

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 35

Luna's pov

I was walking in a very dark forest but when I looked up at the sky there was sun, but the atmosphere that is surrounding me is dark, cold, foggy, I'm walking barefoot in a very muddy ground, I don't know why, but I'm wearing very old clothes like it's from centuries ago, the view was horrifying, tangled branches everywhere. then I stumbled and fell meeting the cold mud that covered my whole entire forearm, then I felt like I saw a shadow "Hello?" I said looking forward feeling my eyes watering for no reason, I saw a lady's back walking towards a huge tree, she just stood there wearing a long black cloth similar to the one I'm wearing but her's have a huge hoodie but I can see her very very long hair from the sides "Ma'am!" I said in hesitation, she didn't hear me, she did even realize that there is someone here, Suddenly she started whispering unknown words that sounds like a spell and gradually her pitch went so painfully higher that I felt my ears began to bleed and I yelped in pain then all I heard was the big bang of the tree falling, she started digging and snatched a book from the hole, suddenly all the noises of the bats went away, my pain dissolved, and she stared at the book frozen.

My eyes itched, I blinked twice, I screamed when I opened my eyes and found her face literally glued to mine "That should not have happened?" She whispered pointing behind her at the tree

"W-what!" I stuttered in horror, she was beautiful but scary, very very scary

She cupped my cheeks, felling her nails digging in them, I flenched tried to move the mud from around my forearms but it turned into rocks "How dare you help them hunters?" She yelled and all I'm doing is groaning from pain

"Those with weak guts, those who urge control them, filthy minds, how could you help them..THAT BOOK SHOULD HAVE BEEN A SECRET, ONLY YOU AND YOUR SISTERS SHOULD HAVE FOUND ABOUT IT ALONE!" She screamed that her hair went everywhere of how her high pitch scream blowed the wind

"Please" I cried and she traveled her hand from my face down to my heart "I always knew that my heart will be my weakness, you sweetie and your sisters got that same heart as your mother" She said putting pressure at my heart "Mom!" I asked feeling like my brain cells are melting, I've never seen my mother, dad only described her to us

"Samara was and will always be the bullet that can't be extracted from the hunters body" She said using her other free hand to point behind her and I shockingly found Xavier standing by the fallen tree looking at me with regretting eyes then I looked beside him there was another guy that I don't know "This heart of yours can't fall for those treacherous, Don't end up like your mother, just be the owner of your destiny like she was, Just be like me..." As she said that she yelled a spell that I couldn't hear and suddenly Xavier and the other guy coughed blood, his eye balls went so red, blood continued coming from any opening you could really imagine, mouth, eyes, nose, ears, till they fell on the floor, and I burst into collapsing when I saw their lungs explode, She stood up and immediately the mud started to get higher like I'm in a sea of mud

"Help me!" I yelled but she stood there watching me drown

"Help me Mo-" My screaming stopped when the mud fillied my throat, I squirmed in pain till I lost my last breath....

I flinched my eyes open "It was a dream" I mumbled but my voice was so broken and raspy, I took a look at my clothes that was dusty "What the he-" I froze when i saw my nails dirty and there is mud in it

I jumped from my place "Oh no oh no" I freaked out opening the zip of the tent

I found the fire still lit and no one is by its side all of them were asleep"Was that a dream or not?" I whispered literally losing my mind while going back and forth

I stopped when I remembered "Xavier!.. Oh shit" I flinched from shivers at the thought oh my god what if he really..

"Xavier" I yelled running towards the guys tent that is far from ours

"Xavier" I yelled again tapping on the tents

"What? What?" I heard his voice from one of the tents

He got out rubbing his eyes "Oh thank god" I almost fainted as I fell into my knees out of relief

"What's wrong with you?" He bend down trying to help me "Are you okay?" I asked scanning his face and body like a microscope, he frowned "I must ask you this question you look so pale" He touched my forehead, then my vision got blurry and I saw a flash of what I saw in the dram, Xavier. In front of me. Like he is now. With all of his insides out.

I screamed and pushed him away blinking so hard to see normal again "Luna what is happening to you?" He yelled but I felt nothing but sick, I held my stomach, crawled and out my control started to throw up

"Uh shit...this can't be normal at all" I heard him say

I kept throwing up till my stomach slightly relaxed i wiped my face he helped me with tissues and water, I washed my face then I rested my back on a tree he handed a cola can that was in our bags then he did the same and rested his back next to me facing the fire, for once I loved how hot it felt near my skin because of how cold I were

He coughed clearing his throat "Do you feel better!" He said not looking at me

"Y-ea" I said..my voice is still raspy

"Can you tell me now what happened!" He rested his head back

"I-I saw a vision, but I don't remember all of it" I lied because I still don't know what that vision meant

He seemed shocked for a second then "What do you remember then! That made you that bad"

"I saw you" I turned to look at him

"Me!" He looked back directly at me

"Yes and another guy but I don't know him, I saw you both dead...And your lungs..your lungs e-exploded, like something crawled from inside you and ate it's way out, it-it was horrifying" I felt my eyes water

"Then thats why you kept calling out my name?" He chuckled

"Yes!" It came out as a question for his chuckling.

