

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 3

Corbyn's Pov

After the meeting I went to my office and started signing some papers till someone knocked on the door "Come on in"

Xavier opened the door and leaned on it's frame crossing his arms "Why were you late?"

I coughed and smiled slightly "I talked to her" he immediately grinned and closed the door "Really?" he said

"What is her name?"

"Celeste...isn't it a beautiful name" I said imagining her face in front of me

"What else did you know?" Xavier said looking at me waiting for me to answer him but I really didn't know anything about her except her name

"Her age?" He asked again and I kept my mouth shut

"Where is she from?" He asked and I also didn't answer

"Did you get her number?" He said running his fingers through his hair

"No" I mumbled disappointed in myself

"What did you do then?" He whispered-yelled

"Knocked the books that she was holding with my arm?" I said in hesitation

"You Idiot" He yelled

"I wasn't mentally prepared..what do you want me to do?" I sighed

"Man you know nothing about the girl you kept talking about for a month" He chuckled sarcastically

"At least now I know her name" I shrugged

"No I can't. No more..I'm going back to my office" He said and got out of my office

I huffed and sat back down ready to go back to signing but I found myself not concentrating at all and found that I kept thinking about Xavier's words. He's right all he said was right. Xavier always has his ways with girls he can have them in a second rapped around his finger. He know how talk to girls. How to flirt and here I am know nothing at all. I was the shy one.I was always shy can't talk without stuttering and getting nervous but I'm not gonna lie my personality is better now. I earned some self-confidence that I can talk to people that I don't know without stuttering and with a bit of confidence but I really wish I can have the self confidence that My older brother has. I'm not jealous or anything but I just wish.



It's the next day and I'm heading to the cafe this time I'm ready to talk to her, I'm prepared mentally and physically to see her this time I won't fuck it up, I'm gonna do it, I know I can, I'm gonna ask her about

Her age, Where did she come from and hopefully getting her number

I entered the cafe and my eyes landed on her table which is empty, I started to freak out a little and my eyes started searching but I didn't find her

But why? I have a very bad luck, the day I decide to talk to her she isn't here

I sighed and walked to the cashier "Vanilla latte please"

"Make it two please" I turned around and found her standing right behind me her eyes landed on mine for a very quick second, I smiled and turned back. The lady typed the order and signaled to us to take a seat until the order will be ready. I turned around to look at Celeste who is already in her spot. I took a deep breath and walked to her

"Can I sit with you?... If you don't mind" I said getting like a mini heart attack

"Of course you can" She smiled looking at me. I sat down in front of her

"How are you doing?" I said and she giggled

"I'm good l, you?"

"Fine...look I'm really not that good at talking to girls I get nervous and boring I feel like my mind is literally blank so please don't think I'm weird" I said honestly

"I didn't think about you as a weird person..What you're doing and the way you talk with a shaky voice...its not weird at all, It's....cute" After her words I felt my heart beating so fast and I found a smile forming on my lips

"Thank you" I said rubbing the back of my head she nodded at me smiling. My eyes fell on the book that is on the table

"Oh, Red Queen I know that book"

"I started it two days ago and I'm already liking it" She smiled

"Um...can I ask why do you come here everyday?" I asked

"Well I own a library that is two blocks away from here and I love before opening the library to come here and read" She said

"That's impressive"

"And you?" She asked. I widened my eyes at her question well I can't tell her that the reason I come here everyday is just to see her. That will sound so creepy.

"Um..Well I-" Thank God I was interrupted by the waiter giving us our coffee after he leaved I changed the subject immediately

"Where did you come from?"

"I'm from Ohio and I moved here last year..you?"

"I was born in London" we sat in silence for moment enjoying the coffee until she started to speak

"Why do you want to talk to me?" She asked

"I don't want anything at all but I just saw you more than once here and I have always had the urge to come to talk to you I don't know why" I said while shrugging and she looked down on her lap probably thinking then she turned her gaze back to me

"I've never experienced something like this before " she said and I frowned

"What do you mean?"

"No one ever came up to me this way which give me the right not to trust anyone" She said raising her brow

"You have every right not to trust me. I know that you might doubt me and I'm not asking for anything I just wanted to know and I did" I stood up and put my the money on the table

"You're coffee is on me" I said and turned around leaving the cafe. Feeling like I own the world right now
