

The start of term went off fairly quietly. Classes were easy to keep up with. The homework was not.

Harry was called on a few times to help show Norbert to the Care of Magical Creatures classes.

Lockhart however was able to cause issues in class and out of class.

At the staff table, he had now been placed next to Albus. The rest of the staff was more than willing let Albus suffer in their place. It was his fault he was there after all.

Albus was allowed a small reprieve though, on Lockhart's other side was Xander. Lockhart still remembered his humiliation by the wolf-eyed Lord in the bookstore. One glare or growl from him and he was not only smart enough to shut his trap but usually he would abandon his meal and flee the hall. He did it with style and only a few people knew what was happening.

This didn't, however, stop him from causing mayhem with the other professors. On the very first day just as Harry's first Herbology lesson was about to start, Lockhart was following Professor Sprout out of the greenhouse and lecturing her on Herbology. The professor clearly was not happy.

At the same time Hagrid and Xander were approaching the greenhouse. They were spotted by Lockhart.

"Ah! Hagrid my good man! I hear you are having a bit of bother with some flesh-eating slugs! I am more than happy to explain the correct way to deal with the blighters!" He declared boastfully.

Hagrid looked fairly insulted. Harry and Pomona Sprout looked like they wanted to rip Lockhart's arms off for the insult on Hagrid's behalf.

Xander, however, didn't believe a word the man said, but decided it was time to make an example of him. "Sounds like a great idea." He said happily. "Flesh eating slugs must be a menace to plant life everywhere. We have this apparent expert willing to demonstrate and teach. And we have these students eager to learn and be taught.

"So why don't we move your class to the location of Hagrid's slug menace and watch Professor Lockhart show us how it's done?"

Xander had just been shown the slugs by Hagrid. They were about a foot long and apparently had suckers that emitted a corrosive acid that allowed them to consume large animals. They were also not as slow as their non-magical, non-flesh-eating counterparts.

Pomona caught the idea and ran with it. "An absolutely smashing idea Professor Harris, and if he manages to finish with time, he can finish the lesson by completing the lecture he was just giving me on mandrakes with a demonstration."

What followed was both horrific and terrifying. It ended with Poppy being called in to heal the numerous wounds that the Professor had gained. Most of these were due to his hysterical panicking as he ran in circles to escape the slugs. The injuries came from when he kept falling over. The slugs tended to ignore him.

Lockhart's lessons, were obviously, for the day were cancelled.

Harry was once again forced into the limelight at dinnertime. He was chatting with Hermione and Neville when they were blinded by a bright flash.

Harry had been known to be a little jumpy. In the last 12 months, he had dealt with trolls, psychotic brooms, dark lords, prankster twins and Xander. Harry's reflexes kicked in and a stunner flew from his hand sending a small boy sailing over the tables only to be caught by Hagrid inches above the staff table.

"I thought you weren't teaching other kids 'ow ta fly?" Hagrid asked Xander.

"I don't believe he did that himself, Hagrid." Nicholas snorted as he pointed to where Harry and his friends were trying to clear their eyes. Neville and Hermione both had their wands out.

"This stupid boy decided to use a flash camera on the Boy-Who-Lived." Joyce said with annoyance. "Harry acted on reflex and stunned him… only he didn't use a wand."

"Oh Merlin." Poppy groaned. "I suppose this will be a good test to see if anyone can wake someone up from one of Harry's wandless stunners or if it will require Harry's touch. Hagrid, you can put him down and I'll levitate him to the hospital wing."

"Sure you don't want me ta carry him?" Hagrid offered.

"Thank you, Hagrid, but you carry on. I'll soon be back."

Xander meanwhile had teleported down to the three kids.

"Nice reflexes Harry." Xander smirked.

"Xander?" Hermione asked blearily.


"Was it Dobby again?" Neville asked in a harsh whisper.

