
Chapter 29

Luckily A32s next opponents were easier to handle. There were a few tough fights but generally the bonus brought by the Spiritual Fruit and the Equipment allowed him to pull through.

But as Samuel expected there was a Black Horse. A young boy dressed in a black hood. Unsurprisingly Samuel recognised him as the boy in Ceilia's Picture.

God knows how, he had managed to become a Low Rank 1 Warrior and a powerful one at that. Samuel even saw him go 20 rounds with a Middle Rank 1 Warrior!

Unfortunately for him however he was defeated by a hidden dagger that Samuel suspected was an actual Artifact!

But to be able to make such an improvement in a couple of months, the boy deserved to be the Protagonist.

Samuel was actually quite jealous. It took him 16 years to activate his System but this guy will definitely overtake him quickly.

However Samuel also realised something with the help of the System. The amount of luck is actually divided into multiple levels!

For example B1s Minor Daughter of Luck. Although lucky it is not future Rank 9 Powerhouse lucky.

So Samuel still wasn't sure how lucky this guy was. But he did find out what his name is! Luke.

The Round Robin Tournament didn't last long. But Samuel definitely wasn't disappointed, A32 finished 8th in the match!

The rewards were handed out under the greedy eyes of those around them, especially when the top 3 received their prize.

Even more so when the 1st person got it, It was a small golden apple. When it was revealed there were shocked gasps and exclamations around the stadium.

This is a golden nectar apple, and it was the prize for every year of the tournament.

However despite being awarded every year, it's still as precious as ever. Only the Government has a Tree that can grow the fruit, these fruits given out as a prize are the poor quality ones or the ones that fell off the tree but are competed for heavily nevertheless.

This is because the Golden Nectar apple can allow a Warrior to develop a Golden Body!

Much like the Golden Body from the myths it's basically an incredibly well enforced body that can block weapons with their own skin.

Although this effect might seem magical, this tiny, damaged apple can only allow a brittle golden body to form. However it is still enough to block the blow from a Steel Sword as long as the power isn't too strong.

In a life and Death situation this could potentially protect you so naturally the fruit is heavily battled for.

Of course the fruit can be purchased from the government, however the requirements are harsh. Not only do you need connections to get in contact with the Government you also need a minimum of 100 Spiritual Crystals to purchase each apple!

This is an insane amount. Keep in mind that an Average Rank F Organisation will only earn three or four Spiritual Crystals a year and even Rank E Organisations only earn a couple dozen.

Maybe only the SeaLife Rank D Organisation could earn around 100 every year.

Of course these Spiritual Crystals will have to be divided between various warriors who contributed to the Organisation and the yearly expenses will also have to be paid out.

But despite that there are still people wanting to purchase the Golden Nectar fruit, after all it's effect is still there.

Everyone who has eaten a Golden Nectar Fruit will have a significant advantage over those at the same level. Even Samuel is convinced that A1 would be beaten by the young man who just got the fruit.

Of course this is to be expected. A1 hasn't had the luxuries of being treated as the Heir to a powerful Organisation. But Samuel is confident that within a few years he will be able to provide the talented heirs with the same resources that a Rank E earns at least.

As for the option of having a 2 Inch Spiritual Root Warrior in his Organisation? That's a dream right now. Samuel is unwilling and unable to spend 1,000 Spiritual Crystals to get a 2 Inch Dog of War right now.

Soon the tournament was over, Naturally Samuel took the 5 Spiritual Crystals earnt from the competition and A32 got to keep the Spiritual Grasses.

Samuel expects it will cut down his time to reach the Middle Rank by about a month or more!

As soon as Samuel got home he summoned another 5 Dogs of War. 3 Women 2 men. One of the women was summoned with a Familiar Charming Talent, while one of the men had the Studious Talent.

Other than that however there were no other Talents. Of course Samuel wasn't disappointed, the Charming Talent and Studious Talent was still quite good and 2 out of 5 was a good ratio.

And all 5 are warriors nonetheless.

With not much else to do Samuel watched as another 5 months slipped through his fingers.

Across the City a group of girls were currently sitting around a large dinner table. At first glance there were at least twenty of them.

Ten of these women were actually Samuels Transitional Dogs of War. You could see immediately that at least half of them were pregnant and the other half were working off the weight.

All ten women were enjoying a nice time with their friends, but you could see deep in their eyes their true wish was to return to the Organisation. After all, they are treated like queens there and the food is much better than this restaurant.

Scenes like this were happening all over the city.

The 'Partners Loyalty' talent was beginning to show it's strength. Over these 5 months Samuels Transitional Dogs of War had skyrocketed to over 30! Although they are all mortals, they are now loyal nonetheless.

This opened up a large potential Workforce for Samuel, as they can take care of certain areas of the business and organisation that don't need Warriors to look after.

But more importantly the First Generation of Dogs of War have risen to 60 after A31 experienced a lucky adventure in the Eternal Battlefield.