
Dominators Realm

After defeating the titular antagonist in his favorite internet game, "Avlora," a certain individual who held responsibility for it thought it would be all over. However, that changed when the reward for the quest offered him into a boss monster that he and his comrades had defeated after days of battling. It was something hard to refuse for a youth like him, but the outcome of his desire was not what he expected. Betrayed comrades, a fallen antagonist, and a new world were things he wasn't prepared for. But With his newfound power, the certain individual, Leviathan, is soaring higher than we can even imagine.

Be_Bait · Fantasía
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148 Chs


In a dark place, a figure is crouching down, and kneeling in front of him is another figure, lifting his head by grabbing his hair. The figure who crouched down is holding his other hand against the other one's forehead.

The razor-sharp claws in his hand shine in the dim light casting from above.

"With you gone, I can go back to my sleep," muttered the figure as he thrust his hand forward.

--- ---


Similar to how bubbles move up in deep water, a few bubbles float upward in the dark space.

And the source of these bubbles is a human who is floating in this dark space.

With closed eyes and fully stretched limbs, the human figure floated unconsciously. Time to time, a few air bubbles released from his mouth and floated upward.

"Urgh," the human figure slowly opened his eyes.

"What, where am I?" he said, upon seeing the deep darkness around him.