"Nope. Some kid with a camera. Just thought I'd let you know. You and Hermione can holster those wands." Xander informed them. "I'm going to go with Poppy and talk to this kid. The last thing you need is paparazzi." Xander said as he vanished.

"What's paparazzi?" Harry asked.

"Nosy photographers who photograph celebrities when they are looking for privacy. They go through their garbage and everything!" Hermione said with disgust.

Harry sighed. "And people think I actually like being famous."

The young flying shutterbug, aka Colin Creevey, was given a short, sharp lecture on respecting other students and their privacy. He was warned that if he was caught taking more pictures of Harry or any other student without their express permission, the camera would be confiscated and the film destroyed. Further attempts would end with him kicked out and having to beg for a place at another school in another country.

Judging by the way the boy was looking at his camera, it was clear he was overjoyed that he was thinking of the picture he already had of Harry in there. So Xander confiscated the film.

Colin got the message. Only time would tell if he learnt the lesson.

With his previous days classes cancelled, Lockhart's first ever lesson was with Harry's class the following day.

Considering the so called defeater of the Waga Waga Werewolf ran from a bunch of Cornish Pixies which, whilst mischievous, were easily dealt with by the class once Hermione had immobilized them, Harry decided to have Xander sit in on the next class as this guy may not be worth sitting through a whole year.

The next DADA lesson was slightly better. There were no creatures and no professor running in fear like a young boy being chased by a bunch of old ladies looking to pinch a little cheek.

Unfortunately for Harry, he spent the whole lesson as Lockhart's victims and conquests as them man re-enacted parts of his books.

Xander couldn't really fault the lesson for anything other than being heavy on the ham and hard on Harry. Lockhart was given a stern warning about using Harry and told to back off.

Harry was happily left alone.

Classes came and went as the days moved on. Xander started his exercise and training regime on the kids. It was for now, a very simple matter of long walks around the lake and the grounds whilst discussing various scenarios and topics. The plan was for them to start jogging around the lake after Christmas. Eventually he would have them training against each other.

Soon enough, Halloween was upon them. It was a big day for Xander, Harry, Neville, Hermione, Joyce and Minerva. The day that Xander arrived.

Harry, Hermione and Neville had decided to throw a surprise party for Xander. They had thrown one for Hermione back in September which she had loved. They had gotten a spare classroom from Joyce and permission from Minerva and gone all out on the decorations.

Having learned from Colin's mistake of surprising Harry, they decided not to jump out at Xander. They would instead walk him to the room for the surprise and hopefully avoid being eviscerated.

Instead of blindfolding him, they told him to lose the wolf eyes and gave him a second eye-patch. The sight of Professor Harris being lead around the school with two pirate eye-patches by another two professors and three students gave many a student pause.

Xander was thrilled with the party. His first ever surprise party. Joyce also realized that it was the first party she had ever attended for Xander and resolved to make it up to him. She was disappointed that her daughter and Willow had never thrown him one.

By about eight o'clock they had finished their private meal and were heading back to the apartment to relax in comfort. The adults were on their way to the great hall to deal with their usual duties and the kids were making their way own way back only for Harry to freeze.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Can't you hear that?" He asked worriedly. "It's going to kill someone!" He cried before running off. Neville and Hermione were hot on his heels.

As they ran they tried to get Harry to explain, but he just ran faster. He came skidding to a stop in a corridor which appeared to be flooded.

It was not the flooding that made Harry stop. It was the blood message on the wall.

'The chamber of secrets has been opened.

Enemies of the heir… beware.'

"That's not red paint… is it?" Hermione asked with a hint of desperate hope.

"I doubt it… if it's blood, is it human?" Harry queried.

"Maybe we should get Xander?" Neville suggested nervously.

"We would have to be in the one place without portraits and armour." Hermione moaned.

"Oh dear." Joyce exclaimed as she suddenly appeared.

"Joyce! Where did you come from?" Hermione asked having been startled.

"Neville called me. He seems to be pretty good at keeping his head on straight in a crisis." She said as she patted his back fondly. "This is bad. The Great Hall just let out and half the students pass by here on their way to their dorms."

