

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 19

Celeste's Pov

"Well girls, I'm Issac your guide on how to survive with us here"

"So rule number one if any visitors came to this house you'll introduce yourselves as some family friends came all the way from Florida to see us and you're going to staying here  for a while"

"W-What do you mean by a while?" Starr said to Issac. He turned around to look at her and she immediately turned her gaze down on the cold floor

"As long as we wants" He said shrugging

"Anyway. Rule number two everyday the four of you will take a tiny dose of hemlock water...daily"

"Rule number three behave well, no talking back no curses no shouting and screaming to any of us especially in front of Xavier he's a very short tempered person. He can hurt you in any way so please avoid him as much as you can, if you really care for each other"

"Rule number four, This is basically Xavier's and Corbyn's house so both of their offices you can't step a foot in them. You Can't" He finished huffing then walked back to the door, he unlock it then walked outside closing the door and locked it back

"Starr, River are you guys okay?" Luna said with a worry lacing in her voice

"Besides that my skin is burning like hell then, Yes I am" River said

"Like River" Starr said leaning her head against the wall closing her eyes

"What are we gonna do?" I said looking at Luna

"I don't know" She mumbled. After Luna's words the door opens and the four of us completely snapped looking at who came in and found it was Issac holding a two pile of clothes and the other two guys. The one who is really muscular with a birth mark on his chin holding a trey with four plates of food and the other guy with a tan skin, curly hair and green eyes has two pile of clothes in his hands

"We will unchain you. You'll change into these outfits, eat the food and after that the guards will come in and get you to meet us outside okay?" As soon as Issac finished talking he started to unchain us then went outside with the other guys

"Let's start eating first maybe it'll return the strength of our powers so we can heal both of you" Luna said referring to River and Starr. Luna stood up picking two plates and putting it in front of them. I stood up to pick up my plate and sat beside Starr while Luna was beside River. Starr scouted to my side a little, leaning her head on my shoulder while chewing her food. I smiled a little then looked down at my food. It was two halves of scrambled eggs and bacon sandwich. I took a bite and start chewing realizing how hungry I was.

After couple of minutes we finished eating. I looked beside me and found Luna holding River's both hands while looking at her in the eyes. I instantly knew she was going to do the pain reducing spell so I immediately did the same to Starr.

"Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala." Me and Luna whispered twice at the same time then opened our eyes I found Starr looking at me grinning like small child

"I feel a lot better" Starr said quietly. She stood the walked to the pile of clothes. There were four outfits on the floor.

"I'll take that one" She said taking one of the outfits. but before taking her old, torn clothes off. She started looking at every corner in the room

"What are you doing?" River said standing up and looking at the outfits

"Making sure there's no camera in the room." She said still looking

"I didn't see one so hopefully there isn't any" Starr said starting to take off her clothes. It's normal to us to change in front of each other, we're sisters so I think it's okay and it doesn't weird us out or make anything awkward, after choosing our outfits and changing to the new ones. We started to look at one another to look at the outfits and we all have the same the only difference is the colors

Luna was wearing a normal long sleeve dark blue shirt with a light blue jeans with black vans. River was wearing a maroon long sleeve shirt with a dark blue jeans and white vans. Starr was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with blue jeans and black vans and I was wearing a deep purple long sleeved shirt with blue jeans and white vans. As I said the difference was in the colors .

We waited a little and after I don't know how much minutes the guards came and took us to...I don't know where. All I know is that we're in top floor. We stopped in front of two big doors. They opened it and pushed the four of us in.

The room was really big with brown parquet flooring the walls is in light beige and it was kinda empty except beside us was beige leather couch in between the same color arm chairs and a glass table in the middle are the only furniture in the room other than that as I said it's empty

In the middle of the couch was the 'Devil' himself Xavier in his right side Issac and left side the muscular one with birth mark on his chin and the other one was on the arm chair sipping their wine and I didn't see Corbyn any where...fucking coward

I took a look at my sisters who were beside me standing and found them looking at them as I was doing I guess they are trying to expect their next move.

"Hello beautiful ladies" I turned to look at Xavier

"So you're here cause obviously the four of you are witches, more specific the missing witches" he took a breath then continued "I just wanna know something"

He paused "How did you hid your identity this well?" He asked and River scoffed. I looked at her and found her looking at Xavier dead in the eye.

"Okay let's start easy" He said turning around "This Issac, Zion and Klaus" He said pointing at them then pointing at himself "I guess you already know me but I'm gonna say it anyways. Hello I'm Xavier" He said smiling a little. Is this supposed to make us feel okay cause no it's making it way worse and way too creepy

"Can we know your names?" Issac said. I'm not gonna lie I think that Issac is the nicest one in this fucked up group. Well I hope my thoughts are right.

