

As enjoyable as the reception was, Harry had to leave but before he did he approached the bride and groom who were conversing with the X-Men and students.

"I would like to give you something both before you head off, I've been making magicals out of the mutants, you two are clearly trusted by them, so I'm offering the same to you."

"You are willing to hand out these powers so freely?" T'Challa frowned.

"Magic isn't something that is meant to elevate one person above another, or instil a level of responsibility beyond the norms. Magic is a natural element that is in us all. We should all be able to access it… like reading and writing."

"But what about those that abuse their powers?"

"I can take away their powers, but they are still subject to the same laws of the land, no murdering, stealing, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

"My goal is to have every newborn baby be a naturally born magical within the next thousand years."

"And you will be around to deal with people getting out of hand?" T'Challa asked in his deep bass.

"I've been around for over fifteen million years. If I could die, I would have done it by now.

"So? Can I get you magic'd up?" Harry asked as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

T'Challa, as any good husband would do, looked to Ororo. Ororo looked to the rest of the X-Men and mutants.

"Hurry up and get it done, there's more party and cake waiting!" Bobby groused. Which of course earned him two bruised shins, two bruised arms and sore head. It didn't help that Logan's metal infused hand had been the one to hit his head.

"Very well, we accept your offer." T'Challa said with a smile.

"Excellent!" Harry stepped forward and placed a hand on the large man's chest and began to glow. Meanwhile Laurie had stepped forward and was whispering in Ororo's ear, whatever she said caused Ororo to smirk.

When Ororo stepped forward after Harry was finished with T'Challa, Scott quickly stepped forward at the prompting of Laurie to whisper in T'Challa's ear. T'Challa however frowned and growled slightly. Causing Scott to whisper harsher and slightly more anxiously.

"For the record, I apologise about the hands, it's just the chest is the best place for your core."

"Do not worry, my husband is being warned." Ororo smirked.

"Yeah, but Scott's not doing a good job." Harry stage-whispered back. "T'Challa, come and watch what I'm doing." Harry called out to the agitated newly wed.

He tried not to growl, he really did, but this young man was touching his wife in places that no man but he had a right to.

"I once tried putting a core in someone's head. It nearly drove them insane, they were able to see magic like I can. But they weren't able to interpret what they saw, they were jumping at everything as the magic in the world flows independently of the rest of the natural world. I had to remove it and replace it later. My adopted father is the only one I know who had a core in his head, but he couldn't see magic like I can."

Harry's lecture had had the desired effect of distracting T'Challa whilst he finished with Ororo.

"And we're done. I now pronounce you Wizard and Witch." T'Challa's eyes shot straight to Harry. "Which are the correct terms for male and female magicals." He explained hastily.

T'Challa just grunted in grudging acceptance.

T'Challa and Storm were supposed to be heading off on their honeymoon, but Mary Jane told them that they should stick around and watch Harry's interview with them. So there they were with a huge TV and everyone from Leech on Ororo's lap to Dr. Strange and a glass of brandy.

A hushed silence fell as Trish Tilby appeared on screen.

"A few weeks ago, soon after the events of M-Day, I was asked to bear witness to certain events at the Sanctuary set up by the X-Men for the remaining mutants. I am not permitted to speak of those events due to a gag order, but I met someone who made some rather intriguing claims.

"I'd like to introduce Dr. Harry Potter, who claims to be Death and the Master of Magic.

"Good evening, Dr. Potter."

"Good evening Miss Tilby." Harry returned with a bright smile.

"So, can you tell us what you mean when you say you are 'Death'?" Trish asked with air-quotes.

"I am the personification of Death, there is nothing living that I can't kill. That said, I am capable of staving off death and bringing the recently deceased back to life if they haven't crossed over yet."

"Are you saying that you are the figure spoken of in literature? Are you the biblical Angel of Death?"

"Definitely not the second one!" Harry laughed. "I only came to this world on M-Day, I am… ancient, but I'm also new in town… this one at least."

"Then, will we see you when it is our time to die?"

"Not unless you are trying to cheat death without cause or with complete disregard for innocent people. My duty is to ensure that people don't needlessly die, more than it is to make sure people do die. Think of your most evil villains, the ones who have killed countless people, those are the ones I am here to kill, by killing them, I save countless more lives."

