
Don’t Touch The Duchess’s Man

The Duchess of Lothbridge had a fair reputation, a fairly poor one. Her family had been tasked with protecting the Crimson Divide, a dearth that separated the Human World from the Demon World, for generations. They had inhuman strength and the ability to slay demons without running out of stamina for days. Their crimson eyes made them look less human and so, rumors traveled. Some said she was as tall as a tree, with glowing crimson eyes that could steal your soul. Her black hair ran free like thorns and she had the ability to blend in the shadows, slaying officials like they were pigs. Because of her poor reputation, the King decides to send her a groom out of goodwill. One of the King’s relative was sent to be the Duchess’s husband, the count of Aderam. However, there was just one small problem. The Count of Aderam was a cripple. It looked like the Duchess’s future was doomed and she would attack the Royal Family. However, the Duchess accepted the engagement from the King and welcomed the Count to her home. The trouble didn’t end as their carriage was attacked on the border of the Duchess’s territory. The one who came to save them from certain death was none other than the Duchess, cutting their assailants down without mercy. But the count found it hard to believe that this was the same Duchess. After all, how could the most feared woman in the kingdom be crying over a chipped nail?

Greyworrld · Historia
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs



The castle was thrown into a different type of chaos when Fabian returned. Aretha rushed down, freezing when she saw the condition Wren and the other soldiers were in.

"Fabian, what happened?"

"We were attacked by a demon. Wren managed to defeat it but…"

"Where was it?"

"Just east of the town. It was an underground type. I do not know how much more there are."

"I understand. Seal the castle and send a message to the Prince. I'll go check it out."

"Yes, my lady."

She rushed back up the stairs, running into Caspian on her way up.

"What happened? Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back. I promised," she said, kissing his forehead. There was no stopping her and soon, he couldn't see her anymore. The servants were also behaving strangely and no one told him anything.

When next he saw her, she was wearing a full body armor, trying to reach a strap. His hands could reach so he helped her tie it.

"Can you please tell me what's happening?"

"I'm sorry but I do not have the time to explain. The town could be in danger and…" her voice trailed off as she looked outside the window. She took off again and soon became a spec in the distance. He stood there, staring and waiting. He didn't know how long he had been there until he heard a familiar voice.

"Catching a cold at this time would be nothing short of suicide, Milord."

"…Taylor. Can you at least explain what is happening to me?"

"I will but as we go down the stairs to get you a warm meal. The lady would have my head if anything happened to you."

"Very well."

Taylor pushed the wheelchair down the ramp specifically put in place for Caspian's wheelchair. Once downstairs, he found that the servants had already prepared a warm meal for him. He sat down but he wouldn't start eating till Taylor explained.

"Every few years, the demons in the Crimson Divide begin a bizarre activity. They're usually predictable but during this time, they start to behave erratically. This usually means it's a sign of a Stampede."

He dropped his fork.

"A stampede?"

"Yes. Demons gather in large amounts and overrun the town. It's the most dangerous time to be in the north so we begin evacuation the moment we start to see signs of a stampede. That is what the lady went to investigate. We've had scares like this these past few years so we are hoping this time, it's not that serious."

"Will…will she be fine?"

"The lady? She will. She's easily the strongest person I know. But it was surprising, seeing Captain Wren return in that state, even with the Sun Shield. I'm curious which kind of demon she encountered."

"Do you…want to to go out there?"

"It is my duty to stay here and protect you and the other inhabitants of this castle. I have no desire to go against my duty."

"But you have a desire to go out and fight?"

"No, I don't have that as well. I have something more…interesting I'm focused on," Taylor said. Caspian saw his eyes glow and felt his arm engulfed with goosebumps.

"Where are the townsfolk relocated to?"

"Usually, the territory the first prince currently oversees. This is why we sent him a rider. Hopefully he arrived safely."

Caspian frowned but continued eating. He finally finished it and pushed the plate aside.

"What can I do to help?"

"Hmmm…nothing. There's nothing anyone who is not a warrior can do to help during a Stampede. If you're really good at appealing t Raphet, you can go ahead and do that. If not, we just…wait it out."

Aretha arrived at the town, soaked in blood. It slowly dried on her armor as her eyes vigilantly roamed the environment. The town maintained an eerie silence as blood dropped from her hand to the ground.

"You're late, Aretha."

"Well, Daria, I had to look after my home first. Most of my men are injured and Wren is fighting for his life. Forgive me for being a few moments late."

"You just killed a demon king, didn't you?"

"So maybe I bled a little. Doesn't hurt."

"You always say that," Daria sighed. She walked closer, a staff in her hand. The staff was a sword is disguise, a sword that was part of the demon slayer collection, Wind slasher. As for Aretha, the sword in her hand wasn't a part of the collection but it was a good Mythril sword forged with a Pure Mana stone.

"Is anyone dead?"

"No, nothing yet. Still, it's eerie how quiet this place is, isn't it?"

"I hate it. I would love a freshly baked bread right now. I want to stay home and lie in my husband's arms. This better not be a stampede."

"You have to be prepared either way. I don't like what I'm feeling."

Aretha sighed and flicked her wrist, getting rid of most of the blood. She sheathed it and walked closer to the townhouse, the snow crunching beneath her feet.

"It's been a while since I saw you wear that armor. It makes me feel young again."

Aretha didn't respond, still looking around. The ground suddenly began shaking. Daria slowly began unsheathing her sword.

"How long do you think it'll last?" She asked, smirking.

"Not too long, I hope. I really want to go home," she responded, unsheathing hers as well. The two, with their extraordinary eyesight, saw the first line of demons from afar and got ready to attack.