

Harry was fervently studying his lesson plans in preparation for his first classes the coming Monday. He knew he could teach those younger than him, he just didn't know how he would deal with those his age or older. Why should they respect him? Should he give out detentions to those older than him if they didn't behave?

It was a nightmare!

His current nightmare was interrupted by the sound of Amelia Bones storming into the living room, he quickly joined the rest of the family to hear what new trouble had arisen.

Amelia was currently pacing and muttering angrily under her breath.

"Stupid Fudge… blasted conniving backstabbing little peasant… corrupted stinky wanker-"

"Amelia, dear, would you care to tell us why you are in such a tizzy?" Minerva asked patiently.

Amelia stopped and stared at her friend. "I've been fired." She declared bluntly.

"What! On what grounds?" Minerva demanded.

"He accused me of not supporting the Ministry!"

"And he has the power to do this?" Xander asked.

"Unfortunately. It gets worse, he had Dumbledore removed as the Chief Warlock."

"That's not so bad." Harry shrugged.

"And replaced him with Lucius Malfoy."

"Oh sweet Merlin." Nym gasped. "I am so glad I quit and am now married to Xander!"

"Who replaced you?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Amelia slumped into a chair and the hardened witch began to cry. "Gilderoy Lockhart." She sobbed.


"Harry!" Joyce warned sternly.

"Oh god, that's beautiful!" Xander laughed.

Amelia shot him a dirty look.

"Seriously, I have the perfect job for you and it will be sooo much fun to watch Lockhart flounder, especially when Tom begins his plans."

"What job… if I found you had anything to do with my being fired…" She warned angrily as she wiped the tears away.

"No no no no no! I just had a plan to screw with the Ministry in a kind of passive way. I need a mayor for a local town under my control."

"I thought Remus was doing a good job with the Werewolf village." Minerva frowned.

"Oh, he is. Narcissa handles the day to day stuff whilst he teaches and runs the school.

"No, Hogsmede."

"Isn't that Ministry jurisdiction?" She asked.

"Absolutely not!" Joyce declared in outrage. "Hogsmede is quite literally, my personal property, due to my current status, of being dead, I left it to my son Xander. It was a gift to me from Arthur."


"As in the King Arthur, friend of Merlin, wielder of Excalibur?" Joyce prompted in amusement at Amelia's disbelief. "Regardless, I have the paperwork."

Amelia sighed. "I don't think the Ministry will be quite as… accommodating as to simply withdraw."

"The Ministry currently has no presence in Hogsmede. There is nothing for them to withdraw, every resident signed a lease with the Landowner that clearly states they are residing on the lands of Hogwarts.

"I think its about time that the Ministry realises that there is a limit to what they can do." Xander said seriously. "Hogsmede is more than just the village, it is also the farmland. From this point on, any member of the Ministry found on my property without my explicit permission is guilty of trespassing."

"You may do the same for Godric's Hollow." Rick smiled. "The land was also given to me by Uncle Arthur. It's Harry's now, of course." He said with an apologetic look as he realised he had stepped on his successors toes.

"Sounds fine to me… aside from the more responsibilities." Harry sighed.

"Might as well include Newcastle then."

Everyone apart from Joyce and Rick just stared at him.

"Newcastle… as in the city of?" Amelia asked.

"What? I told you, I am the Greatest of the Hogwarts Four!" Sal grinned as he spoke imperiously.

Godric just snorted and Joyce looked on with an indulgent smile.

"Fine." He relented as everyone continued to stare at him. "I was the youngest, I was also Uncle Arthur's favourite and he made me his caretaker successor in the event he had no heirs."

"Wouldn't that make you the King of England?" Harry asked.

"No, only the High Steward. I can only take action if the safety and security of the British Isles is at risk and the current ruling authority is not handling it."

"Will it be Mayor Bones or Governor Bones or something else?" Harry asked bringing the topic back to where it started, no one was ready to handle Sal as the ruler of the British Empire.

"Mayor Bones will do." Xander shrugged. "What do you say Amelia?"

"It is not as if I have anything else to do." She sighed glumly. "We should all be at the Ministry tomorrow for the Wizengamot session where Lucius is installed."

"I'll go and grab Hermione and we'll see if we can't research some solutions." Neville said as he stood and vanished.

"What should I do?" Harry asked.

"Get back to your lesson plans, anything else you can already handle." Joyce informed him.

Scotland yard had proved to be the entrance point. No real information was stored or filed anywhere in the building, but there were plenty of references of information and cases being forwarded on to MI5.

It had taken some time, but anyone who used the telephone booth to access the Ministry of Magic recognised the reference number prefixed to each case number.