"So… unless we start becoming unkillable mass-murderers we should never meet you?"

"That depends, my other gifts lean more towards healing, but sometimes death is the ultimate form of healing. But I will only ever offer death, not force it on the innocent, it will be your choice to accept, provided it is not your time."

"Can you tell us, is there an afterlife?"

"Yes. I have proof of the afterlife but I can never go there myself so I can't describe it. For some reason, being Death makes me completely invulnerable."

"What gives you the right to kill these people?" Trish asked, but there was no malice in the question. Just another on the list, she needed to be completely professional.

Harry paused and considered how to answer this. Eventually he answered. "I don't know."

Trish frowned, but he continued.

"The most powerful beings I know of are the Phoenixes. They are creatures of the light, of goodness and purity. They act as guardians and comforters of various universes, they tell me that they see me as their superior."

"Their boss?"

"No, more like… how royalty is superior to the commoner. Bearing in mind I am British born." Harry explained.

"But not this Britain, how long ago were you born?" Trish asked curiously.

"Right… this is hard to understand and even harder to explain." Harry said as he sat forward. "In my universe, I was born on July 31st 1980, but then I lived for over 15 million years. My friends, the Phoenixes saw that I was lonely and that this world was in crisis, so they offered me something I couldn't do for myself, they transported me to this world and this time to help with the crisis."

"What crisis would that be?"

"The persecution of mutants." Harry said matter-of-factly.

"You believe their treatment warrants the intervention of 'Death'?" Trish asked with air-quotes.

"It's not 'Death' that was requested to intervene." Harry smiled as he returned the quotes. "'Harry' was requested." As Trish was about to question him Harry continued. "Allow me to explain.

"When I was a child, my universe was divided into two groups of people. The magicals and the non-magicals. The magicals lived in secret, hidden from the rest of the world, they were the clear minority. The reason for this is the persecution they received during the witch trials and burnings.

"Unfortunately, this meant that non-magicals were not allowed access to magical advantages such as medical aid and defence. My title of 'Doctor' is medical, I have been trained in thousands of years of medicine, although to be honest I created a majority of the techniques.

"I spent the first one hundred years of my life making magicals out of non-magicals and developing ways for non-magicals to gain access to magical advantages. By the time we magicals were revealed, non-magicals had no reason to fear us… beyond irrational hatred.

"My experience in dealing with small groups of endangered people or persecuted people is the reason I was requested to come to and aid mutants."

"Do you have any proof of this? Of your experience, your power, any of it?" Trish asked, there was a hint of scepticism.

"Of my experience? None that doesn't rely on my word and the acceptance of my personal integrity. Of my power…" Harry chuckled. "I can give numerous demonstrations of my powers, but I'm not going to. People don't need to see me kill but if they pay enough attention over the next few decades they will notice a gradual increase in people capable of using magic and the distribution of certain magical defences."

"Defences?" Trish asked with a frown. "Are we talking weapons?"

"No, simple rune schemes that can defend a house, protect it from fire, and so on."

"And how much will you be charging?" This time there was a hint of smugness.

"Nothing. Magic is free, I don't have the right to charge for it, I just have the right to take it away or ensure it is not abused.

"If I do things right, then within the next few hundred years, money will not be used anymore. My friends, who I am staying with, don't realise that their entire home is currently running on magic, the size of their energy bill will be very small." Harry laughed lightly.

Trish paused to consider that, money was always an issue, but to not have to worry about it… she quickly shook herself as the producer queried her long pause in her ear.

"One last question before we wrap up: What about the various religions that will no doubt declare you as an abomination or insane?"

"I'm not here to challenge religion. I have never met God, Allah, Buddha or any other deity, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. They are free to have their opinions, as long as their opinions do not have an adverse affect on others or myself. Freedom of religion is not freedom to persecute." Harry said seriously.

"Well, thank you for your time Doctor Potter, it's been nice to have you on the show." Trish turned to the camera. "For those of you who would like to see tonight's program again you can visit our website at –"

"TV off." T'Challa's voice was croaky as he verbally commanded the TV to power down.

The mood was distinctly tense amongst the assembled superheroes, they had a tendency for paranoia, granted it was usually justified, but still…

"I was growling at Death." T'Challa stated shakily. "And you just let me?" He asked with a slight whimper.

