
Domination of The Greatest Sovereign

In the year 2050 the new VRDMMORPG [ SYLDANDRA ] was released. Kamiya Sakaido is a Shut in-neet guy who loves to play solo through out the game. He used to have a guild but unfortunately all the guild members left. He closed his guild and played as one man guild and created NPC that could even match up to the top players to protect his dungeon where his guild is built. Through out the years he brought his guild to the top and gained all the glory even though his alone. But one day when he took some rest after being tired fighting a boss, An unpredictable phenomena has occurred and he woke up in a strange place. What would now happen to Sakaido in that world? Let us watch and follow Sakaido as he Dominates the world!!... --------------------- Note: I didn't own the art on my cover so it's not actually the MC but I think it can represent him for now.

Grimlord · Fantasía
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18 Chs

The Emperor


What they are seeing right now was unbelievable, the possibility of having the 9 Heralds gathering outside in one place is one out of a billion chance. If that happened to be the situation, that just means something big is coming. What everyone remembered was the time when the Emperor rose in power, that is the first time the 9 Heralds are present, except for the other one which they didn't even saw his face once, just like the Emperor.

However at this time, the form of the Supreme beings floating up in the sky have shown themselves on the public even without a special event. They didn't even go out once at their Kaiserpfalz ever since the first time the population saw them. They only made their plans and organizations from the Kaiserpfalz and then deliver them to the higher-ups of the Empire's institutions.

Most of the people on the crowd were not that old but, wrinkles have formed on their foreheads. Their eyes went wide just like their wide-open mouth as if they saw God itself.

Then, one of the Supreme Beings spoke.

"O people of the Empire!! Heed this wonderful news that the Emperor himself will deliver to you!" His voice was full of strength and power that even made Adonis submit from it.

As everyone heard the words repeating from their eardrums many times, an uproar from the crowd filled up the entire Colosseum. All of them have been bewildered by the words of one of the Heralds have spoken. That is because this is the very first time that they ever heard the Emperor delivers a news and not just that, he sent all of the Heralds just to convey his words to the people.

"Silence! Listen carefully for we will not waste our precious time repeating the words for you!"

It was a different voice from what they have heard from the first one. The voice was soft but strong that it made the whole population in the Colosseum in complete silence. That is of course came from a woman coming from one of the Heralds.

"This is an order from the Emperor, anyone who will not fulfill his wish shall be immediately punished that is worse than death."

The first Herald's voice came once again. Everyone swallowed their saliva as they heard 'gulp!' like sounds.

However, they saw the Heralds slowly moving down from the sky. Slowly and slowly they saw their mighty forms. They have remembered now the faces of those Supreme Beings who have been the pillars of the Empire.

Herald of Love -- Anellia

One of the three females among the Heralds. She was about 20 years old, and she wears a beautiful and pristine robe that fits well on her great lined body. She has an ocean-blue long hair and her gorgeous face bore a sweet smile which put all the men looking upon it at ease.

Herald of Pride -- Galdern

He looked like a kindly old man, he wears a butler outfit that made him look like a formal and normal man. He has a cloud-gray hair that seems to match his appearance, but the aura that he releases is a lot different than a normal one. He's also the Grand Guildmaster of the Empire.

Herald of Slyness -- Ceriom

He seems to look like a man on his thirties, and has a well-built body. He has cinnamon-brown hair and wears a suit that has white and red stripes on it. He is the most cunning looking man amongst them.

Herald of Purity -- Methia

Also one of the three female Heralds. She was over 40 years old, but it seems her beauty is not affected by her age --- they are all demons after all so they don't age. She has a pine-green shoulder-length hair and wears a battledress armor that perfectly matches her cold looking eyes.

Herald of Destruction -- Artos

Younger brother of Ladras and the twin of Xandros. He looks like a 13-year-old kid and has a scarlet-red hair. He wears a flaxen-yellow suit, but don't underestimate him just because he has a small body frame. He has the most destructive and widest AOE skills among the Heralds.

Herald of Beasts-- Xandros

Younger brother of Ladras and the twin of Artos. There is no difference between him and his twin and their outfits, except that he is a lot more energetic than him. Despite of being a kid, he can summon thousands of army of Level 400 monsters and beasts in just a few seconds. The title "Monster Monarch" perfectly fits him.

