
Don’t never say never

Linda was caught between love and hate when she agreed to a contract marriage to a man who only wanted to prove to his mom that he was worthy of taking over his father's empire. He found himself falling for the woman whom he despised. Here lies love, hate, and regret.

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6 Chs

A mother’s last wish

As Mrs. Monica's health continued to deteriorate, she knew that her time was running out. The shadow of terminal illness loomed over her, casting a dark cloud on the once-proud matriarch of the Adams family.

Mrs. Monica: "My time is running out."

Her days of vibrancy and strength were waning, and the burden of her family's legacy rested heavily on her frail shoulders.With a heavy heart, Mrs. Monica decided it was time to reveal her terminal illness to her son, William.

Mrs. Monica: "William, there's something I need to tell you."

She had watched him from the sidelines, observing his reckless behavior and hedonistic lifestyle. It was a lifestyle that had weighed heavily on her as she grappled with the knowledge that her days on this earth were numbered.

William: "What is it, Mother?"

The revelation shattered William. He had always been a child of privilege, shielded from the harsher realities of life by his family's wealth and status.

William: "I don't know how to live without you."

But the impending loss of his mother, the woman who had guided him through life, left him with a profound sense of loneliness and vulnerability. Mrs. Monica had been the anchor of his existence, the one constant in his life, and her impending departure left him feeling unmoored.What made the situation even more poignant was the fact that Mrs. Monica had no relatives other than her estranged husband's family.

Mrs. Monica: "I've kept you sheltered from my side of the family."

She had cut ties with her own kin long ago, leaving her alone in the world, except for her husband and son. And now, with her husband no longer in the picture, William was her sole familial connection.The weight of responsibility began to dawn on William.

William: "I need to step up and take care of the family."

He realized that he was about to inherit a legacy that was more than just wealth and prestige. 

The Adams family was renowned for its prestigious wine business, a heritage that had been meticulously crafted over generations. It was a legacy that had been entrusted to him, and the burden of maintaining it now rested on his shoulders.The magnitude of this responsibility was overwhelming, and it forced William to confront the recklessness that had defined his life until now.

William: "I need to change my ways."

He had been a lavish spender, an unapologetic womanizer, and a man who had squandered his days in hedonistic pursuits. But the impending loss of his mother and the enormity of the family legacy forced him to reevaluate his priorities.In Mrs. Monica's absence, William began to make changes in his life.

William: "I have to be more responsible."

He recognized that his womanizing habits and his promiscuous lifestyle were not compatible with the role he was about to assume. He made the difficult decision to cut down on his womanizing habits, taking steps to distance himself from the women who had once been a constant presence in his life.He attempted to step into the role of a responsible heir to the Adams family legacy.

William: "I must carry on the family business."

He started to take an active interest in the family business, attending meetings, making decisions, and gaining insights into the world of winemaking. It was a far cry from the carefree existence he had once known, but the gravity of his mother's condition and the weight of the legacy pushed him to embrace this new responsibility.However, the path was far from smooth. Alison, the woman who had been a significant presence in William's life, continued to be a source of tension in the household.

Alison: "You can't change, William."

Her lifestyle and choices clashed with the values and standards of the Adams family. 

Mrs. Monica had never approved of Alison as a suitable match for her son, and her continued presence only added to the complexity of the situation.

Alison: "I'm not going anywhere."

Alison had been abroad during Mrs. Monica's absence, but upon her return, she moved into the Adams estate to be with William.Her mere presence was a reminder of the life William had once led, a life that was no longer compatible with the responsibilities he was taking on.

Linda: "This is getting more complicated."

It was a situation that created friction and discomfort within the household, a tension that Linda had to navigate.In addition to Alison, there was William's close friend, Andrew, who had always had eyes for Linda.

Andrew: "I can't hide my feelings anymore."

Andrew's presence further complicated the dynamics within the household. He had been a constant companion to William, and his feelings for Linda had never wavered.

Linda: "This is getting even more complicated."

While William had been the object of Linda's affections, Andrew had quietly pined for her.

One evening, as tensions simmered beneath the surface, an explosive confrontation occurred.

Andrew: "I love Linda, William!"

Andrew's feelings for Linda, coupled with William's shifting priorities and his growing closeness to Linda, had created a volatile mix of emotions.The confrontation altered the course of Linda and William's relationship in ways neither of them could have foreseen.

William: "This is tearing us apart!"

The revelation of Mrs. Monica's terminal illness had set in motion a series of events that would test the strength of relationships, challenge the resolve of characters, and force them to confront the complexities of love, loyalty, and responsibility.

Linda: "I'll be here for you, William."

As the impending loss of a beloved mother hung heavily in the air, the Adams household was a place of transformation, where desires clashed with duty, and where the unraveling facades of the past met the uncertain future. 

Linda, bound by a contract marriage, was at the center of this storm, and the chapters that lay ahead would be marked by both heartache and hope.