"We don't have all day" Zion raised his voice making me flinch a little

"Zion Zion don't raise your voice at them they're gonna say it right?" Xavier said looking at us with his narrowed blue eyes. I looked at Luna and found her looking at us and nodding her head a little.

"I'm Luna" She said trying to keep her self calm by taking deep breaths waiting for us to say our names

"River" River said huffing

"I'm Starr" She said looking at me

"I'm Celeste" I said biting my lip

"You have beautiful names too, impressing" Xavier said

"So who's the oldest one? And the youngest one?" Xavier asked

"What does this have to do with any of that?" River asked

"I want to know you. Is there's something wrong with that?" He said clenching his jaw "The answer to my question"

"I'm the oldest sister and Starr is the youngest one" Luna said taking deep breaths


Klaus's Pov

"By how long?" Xavier asked

"Cut it short..What do you guys want?" Celeste said huffing

"Okay The main point is how the hell are you still alive for 326 fucking years?" Xavier asked clenching his jaw taking a breath

"Why do you fucking care? We're here in front of you alive, God!!" River growled

"River, sweet River we're trying to be nice here.Don't make me show you my other side...just answer the god damn question without whining" Xavier hissed

Luna talked "We're-"

"Don't" River cut Luna

"Someone make this thing shut up" Zion said looking furiously at River

"Go ahead" Xavier signaled for Luna to continue

"Um..W-we're immortals" Her sentence fell heavily on my ears and I immediately looked at Xavier who I know is holding a gasp and I found the rest looking at each other in terrify but hide it right away trying to act like they're not fucking shocked

"W-what do you mean by immortal!" Xavier cleared his throat

"We can't die" Luna said

"And we don't age no more..we will forever be 24" Celeste added

"Why 24 especially?" Klaus wondered

"Because our mother died giving birth to and she was 24...so it's kinda like a curse"

"How did you hide your identity that well?" Zion asked

"Zion" I yelled

"What I honestly don't know what the fuck Xavier is doing and I don't have all day" Zion yelled back

"Calm down Zion" Xavier said smirking "Answer him" Xavier said looking at the girl. Not gonna lie the four of them are really pretty and The reason I'm acting a bit nice towards them is because I know what's coming next for those girls so I feel a little pity towards them but we have to do as what the plan says

"W-we can't" Starr said in low voice she looks so small. The four of them don't deserve that but we have to keep them for whatever reason.

"Look Starr Let's be honest dear the four of you gonna stay here as long as we please so one of you just say it c'mon spit it out" Issac said taking a sip from his wine. I looked at Starr and found her shaking her head while her other sisters looking at each other

"But promise us one thing" Luna said

"Let's know it first" I said

"To not hurt us at all" She said

"I think Issac told you the rules that we won't hurt any of you unless you forced us to hurt you" Xavier said shrugging

"You're telling us to reveal our identity you have to do something in exchange" River said confidently

"We're not making deals here you do as we say"Zion said clenching his jaw

"We have been hiding our identity for so so long and you want us to reveal it that easy without nothing...if you want us to reveal all of you have to do something in exchange" Starr said in a calm small voice

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" Xavier said angrily

"That we are not doing anything until you guarantee us our safety in this fucking house and no one is gonna lay a finger on anyone of us and that you're not gonna tell any person" Luna said pointing at  four of us

"Okay Okay I agree I promise no one is gonna lay a hand on you" Xavier said looking at them and they all nodded

"He's honest" River said telling her sisters

"What?" Xavier said

"Nothing" She whispered

"So how did you guys hide your identity for this long?" Xavier asked

"O-Our hair" Luna said in hesitation looking at us

"Huh?" We all said at the same time

"Our hair reveals our identity" Luna said again and immediately all of our gazes fell on their hair

"It looks normal to me" Issac said

"Can you be more specific?" Zion asked scratching his chin

"After the sacrifice we got something..like a side effect on our hair that made us kinda unique but in a bad way I guess, we knew that someone after the sacrifice witnessed us and dad escaping so we had to hide our hair" Luna said taking a deep breath before continuing "If I got angry at anything you will find my hair turning white that's why I always take deep breaths to calm myself" She said

"Woah" Me and Issac said because I'm really impressed at the moment

"And you shaved your hair because?" Xavier asked looking directly at River

"My hair sparkles in any kind of strong light...like the sun" River said huffing while rubbing her face

"Starr?" Issac askes

"My hair extend..I-It gets really tall if it contact with water" She said looking at Celeste

"I have a big blue strand of hair in the back of my head and I had to dye it to my natural hair color every now and then because it's color is very vibrant"

"I'm in awe right now" I said looking at the guys and found them amazed

"What if it's not true?" Xavier said

"It is true..What do you mean?" Luna said annoyingly

"Maybe you're making something up to not reveal your true identity" As soon as Xavier finished his sentence we looked at Luna and found her hair turning white slowly

"Oh my God" I said under my breath immediately Luna turned around trying to calm herself

"Now I believe you" Xavier said smirking as soon as her hair turned back to its natural color.