Herald of Wrath -- Ladras

He was a teenage looking, man. He is the oldest of the three brothers in the Heralds. He has an average frame, and wears rectangular glasses. He has a blood-red hair and wears a magnificent black military uniform that made him a wild-looking strong young man. But don't be taken by his young looks, for he is the most deadliest one amongst them.

Herald of Faith -- Kerina

The last female member of the Heralds. She has a magenta-purple wavy long hair and wears a smooth and silky oceanic dress that expresses her gorgeously curved waists. Her soft and cute smile puts anyone who will look at her in a sweet dream.

Herald of Truth -- Darknell

He is a keen-eyed man that has a perfectly fitted frame. He has a frost-white hair and wears a white suit that perfectly matches his appearance --- his appearance doesn't match to his name though. He will make anyone who gazes into him froze from the beauty of the ice-cold atmosphere that surrounds him.

The tip of their toes have ground and they slowly approaches a person standing at the battlefield's center.

They lined up in front of Verion who stood up at the center of the Colosseum.

Everyone has though that Verion did something horrible, because the Heralds came in person for him.

"See? That person really is a criminal. The Heralds are here to punish him." Bertolt said with a large smile on his face.

"Eh? The Heralds didn't said that they'll punish someone right?" Rando who's heart was beating like the noise of a train said.

"Hahaha!! Then what would be their aim for approaching him out there? Even if he is the team leader of your Guild who became the new Champion, the Heralds wouldn't come here just because of that." Bertolt who believed in his words that he is right replied harshly to Rando.

Rando didn't answer him and just continued to watch.

After that, everyone was shocked again by the event that is happening. They even blinked and shook their heads many times thinking that this was just a dream, no a nightmare. What they saw there was not even enough to make them believe what is happening right at this moment.

The Heralds who should have been the Supreme Beings on the Empire slowly bent their knees and lowered their heads in front of a person who just came to the Empire just a month ago.

Is this even something for them to believe? No, how can someone thought that the Heralds would act like this for a person whom they met for the first time? Is it his strength? His powers? His skills? His magic? None of those can answer their questions.

Even each of the Heralds have the power to bring the Empire into dust and ashes if they wanted to do so. But, what they saw from Verion is not even a hair to their powers.

However, they saw the Heralds kneeling down and bowed their heads deeply in front of him.

Several emotions filled their body, confusion, bewilderment, fear, astonishment and others.

Verion grins as he thought of something like "Kukuku~ I'll need to give Schneia a reward for a job well done. Their timing is just perfect."

And then each Herald has spoken.

"We bow down to our Great Sovereign"

The one who said that was Darknell, the most strongest and intelligent among the Heralds who are present.

"We humbly apologize for not noticing your arrival O our great Sovereign"

Kerina who property kneel gracefully greeted Verion wearing an angelic smile on her face --- she's a demon though.

"Did you like our gift? Verion-sama!"

The childish and energetic Xandros happily greeted Verion.

"Hey don't speak like that....!! I am sorry for this stupid twin brother of mine Verion-sama, and, this Empire is our gift for you, I hope you can accept this small gift of ours, Verion-sama."

The formal and smart-looking child-like appearance, Artos, who acted like proper, no, nobler than a royal greeted Verion.

"That is right! Even though the Empire we have built is not enough for a Supreme Being, we humbly give our gift to you, O my Der Fuhrer!"

Ladras pushed his glasses with his middle finger smiled joyously as he present their gift to their Lord.

"Ahnn!~ Verion-sama I have been waiting for your arrival. It's been so long that my underwear is in pinch right now.. haaah.. haaah..haaah."

Speaking with her erotic voice, Anellia's face was getting red and was exhaling heavily --- because, you know... ahem!....

"Do you have no shame Anellia!!... To act like that in front of our Lord!... Please excuse this foolish servant of yours Verion-sama. We have just missed you for a long time that is been an eternity for us."

Methia property greeted Verion with a small smile but full of affection written on her face.

"That is right Verion-sama.. We have been waiting for your arrival ever since we were brought in this world"

Ceriom who spoke with all of his soul being poured to his words felt the ultimate joy in his heart.

"My heart never made a sound like this, It explains how much I waited for your return My Lord"

The last of them, Galdern who puts proudly voice out his words as he bows deeply.

"I see, so for you it's been a long time huh. But for me it has just been a month but--"

Before Verion finished speaking, a clamor from the crowd erupted through the Colosseum.