So now came the tricky part. Infiltrating MI5. The security was far tighter and information was stored on computers more than paper. It would clearly take several days of monitoring and surveillance before patterns could be predicted and useful information gleaned.

But there was time.

For now.

"All those in favour of appointing the honourable Lucius Malfoy as Chief Warlock?"

"AYE!" A majority of hands rose.

"All those opposed."

"NAY!" A grand total of thirteen hands rose for a combined total of nine votes.

"At 41 to 9, the Ayes have it. Congratulations Chief Warlock." Fudge announced gleefully. Now he had a real way of changing the laws.

"Chief Warlock, before we begin, I believe we must address a matter of great importance to this esteemed body.

"It has come to my attention that one of our members is casting votes despite not being a British citizen.

"The so-called 'Lord Hogwarts' is an American, and according to his stories, not even from this reality! As such he is not eligible to hold the votes he currently does!"

'Xander, quick stand up and relinquish your Hogwarts, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff votes to Harry as your son!' Neville sent quickly.

Xander was a little slow at first as he digested what Neville said, but he quickly stood.

"I, Lord Hogwarts hereby relinquish control of the Hogwarts-"

"NO!" Fudge screamed

"-Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff titles along with all their votes, rights and privileges to my son, Lord Harry Potter of Gryffindor."

There was a flash of magic and the deed was done.

"Transfer acknowledged. After one year this may be made permanent." The magical announcement came.

Fudge was staring in shock and horror. He had been counting on having the Wizengamot assign those votes to himself. It wasn't just the voting rights, but the right to call himself 'Lord Ravenclaw'. People had great respect for the house of the learned, a leader of the people affiliated with that house would lead for a lifetime.

Malfoy simply smirked. "It would appear that your presence is no longer warranted, Harris. Please leave."

"Actually, he is still Lord Hogwarts, he doesn't hold the power but he does still hold the respect and titles. Furthermore, he is a true king and disrespecting him would not be good.

"Lastly, he is here as our advisor and counsel as permitted by the Wizengamot Charter." Neville informed the smarmy bastard.

"As a side matter, should the Chief Warlock or anyone else see fit to besmirch the honour of anyone in my family, they will face me in a Wizards Duel." Harry growled.

That one shut Malfoy and Fudge right up. It also caused the rest of the Wizengamot to quail slightly. The boy might be young, but he was clearly quite powerful and skilled. Coupled with his access to Harris' unnatural magics and a wizard would have to be suicidal to challenge the boy.

"Perhaps we should move on." Lord Abbott suggested nervously, he was not a physical fighter, he was more than willing to oppose Fudge and Malfoy, but he had no desire to see their innards on their outards.

"Very well, our first order of business is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Lucius announced. "It seems that they are in violation of the contracts and treaties with the government and have removed the honoured Undersecretary, Madam Delores Umbridge.

"As such, we need to take action as permitted by the treaties."

"Hogwarts has done no such thing. It was the Ministry who violated the treaties when Umbridge used blood quills on students. Considering she was a political figure and committed her crimes on foreign soil without the protection of diplomatic immunities, she was turned over to the French government acting on behalf of the ICW." Sal countered.

"The real question will be, what will Hogwarts reaction be to the Ministry's attack?"

"Regardless, Hogwarts is without a Headmaster as-"

"Don't be stupid Malfoy!" Sal snapped. "My brother may have relinquished his powers to Lord Gryffindor, but he is still the owner and Headmaster of the School. Just as he is still the King of the Goblins."

"Perhaps we should leave the subject of Hogwarts until you have been able to consult with the ICW." Xander mused. "For now, I would like an explanation of why Fudge fired Madam Bones and appointed that fool Lockhart in her place!"

"How I run my government is none of your concern!" Fudge declared smugly.

"It is if it affects the safety and security of the people. Especially when a good deal of them are my students and their families." Xander countered.

"I have to agree." Lord Byron Abbott spoke up. "The man is clearly a fraud, why would you even consider appointing him when The Dark Lord has been reported to have returned?"

"That is an absolute lie!" Fudge snapped. "You-Know-Who is dead! He has not returned!"

"So… you are calling me a liar?" Harry asked as he stood up with his palms flat on the table.

"Or miss-informed." Malfoy interjected smoothly. Now that he was Chief Warlock, he didn't need Fudge, but he didn't need the man causing stupid problems.

"And you have evidence that contradicts my testimony… under veritiserum?"

Fudge was smug at this, he had planned for this. "Any information regarding those sorts of matters would be deemed classified."

