
Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy to Deal With

Hao Siyu, who is emotionally young and lacks experience and confidence, did not expect to find herself in the position of being pursued by two popular boys on campus. One is the son of a wealthy family who is infatuated with her, and the other is her childhood sweetheart, who has been close to her since they were children. How can she handle this situation so that neither of the two boys gets hurt, and she doesn’t feel wronged herself? Urgent, waiting online!

dyosagardo387 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs


Su Xi held my wrist firmly, looking serious, which scared me. I tried to stay calm despite the fear.

"You didn't make any mistakes. It's just that your work hours are over. If you keep working, I'm worried someone might accuse me of treating employees unfairly."

"I see you have something to worry about as well, but you could have simply informed me after work. Why did you have to grab me?" He said.

His words brought me relief, yet I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at him and blame him for creating unnecessary drama.

The off-duty hours of this company had passed long ago. I thought he really planned to torture me until all these documents were processed before he would let me go. Why did he suddenly show kindness and plan to let me leave? Is he bipolar?

But Su Xi didn't let me go. Instead, he pulled me towards the car and said, "I'll take you to get something to eat."

I had been in the car for a while before I realized that Su Xi wanted to take me to dinner.

"I understand, you are afraid that my sister will come to cause trouble for you again."

I was so impressed by my guess that I slapped my palms within a sudden realization.

Su Xi frowned and scolded me, "Don't act clever. I want your sister to admit defeat in front of me. Why would I be scared of her?"

I couldn't understand why Su Xi's attitude suddenly changed, but I didn't care at that moment. Instead, I shamelessly said, "I want to eat Shaxian snacks."

Su Xi quickly frowned and asked, "Is that food edible?"

Damn rich people! I planned to educate the guy driving a luxury car in front of me: "Do you know how many people eat Shaxian snacks every day? How many Shaxian snack stalls are there in the country? Don't be too self-righteous just because you have some money."

"Alright, alright, I get it. But you know what? I was actually thinking of treating you to a French restaurant. I even booked a table today."

After he finished talking, he smirked at me, clearly trying to impress.

French restaurants that needed reservations must be expensive, and Shaxian snacks are naturally incomparable. But even if I didn't dislike Su Xi's showy style, I definitely wouldn't agree to his proposal right now.

"Tch, if you don't want Shaxian snacks, just leave me here. I can go by myself. You go eat your French food."

Su Xi didn't expect my choice. After thinking for a bit, he said. "I shouldn't have shown off earlier. I've reserved a place. Let's have French food tonight."

"One more time, I won't go. You have to go eat French food by yourself, understand?"

I glared at Su Xi, waiting for a clear response.

Su Xi was looking straight ahead while driving, without knowing what his expression was. He hesitated for a while before answering, "Okay, let's go eat Shaxian snacks. You can show me the way."

Hearing what he said, I felt a little panicked.

For some reason, I was a little reluctant to go to dinner with him, probably because he was both my boss and someone I owed money to.

So I suddenly said in a cowardly tone, "Otherwise, if you give me the money, you don't need to come along, and I will treat it as your treat."

After I spoke, Su Xi looked at me like I was a monster, completely ignoring the road as if I had done something terrible.

"Why are you so shameless? How can you ask for something like that?"

"Focus on the road! You might want to die, but I haven't lived long enough!"I shouted, feeling scared as the car moved a bit.

I immediately felt sorry for what I said. I blushed with embarrassment and quickly tried to shift the conversation, asking Su Xi to concentrate on driving.

Later, we decided to have Shaxian snacks. I led him to a simple, small restaurant after guiding the streets. The old sign and plain decor gave a humble vibe, but the smell of the food being cooked was inviting.

Xi, who has been spoiled by high-end cuisine, couldn't finish a portion of braised chicken after only two or three bites.

When I saw this, I immediately thought of making use of the leftovers. I don't care much about appearances, otherwise, I wouldn't always be showing off in men's clothing.

Yesterday, I stayed up late playing games. I skipped lunch and kept playing. In the evening, my parents asked me three questions, and I rushed to find a job. So today, I haven't eaten anything. I grabbed the chicken and said, "Are you full? Give it to me."

Su Xi blushed, slapped my hand, and said, "Eat your own."

"Mean." I grumbled, rolling my eyes at him, and then started eating my share.

Su Xi and I didn't have much in common, so I decided to go back to the dorm after eating. Su Xi probably just walked me there to be polite.

After eating and feeling relaxed, I felt sleepy. I left the car and went straight to the dorm without saying bye to Su Xi.

In my thoughts, I find Su Xi unpleasant. When I don't like someone, it shows in my behavior even if I don't say it. Also, I feel Su Xi won't ask me to repay my debt, so I act more boldly.

The next morning, I went to class and found a seat. Su Xi, without being asked, sat next to me. He smiled and said. "You're here early? I thought you were so tired yesterday that you might skip school and sleep in today."

I ignored him and replied simply, "How can I get the perfect attendance award if I sleep?"

Su Xi nodded and praised, "Yes, you deserve praise for having such a goal."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him again, wondering who he thought he was. Did he think he owned the place? Was his praise even important? It's just a perfect attendance award, nothing special about it.

I remembered he said he wanted a perfect attendance award too. But instead of feeling a connection, it made me feel distant.

"You didn't finish yesterday's work. From today on, as long as you don't finish your work, you have to work with me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I know. Who told me to owe you money?"

I sighed and thought that Su Xi didn't let me finish the work yesterday on purpose. I felt unhappy about it. But I wouldn't agree without a plan.

"Anyway, it will take another hour or two to type those documents this afternoon." I said on purpose to annoy Su Xi.

For some reason, Su Xi looked shocked and whispered. "Looks like I have to give you more work today."

What? Shouldn't he praise me for this? The perfect attendance award is nothing compared to this. Why don't you praise me now? As expected, this is the most greedy company in the city, only thinking about how to take advantage of a poor student like me.

With my bad temper, I couldn't wait for class to end. I grabbed the textbook and threw it at Su Xi's face.

"Are you crazy?" Su Xi dodged the book easily and looked at me in disbelief.

A loud "pop" sound caught the students' attention in the classroom. Whispers and gossip spread quickly among the desks.

"Did he hit Su Xi?"

"Is he serious? Su Xi never lets anyone disrespect him."

"And Su Xi, he's not even fighting back. What's happening? Has he changed for the better?"

Could Su Xi truly not be mad? His eyes glared at me so fiercely, it seemed like he was staring at his worst enemy.

After the class ended, I was packing my notes when Su Xi grabbed me by the collar, put my stuff in my bag, and pulled me out of the room without speaking.

As we walked down the hall, other students looked at us curiously. When they realized it was Su Xi, they turned away and left, not wanting to be part of it.

Su Xi hauled me along like a sack of potatoes until we reached the door of a mobile classroom two corridors away. The hallways were empty, and sensing the opportunity, I started to struggle, throwing punches and kicks at him, trying to break free.

"Let go of me!" I demanded, my voice echoing in the deserted corridor.