"The kid don't care." Logan laughed. "He's real easy going. I saw him bring Hydro over there back from the dead and kill Apocalypse both with a smile on his face."

"I have seen him angry." Hank said quietly. "But he was only furious over the actions of others and the pain or danger they had or would cause others. He had smoke billowing from his nose he was so angry."

"Harry's a dragon shifter, he can change into this huge dragon. Jean told us that when he is truly angry his dragon traits can bleed through his human form." Amara explained.

"I can't believe he thinks he's actually Death." Reed Richards scoffed.

"You knew the God of Thunder, but you doubt Death?" Luke Cage asked with a smirk.

"That's different, it seems obvious tha-" Reed was cut off by Ben Grimm's hand clamping down on his mouth… which had the affect of covering his whole head.

"Ain't nothing you can say that won't get your ass fried, Stretch. Keep it quiet." Ben hissed considering the mystical powerhouses in the room like Doctor Strange not to mention the fact that T'Challa himself was empowered by the Panther God.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Spiderman interrupted hastily. He was there in costume as it was known that T'Challa was an ally of Spiderman, but not Mary Jane, hence her lack of invite and babysitting. As it was he was having a hard time not gazing longingly at MJ and Jean. "Let's back up to the part where he resurrected Hydro!"

"That's nothing, word is Laurie had an actual out of body experience!" The boy in question answered.

"She was assassinated by one of Stryker's men, sniper at very long range, Jean got herself killed and turned into a baby trying to take the bullet for her, but it just went through and got them both." Cyclops explained. "Harry had Josh heal her body whilst he held onto… her soul."

Laurie meanwhile was being comforted by Sofia and Dani. This was not a memory she enjoyed, she still slept with Fawkes over her bed, crooning softly.

"Wow… I knew he was powerful… but wow." Spiderman said in awe.

"Ah, come on Pete, I went wandering through your noggin'! I know you've met people with just as much power." They turned abruptly to see Harry standing there.

"Ex nay on the ete-ay!" Spiderman said through gritted teeth as he made a striking motion across his throat hastily.

"What? They don't know?"

Spiderman shook his head vigorously.

"But these are all the good guys! You aren't on the clock here."

"You also know that the only way to keep my family safe is by anoni- anmoni- anomy- secrecy!"

"Right, over here you." Harry ordered as he wandered into a corner.

"What is he going to do?" Ororo wondered.

"With Harry, who knows." MJ sighed.

"You trust Harry, Mary Jane?" The T'Challa.

"With my life, the lives of everyone I love and any children I have, I am going to ask him to deliver my next child." She said firmly.

Most of the superheroes knew of Mary Jane's miscarriage.

"You're sure this will work?" Spiderman was arguing with Harry as they came back over.

"Just do it, tell her!" Harry said impatiently as he gestured to Mary Jane.

"Tell me what?"

Spiderman sighed. "Do you know who I am under the mask?

"No, it's a secret that my husbands old boss would love to know though." She shrugged.

"Seriously, if you know who I am, just say it, any of you, no joking here."

Mary Jane looked around the room as they all just shrugged. "Don't recognise the voice or smell." Logan said.

"Now take off the mask."

"Is that wise?" Hank queried. "I know the sort of people that have been after our arachnid friend, they wouldn't hesitate to go after his family if they knew who they were."

"See? Now take off the mask." Harry ordered.

Spiderman sighed, removing his mask.

What everyone saw was a man with blond hair and black eyes.

"Well, can you admit now that you knew me?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"Never seen you before in my life." Mary Jane shrugged. "As far as I know. Have we met somewhere?"

"MJ, it's me, Pete!"

"Pete who?"

Harry just laughed as he conjured a mirror.

"Oh my god! What did you do to me?" Peter demanded as he touched his changed face.

"Now tell them who you are, the first phrase." Harry instructed.

"I am Peter Parker."

"Pete, what are you doing here? And why are you wearing Spiderman's costume… is he in trouble or something?" Mary Jane asked worriedly.

"What?" Peter was getting highly confused.

"Now tell them the secret."

"Peter Parker is Spiderman."

"Oh!" Was the collective exclamation of the group.

"You modified the Fidelius again?" Mary Jane asked.

