
Dominate Seventh miss is a Sweet talker

" I love you" "Prove it. give me all you money" "its yours" "I was just kidding" Tangning didnt know what to think. She had married him because he saved her life, so why was she mad when other woman firted with Nai? _______________________________________________~If you guys have any suggestions please let me know in the comments! I have a lot to learn and would love to hear your opinions. this is my first book so please be gentle :D ×D

Makaytlin · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

What do I call you?

The Alpha appeared and was grumbling about not being able to sleep. When he appears in front of Xiao Bai she gasps at how large he is. "What is it you want so soon lady Tang?" The Alpha didnt acknowledge her as his miss just yet so he called her lady Tang. "Well Xiao Bai wanted to meet you. Xiao Bai this is-" she stopped when she realized she didnt know his name. "Umm...what is your name?" She felt a bit foolish asking him when they were already contracted. "I dont have a name. I am normally called Alpha..." Tanhning looked at him. "your name shall be Xiao Lang." Xiao Bai stiffeled a laugh...Little wolf huh doesnt really suit him. "How dare you! How dare an arrogant Huma-" He was cut of because ningning put him back in the space. "Well miss. Hes quite formatable and matches you" Tangning smiled and called out the little fox. "Xiaolong come here" She had named him Xiaolong for little dragon. Xiaolong came and curled up in Ningnings arms. He was badly hurt from the wolf attack. She popped in a pill and slowly his wounds began to heal. He began to feel better and picked his head up. He wasnt as old as the Alpha wolf so he couldnt speak yet but she could see the thanks in his eyes. Xiaolong jumped down and sniffed around, he suddenly came back and tried to drag Tangning. "What's wrong miss? Your fox seems to want to take you somewhere." Tangning followed Xiaolong and they came to stop at the stream. This wasnt where they got their water but the faster rapid part. Xiaolong ran to some large rocks where Tangning could see a woman passed out and there was blood flowing into the river. She was half in half out. She ran over and pulled her from the water. She popped in a pill and slowly her wounds began to heal. She washed off blood and ripped her shirt only to find multiple stab wounds. She felt unhappy seeing so many wounds. She turned her around to see her face and she was surprised. Shes really pretty...she wiped the blood and dirt from her face and was even more surprised.Shes REALLY really pretty. She traced her features with her finger. Sharp nose. Long lashes. Round face. While she was busy looking at the young girl she failed to notice that shed opened her eyes. She was startled but didnt stop her actions. Only taking her rag and wiping her face. "You were passed out. I saved you from the river. I also gave you my precious medicine." She didnt really want anything from her but she was to gorgeous not to take advantage of. She looked at her and studied her face. Li Min looked at the woman in front of her as she put yet another pill in her mouth. They were light blue in color...Pill making hasnt been around for centuries so how did this woman have so many? Even shed never sceen one before. "Who are you" Her voice was hoarse but sounded cute. Tangning felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body, "T-tangning" she'd never stuttered without it being on purpose. what is this little girl doing to her? "Tangning...Beautiful" She said these two words before She passed out. Ningning put her on Xiao Langs back. Tang girl who is this girl?" Xiao Lang complained about having to carry someone. "I dont know yet" She walked next to Xiao Lang and studied her face. She senced another person nearby but didnt since any ill will. She felt that theyd followed her to camp.

Back at the camp Xiao Bai was tending to the fire and playing with a little white rabbit. She had another rabbit on a spikit roasting on the fire. "Xiao Bai, what are you cooking? it smells heavenly" After eating another but dried food and berries the girls were happy to have cought some food. " He tried to kill Xiaoxiao so I killed him." She said this as she was feeding xiaoxiao a basic healing pill. She didnt feel any qualms about it because she saw her miss make them and what they needed so she had gathered the herbs while her miss was away.

Ningning pulled the little girl off of Xiao Lang and softly put her on her bed. She went into her space and pulled out and intermediate herbology book. As Xiao Bai wanted to learn as well she had given the basic herbology book to her. She flipped through all the pages till she had read the entire thing. she handed the book to Xiao Bai. "Read this when you've memorized the basics." She then pulled out her furnace. She had Xiao Bai get two space rings so it didnt look so weird when she pulled things out of her space. She gave one to Xiao Bai. She started the fire and put the necessary herbs in. Because Xiao Bai had gone herb picking she had almost every common herb. She also had a few uncommon ones as well. She put them in and waited. it took a day this time. When she was done she produced 5 Dark blue pills.She immediately popped one into Li Mind mouth. The pill dissolved and a few moments later she regained consciousness.

