
Don’t Touch The Duchess’s Man

The Duchess of Lothbridge had a fair reputation, a fairly poor one. Her family had been tasked with protecting the Crimson Divide, a dearth that separated the Human World from the Demon World, for generations. They had inhuman strength and the ability to slay demons without running out of stamina for days. Their crimson eyes made them look less human and so, rumors traveled. Some said she was as tall as a tree, with glowing crimson eyes that could steal your soul. Her black hair ran free like thorns and she had the ability to blend in the shadows, slaying officials like they were pigs. Because of her poor reputation, the King decides to send her a groom out of goodwill. One of the King’s relative was sent to be the Duchess’s husband, the count of Aderam. However, there was just one small problem. The Count of Aderam was a cripple. It looked like the Duchess’s future was doomed and she would attack the Royal Family. However, the Duchess accepted the engagement from the King and welcomed the Count to her home. The trouble didn’t end as their carriage was attacked on the border of the Duchess’s territory. The one who came to save them from certain death was none other than the Duchess, cutting their assailants down without mercy. But the count found it hard to believe that this was the same Duchess. After all, how could the most feared woman in the kingdom be crying over a chipped nail?

Greyworrld · Historia
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25 Chs

Vicious Woman

"Aretha, Tea is meant to be savored and enjoyed! You're lucky this abhorrent attempt at table manners is only visible to us! And you, Caspian! You're supposed to be admonishing her instead of encouraging her! Don't just stoop to her level because you're mindful of her!"

"Stop yelling, Adrianna. You'll give my husband a headache," Aretha simply responded. Caspian blushed in embarrassment and placed his cup down.

"A-Actually, your highness, I wasn't taught any tea time manners. They're...self taught. Her Grace's manners are better than mine."

"I can't believe this! As a royal, this is quite concerning! I shall send a strongly worded letter to your family this instant!" Adrianna fumed. Aretha was silent this time, slowing down to drink her tea. She refilled Caspian's cup and reached for a scone on the tray.

"It's okay, your highness. They're no longer my family. Married to the Duchess, I now bear a different surname. Her Grace has been treating me quite well."

"S-Still, it's not enough, is it? Your family should be punished!"

"Aren't they your family too? The Count of Aderam is related to the royal family. He's the king's cousin twice removed," Aretha calmly said.


"This is why I ask you to keep your mouth shut sometimes, your highness. It's easy to embarrass yourself when you keep talking."

"Huh?! You don't get to speak to me like that, beast!"

They were back to bickering bitterly while Caspian watched them. He had forgotten that he was related to the royal family. When his siblings were growing up, they were chosen as playmates for the royal siblings. They came back to gloat in front of their brother and exchange stories he could never be a part of. At some point, they stopped going. They would never imagined how easily he befriended the second princess.

He chuckled to himself and drank his tea, attracting the attention of the bickering women.

"I'm your family now so I'll take good care of you, Caspian," Aretha said out of the blue.

"Thank you, your grace."

"You're acting like a stranger again. Call my name," she beseeched, pouting. He blossomed in a handsome shade of red and fervently refused. Their actions slowly irked the second princess, who expressed her anger by snatching a scone Aretha wanted first.

While they enjoyed their tea time, Jaime was in a particularly hard position. He knelt before his father, his head bowed. The vein in his father's head pulsed violently and his eyeballs were about to pop from his skull.

"How much more would you embarrass your father, Jaime?!"

"Forgive me, your majesty," he calmly apologized.

"Why are you even apologizing, you rotten son?"

"I should've kept them all under control. It is my fault everything got so rowdy. Even the Duchess of Lothbridge. It was a duty father assigned to me yet I failed to do it properly. Forgive me, your majesty!" he slammed his head to the ground, jolting his parents.

"Don't do that, son. If people were to see this, they would believe we were cruel parents. We know what happened. Your brother asked for a duel and was beaten. It is shameful but he needs to learn shame to become a good leader," the Queen calmly said. Jaime felt a twinge in his gut when he heard her say that.

"Her majesty is right. However, I must show my sincerity."

"If you want to show your sincerity, how about you ask your sister to return? It is not the same without her here," The Queen said, letting out a wistful sigh.

"I have been convincing her to return ever since she reached my home but she said she enjoyed the weather of the north."

"Both that girl and you, just doing whatever you want!" the king roared.

"Forgive us father. I indulged her too much. I shall ask her to return right away."

"Jaime, we are not unreasonable parents. Your sister is quite wilful but in the end, she is a good girl. There's no need for her to return right away. I just wish she would come and greet her parents," the Queen intervened once more. "Speaking of which, when will your wife produce a heir?"


"You two have been married for a few years already and have yet to conceive an heir. Or could it be that you haven't consummated the marriage at all?"

Jaime flinched. The Queen was only gentle on the outside. She was quite vicious, using her words to tear people apart.

"I didn't think the issue of an heir was important, your majesty. After all, I am not the crown prince and only a retired general. My wife feels the same way as well."

"Prince Jaime, your compliant attitude is the reason your father could not make you his heir. You should try to be more decisive and take control of your own house. You're still a prince, even if you are not the crown prince. Do not embarrass your father," she chided.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Don't be so distant addressing your mother, Jaime."

"I apologize...mother."

"You are forgiven."

In the end, the King couldn't get a word in and Jaime was able to leave the palace. However, when he arrived at his carriage, he had a dark expression that scared his attendant. There was just one person with a more neutral reaction.

"Welcome back, your highness."

"You're... Caspian's attendant, right?"

"Yes, your highness. I'm glad you remember me. My lady asked me to bring you to where she is. Her highness and my lord are also there," he replied pleasantly. Jaime sighed and told the driver to start the carriage. He looked out, watching the palace until they could only see a fraction of it.

"Do you feel guilty, your highness?"


Jaime couldn't quite believe that an attendant was talking to him of his own will.

"My lady told me you wanted to destroy the current regime. I was asking if you had a change of heart."

"And what if I did?"

The young man smiled. "Your highness has only been living in the north for a while but I have lived there my entire life. My ancestors lived and died for the will of the Empire. They weren't recognised once. My grandparents were openly scorned in the streets of this capital. My only wish is that they be scorned the way my family was scorned."

"I see."