"Yep, figured this would be better than him losing his cover if his mask got damaged." Harry grinned happily.

"Because that never happens, right Pete?" Luke Cage snickered, he received a jab in the gut from his pregnant wife.

"That was not my fault!" Peter said defensively.

"You were the one who decided to jump head first into a fight with 80 plus super criminals." Luke smirked.

"Back to the Fidelius, we should probably take advantage of the fact that everyone is here. Lorna, Dani, shall we?" Mary Jane declared as she handed Jean off to Harry.

"All ladies not currently protected by the Lily Charm follow us, any witches wanting to learn how to apply it, follow as well." Dani ordered as she levered herself up from where she was wedged between Laurie and Shan.

Surprisingly most of the witches got up and followed.

"What's the Lily Charm?" T'Challa asked.

"Let's just say that, Harry here, has given our ladies a weapon on par with sleeping on the couch." Pete declared as he slung an arm around Harry.

"There is a solution to that." Harry smirked. "Don't screw up… or make the sex so good that they can't help but come back for more." Harry shrugged.

Harry found himself standing in the middle of a crater staring at a large war hammer.

He had woken up at 1am and found something pulling at his magic.

He teleported towards the source and discovered the hammer.

"Harry, it's the middle of the night, come back to bed." He heard Dani moan in his head mentally. Every night Dani would drag him into her bed. More often than not they were joined by Lorna. Amara would sometimes drag him to her bed if the other two weren't around. Nothing sexual occurred but they found themselves enjoying each other's presence at night and now they all simply slept in Amara's room.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. I got called out by a hammer… I don't understand it but I think I might have helped make this hammer." Harry replied as he scratched his chin and examined the hammer without touching it.

"Harry, this wouldn't be a war hammer with a leather strap? Lot's of ancient symbols on it?" Lorna asked, she was suddenly very awake.

"Yep, that's the one. You know it?"

"That's definitely Thor's Hammer." Dani commented.

Harry gave a very unmanly shriek as he jumped back in surprise at the sudden arrival of his now fully dressed and awake bed mates.

"What does it mean though, didn't Thor die?" Amara asked as she tried to pick up the hammer but failed.

"They had Ragnarok." Dani answered as she gave the hammer a shot but again, failed.

"But why would Harry be drawn to his hammer?" Lorna asked as she failed in her attempt.

"I can think of one way to find out." Dani indicated Harry should pick up the hammer.

"You think that's a good idea?" Harry asked.

"What's the worse that could happen?"

"Dani, in all my years I have never met Murphy, but I can assure you that he exists and that you have just sent him a signed invitation." Harry sighed. He stepped forward and reached for the hammer, but paused. "For the record, anything goes wrong… it's your fault." He told Dani.

He grasped the hammer and vanished in a flash of light.

"This is all your fault Dani." Lorna scowled.

Harry found himself standing in an unusual place. The sky was filled with darkness but with sights much like the Northern Lights of Earth, only purple in colour. Large rocky formations floated in the air thousands of feet above him.

Mists of purple swirled around his feet obscuring the ground.

Two blond men stood before him. One was dressed in a white gown, almost like a roman garment, his hair was long and blond. The other was smaller and dressed in modern clothing, jeans and a t-shirt. His hair was short and blond.

"Who are you two?"

"Uncle Harry?" The larger man asked with surprise. "I suppose your stories are about to come true." He chuckled.

Harry was confused. "Huh?"

"Of course, forgive me. You told me long ago that you would not know me when we met in the future." Thor smiled as he strode forward and grabbed Harry in a bear hug.

"Thor, you didn't actually explain who you are to him… and I would like to know who he is." The shorter man spoke up.

"Of course, of course, forgive me, I have been too long in the void." Thor said. "I am Thor Odinson. God of Thunder. This is Donald Blake, the mortals of Midgard would call him my alter-ego."

Donald and Harry shook hands. "Harry Potter, I'm… well, Death and the Master of Magic."

"The god of Death? Like Hel is the Norse god of the dead?" Donald asked.

"No, literally, Death personified. I don't have a realm, I just… make sure Death is applied were appropriate."

"Harry Potter knew me as a boy who sat upon his knee in my father's halls as he regaled us with tales of his adventures!"

"I did?"