"What do you mean with this Herald-sama"

"Why did you bow your heads for that man"

"Is he the Emperor?"

"Tell us Herald-sama"

As the clamoring from the crowd disrupted Verion's talking, Darknell who could not contain his emotions anymore. He turned his face to his side and glared at the crowds.

"Be quiet!"

This simple but cold words filled with bloodlust eloped the whole Empire, it even reached the other countries beyond the Empire's borders. All the people felt, no they didn't only just feel they saw their death flashing through their eyes. It made everyone shiver from the Darknell's arctic anger.


A single word from Verion made Darknell immediately stop from releasing his ice-cold bloodlust.

"Yes! I apologize for my rude actions"

"That's fine, as long as you won't repeat this again"

"Thank you very much, Verion-sama"

"Sate (now), people of the Empire, no, my people, I will now declare myself as your rightful ruler and the Supreme Sovereign that will bring destruction to those who oppose to me but, I will give mercy to the people who will come under my reign."

"Give us proof that you are the Emperor!!"

"That's right!! the Emperor who built the Empire should be stronger than the Heralds"

"Even though you defeated Adonis-sama, the Heralds would be a lot stronger than you!!

"That's right!! That's right!"

A lot of people fearlessly spoke up their opinions to Verion.

The Heralds who have been holding up themselves up to now are about to reach their limit.

While Nezhia on the other hand, was still watching the people in amusement from the announcer's room. And after a few moments, she went down and about to join the line. Droth and Syth beside the entrance also went to Verion's side and bowed as well as Schneia who have been sent by Verion to call the Heralds to come here in the Colosseum.

They were surprised by Nezhia's appearance. They thought that she was sent to another place, and plans to search for her, however, years have passed by but they didn't even find a single clue about Verion and Nezhia.

"Oh my! How are you now everyone?"

Nezhia that seemed to have a plan smiled normally.

"We are fine Nezhia, We are also happy that you were with Verion-sama, that made us feel reassured."

Darknell returned a smile as he answers Nezhia.

And then, every servant of Verion kneel to him.

The Heralds took a glance at the new servants that Verion made. They ignored the two boys for they are just wimps from their eyes. What caught their attention was Schneia, since they didn't allow anyone to enter the Kaiserpfalz, only the letter that she delivers reached them. So they did not saw her and they sensed that her aura is weak. But, ever since she entered the line, they Felt something different from her.

"Bare yourselves O humans, for this is your Emperor."

Verion's voice was dark and cold, but the people who watched him felt that something big is coming.

Verion unshackles himself from the limiter that he placed on himself.

An almighty light appears piercing the heavens. But, it was not a pleasant one, what Verion releases is an aura that comparing his to Darknell is like comparing an ant to a Dragon. Of course, the one that represents Verion is the latter one.

The people's reaction can't be described by words completely. The closest thing that could describe Verion's power was "Evil" but that word is still not enough to describe the strength of his powers.

That is purely evil, but it has the strength of a God. They thought that the Heralds powers are comparable to the Gods but, after seeing Verion. The Heralds powers combined are just like a single drop of water in the ocean.

"Is this God?"

A random person from the crowd said.

"Is your head okay!!?? How could that evil power came from a God!? How can we accept that one as our Emperor!?"

Shouted by the other one.

"But, what do you think will happen to us if we oppose him?"

Another one replied to him.

When the word "oppose" that Verion stated a while ago, no one didn't actually give matter to it, but now, that word became the symbol for their destruction.

Rando and the other people from his Guild who watched Verion felt that what would have happened to them if they happen to be on Verion's bad side. But, after thinking the way they treat Verion lessened down their worries a little bit.

Even the Heralds who were Verion's own creation was still amazed by his almighty powers.

"Verion-sama, I never thought that your powers are this strong. We can't even comprehend the limits of your strength."

Darknell whose eyes were wide open looking closely at Verion's power, is like a son who was admiring his father. As Darknell calculated, Verion's powers can be felt by everyone in the entire Continent.

The others also felt the same, especially the new servants. They thought that Verion is very strong but, not to this extent.

"What are you talking about? I only removed the limiter you know?"



Hey guys!! sorry for the delayed-release there some internet problems so I can't release this chapter. Anyways did you like it? if so, don't forget to support my book thank you...

Grimlordcreators' thoughts