
Domination: Limitless Growth

After an unexpected demise due to a spicy food mishap, Kasper finds himself standing before the divine presence of God. In a twist of fate, he's granted the extraordinary gift of wishes, opening the door to an exhilarating journey across the boundless realms of the multiverse. With his imagination as his compass and no limits to hold him back, Kasper sets out to explore worlds teeming with untold treasures and oceans, realms plagued by sinister demons, lands inhabited by skilled ninjas, and countless other extraordinary dimensions. Kasper's wildest dreams come to life, and the rules are nothing but figments of imagination! First Arc: Wishes and One Piece (currently) *WARNING: THE WORLDS EXPLORED WILL SEVERELY DEVIATE FROM CANON AND THERE IS WISH FULFILLMENT. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO PERSONALITIES, POWERS AND CANON-EVENTS. IF YOU DISLIKE THIS, PLEASE, DONT READ, OR COME INTO THE COMMENTS COMPLAINING AFTER THIS WARNING.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your feedback is invaluable to the growth of the story. Please consider leaving a review, as understanding your likes and dislikes helps shape the narrative. If you've enjoyed your time reading, a power stone or review would be appreciated! Thank you for your support! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All rights to the characters and worlds, excluding the main character, belong to their respective owners. Any concerns regarding intellectual property rights should be directed to me for resolution. Cover Artist: NeuroPieCats @ DeviantArt

itsDhi · Cómic
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32 Chs

Beer and Battle is all I need

A grin plastered across his face, Kasper snagged a seat at a bar directly overlooking the docks. The Going Merry crew was disembarking, and he couldn't tear his eyes away. "Top-shelf booze and whatever your best meal is," he barked at the waitress, barely containing his excitement.

"Whiskey Peak, buckle up," he muttered under his breath, watching as Luffy and his crew were swarmed by the "Millions" bounty hunters. Disguised townsfolk, their smiles a bit too wide, showered the pirates with false cheer and promises of an all-night revelry.

Kasper chuckled, observing the crew's reactions. Sanji's usual flirtatious routine played out with Nami, punctuated by Zoro's grumpy retorts. Luffy, ever the optimist, beamed back at their "hosts," while Usopp, ever the worrier, fidgeted nervously in the background.

A hearty meal materialized before him – braised meat, potatoes, and some "vegetables" that gave him a side-eye. He took a long swig of his drink, the cool liquid chasing away the heat of the day. 'This is the life,' he thought, a contented sigh escaping his lips. "Adventure, fights, booze, and questionable food – all bases covered."

As he dug into his dinner and enjoyed the live show playing out before him, Kasper kept a keen eye on Zoro and Nami. Years spent honing his skills at reading people allowed him to see the flicker of suspicion behind their smiles, a stark contrast to the exuberant welcome.

'Not a bunch of dumb muscleheads then,' he mused. 'Looks like things will get interesting after dark. Spiked drinks and chaos – can't wait.'


*POV: 8 hours later, night*

The din of clashing steel, screams, and gunfire jolted Kasper awake. The "party" had finally begun. Springing from his rented room, he sprinted towards the cacophony, eager to witness the chaos firsthand.

Streets slick with grime and dotted with bodies confirmed the Millions' betrayal. Rounding a corner, he found Zoro, a whirlwind of blades, cutting down bounty hunters like wheat before a scythe. Exhaustion etched lines on his face, but his spirit remained unbroken.

A surge of excitement coursed through Kasper. Here was his chance – a potential sparring session with one of his favorite characters! He barreled towards the fray, a grin plastered across his face.

"Yo! Mind if I join the fun?" he boomed, his voice cutting through the din.

Zoro whirled around, eyes narrowed. "Who the hell are you? Don't you see there's a horde of them? And you're barehanded!"

Kasper chuckled, unfazed. "Relax, swordsman. How about a little competition? Let's see who takes down the most!" Before Zoro could respond, Kasper dove into the throng of bounty hunters.

Fists and legs became deadly weapons. With the precision of a seasoned martial artist, he unleashed a flurry of kicks, each one a calculated blow aimed at pressure points. Heads snapped back, bodies crumpled.

Panic rippled through the ranks. "He's a fighter! Surround him!" someone yelled.

"Heh?" Kasper's grin turned feral. He spun, unleashing a devastating technique – {Blue Dragon's Kick}. A whirlwind erupted from his leg, a swirling vortex of power that sent bounty hunters flying like ragdolls.

Capitalizing on the momentary chaos, Kasper employed {Water Stream Encampment}. A shimmering dome materialized around him, deflecting bullets and sword swings with ease. His senses heightened, he navigated the battlefield like a phantom, dodging attacks with preternatural grace.

Fists became blurs as he employed a relentless barrage of punches. Each blow flowed into the next, a deadly dance of destruction. Chests caved in, necks snapped with sickening cracks. He moved with the ferocity of a predator, leaving a trail of broken bodies in his wake.

Before he realized it, silence descended. Zoro stood frozen, staring at the carnage. "Who… who are you?" he rasped, voice laced with awe and trepidation.

Kasper chuckled, brushing blood off his knuckles. "Just a fan, really. Heard the noise and thought I'd lend a hand. Don't worry about it."

Zoro remained speechless, his mind reeling. The speed, the power, the sheer brutality – it was unlike anything he'd witnessed before. "Strong," he finally muttered. "Couldn't even track your movements."

"Be right back," Kasper said abruptly, his form blurring before vanishing entirely. Zoro blinked, left alone with the chilling aftermath of a one-sided massacre.


Mr. 9's eyes bulged in terror as he watched Kasper dismantle the bounty hunters surrounding Zoro. "What the hell?! Is he another one of their crew?" he sputtered, his voice laced with panic.

