinctively went to her preparing to take in the news with an anxious heart.

They soon found them in a mini theater room where Maddie's watching a vintage movie, Plump Fiction, on Netclicks while eating popcorn and drinking her cold soda leisurely without a care in the world. Kit's worries dissipated and a subtle smile formed on his face realizing that he was just paranoid and on edge.

The others joined her, captivated by her laughter and innocence while watching the movie. Even though Victoria and Zach weren't movie buffs, they still found the movie interesting and charming despite its old age and cinematography.

Seeing them engrossed with the movie, for the first time in a long time, Maddie felt a sense of family. It was like a Sunday night where the whole family would gather to the living room and watch a movie.

The movie finished but they were left wanting to watch more. As they were choosing which to play next, stomachs growled. This prompted Zach to order a lot of fried chicken and beer to go with the movie they'll watch.

With the arrival of food and the movie's start, drumsticks in their left hands and beer mugs in their right, they exchanged gentle clinks to celebrate ugh... There was actually no reason to celebrate but they just wanted to. As the film played on, accompanied by the delightful crunch of crispy chicken, they enjoyed their drinks, though Maddie's remained unfinished. The movie's climax approached, and a satisfied fullness settled in. Maddie started to yawn which also caused the others to do so. Soon after, they all fell asleep drunk with smiles on their faces and their appetites sated.

In the middle of their sleep, Victoria and Zach felt unsettled. Their primal instincts are acting up causing them to awaken. As soon as they opened their eyes, they sobered up instantly seeing a small gate near them. It was different from the others as this one didn't look like a shattered piece of reality; it was an ancient arch stone gate with just darkness inside.

They instinctively prepared themselves to protect the two siblings but with a grim expression on their faces, Kit was nowhere to be found.


In a field of colorful and vibrant flowers and the gentle cascade of Sakura petals under the cold embrace of the moonlit night, a solitary figure stood in serene contemplation, fixated on the crimson blooms at his feet. He knelt down on one knee and put his palm on something and soon after, a loud agonizing scream was heard throughout the area.

A man was down, all bloodied up and wounded. He had no strength to fight and could only endure the excruciating pain the moment a palm touched his chest. He felt like dying but was unable to. It was like giving yourself to death while death itself resists you.

He held the arm of the man to resist but couldn't find any strength to resist his arm. With the loss of hope, he gave in and surrendered himself fully. Only then did the man took his palm off his chest and walk away.