Harry was a little stumped at that. He could demand that the Wizengamot had the right to verify it, but with Malfoy at the helm and the whole lot behind him, it was unlikely to happen.

"We don't need to know the nature of the evidence, we merely need testimony under veritiserum that incontrovertible evidence exists that proves Riddle has not returned." Xander countered. He had dealt with a few governments in his time as a Watcher. He was used to working around them.

That was something Lucius couldn't allow. He knew full well that the Dark Lord was back, as did the Unspeakable who claimed otherwise. He had been present at the Dark Lord's resurrection.

"I'm afraid that would not be possible as the witness in question is an Unspeakable, they must not be allowed to become vulnerable to releasing the secrets of their jobs." Lucius said calmly.

Sirius frowned slightly at that. He knew that was wrong. Unfortunately he couldn't reveal that he knew it was wrong.

"Perhaps we could move on to another topic." Malfoy interrupted smoothly. "It appears that Hogwarts is once again in need of a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor." He said with a mocking smile. "I must say, it does call into question your abilities as a Headmaster, Mr-"

"Lord Hogwarts." Harry snapped.

"Of course." Malfoy said with a dismissive wave.

"Really?" Xander asked. "I had nothing to do with Quirrell or Lockhart other than to chop Quirrell's head off because Riddle was sticking out the back, and Lockhart endangered the students. I didn't hire them.

"As for Headmaster Lupin, he was the perfect professor. It was no trouble to cover his lessons during the full moon. I wasn't the one who objected to his position.

"Incidentally, he had the highest grades in NEWTs and OWLs in the past forty years.

"Now, Moody. He was always a temporary placement and one of the best right behind Headmaster Lupin.

"So, how exactly does this reflect poorly on my abilities?" Xander asked pointedly.

"Because you are the Headmaster and the responsibilities are yours." Malfoy snapped. "Regardless, we require a new professor and-"

"The position has already been filled."

"WHAT!" Fudge roared. "I was not informed and have not approved!"

"Well… it doesn't really concern you. The treaties only grant you authority if the Headmaster and his staff request Ministry intervention. However, you broke those treaties so they no longer count." Sal said boredly.


"You did actually read the treaties? I actually wrote them so I don't need to. But the fact remains, Hogwarts is not your concern.

"Shall we move on?"

For the next few hours Malfoy and Fudge tried to squeeze everything past them from Aurors in Hogsmede to the power to confiscate vaults at Gringotts. They were quickly shut down.

When it came to other, general matters that related directly to Magical Britain, they had a harder time. They successfully managed to pass stricter laws regarding werewolves and the inclusion of Veela as Dark Creatures.

A law was added that required all citizens to register any magical abilities such as Parseltongue or being a metamorphamagus.

These things angered them severely, but they were powerless to fight them.

When Lucius proposed a Marriage Law where men of certain status could bind women to them in order to 'improve the population', the Wizengamot realised they had crossed the line.

"Muggles seem to breed like rats. They have infested our great land. Every year more and more mud-muggleborns come into our world." Lucius said seriously.

"And yet our numbers are slowly dwindling. If these… weak blooded muggleborns are going to infect our world, then we should ensure they are beneficial to us.

"I propose a law that allows Purebloods to take multiple women as concubines or mistresses in order to allow muggleborn women to contribute appropriately to our society by producing heirs for-"

"ANYONE WHO AGREES TO THIS WILL DIE!" Harry roared angrily.

The members of the Wizengamot were either white with fear or passed out from the sight of the massive black dragon with fire and smoke literally leaking from its nose and mouth Harry's natural awareness of his size as a dragon had caused the building to expand and the surrounding members to be shunted to the sides.

"So!" Sal declared cheerfully. "Any volunteers to put this motion forward?"

There was a long silence.

"I think that was a 'no', Lucy." Xander smirked.

None of his family would argue that Harry was out of line.

Lucius quickly scanned his list.

He glanced fearfully at the enraged dragon.

"I… I b-b-believe we are d-d-done for the d-d-d-d-day!" He stuttered in terror.

Needless to say the chamber was quickly vacated.

After the attempted Marriage Law and dragon fiasco in the Wizengamot that morning, it was time to take things to the next level.

It was clear that Scotland Yard was aware of magic, even if they did nothing. MI5 was more active. They rarely interfered, but they certainly observed and seemed to have a good understanding of where the magical places where in Britain and who the movers and shakers were.

MI5 gave constant reports to Number 10.

Which lead to his current presence, seated on a comfortable chair in the corner of the Prime Minister's office, quietly and invisibly observing the room. There was a portrait in the corner, a magical portrait.