Miss Monday, ever the pragmatist, chimed in with a worried frown. "Whoever he is, doesn't matter. He's a threat to our mission. We need to take him out, even if it means sacrificing ourselves."


Suddenly, a chilling whisper sent shivers down their spines. "Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop on someone's private conversation?"

They whirled around, hearts pounding, to find Kasper standing inches behind them, a playful smirk twisting his lips. Miss Monday shrieked, her carefully crafted facade crumbling under the weight of raw fear.

"Y-you! Don't move! We have this entire block surrounded! One wrong step and you're—" Mr. 9 stammered, his voice cracking with bravado.

Kasper chuckled, a dark sound that sent tremors down their spines. He closed his eyes, focusing for a brief moment. "Oh, you do, do you?" he said, a dangerous glint in his eyes when he opened them again. "Except... you're all alone here. And this big, bad wolf is feeling rather peckish."

Before they could react, Kasper vanished. One moment he was there, the next he was a blur. He materialized behind Miss Monday, his hand a blur as it shot out towards her neck. With a sickening snap, her eyes fluttered shut and she slumped unconscious.

Mr. 9 roared in fury, his bravado momentarily restored. He swung his signature iron bats with all his might, aiming for Kasper's head. The air whooshed, but the attack passed harmlessly through him. A ghostly afterimage shimmered briefly before dissipating.

"Nice try," a voice whispered right behind Mr. 9. He spun around, eyes wide with terror, but it was too late. A powerful blow connected with the back of his neck, and he crumpled to the ground, unconsciousness claiming him.

Kasper dusted off his hands with a theatrical flourish. "There, there. Just a little nap. Now then…" he turned towards the remaining pair, his smirk widening. "Let's have a little chat, shall we? Mr. Igaram, Miss Nefertari Vivi."

A flicker of surprise crossed Igaram's face, quickly replaced by a steely determination. He stepped protectively in front of Vivi. "Who are you, and how do you know our names? Don't even think about hurting her."

Kasper chuckled. "Relax, handsome. Harming royalty isn't exactly on my agenda tonight. Just having some fun before I head out. Speaking of fun, you two have some coming your way. Seems like Baroque Works has two more agents hot on your trail, and let's just say they're none too happy you infiltrated their little organization."

Vivi and Igaram exchanged a shocked glance. This unexpected revelation threw a wrench into their carefully laid plans.

Kasper, oblivious to their internal turmoil, launched into a detailed explanation of their precarious situation. He revealed the truth about the bounty hunters, the involvement of Baroque Works, and the impending arrival of reinforcements.

"So, wake up your crew, Straw Hat," he said, addressing Zoro who had just arrived, regaining his strength. "Big fight coming your way. Don't expect any help from me, but I'll be here watching. Oh, and try not to die. Especially you two," he added, gesturing towards the two still standing. "They're more important than you think."

With a final wink, Kasper vanished into the night, leaving Zoro, Vivi, and Igaram to face the storm brewing on the horizon.


The fight unfolded closely to the original, although there were some changes due to Kasper's interference. In the end, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine were knocked unconscious. The crew made the decision to set sail with Vivi, while Igaram volunteered to go ahead of the crew to act as a decoy for them.


Perched atop a building, Kasper munched on popcorn – courtesy of the System Shop, of course – as he surveyed the battle raging below. "Entertaining, but a little underwhelming," he muttered. "Like watching toddlers brawl in a sandbox."

Having sated his bloodlust for the moment, he decided it was time to move on. The allure of the Straw Hats' fight had faded, and a new destination beckoned: Little Garden. He needed some Big Friendly Giant DNA.

As he boarded his ship, a presence tickled his senses, emanating from the kitchen. Slipping inside, he found a woman perched on a chair, engrossed in a book.

She possessed a striking presence. Long, dark hair, half-up, half-down, held by a bright blue clip. Dark eyes peered out from rectangular glasses, framed by a face both elegant and mysterious. Her attire – a black dress with a white collar and floral pattern – accentuated her tall, slender figure. An intriguing tattoo, an abstract flower, adorned her left arm.

"Nico Robin, or should I say 'Devil Child,' according to the esteemed World Government," Kasper greeted, amusement lacing his voice. "Welcome aboard. How can I be of service?"

Robin tore her gaze from the book, closing it with a gentle snap. "Kasper, no last name. A young bounty hunter with near-admiralty-level skills. A mystery with no past, a penchant for causing chaos in your wake."

"Well-researched," he conceded, a hint of intrigue flickering in his eyes. "What brings you here?"

"Intrigue, perhaps," she replied, tilting her head as she studied him. "You possess a peculiar breadth of knowledge – details about Baroque Works, our agents, even our true identities. And I guess you're familiar with our esteemed leader as well?"

A silent battle raged within Kasper. 'Focus, you moron! Don't spill your guts because she has a pretty face!' He forced his composure.

"Mr. 0, or Crocodile as the world knows him. Yes, I'm aware," he confirmed smoothly. "But fear not, I'm just a curious traveler, observing the world." He tossed the conversational ball back into her court, hoping to deflect further scrutiny. 

A flicker of surprise, quickly masked, crossed Robin's face. She rose gracefully, gathering her book. "Thank you for your hospitality. Consider your secret safe with me, Mr. Mysterious." A genuine smile, the first he'd seen, played on her lips. "Until next time." With that, she vanished into the night, leaving Kasper alone with his churning thoughts.


'Looks like I'm starting to make a name for myself... but isn't that what I wanted?' Kasper mused to himself as he prepared his ship to depart the now blood-soaked Whiskey Peak. "Time to meet a giant for the first time!" he grinned.

'But damn... Nico Robin. She's something else. Wife material, for sure. A solid 12 out of 10,' he thought, his mind lingering on her as his ship sailed off toward his next destination.