As she was speaking, the shadows of approaching students could be seen on the walls and their footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Despite the fact that the non-magical born were beginning to out number the magical born, graffiti was not something you saw in a castle. Or a school. Unless you happen to be an adult regressed to a teenager by mystical candy on a night of mayhem and loved heavy metal. But that was some years off. And a different reality.

Therefore, when a bunch of young children and professors, who have spent the past ten to twenty years hearing about a war or fighting said war, come across a message scrawled in red that carries a threat… nobody thinks it's written in tomato sauce.

The students and teachers came to a halt and gasped. The muttering and whispering began. That's when Filch came along.

"What's going on 'ere?" He demanded. "Oh, Lady 'Ogwarts, no dis-" And this is where he noticed something hanging from a light fixture. "Wha- Mrs. Norris? My cat! Who did this to my cat!" He began demanding.

Then Draco arrived, and of course his mouth was open and spewing the noxious gas Snyder had once accused Xander of spewing. "'Enemies of the heir beware'? You'll be next mudbloods."

"Oh very nice Malfoy." Joyce scowled. "Congratulations on earning yourself a nice week of detentions."

Malfoy closed his mouth, silently fuming.

"My cat, someone's killed my cat! Who was it? I'll kill 'em!"

"Argus!" Came Dumbledore's stern warning. "Everyone back to your dorms."

"Belay that. All professors will accompany all students to the Great Hall. Account for all students and send out search parties for those missing." Xander ordered. "I want all the students in one place."

The last thing Xander wanted was a repeat of what they did a year ago to the day by sending the students off in four directions and thinning the protections.

"NOW PEOPLE!" Xander roared. "Joyce, I want the armour guarding the entrances to the Great Hall. Nicholas, you better stay."

Joyce nodded and then simply vanished.

Xander turned to the three children. "Guys, you are three of the most powerful and flexible magic users in the school."

"You want us to hunt what did this?" Harry asked nervously.

"Hell no! I have an army of goblins at my disposal, why would I risk my son?" Xander asked incredulously. "No, I want you to head to the Great Hall. You are the last line of defence for the hall. You will hold the hall if anything happens, do not leave the hall. If you hear commotion, start doing what you can to barricade the doors. Leave the teachers to fight what is outside, your responsibility is to the other students. Are we clear?"

The three nodded.

"Get going then." They started to jog off. "Are you magical or what? Teleport!" He called after them.

"Was it really necessary to contradict my orders?" Albus asked a little peeved.

"Considering you were doing exactly what you did when the troll was here last year… hell yes." Xander said heatedly. "Now, let's figure out what's up with Argus' cat so we can work out what we're up against."

"It was definitely a curse that killed her!" Lockhart piped up. "Probably the Transmogrifian Torture curse. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobi-"

"She's not dead Argus. Merely petrified." Thankfully Albus had had enough of the annoying mans prattle.

"Precisely! So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very counter curse that could have spared-"

"Then why are you here annoying us instead of preparing to defend the students with the other teachers?" Xander spat.

"My experience could very well prove key to discovering the key to this mystery." He defended pompously.

Unfortunately, Xander had no response to that as it was quite a logical reason. Of course, Xander doubted the man had the ability to defeat a newborn puppy, but he had no proof.

"I doubt we will be able to determine what caused Mrs. Norris' state by examining her." Albus mused. "Don't worry Argus, Professor Sprout has a healthy growth of Mandrakes that will be used to create a restorative potion."

"How long will that take?" He asked worriedly.

"At least another six months." Nicholas supplied.

"Six months!" Xander exclaimed. "Can't we import them?"

"No, they have a short lifespan and all mandrakes will be the same age at this point in time. Some will grow quicker, so we could import those, but we won't have any available for many months." He explained.

"Damn." Xander whispered. "Argus, I'm going to teleport you to the hospital wing with Mrs. Norris. Tell Poppy what happened and to stay put and lock down the infirmary until I get there."