Regardless of the purpose of the Portrait, it was clear the Ministry of Magic was spying on Number 10.

The fireplace was connected to the Floo and there were various monitoring charms around the room.

It was time to set the plans in motion.

He calmly vacated the office, once again startling the secretary and guard as the door opened and closed on it's own. He made his way to the third floor and the private residence.

It had been a long day, it was time for relaxation. But he was the Prime Minister, it would be a good few years before he was able to relax properly. Mark Bloomfield, the Prime Minister for England was going through the newspapers and making sure he was up to speed for tomorrow in case he got waylaid by some sneaky reporter.

In an hour or so he would head to bed and cuddle his wife. Something that he didn't need to sign a dozen forms for.

"I came here to find out just how much you knew about the wizarding world." Mark was startled as he noticed the young lad sitting on the sofa across from his armchair. "Judging by the fact that you have several magical papers waiting for you, I'm guessing the answer is: 'a lot'."

The young man didn't look like he was out of school yet. He had bright green eyes and messy hair. What gave him away was the lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

"L-L-Lord Gryffindor." Mark said as respectfully as he could. He had after all just read about his dragon coming out to play this morning in the Wizengamot.

Harry was a little shocked that he was known to this man. And it showed.

Mark held up the front page of the Daily Prophet which had his picture all over it.

"Oh, right." Harry blushed. "Look, I came here to find out what you know about the Magical World and hopefully get some help." He said pleadingly.

At that moment the doors burst open and several men with guns came bursting in.

Harry immediately threw up a diamond wall between himself and the Prime Minister.

"Are these yours?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Erm… what?" Mark asked as he tried to comprehend what was probably the most expensive object in the world. "Oh, yes! They are my bodyguards."

"Can you get them to lose the guns?" Harry asked nervously.

"Step away from the Prime Minister or we will shoot!" The lead man said. They were all dressed in tactical armour.

"Erm, ok." Harry said as he took a step to his left. "Now what?" He asked the Prime Minister.

Mark looked at the young man and then back at the men with large guns and the diamond wall that separated them. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you honestly here just to talk?" Mark asked.

"Yep, here I'll prove it."

The next thing he knew he was standing in a large cave with several dragons around him and Lord Gryffindor was hissing and growling at them. Mark started backing away only to stumble into something warm.

He screeched and stumbled back when he saw the trio of smallish dragons, clearly hatchlings.

The next thing he knew, he was back at Number 10 and the men were banging on the wall with their gun butts.

"See, if I wanted to do anything else, I would. And I probably wouldn't warn you." Harry shrugged as he sat back down.

"Gentlemen, perhaps you should stand down. Set up a perimeter to ensure we aren't disturbed." Mark ordered.

"Sir, we-"

"Captain, there is very little you could do that would affect or hinder this man. Everything I have read about him suggests he is very honest and means no harm."

"I want to leave two guards in the room sir."

"Very well, but I advise against any rash movements." He turned back to Harry. "They won't do anything other than monitor us."

Harry frowned but waved his hand and the wall vanished.

Mark took his seat in the armchair as the men started taking their positions or filing out.

"So, Lord Gryffindor-"

"Just Harry sir."

"Oh, then call me Mark. Few people do these days with any affection." He sighed. "Now, what did you want to talk about that couldn't be done through official channels?"

"Official channels?" Harry asked.

"The Ministry of Magic usually informs me of any need to meet through a portrait in my office."

"Right… the Ministry. They would be the reason I am here. They are corrupt." Harry frowned as he leaned forward.

"I would tend to agree." Mark said, surprising Harry. Mark laughed. "What they tell me doesn't match up with what the papers say. It isn't hard to figure that out."

"But I'm guessing you employ wizards somewhere." Harry ventured. "How else would you get magical papers. Plus MI5 seems pretty well informed."

"Hmm, you've been… snooping?" Mark frowned.

"I didn't want to just appear to the wrong person. I started at police stations and worked my way through law enforcement 'til I found records of magic."

"Smart enough plan." Mark conceded. "So what has made you come to me?"

"Do you know about the whole blood status crap in Magical Britain?" Harry asked as he sat back.

"Muggleborn, half-blood and pureblood?"

"Yeah. So, I was wondering, I guess that 'purebloods'" he said with air-quotes "wouldn't be registered in the non-magical world. Being born at home or in magical hospitals, same for most half-bloods.

"But the first generation witches and wizards, they would have records and stuff in the non-magical world, right?" Harry queried.

"Of course, we actually tag all the magicals born in our world in their records so we are aware if we need to consult with the magical world." Mark nodded.