"What about your magic, was it affected too after the sacrifice?" Zion asked. The girls turned to look at us suspiciously

"Trust us we're seriously not gonna hurt you in any way at all" Xavier said huffing

"Another deal" Celeste said

"What is it?" Xavier asked groaning

"We're gonna stay here right? So we want a big room with four beds. The basement is really dark and not comfortable" Celeste said

"And really scary" Starr added

"Are two rooms with two queen sized beds good for you four?" Xavier said running a hand through his hair. Celeste looked at her sisters and they nodded agreeing

"Okay now please for the sake of God Can you show us your magic" Xavier asked pointing at Luna to start

"It's not magic it's power...and I can control time" Luna said and I looked at her suspiciously

"Show us" Issac said

"Wait I'll throw this wine glass you pause it" Issac said taking his last sip

"Okay" She said while taking a deep breath "Do it...NOW" As she said he threw the glass and it started spinning in the air until suddenly it stopped like literally it looks like someone held it I turned my gaze to Luna who is hella concentrating with her gaze and hand at the glass it's like all her power is transferring into her arm in impulses

"Stop" As Xavier said to Luna blinked followed by the glass falling on the ground shattered into pieces, then  I found Xavier looking at the hanged clock on the wall and I was surprised to see that it really was not moving then start to move back

"Does all witches can do that?" Zion asked

"No" Luna mumbled

"Starr what can you do?" Xavier asked

"I can contact with any ghost" As she said Xavier rolled his eyes "Any witch can do that" He complained

"No, witches contact with dead witches only..I can contact with any ghost  I want...any dead creature" After that we stayed silent looking at her. She broke the silence by saying something that shocked all of us

"You had a dog" As she said Xavier widened his eyes

"He was a black golden retriever and what made him unique is that he had two different eyes colors green and blue, I can see that he loved the chair you're are sitting on" Starr said looking at Xavier's legs and Xavier's eyes followed hers

"Y-you can see him!" Xavier asked trying to collect himself

"Yes, he loved you" Start said

"Holy moly" Issac said looking at the floor

"You were so attached to-"

"Enough with that talk" Xavier yelled a little then took a sip from his whiskey and taking a deep breath

"Shouting really suits you" A sound just like Xavier's said but it didn't come out from Xavier's mouth I looked for the source of the sound and "OH FUCK" I creeped out when I saw a clone of Xavier standing In front of me

Xavier stood up "Shut the fuck up" Xavier said in amazement while walking towards his clone

"How?!!" He said looking directly at his clone's eye

Then suddenly the clone disappeared and Celeste's face reveal along with her body "I can shapeshift" She said with a smirk

"Oh you girl are not easy to deal with love, no wonder why Corbyn fell for you" Xavier said turning to look at River

"You're magic-power whatever?" He said rolling his eyes

"I can control mind" She said shrugging

"Okay then read Zion's mind" Xavier said

"What the fuck does that have to do with me?" Zion said throwing his hands up

"C'mon man don't be a coward" I said laughing

"I don't want anyone to read my thoughts though" Zion said groaning

"For less than five minutes" Xavier pushing Zion towards River a little

"Make it quick" Zion said to River. She looked at him in the eye, concentrating

"You really wanna go on a vacation to Hawaii and before we came you talked about it with Xavier cause you want the five of you to go together" River said taking a step back

"Oh fuck" Xavier whispered

"Is that true?" I shockingly asked. Zion turned around nodding his head with widening eyes

"This is bigger than we all thought" Xavier said calling the guards

"Take them to the third floor there are two rooms in the end of the hall" Xavier ordered

"This way" The guard said leading them to the room

"That was really impressing but at the same time terrifying" Issac said chuckling

"This four girls is something else" Zion said sitting down "It's not normal for a witches to have p-" I cut Zion off

"Powers...dude that what I was thinking about all I know is witches can do like magic. spells but have powers too Thats new" I said in loud voice

"They're are very strong...and that's really dangerous" Xavier said looking at us
