
Chapter 8

Pov - Site Director: Dr. Jean Karlyle Aktus

I always thought I was going to die in a massive containment breach. Well, not always. I began to think like that shortly after I became the director of Site-81. The O5 gave me some classified files of what a worst case scenario looked like for a site. The video logs of what happened to Site-35 still haunted me to this day.

As I watched SCP-12725 bend reality to its will, folding space in ways that hurt to look at. I began to think that maybe I was going to die to just one containment breach, not a massive one.

The way it walked through every blockade, downed everyone of my men without even lifting a finger. The calm way in which it bypassed every contingency plan Site-81 had made me nervous.

I was watching a massacre. Men after men fell as he walked by them.

I had hoped that in a breach scenario Dr. Clef would deal with it easily. The man had a reputation so big it was a mystery how he still was only a doctor. The way SCP-12725 dispatched him in under a minute said everything I needed to know about how I would die.

The thaumaturgy personnel could not even do anything against it. The moment Dr. Clef started yelling into his radio and then lost connection was the moment everyone of the thaumaturgy branch collapsed.

We were not sure what happened to Clef since the red flash that occurred in the common SCP hallway had fried the camera, the thaumaturgy personnel though, they were suffering at the moment alright. Most seemed to show symptoms similar to what an exposure to large amounts of radiation would show.

I had never seen an SCP so brazenly waltz through a site. I had seen some massacre their way out, their movements were erratic and they lost composure as soon as the opposition started to increase in magnitude. SCP-12725 seemed to enjoy its stroll through the facility while posing at cameras whenever one was pointed at it.

That gave me a little bit of hope. 12725 was also seen walking with an assistant researcher before and after its confrontation with Clef, so maybe it did not kill everyone it came in contact with. It still bothered me how it was walking straight towards me though.

Every single Site was built to be a maze. This was supposed to be an additional measure to give the Foundation more time in case a break out happened.

As always, type-greens were utter bullshit.

When the doors to my office opened and 12725 entered, I finished sending my message to the O5. Site-81 was going to stop existing very soon, might as well give them a heads up.

"So you are the director. Nice to meet you." The red haired being talked, and I felt its attention concentrate on me. So this was the pressure the researchers were talking about. It did not feel as debilitating as they made it sound.

"I came here to introduce myself. If you could tell your guards to stop trying to kill me I would appreciate it."

"Hello 12725." Its eyebrow twitched. "I would have appreciated it if you hadn't massacred your way into my office." This time its eyebrows rose.

"I mean, if you want to call that a massacre I guess you can. Dr. Clef was the only person who actually managed to stop me, even if only momentarily. Though I have to point out that I have not killed anyone."

What? I checked the cameras and found most of the guards beginning to stand back up. I… also saw a very pissed Dr. Clef running towards us only in his underwear.

I breathed a sigh of relief, my boat was not sinking today it seemed.

I looked back at 12725, matching his green gaze with my own. "What do you want 12725?"

12725 now looked pissed, the air suddenly felt heavy, my vision blurred, and I think my breathing quickened. Maybe the researchers did describe it correctly.

"Mr. Gabriel, you are doing it again." The disheveled assistant researcher that had been following 12725 spoke, and I finally noticed his presence.

The look 12725 gave him made me think I was hallucinating, he looked sheepish. "Ah, sorry about that Connor, I'm just beyond annoyed from being called 12725."

So… Connor and Gabriel. Had to keep that in mind.

"Gabriel, what did you hope to accomplish by taking on Site-81 by your lonesome? What is your goal?" The idea of bending over for an SCP made me sick to my stomach, but I'd rather do that than lose Site-81.

"Well, I've been asking for a TV or a phone for about a month and a half now. Where are they?"

What the fuck?

"Eugene told me he was going to look into it and ask you for permission, and nothing has come out of it. I haven't even been told no. Was my request just ignored?"

"We usually don't approve any request an SCP asks for." Connor told him. "It's dangerous and could result in the death of a lot of personnel."

"Huh? How could giving me a TV end in the death of people?"

"Well, maybe not you specifically, but there are some SCPs out there whose powers are very weird. There was once this case of one guy, we called him the intruder, that could walk into and out of TVs. When we gave him one he escaped pretty much immediately."

12725 looked dumbfounded at Connor. In all my years of interacting with SCPs, this had to be the weirdest interaction of them all.

"But, how would I even replicate that? It makes no sense!"

"The Foundation doesn't like bets. If we can avoid any incident we try to."

Well… not exactly, the Foundation also had some risk takers. It was just safer to not take them at containment facilities.

"SCP-12725 I will ask again, what are your goals?" I interrupted their conversation.

And the pressure was going up again, at least until Dr. Connor poked 12725 in his ribs.

"Director, please call Mr. Gabriel, well huh, Gabriel. He gets moody otherwise."

"Hey, what's up with the attitude? You call me Mr. and then proceed to slander me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Mr. Gabriel."

Pov Gabriel

The little shit knew what he was doing. The director, though, he looked like he didn't know what to do about the situation. Was it so hard to believe I just wanted some entertainment?

I sighed. "Look director, I do not enjoy being ignored. Ever since I made the deal with the devil wannabe I have been very patient with the Foundation, can I just get some of the stuff I've asked for? I am not interested in leaving the Site right now, or destroying it, or causing death and destruction. I certainly don't want to spend the rest of my life running away from your agency's constant harassment, so just be a bit more lenient with me."