"You will!" Thor smiled. "I was but a child when you and my father discussed this. If only he were here, he would be able to explain it better, but alas, my people are all gone." He finished sadly.

"That's why I came to find you… or why I was going to come and find you." Donald frowned. "I had this whole moving speech about how it isn't gods who decide whether men exist but the other way round… now… it seems pointless."

"Harry does have that effect on people." Thor laughed. "But tell me, why are you here? I would have thought that you would cease to exist when I died."

"I don't have an answer to that either." Donald admitted.

Both men turned to Harry inquisitively.

"Hey! Don't look at me, I just got here and discovered I had a nephew."

"Adopted nephew of sorts. My father declared you part of the family before I was even born. A prince of Asgard no less."

"Ok, so let's deal with what we do know. You are supposed to be dead," he pointed at Thor, "and you aren't supposed to exist," he pointed at Donald, "and I have three very worried ladies waiting for me back home… by the way, do either of you know why this was calling out for me?" He asked as he held out the hammer that had come with him.

"My hammer!"

"How can you lift that? I thought only Thor could lift it."

"The girls who were with me couldn't move it, I picked it up and wound up here." Harry explained.

"You put your own magic and protections on Mjolinar." Thor told him. "It was my father who infused it with his life force but you also gifted it with your blessings."

"That would explain why it feels so familiar." Harry said.

"Could we get to the part where we all return to the mortal realm?" Don asked impatiently. "It's pretty creepy here and I am fairly certain that we are being watched."

"Aye, the demons are returning." Thor frowned.

"I've never actually done intra-dimensional teleportation myself." Harry said worriedly.

"As you often told me, there is a first time for everything." Thor smiled.

"Well, let's make it quick." Harry said as he placed a hand on both men's shoulders.

Harry focused on Dani, Amara and Lorna. They would be his focal point in the mortal realm, his beacon home. He poured his power into teleporting but was shocked when he lost his grip on Donald. He didn't want to break his concentration so he focused harder.




"That had better be Harry's hand."

"Better not be Bobby again."

"Harry, is that you?"

"It's me." Harry groaned as he gingerly tried to lever himself off of Dani, Lorna and Amara. "Why are we in bed?" He asked as he saw the three women in nightgowns all in the same bed.

"We were sleeping." Lorna was very annoyed. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Some sort of void… was I gone for a long time on your end?"

"Two weeks, approximately." Dani answered. "We really could have used you. Really."

Harry didn't not like the harrowed looks on the faces of his friends. "What happened?"

"There was a huge battle between the pro and anti registration forces. Thor turned up on the side of the pro's and he killed Goliath." Amara told him.

"Is he a villain or something?"

"He was one of the nicest people you could meet. He just didn't agree with registration and Thor just killed him. It was all over the news. Storm and T'Challa came over and offered to cover the costs of burial as he was stuck in giant mode and they couldn't find a casket big enough for him."

"I'm having a hard time believing it was Thor."

"It was on the news, the whole world saw him do it." Dani explained.

"Except, I was with Thor whilst I was away. Now, granted I could have come back later than him but I don't think so. Also, Thor says I am like an uncle to him. He says I taught him, if I did, I would have taught him better than to kill over an argument."

"Then what was it we saw?" She asked curiously.

"No idea, but I think I should go and speak to Thor himself." Harry said as he stood up. He cast another look at the three ladies curiously. "Why are you three in bed together?"

They all blushed. "We got so used to sleeping with each other that… we couldn't sleep apart." Amara admitted.

Harry just laughed. He quickly teleported out when three pillows headed his way.

Harry appeared in the middle of what was clearly an African village. He was clearly one of only two white men there, the other was not Thor.

"Don? I thought I lost you during the teleport, where's Thor?" Harry asked the Doctor. "Wait… why do you have Thor's soul in you?"

"Thor and I-" Don stopped as he looked over Harry's shoulder.

"Don't mind them, they are probably just worried I'm going to vanish again." Harry said dismissively.

"Damn right." Lorna growled. "Last time you vanished on us we wound up facing an army of Doombots with Fantastic Four. It was not a good time!"

"Can we discuss this in private?" Don whispered to Harry.

"Sure, but you can trust these three."

"Give me some- never mind, Thor says your word is enough."

"Right, explain, now!"