"Wouldn't that make them non-magical British citizens?" Harry asked pointedly. "Take my girlfriend, Hermione. She is a first generation. Her mum showed me her birth certificate once, I'd never seen one before. She is registered with her doctor, opticians and dentists. She even intends to apply for a drivers licence.

"So is she one of your… you know… people?"

"I believe you mean 'constituents'. And yes, by those rules, she is under my government." Mark admitted.

"Then what are you going to do to protect your 'constituents'? Especially when they are likely going to be subjected to more crap like that Marriage Law the Wizengamot tried to push through this morning and when Riddle starts his campaign… Riddle will actively target your citizens… magical and non." Harry demanded as he leant forward aggressively.

Mark was stumped. It was always assumed that magicals of any type where out of his jurisdiction. Of course, he only had the word of that idiot Fudge. MI5 mainly focused on threat reports and general goings on in the Magical world. Not the points of law.

"I don't know if we can. It could be tantamount to war… and in our own back yard." Mark warned.

"The war will be happening in your own home if you don't do something about it. Riddle hates first generations and non-magicals. He will send his Death Eaters out to kill, torture and rape. As they can't rape magicals anymore, they will get their kicks from non-magicals!"

Mark paled. It was tough enough dealing with the various conflicts across the globe. To have pitched battles in his own country was… unthinkable.

And yet here was this young boy making him think about it.

"What does the queen know about the magical world?" Harry asked shocking Mark out of his stupor.

"I- I honestly don't know. She knows what we report to her, but it always seems as if there is something else to her knowledge. Something that she doesn't share." Mark admitted with a frown.

"Maybe we could go and see her?" Harry asked. "Find out for sure."

"It could take some time, there are procee-"

Mark blinked in surprise as he found himself standing in front of Buckingham Palace. He looked up to see the Royal Standard flying proudly. The queen was home.

"Harry, we can't just march into the Queen's bedroom!" Mark scolded.

"Why? I do intend to knock." Harry grinned.

"The guards will see us and there will be chaos!" He pleaded.

"They can't see or hear us. We are completely invisible." Harry grinned as he strode forward. He marched straight up to the nearest guard staring straight forward with his bearskin hat and red uniform and waved his hand in front of him.

"See, can't see us at all!"

"Harry, they wouldn't move even if they could see you." Mark said with a bemused smile. "You've never been to Buckingham Palace before?"

"Never had a chance… why wouldn't he move?"

"It's what their trained to do. They barely even sway in the wind!"

"Are they models? Nope, definitely not models." He muttered as he examined them with his magical sight. He marched over to the other guard. "Can we get this one called off duty?"

"You know him?" Mark asked walking quickly over.

"No, but he's very ill, his kidneys are bad, I can fix them." Harry said absently as he continued to stare at the man.

"You're a qualified healer?"

"Qualified, yes." Harry said slowly. "Recognised by the Chief of the Australian Magical Medical Council. And the ICW of course.

"Ah screw it." He sighed. He carefully phased behind the man and started casting healing magic on the unwitting soldier. "Guess we'll just have to let the docs think they misdiagnosed him, if they even caught it yet.

"Oh well, let's see the Queen and then she can call him in." Harry then proceeded to march through the gates with Mark hurrying in behind him.

"Harry, this could become a huge incident!" Mark said worriedly.

"Bigger than a war that leads to the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians?" Harry asked with a smile not breaking stride.


Harry stopped in the grand entrance way.


"Erm… just a small one. I don't know where she is." Harry admitted with a grin.

Mark sighed. He didn't bother trying to stop the young man. There was no telling what he would do. He might do anything from making the whole building invisible to simply opening every door. There were a lot of them.

"Follow me." He said wearily.

Mark led Harry up some stairs and through various corridors until they came across armed men in military uniform.

"Her Majesty should be through here. We really should let the guards know." Mark cautioned.

"If we do, will they still let us see her?" The answer was written clearly on Mark's face. "Exactly, let's go!" Harry declared as he opened the door.

Mark just groaned and hoped he wouldn't go to jail for this.

Once inside Harry threw up some wards for privacy. He also decided he needed to come up with a variant of the Notice-Me-Not charm, which he would call it the Consider-It-Done charm where anyone approaching the warded area would think they had already accomplished what they intended to do there. In this case, if someone needed to check the Queen's safety they would think they had completed their task turn around and leave.

On second thought it was likely a task for Hermione and the Twins.

"Erm, your Majesty?" Harry called out nervously. "Queen of England?"

Once again Mark groaned. Harry's heart was definitely in the right place, but he had no idea what he was doing. To say he was winging it would be an understatement.