"Well I guess you should be happy that you saw me dead, am I right?" He looked at me from the corner from his eyes like he's expecting me to say yes Xavier I want you dead bleeding from every part of your body and i hope you decompose fast ha ha!!

"Really? Why would I, I helped you before to live why would I want you dead!!" I rolled my eyes

"You helped me just to be set free"

I opened my mouth "How does that brain works" I poked his temple and he gave me a stern look "Who do you think I'm, a monster?, If I wanted to be set free Starr would have killed you and I will be set free anyways, but of course I wanted you alive" I said

"You should hate me" He glanced

"I should, but I don't" I shrugged

"How can you feel such a thing!, aren't you a witch!, what's wrong with your genes" He fired

"What is wrong with your mind not my genes?, even if we are not pure humans we still have feelings, we are not animals Xavier, sometimes I think that you are brainwashed but sometimes I feel that you have feelings like the love you have for Corbyn, it's limitless like you are willing to do anything just to make sure he is satisfied but you are always fighting it but I like how you show some feelings then deny it" I smiled calmly

"So you are saying that you're not afraid of the only creature that can really kill an immortal witch!" He challenged me

I shook my head "No, not even from the scariest one of them" I wrinkled my nose while shaking my head

He pinched his lower lip "Well, fair enough" As he said that he snatched his knife and landed it on my throat, I flinched for a second but calmed myself

"My urge ordered me to kill you, your thoughts?!" He hissed

I kept calm looking directly at his eyes "Tell it that you're are not an animal" I said feeling the sharp knife going up and down as my throat moves

"Buzz, Wrong answer" He frowned

"So there is no answer, if you wanna do it go on, don't care about the book, my sister can do it without me, so you don't have any excuses" I said still looking at his blue eyes, but he blinked

"See, you feel" As I said that he blinked and pressured more on the knife like I woke him up

"No, I don't have mercies for witches" He said but it doesn't sound as confident and I can already feel blood dripping from my neck but it doesn't hurt bad

"You do." I fired feeling his breath going heavy towards my face

"No i-" I cut him off as i pushed his knife away

He throw it and immediately pushed me back at the tree hardly "What did you do? Did you put a spell on me!" He roared

"No, I didn't, you just feel" I said very calmly

"I can prove to you" I said and I don't know how i got this courage but I just leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips then pulled back slowly to look back at his eyes that were extremely widened, he got off of me a bit but still so close to my face

"I'm sorry, I should have not" I tried to stand up but he stopped me so fast pushing me back again

"What a wicked brain you have?" He whispered slowly

"I-" I stopped when I felt him leaning in as his lips almost touched mine, he froze then pulled away like he's having a battle of thinking inside his head "U-um you should sleep, tomorrow will be tiring" He said and walked back to his tent, I did the same



Xavier's pov

I stayed up all night, I couldn't even close my eyes without thinking, asking and measuring everything in my life, That witch..Luna flipped over all of my organized thoughts, believes and feelings, I kept gazing on the roof of the tent until the sunrise i looked at my phone that was about to die and it was 7:00 AM

"Corbyn" I tapped on him, I shared my tent with him, Issac and Zion shared one, Klaus volunteered to sleep with Zeiden.

"Wake up" I said again as i got out to wake the rest up

"Can everyone wake up" I yelled once for them all because i'm no mama mood to wake single one of them up, then one by one started to get out and last one was Luna who seemed really tried, maybe she didn't sleep either

I looked away "Let's eat fast so we can have all our journey in the sunlight" Zeiden said as he started helping them in pouring water so they can wash their faces

After minutes they lit up the fire again, the girls finished the breakfast, they served us the foam plates. Luna took a plate and saw her walking towards me "Good morning" She handed me the plate, what is she trying to achieve?

I took it "Morning"

She sat next to me "I couldn't sleep all night, i was afraid to close my eyes" She whispered

"I slept" I lied, denying that I didn't even blink at night

She looked at me "Oh" she said in a disappointment tone

"What?" I questioned the 'Oh'

"Nothing, I just thought you were thin..never mind" She ate and i did the same, I found Corbyn eyeing me a very questionable look but I ignored it

"Ok please I want you to translate the map again so we can move on" Zeiden said and we snapped

"Oh fine" River said as she went to her tent to get the book

"LUNA" She shouted and luna ran to her "What!"

"I CAN'T FIND THE BOOK" As she shouted we all stood up

"YOU WHAT" I yelled feeling like I'm being stabbed in the back, like all my ambition burnt in front of my eyes, I ran to their tent

"We can't find it" Luna said looking down

"What the hell do you mean by that" I stepped closer to River "WHERE IS IT" I screamed at her face making he flinch but after it she just returned my glare

"Xavier get back for a second" Zion pushed me back

"Zion get your hand off of me" I pushed his hand away but he still got a grip of my forearm

"Corbyn take them and search for it in the other bags" Zion yelled for the rest and they went everywhere searching

"The book was with you River, Where is it?" I hissed feeling my blood reaching it's boiling point, as all i want is to slaughter her

"I put in the bag yesterday, i'm sure" She said looking everywhere

"Xavier ju-" I cut Zion off

"She fucking took responsibility of the most important thing we have so don't try to get me calm cause i fucking won't"

"There is nothing" Celeste said

"I saw her checking on it before sleep" Issac said making me snap

I cracked my neck taking the deepest breath "Who went to sleep last?"

