
Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy to Deal With

Hao Siyu, who is emotionally young and lacks experience and confidence, did not expect to find herself in the position of being pursued by two popular boys on campus. One is the son of a wealthy family who is infatuated with her, and the other is her childhood sweetheart, who has been close to her since they were children. How can she handle this situation so that neither of the two boys gets hurt, and she doesn’t feel wronged herself? Urgent, waiting online!

dyosagardo387 · Adolescente
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12 Chs


"That was really harsh, so mean that I even thought this man might have a problem with being too organized.

"If that's true, then you can leave. Our company doesn't want workers who can't even be on time. If you can't show up on time for the briefing, should we all wait for you to get any work done for the company?" His voice was sharp and full of disrespect with every word he spoke.

The applicant's face showed distress as she was verbally attacked. Unable to withstand the pressure, she started crying and covered her face with her hands. Despite her breakdown, the man showed no sympathy. He gestured to the security guard to remove her, saying firmly, "Take her out. I told you to leave, don't waste my time."

I felt really mad when I saw her being taken away, tears streaming down her face. Did the man have to be so mean? Even if he didn't want to hire her, couldn't he have been nicer? Did he really have to make her cry in front of everyone? He was so rude and heartless, using his power to hurt others.

Sure enough, this man is the kind of person I dislike the most. Once he has some power, he uses it to bully others to show off.

But he couldn't succeed for long. After he drove the applicant away, I immediately poured a cup of coffee over his head.

I had just gotten coffee from a corner of the venue. It is a must-have item for employees, so it is indispensable at an employee recruitment fair, but it was not originally meant for this use.

When I did this prank, no one in the audience stopped me, or even reacted.

Since I had taught this jerk a lesson, I figured I should leave quickly.

"You little—" He said, shaking coffee from his hair. "Who the hell did this? Where's the security guard? Catch her!"

Seeing his fury, I couldn't help but smirk. I stuck out my tongue, made a face at him, and turned on my heel, running out as fast as I could. Thankfully, I wasn't wearing high heels today. If my friend Chen Li knew that my decision to wear flats today led to this, she would have been both horrified and amused.

"Damn, who the hell did this? Where's the security guard? Catch her!"

The man glared at me fiercely and shouted as I had already run some distance away.

I scoffed at his words, thinking. "Tsk, do you think the security guard will just listen to you like this? Do you think you organized this job fair?"

In the blink of an eye, security guards surrounded me from all directions. They looked serious and ready to act. I wondered how they caught me so easily. If I were in a forest, I would be like a nimble monkey that even expert hunters couldn't capture. I swiftly moved through the crowd, fast and agile, leaving the security guards behind. Their shouts became quieter as I passed through the crowd of people.

In a rush, I accidentally lost one of my shoes. To keep my balance, I took off the other one and ran barefoot back to school.

Thinking that I might run into people from Su's Enterprise again, especially since that jerk might have already issued a notice to his company, I decided to return to school first. Anyway, evening classes were about to start, and I didn't need to rush to find a part-time job in a day or two. One of the three tasks my father set for me was to get a perfect attendance award, so attending the classes was essential.

Once I reached the safety of the campus, I hurried to my dormitory. I quickly changed back into men's clothes, stuffing my women's outfit into the back of my closet. I put on a new pair of shoes, mourning the loss of my favorite pair for a brief moment—thirty seconds to be exact.

When I walked into the classroom, I felt relieved to see that there was still time before class started. I sat down in my chair, thinking about the upsetting experience at the job fair. I got angry again when I remembered the rude man's face. "Hmph, it's all that woman-bullying jerk's fault I didn't get a job," I muttered under my breath.

"I'm so sorry for being such a bastard." The voice from the desk next to mine surprised me. I turned to respond, but seeing the guy I spilled coffee on earlier in casual clothes, he looked like a regular college student.

I stared at him, my mind racing. Was this some kind of trick? Was he here to get back at me? My first instinct was to run, but no I should show him that I'm not afraid of him.

I originally wanted to show off my speed again, but the man seemed to have expected it. As soon as I left the chair, he pulled me back by my waist. At the same time, he snatched the smartphone from my breast pocket. I watched him operate it for a few moments before handing it back to me.

"Go to class first. I'm still aiming for the perfect attendance award this semester. I'll deal with you after class is over."

Hearing this, I was filled with sadness, anger, and confusion.

Damn it, isn't this guy a company executive? His income should be pretty good, so why would he still be interested in something as small as the school's perfect attendance award?

It turns out that this guy is from our school!

Originally, when I met this person, I should have skipped class and run away, but I needed to get the perfect attendance award. Besides, he probably used my phone to send communication records to his own phone just now, so even if I ran away now, there was no sure way to get rid of him.

I had no choice but to listen to the class obediently.

Seeing this situation, I made a preliminary judgment that this guy was also notorious for his harshness at school.

I wished my close friend Hua Zhe was here, but he's in a different class this semester, so I'm on my own. Later, a man took me to an empty classroom, turned on the light, and pushed me inside. Knowing he wouldn't release me easily, I remained composed. He was a company executive after all, so I hoped he would be reasonable.

I sat down confidently, prepared to argue my case. The man observed me with a mix of amusement and irritation.

"You actually moved a chair and sat down in this situation. Would you say you are adaptable or weak?" Although he said this, it was clear he wasn't trying to praise me. He rubbed his brow, looking troubled, and asked, "First of all, what's your name?"

"Tch, why should I tell you?" I snapped, turning my head away in anger. Even though I acted tough , I knew we couldn't have a proper argument if I refused to engage.

The man's eyes look at me with a cold stare. "Aren't you afraid that I will spread the news that you are a pervert who likes to wear women's clothing?

He said something that really upset me. I turned quickly to confront him, feeling angry. "Who are you calling a pervert? When did I wear women's clothes?"

He then showed me a photo he had in his pocket. It was a blurry picture from a security camera, but it clearly showed my face.

I felt scared. If this information leaked, it could destroy everything. Still, I couldn't afford to admit anything. I needed to stay strong. I crossed my arms and glared at him, trying to maintain my composure.