As with the Prime Minister, the Queen of England spent her evenings reviewing the papers. She was horrified to hear a strange voice in her private lounge.

"Erm, your Majesty?" Came a young voice. "Queen of England?"

Following decades of ingrained training she pushed the emergency panic button.

But nothing happened. The sounds of armed men storming the private rooms should have been clearly heard. But there was nothing.

"Harry, protocol says she has pressed her panic button."

That was the voice of Mr. Bloomfield, her Prime Minister. Surely he hadn't stooped to treason? He seemed like quite the decent sort!

"Dammit! Your Majesty, I hope you are decent, we are coming in!" The voice declared.

She cast around for a weapon, seeing her hunting rifle on the wall she snatched it down and loaded it with ammo from her desk.

The door began to open and she hoisted her weapon and took aim.

She didn't pay attention to anything other than the form coming through the door. She had her shot and she took it.

The round piercing the chest.

She was shocked when she saw the intruder was little more than a young boy.

"Harry!" Mark called out in horror. "Your Majesty, please! Put the weapon down, he comes in peace!" He immediately knelt down and began ripping open Harry's shirt. Blood was beginning to pump out of his chest.

"Harry, come on Harry, stay with me!" Mark pleaded as he tried to stem the flow of blood.

"That… hurt!" Harry gasped. "Give… second."

The Queen looked on in shock as she tried to comprehend what had happened. A young boy and her Prime Minister had managed to break into her apartments and she had shot the boy. Now her Prime Minister was trying to save him and saying they meant no harm.

She could feel herself going numb, her left arm began to ache.

"Can… move… y'hand." Harry told Mark.

"Harry, I move my hand and you bleed to death." Mark snapped.

"Trust… me."

Mark sighed, the blood was flowing through his fingers, in a few seconds Harry would be dead, he was only delaying the inevitable by seconds. He slowly moved his hand.

Harry took in a ragged breath and closed his eyes in concentration. Mark watched in morbid fascination as the bleeding stopped. Slowly the blood reversed back into the wound and the wound began to knit until Harry was lying there unblemished with his eyes closed in concentration.

Harry finally breathed out and relaxed and Mark worried for a second that he had died.

But he slowly sat up and shook his head.

"Being shot hurts." Harry moaned. Then he looked at Mark. "But no where near as bad as having someone cut your hand off."

There was a thump and both men turned to see the Queen had collapsed. They both rushed over.

"Oops, I may have given her a heart attack." Harry muttered.

"Oops?" Mark asked incredulously. "Dammit I'll call the doctor." He said as he made to rise.

"I'm already here." Harry chuckled as he placed a hand on the Queen's chest. As Harry's hand glowed he continued to talk. "You know, she is very interesting. I hope she doesn't mind me messing about a little, but I think she needs this."

"She needs a heart attack?"

"What? No! She's… well, I'll tell you in a bit when I can tell her. Technically it is under Healer/Patient confidentiality." Harry explained. "There we are, good as new."

"Harry… she's… newer." Mark muttered in awe.

For a woman of almost 70 she didn't look a day over 40.

"She had a charm or two on her, but I had to remove them. Let me wake her up and I'll explain." Harry said.

In a rather surreal move, instead of seeing Harry perform some magic to awaken the Queen, he simply started patting her face.

"Come on, wake up Your Majesty!" He said loudly.

Mark really needed a wall to bang his head on. "Harry, couldn't we just use smelling salts… or magic?"

Harry gave him a grin. "Well sure… but then we couldn't claim to have yelled and struck the Queen of England!"

"Oh god, I'm going to be executed." Mark moaned. "This has to be treasonous."

"Whhaat haaapp'n" The Queen slurred groggily.

"You had a heart attack." Harry announced unconcernedly.

Her eyes opened and she saw the young boy leaning over her. She paled so quickly the Mark thought she might have another attack.

"I killed you!" She gasped.

"You shot me. Big difference." Harry countered.

"How long was I unconscious?"

"About a minute… or two."

"But I shot you!"

"Your Majesty, this is Harry Potter. He's a wizard, possibly the most powerful wizard alive. He healed himself and you." Mark explained before they devolved into an argument fit for five year olds.

"I assume that is the reason you didn't bother trying to stop him?" The Queen asked with a frown and raised eyebrow.

"Technically I forced him to come." Harry admitted. "But it was for a good cause!"

Mark and Harry helped the Queen into the nearest armchair. Which Harry added recliner features to.

"Well then, what pray tell, was so important that you invade my private chambers?"

"War in Britain." Harry answered bluntly.