"Do you remember how Thor called me his alter-ego? Thor and I can't exist at the same time. We change back by using Mjolinar." He explained as he held out his stick.

Harry took the stick and examined it. He gave it a good sniff as well. "Impressive, did I help make it like this?"

"No, this was done recently, by Odin as a punishment for Thor's more reckless behaviour."

"But you're a person, a real soul. He just merged the two of you together?"

"It's not a bad existence, but it does put a bit of a dampener on my love life." He grinned self-deprecatingly.

"I could probably reverse it, might be more helpful to have you separated." Harry offered.

"As much as I would like that I don't know if it would be smart, what would Odin say?" Don paused as he listened to the voice of Thor.

"Although Thor makes a good point, Odin is not here anymore. He's dead."

"So was Thor, is there a reason we can't get him back? I'm not really familiar with the concept of souls not crossing over so this is all new to me." Harry explained.

Don listened again. "Ok, I can't keep acting as a mouthpiece like this. Can you take us somewhere private? You can speak to Thor in person."

"Why don't we go back to Asgard?" Lorna suggested.

"Yeah, I've been there before and I think I can get back there." Dani agreed. She vanished on the spot before returning. "Yep, no problem, just follow me." She smiled before teleporting again.

After arriving in Asgard Don smashed his wooden stick on the ground transforming him into Thor. Thor then led them to the throne room where they sat and spoke on conjured chairs.

"Ok, why shouldn't I separate you and Don and why can't we bring Odin back like we did you?" Harry asked.

"Even you freely admitted that my father was one of the wisest men you had ever met, when you knew me as a child. I am… wary of going against the wishes of my father, even though he is no longer among us." Thor admitted.

"What if Odin knew you would meet me and I would be the one to separate you?"

"I hate second guessing time travel." Lorna groaned.

"We definitely need more alcohol if we start down this road." Dani sighed.

Harry just looked at them with amusement.

"'Tis true." Thor nodded. "You and my father would vanish for days at a time and return smelling of ale and mead, often you were carrying my father's drunken form." Thor said with fond remembrance.

Harry sighed sadly. "Well, at least I know I'll never get drunk."

"Why?" Dani asked.

"Pitfalls of fast healing factor. My body doesn't let the alcohol affect me." Harry explained.

"Maybe we should attend to the matter at hand?" Amara interrupted.

"Yeah… yeah." Harry nodded slowly. "Ok, if I said Odin was wise then I think it is safe to say Odin new me pretty well, yes?"

Thor nodded. "You were like brothers."

"Then Odin would know that the first thing I would do when I saw you and Donald was try and separate you regardless of how or why you became like this. Especially if Odin was not around."

"Can't we just find and ask Odin?" Lorna asked. "Like Harry said, you were dead and you came back."

Thor looked very uncomfortable.

"Well that look certainly doesn't inspire hope." Dani snarked.

"Lord Thor, perhaps you could share your fears, after all, Lord Death clearly has your respect and trust." Amara suggested respectfully.

Thor nodded. "Wise council, Dear Lady.

"Uncle, it was partly my father's fault that we faced Ragnarok. Asgard was caught in an endless loop which always ended with Ragnarok, with his death we are free to live." Thor explained, though he was clearly shamed by his admission.

Harry wrinkled his nose in thought. "On a personal level, do you, as his son want him back?"

"Of course! I may be the Prince of Asgard and Heir to the Throne, but it is my father who reigned and led our people through times of trials and triumphs. As his son… I miss his companionship and council."

"Ok… now, let's go back to Odin being wise, did I ever teach you any lessons about wisdom?"

"You taught me that wisdom comes not with age, but experience and the ability to learn from experience, that the truly wise learn from the experience of others so they do not make the same mistakes."

Harry smiled, those were the lessons his dad, Xander, had taught him. "Does Odin live up to those standards of wisdom?"

"Of course! It was you who named him Odin the Wise."

Harry stood the others rising with him. "If he truly lives up to the lessons I gave you about wisdom then you know whether you should bring him back or not. Call us if you need help." Harry said before he vanished with the girls back to the mansion and to sleep.

Thor stood there thinking about what Harry said. If Odin was wise then he would learn from his own experiences and Thor's. He would be a better king and father because of it.

His mind made up he went off to find Heimdell. He needed to awaken the rest of the Asgardians… and his father.