

Everybody has a weakness, something that hurts them tremendously and could leave them dead.Not me though,Well I have a weakness but I can't say it's mine if it doesn't effect me but effects others.

Well what is my weakness exactly you could be thinking,hmph well I have a weakness that's impossible to avoid I mean how can I avoid it if the whole world needs it to survive.Well it's not like I haven't attempted to avoid it,I really have but it didn't work out and let's say many lives were put in danger.

Many people think because I say it's my weakness it will kill or injure me well it's just the opposite it will surely injure them depending on how they carry it out.Another thing people think is how is it my weakness if it doesn't effect me.Well you'll have to read my life story to find out.

My name is Alexander Walker and I have a weakness that could bring this world to an end because of me and this weakness is unbelievably WATER.