She looked around and when she spotted Tangning her eyes widened. She was real. At first she thought it was just a dream, theres no way there could be a woman that beautiful. But here she is. She reached out a hand and almost toughed her face when she smiled. Her hand froze in mid air. "Wow" She hadnt realized she said the word out loud until she heard her quiet giggle. She blushed a bit more and it only enhanced her beauty. Tangning knew she wasnt as beautiful as she could be but she was still beautiful nonetheless. She tried to get a reading of her level but couldnt so either was to low or at least two levels higher than herself. "What's your name?" She tried to help her sit up and drink water. "Li Min" She said it without thinking. Tangning smiled "Li Min...? Any family?" Li Min looked at the bushes ahead of her and singled with her eyes. Slowly a little.boy the same age stepped out. "That's my brother Li Jie. We have no parents or family. They were all killed...we hid under their bodies" Tangning looked at the sibling pair and resolutely decided to adopt them. "Do you at least know your Element and level?" Tangning couldnt since anything from them "I am Air, Fire and water..." She then manifested three orbs, red, blue and white. Li Jie had the same powers. They both glowed a faint orange. They were around 5 or 6. So young yet so powerful. "Will you follow me?" Tangning asked them she was stronger than them and they could use the protection. "I dont want to be a burden..." Li Min looked at her brother and stated with a serious look. Tangning just chuckled. "Just following me for now is good enough. I will take good care of you." She handed them some of the rabbit meat Xiao Bai had just cooked. "Alright." They accepted the meat and ate. They hadnt realize how hungry they actually were until theyre first bite. " Wow! this doesnt taste gamey at all" Li Jie said as He took another two bites. Xiao Bai looked pleased. She had mixed some herbs and wild scallions and carrots with some of it and had created a stew but it was still cooking and so she had killed another rabbit and grilled it rubbing an herb paste on it. "I'm glad. It's my first time making something like this" She was after all only 15. Li Min looked back at Tangning and saw that even while eating she attained a feeling of royalty.

She ate the rest of the rabbit meat and started to stand up. She was basically healed because of Tangnings pill. "By the way...where did you get so many pills from?" They hadnt seen her make them so they were curious. "I made them" Tangning had been reborn only a little while ago and didnt know that pill masters had disappeared 500 or 600 years ago. Only two or three were still alive and they were all over 100 years old. Theyblooked at her like she had three heads "did-did you really produce them?" Li Jie couldnt believe what hed just heard. Even if she did know some pill making she shouldnt be able to produce an intermediate pill at her age. "yes, would you like to see more?" Tangning could use all the practice she could get. She now had an abundance of common herbs and because of her space they grew like weeds she had also put a spirit crystal, just a concentrated orb of her spirit flame, into the long and stream in her space so all the water there was now spirit water which helped the plants grow as well. What would normally take three months to grow now only took 10 days. She and Xiao Bai had been on the mountain for about 6 months. She pulled out what she needed to make the bone correction pill and put them in the furnace. The furnace she had came from her space but was a little outdated so it didnt make as many as she could've with a newer stove. She waited and within a few hours produced 20 dark red pills. She gave one to ea h twin "since you decided to follow me I'll share my resources." she then proceeded to tell them what the bone correction pill did. She told them that if they wernt ready they didn't have to take the pill. "I'll go first Li Min." Li Jie said and then He swallowed the pill and was immediately covered in sweat. He was a young boy so he cried out in pain. He was out for two days. He had more black goo on him than Tangning and Xiao Bai combined. After the two days he woke up and Tangning was astonished by what she saw. His original facial structure was still there but more pronounced. His sharp nose was sharper and his lips a beautiful shade of light pink. His muscles were more defined and he was a few inches taller. Li Min stared at her brother and cried. They had come from a prominent family and had been living in the woods for over 3 years. They normally stayed away from other people but Li Min had gotten hurt. Li Min took the pill and was engulfed in the pain. If not for Li Jie holding her hand and talking her through it she would have succumbed to the darkness. A couple days passed before Li Min woke up. She then took them to the waterfall to wash up. She had Xiao Bai run to town and get them some new clothes. Since taking the pill and leveling up Both girls could travel to the foot of the mountain and back in a few hours rather than three days of normal people. Not everyone could cultivate. Although it wasnt rare it wasnt common in poor families either. If a family had four kids most likely only one could cultivate unless both parents had an element and then it was about 50 percent. Tangnings family was rich so they had better resources and so everyone could cultivate. When they looked into the water they couldnt believe that the boy and girl staring back up at them was really them. "His face" Li Jie said as he touched a face that looked exactly like their fathers. Fresh tears escaped Li Mins eyes as well as she looked exactly like their mother. The twins looked at each other and cried.Tangning smiled "your faces. After you clean up you'll see that the pain you went through was definitely worth it. I'll be your parent from now on. You can call me big sis or mother whichever is fine. Although I'm only 18 I can still take care of you."