Argus took his proffered cat from Albus and Xander sent him on his way.

Xander then turned back to the writing. "Ok, so we're dealing with a human or at least sentient being. With a weird education." He mused.

"You're thinking one of the students?" Nicholas asked.

"I'm trying to remain open minded." Xander shrugged.

"What brings you to your conclusion?" Albus enquired.

"This person can spell 'chamber', 'secrets', 'heir' and 'beware'. But as 'Chamber of Secrets' is obviously a name, they haven't capitalized it. They also used the dot, dot, dot thingy-"

"Ellipses." Nicholas supplied.

"Yeah, them. So at least a thirteen year old."

"I see."

"But that's just to establish minimum age based on this evidence. I'm not gonna make assumptions."

"Would Fang or Fluffy be of any use here?" Nicholas asked.

Xander had already been sniffing around discretely. "No, we just had half the school up here."

"You have a plan?"

"Check the building and get the kids back to their dorms."

"You have considered that the culprit could actually be locked in the Great Hall?"

"Yeah, if that's the case I intend to lock down the individual dorm rooms every night till they're found. All students will be escorted in groups as well. They might not be willing to strike again if there is more chance of them getting caught."

"What of the Chamber of Secrets?" Albus queried.

"We'll have to research. I'm more interested in the person leaving the messages and petrifying living creatures." Xander responded.

Having cleared the castle, the students were returned to their dorms. The four heads of house along with Albus, Xander and Joyce were having a meeting in the heads office to discuss what to do next. The other professors were standing watch within the common rooms of each house.

Harry, Neville and Hermione were having a meeting of their own.

"You need to tell Xander about the voices you heard." Neville stated firmly. He was quite confident amongst his two friends, but when others were involved, he tended to devolve into a timid little boy.

"But you didn't hear them." Harry objected. "I was probably just imagining things… it's Halloween… at least there isn't another troll!" Harry was practically pleading.

Hermione didn't want to cause Harry more problems, she was still wary after the incident with the Hogwarts Express. "Maybe Harry's right. If it happens again, then he should tell, otherwise… hearing voices… it's never a good thing."

Neville didn't like this. He trusted his friends, but he trusted Xander more. He knew Xander wouldn't judge them or hurt them. Xander always listened.

But Hermione had a point. "Fine. But I don't like it… and I reserve the right to say 'I told you so' later." He said with a mock pout.

The meeting in the Head's office was fairly short. No one new what or who had caused the petrifaction, but the writing on the wall indicated a sentient was involved. The most likely suspect was a student… or Lockhart as the newest and greatest unknown.

"I have trouble believing anything that man says." Joyce said with disgust.

"Now, now, Professor Summers, his records and accounts speak for themselves." Albus admonished.

"His attitude speaks louder." Nicholas retorted. "The man is a braggart and coward. And I believe my age and experience speak for themselves." He snarked at Albus.

"I believe it would behoove us to consider bringing in outside help." Albus suggested with a slight hesitation.

"I was going to contact Amelia in the morning. I'll also be bringing in some goblin consultants." Xander agreed.

"I wish to bring Severus Snap-"

"No." Xander said firmly.

"Severus is an expert in the Dark Arts. He could tell us who or what did this." Albus argued.

"Then show him your memories. There are plenty of other people who can provide the same, if not better service." Joyce countered.

Minerva, not wanting to get bogged down in an argument about the former Potions Professor, raised another point. "Joyce, can you tell us anything about this Chamber of Secrets?"

"Only the same rumours you know about. If it exists, it's not part of the actual castle as I would know about it, or it is very well hidden."

"Would Salazar Slytherin really have made a chamber to contain a creature that killed muggleborns?" Fillius asked.

"No. Absolutely not." Joyce said sternly, she then grimaced. "That is to say that he wouldn't have put a creature that killed muggleborns in the chamber… he more than likely created a chamber. He liked his little hideaways. Godric and Helga were more outdoors-y types and Rowena was a typical bookworm.