The Queen looked at Mark shrewdly. "Mr. Bloomsfield, are you aware of what happened to last Prime Minister who attempted to interfere with the affairs of wizards?"

"I'm afraid I didn't know anyone had." Mark sighed.

"The wizards removed his memories and framed him for corruption. His entire family suffered."

"Won't happen this time." Harry shrugged.

"You can be sure of that, young man?" She asked with an arched eyebrow.

He turned to Mark. "You have any problems telling your family about magic and magical creatures?"

"I can't see why not. They are all very level headed and know that my work involves things they can't talk about." Mark conceded.

"Then I can arrange various types of magical bodyguards." Harry snorted. "Hell, I could ask a dragon to sit in your garden for protection!"


"Your Majesty, Harry, Lord Gryffindor, is not only able to converse with dragons, but he can change into one as well."

She looked at them in disbelief. "Very well, prove it."

"Now?" Harry asked. "Here?"

"I assume you can back up your claim?"

"Your Majesty, I'm not-"

The Queen held her hand up sharply, halting Mark's plea.

"Well?" She asked Harry.

When Mark saw Harry look at him with a smirk, he groaned. The next thing he knew he was back in the cave with the dragons.

The Queen screamed.

"SHUT UP!" Harry roared at her. He always thought the Queen was a kind old woman. But so far she was anything but.

The Queen, unused to being yelled at, stopped screaming, purely by surprise.

"These are my friends, Elizabeth." Harry snapped. Mark was as shocked as the Queen. Nobody used her first name. Only her husband used it. "You doubted my abilities, then pay close attention."

Harry was instantly replaced by the giant of a dragon that easily dwarfed the other dragons present.

"There is a war coming." The huge black dragon growled. "The victims will be the non-magicals of Great Britain. If you refuse to aid me and protect your own people then I will take control of both Magical and non-magical Britain to save them and stop the Death Eaters."

Suddenly they were back in the Palace and Harry was back in his human form.

Harry was stalking towards the Queen. "People are going to be killed. They are going to be tortured. They are going to be raped! Most of the victims will be non-magicals or first generation magicals. Those that are supposed to be your responsibility.

"Are you going to stand up and do your duty or am I going to have to do it for you?" Harry demanded.

Elizabeth sighed and slumped back into the armchair. "What exactly do you expect us to do? Any interference by the muggle world on the magical world results in them wiping our minds!"

"Don't worry about that, I can give you magical protections. Now, will you help? Are you going to live up to your responsibilities as leaders and protectors?" Harry demanded.

"If you can honestly provide protections then I have no problem helping Harry." Mark agreed, having finally seen in person, Harry in his dragon form, he didn't have room for doubts regarding Harry's abilities.

Harry looked expectantly at the Queen. "Elizabeth?"

She scowled at him. "You would do well to remember your place and show the appropriate respect young man."

"You first!" Harry snapped. "Perhaps you should tell her who I really am?" He instructed Mark.

"Your Majesty, this Harry Potter. He is Lord of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Hogwarts. He is Prince of the Goblins and Prince of the Werewolves, he-"

"How do you know about that?" Harry asked, shocked that anyone knew he was Prince of the Werewolves.

Mark just smiled. "Later Harry. He is a recognised Healer and current Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. He is also known as The Boy Who Lived. He is a Parselmouth and a Dragon Shifter.

"Most importantly, he is recognised as the single most powerful being on the planet."

"I am?"

"It's based on speculation. No one else can transport an entire train in one shot.

"Quite frankly, Your Majesty, he out ranks you in any way that truly matters."

"Then why come to me at all?" She demanded.

"Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Hogwarts were all members of the Round Table. Appointed by Arthur himself. Merlin was their adopted father, Hogwarts his wife and their adopted mother.

"The Wizengamot, which is pretty much the magical parliament is supposed to rule by Royal Decree. Which means you need to do something about the fact that they are corrupt and looking to enslave your citizens."

"So you are simply looking for permission to replace the magical government?"

"No! I want you to authorise the non-magical government to take over the magical government." Harry said in exasperation. "Australia does it, Canada, Japan, China… although they are attempting to break away. Most of the European countries.

"Only the British Empire seems to have this huge separation."

"Empire? The Empire is soon to be disbanded!" The Queen scoffed.

"The non-magical side yes. But the British Ministry of Magic ensured that it kept power and control of the Magical Empire." Harry countered.

"Surely the leaders of the non-magical side would have told us?" Mark argued.

"They don't even know about the magical world by order of the British Ministry." Harry sighed.

"The King or Queen of non-magical England, is the King or Queen of magical England. Technically, that makes the Ministry of Magic, merely a department of the British Government."