"We all went to sleep together..but i got out after a while to have a cigarette" Zion said

"Then i fell in a hole" He added

"You what!" Issac snapped

"I heard his screaming so i got out to help him then Klaus popped out and helped us too" River said and all our gazes went to Klaus

"Klaus why were you up?" Corbyn spoke up like he read my mind

"Nothing I heard Zion's screams too" he shrugged

"Mmm" I chuckled furiously "So the book disappeared by itself, it zipped it's way out of the bag leaving us because it was so bored right" I yelled

"Mr Xavier lets just calm so we can think straight"

"The map is gone what are we gonna think about ha" I said and kicked the bag with me leg groaning

I felt hands on my back "Xavier just stop we will solve it" Luna whispered

"I remember the map" Celeste stepped up

"Me too" Starr added

"Great, now tell me what was the next word" Zeiden asked

"Fine, but that book disappearing mystery I will solve it and the one who did it will taste misery on my hand"


After they told Zeiden the place's name he knew it right away and now we are walking by his direction

The sun is about to set  we have been walking for ages till we arrived to an area that has houses, cottages and saw people finally

"Now what?" Zeiden asked Celeste

"Nothing that was the last of the map" She shrugged

He came up to me "Mr, Xavier" He signaled for me to speak in private "Should we ask about her" He whispered

"We can't with them, lets go alone" I whispered and he nodded

"Stay here we will go ask about that witch" I ordered and we started to steep down a small hill till we reached what i think is a local market, lots of products and sellers

"What should we ask about?"

"Ask if they knew about a historical myth that a woman named Samara came here centuries  ago who was a foreign and if she had book" I said then put my hand in my jacket's secret pocket "Take this" I handed him a folded old paper

"What is this Mr" He scanned it

"When i was young i found this in my fathers things he said this drawing was of Samara, My great grandfather Elvis drew her" I explained remembering how Dad gave it to me to hide it as he trusted me

"I'll go ask that guy" I nodded and waited for him, I heard them talking in Arabic then when the guy saw the photo he gasped and the only thing i caught was Samara and Zahra, I think Zeiden thanked him then came back

"Congratulations, i know where is the Cottage" He smiled

"Tell me what he said"

"Samara wasn't that dumb, she changed her name when she came here to Zahra, she even learned Arabic, he said they described here ages ago as the crazy lady who build a cottage on her own then she starting digging a water well for no reason all of them named her the crazy lady because there was no ground water, they all believed the she hid something in it"

"This woman had a brain of gold" I huffed as we went back to them and told them the news but of course as she is the witch who disappeared with my father

We kept walking in narrow side that lead into what seemed like a forest but small till "A cottage" Corbyn pointed at the end of the road that was ahead of us

I took a step and my feet stepped in water and hard rocks "Where does this water comes from?" Celeste asked and i can't lie I was about to ask the same damn question there is no source of water near us so from were!!!

We are now in front of the Cottage that is very old and scary looking, there's two windows that has black covers from inside, the door had fucking locks on it but it wasn't a lock that any door can has, it's like the pass lock on suitcase like that Roncato luggage thing

"Oh shit" I mumbled

"What now!!" Zion huffed

"Why is this woman so secretive"

"Can someone tell me again what are we supposed to find inside a locked old house?? Your dad?" River raised her eyebrows but no one answered

"Something about that journey doesn't make since to me" Celeste said

"I feel like something bad is going to happen" Luna mumbled to herself but i heard, my ears.i'm a hunter.

"Guys please we won't lose anything we followed the map and thats the important thing" As Issac was talking to them i came closer and scanned the door opening my flashlight to see better because the sun was setting the locks had letters it has four gaps on it instead of numbers

I tried 'S-A-M-A" nothing happened

I tried again 'E-L-V-S' Nothing either, what are you fighting for Xavier, you can't think like her

"What if it is?" I mumbled as I was hearing them talking behind me then tried 'B-O-O-K' Still nothing

"Fuck" I clenched my jaw, what four fucking letters could it be, what would it be, four letters!!four letters?

I froze for a second...Four letters! "No way" I mumbled to myself as i tried immediately 'L-R-C-S'

"Luna, River, Celeste, Starr" I mumbled pressing at the knob and fuck yeah it clicked...the door is opened

"You opened the door!!" River said in shock

"How!" Corbyn asked

"I tried random letters" I shrugged

"Let's get inside" They started to get in, I stood for a second admiring the door, how did you knew the names of your quadruplets when you didn't even saw them!!

"Are you even dead Samara?"