"I am trying to find a middle ground with you. I get some entertainment, you get to keep an eye on me. How about it?"

The director looked like he was done with everything. He was about to say something when Clef barreled through the door and slammed into Connor.

As both of them fell down, the director just sank more into his chair.

"We don't negotiate with SCPs!" Clef 'argued'.

Wasn't the phrase we do not negotiate with terrorists?

"I just want something to pass the time. C'mon, haven't I proven myself trustworthy enough by now?"

"Proven yourself trustworthy!? When the hell did you do that? While I was unconscious?" It was just Dr. Clef, the director and me in the office now. Connor had been told politely to return to his lab where the rest of the scientists were bunkering at.

"Well, I didn't kill anyone on my way here. The only collateral there has been on the whole site was damage done by your guards and yourself Dr. Clef."

The director looked ready to die. He had that dead eye look many college students had on test week.

"What about my awesome uniform huh? I poured sweat and blood into it, literally!"

"Huh, okay I admit I did destroy that, in my defense you are a difficult person to fight against Clef. Your uniform made it much harder."

"So you just want a TV and a cellphone?" Aw, the director was finally seeing reason. And he finally spoke too.

"If I could also get a PC I would be eternally grateful." The director sighed a very drawn out sigh. He leaned forward and looked at me in the eye.

"You will be given these amenities on the condition of you never breaking out again." Was he serious? If that was his best offer I will be very unimpressed.

"No, while the cell is nice and all," Dr. Clef's arm twitched in a way that made me think he wanted to punch me again but was refraining from doing so. That was a good thing since the last time he did he almost broke his wrist on my face. "I will eventually want to go out again. The idea of staying in a dinky cell with no human interaction, no food, and no diversity sounds very unappealing."

"And what do you propose then? That we let you roam around?" Clef asked, his tone was clipped.

"I could continue helping y'all with whatever. The idea of getting to know more SCP is appealing. What does SCP stand for anyway?" I deliberately ignored Clef and looked at the director. Clef was funny to rile up.

"It stands for Secure, Contain, and Protect Gabriel." The director's tone was as dead as his eyes.

"Sweet, so how about it, will ya let me secure, contain, and protect some mofos?" I could help them a lot. I was pretty sure I could deal with most SCP at my current strength, and since I would continue to grow stronger, eventually I could get rid of most in not all of the dangers in the world.

"No." They both answered.

Incident 12725-1

On **/**/**** SCP-12725 managed to escape containment by expanding the space between the door and the floor of his cell by over a thousand times.

Site-81 was immediately on high alert and all personnel available were prepared to capture 12725 again.

SCP-12725 meanwhile proceeded to interrogate Assistant Researcher Connor Thomas Miller.

Dr. Alto Clef advanced towards SCP-12725 before all the available forces were ready and confronted SCP-12725 by himself. In the preceding fight Dr. Alto Clef was knocked unconscious and left in the corridor where the fight occurred. Note: Dr. Alto lost his uniform #51.

SCP-12725 continued his advance, helped by Assistant Researcher Connor Thomas Miller, towards the Site Director: Dr. Jean Karlyle Aktus' office.

The forces amassed were completely ineffectual against SCP-12725 as he somehow managed to knock out any opposition before it had any chance of doing anything.

It is believed that SCP-12725 was made aware of its aura, and proceeded to weaponize it.

When SCP-12725 ultimately arrived before the director, he asked the director why were his requests ignored and requested them again. (See file 12725-Am to see every object SCP-12725 has asked for so far.)

When Dr. Clef woke up, he rushed towards the director's office. Between him and the director they negotiated with 12725.

[REDACTED] has locked the rest of the log.

Audio log -12725-I-3

"He is coming!" One of the guards screamed as he saw SCP-12725 round a corner.

"Open f-'' (At this moment every guard in the room was suddenly unconscious and dropped to the floor.)

Audio log -12725-I-6

"Everyone retreat! We must get out of its radius. Get out of he-" Voice cuts of as SCP-12725 passes through corridor #52.

Addendum 12725-7

SCP-12725 has been shown to rapidly become annoyed if referred to as such, recommendation: when dealing with 12725 never call him 12725, SCP-12725 is not bothered by nicknames or by the usage of its 'name'.

SCP-12725 believes itself to be trustworthy because it has so far been 'cooperating' with the Foundation, and has not killed anyone 'yet'.

SCP-12725 may look at his actions as something the Foundation should be grateful for.

SCP-12725 seems to enjoy making Dr. Clef annoyed.


Now, I really did not think I could write something on the level of Chapter 7 again so I decided to cool down the story a little. Also, I've been itching to give Gabriel a nickname, y'know like how SCP-096 is called shy guy and SCP-173 is peanut. The issue is, I don't want an edgy chuunibyou name. SO! Please comment whatever you think would be a good name, I can't come up with any ;-;.

Ps. Either my omakes are trash or some y'all ain't reading them cuz the amount of likes they get compared to chapters is so low it's sad. Go read them, I demand you read them. They may not be impactful to the story, but I use them to try and branch out with how I will develop Gabriel. Some criticism or just your opinion of them would help me a lot.

If any of y'all finds a spelling mistake, has questions, has some criticism, or whatever, please leave a comment. I enjoy reading them.

Thanks for reading.