They sat there for a few minutes, thinking about that.

"What is it you want us to do. Exactly. You must have some sort of a plan?" Mark pressed.

"I want to covertly infiltrate and remove the current Ministry and replace it with our own. At the same time I want to incorporate the non-magical world into the magical one. But I am not looking to incorporate the magical world into the non-magical one quite as much."

"Explain." The Queen said shortly.

"I want non-magical technology and security in the magical world, but I don't want spells and potions in the non-magical world – at least, not overtly." Harry explained.

"And you truly believe we can do this and not have our minds wiped?"

"Easy. I don't want you to do something stupid like 'open negotiations'. I want you to take men armed with guns, infiltrate the Ministry and force the current government to capitulate, die or worse."

"Worse?" Marks asked worriedly.

"They put Dementors back at the new prison." He spat.

"Dementors!" The Queen gasped. "They are supposed to be destroyed on sight!"

Harry noticed Mark's surprised expression.

"I'm guessing you didn't know the Queen knew so much about the magical world?" He smirked. "Like I said, she was a Squib."

"How do you know?" The Queen demanded angrily.

"Because I'm Harry Potter, I can see magic. Besides, I said 'was'… now you are a full blown witch, you'll need a wand." Harry sighed.

"Is there some magic you can do to restore her former appearance?" Mark asked. "There will be some awkward questions otherwise."

"Yeah… do you have a picture, a recent one?" Harry asked. "Wait, never mind."

Harry waved his hand and the Queen started to age before their eyes until she looked her previous age.

"How strange, my body feels like it did, but I feel stronger." She mused.

"It's a spell some friends came up with. They wanted to bypass an age line but the potions weren't enough. To reverse it just put your hand over your heart and say 'finite'. That will cancel the spell."

"I do not require a wand?"

"Nah, I changed my mind. I'll teach wandless magic. Hopefully it will give you a lot more respect in the magical world." Harry said with a dismissive wave.

"Perhaps you would be kind enough to make an appointment in the future as opposed to your actions of today?" She scowled.

"Sure, now th-"

They were interrupted by a frantic Hermione teleporting in.

"Harry, emergency! Voldemort and the Dea… Harry, why are the Queen and Prime Minister here?" She asked nervously.

"It is her private quarters." Harry smirked. He loved making Hermione flustered. "By the way, this meeting is top secret, you can not tell anyone about it."


"No Hermione. I will need your oath." Harry said firmly as he stood.

"Harry! You don't trust me?" She asked her body language showing she was extremely hurt.

"This isn't about me, or you. This is about necessity. The necessity of keeping what I am doing quiet." Harry countered calmly. "Besides, I am not wiping the knowledge from your memory. Simply ensuring that it is not disseminated without permission."

"And if I refuse?" She asked defiantly.

"Then I am sure that her Majesty will have to order Lord Gryffindor to take the information from your mind." The Prime Minister said sadly. "Any attempt to resist or countermand the orders would see you classified as an enemy of the Crown."

The Queen was nobodies fool and knew that the young man, Harry, wouldn't do a damned thing if he didn't want to. She also realised that the girl was a friend to Harry and that Mr. Bloomsfield was attempting to provide him a way out.

"Young lady, you have two choices. Take the oath, or give up the memories." The Queen stated.

"Fine! I Hermione Jane Granger, swear on my life and magic that I shall not reveal the activities of Harry James Potter with The Queen of England or the Prime Minister of England unless given permission by one of the three." She declared as she held her wand. "I am not happy about this Harry." She said angrily.

"You think I am?" Harry asked calmly. "Now, what is the emergency?"

"Emer-? The new prison, the Dementors have sided with Voldemort and the Death Eaters they are currently trying to break out the prisoners." She said frantically as she remembered the reason she came.

"Right, Mark, make arrangements, I'll be coming back here tomorrow. Same time, make sure you are here." With that, Harry vanished.

Hermione was about to follow when she remembered the identity of the other occupants of the room and gave a nervous curtsy and vanished.

"I am not pleased about being ordered about by a teenager." The Queen scowled.

Mark chuckled. "Your Majesty, I believe you need to put aside any preconceived notions you have regarding Harry Potter. I suggest we alert security to my presence and I will give you a run down of why Harry is anything but a teenager."

"I do have other obligations than to listen to the childhood story of some boy." She snapped.

"Are they more important than war in your own country? I can guarantee that Harry will do what he has to, with or without our support. And there is nothing we can do to stop him."

What followed that night and the following day was the Prime Minister and the heads of MI5 briefing the Queen on the Magical world and the life and times of Harry James Potter.