"Salazar preferred his laboratories and was always looking for somewhere quiet to work. He definitely would have created a private space for himself, but would not have done anything to endanger the school."

"Is it even possible for there to be a section of the school you don't know about?" Fillius asked.

"You have to remember that whilst magic is capable of a great many things that are beyond our comprehension… it is still wielded by humans. Those of us that built this castle were human, so the castle and myself are certainly fallible." Joyce explained. "There were reports from the portraits and armour that the chamber was opened fifty years ago, but I never noticed… but I did wake up for poor Myrtle. She didn't know what happened either."

"I don't think there is anything more we can do tonight." Xander yawned. "We will keep the security measures in place. Tomorrow I will go and see Madam Bones and the Goblins. I'm going to warn Harry that he will need to be on alert whilst I'm gone. He's the only one with enough power to actually be able to handle any situation with pure brute force."

The following day Xander was out of the castle and Harry was on edge.

The whole school was on edge, but Harry knew that he would be the one to stand between the students and whoever was behind the attack and the message.

The students were nervous, but the accompanying escorts of teachers and suits of armour, were reassuring. The paintings were on alert as well.

Lessons were stressed, but Joyce settled a lot of fears by giving an impromptu lecture at breakfast about the chamber and its mythological history.

Draco seemed to have regained a lot of his snide aloofness and was terrorizing the muggleborns and talking loudly about how the 'Mighty Slytherin would cleanse the school of their filth'. He was, unfortunately, very careful about not saying these things in front of professors.

"He is a disgusting little rodent who seems to think the sun shines out of his arse." Joyce sneered as Malfoy stormed away having just lost more points. Joyce didn't need to be physically near him to know what he was up to.

Xander popped back into the school for lunch but warned them he would be gone for most of the evening.

The trio decided to stay in the apartment that evening. Harry wanted very few distractions if he was to be alert for the castles sake. Hermione was studying away but Neville wanted to try something and needed a partner.

"So what new genius thing are you doing today?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Talking with our minds over great distances." Neville responded.

"Mind reading?" Harry frowned.

"No… erm… sending thoughts or speech… I guess."

"You mean thought projection." Hermione called out. "Xander told us about his friend Willow who did it and you keep doing to Joyce."

"Exactly." Neville said excitedly. "Xander is always telling us that we have to tell our magic what to do. We can move ourselves over distances with teleportation… so why not our thoughts?"

Harry shrugged. "Ok, what's the plan?"

Neville gave a sheepish grin. "I… don't really have one… I was going to just start with thinking at you really hard."

Hermione had started making notes on a spare piece of paper as she half listened and continued to study. She had made a lot of notes for her book of Xander magic.

Harry and Neville sat there on opposite ends of the sofa, cross-legged and staring at each other for a good ten minutes with looks of severe concentration. Hermione was hard pressed to suppress her giggles and found her mind filling with... Xander-esque jokes... She would never forgive him for corrupting her!

There was a sudden blast of a siren and red lights flashing. It looked like emergency lighting for a submarine.

"Blue light is for more than snogging... What's a red light for?" Neville asked worriedly. He had no desire to walk in on older students doing... that!

Harry didn't answer as he just ran out the door to the apartment and into the Hogwarts corridor.

"Jerry, red lights and sirens... What do they mean?"

"Sexual assault in progress or imminent." The suit armour said with anger in his voice.

"Where?" Harry demanded.

"Third floor, Fluffy's old room."

Before anyone could say anything Harry had vanished.

Luna had been having a horrible first year at Hogwarts. She had never seen the world quite as others had. She saw things others couldn't and had no way of actually proving them. Being only eleven years old, she desperately wanted to be accepted. She was always hoping to find someone who would be able to see what she saw or at least be able to help explain it.

This had led to some uncomfortable conversations with her housemates. Not wanting to be associated with some crazed and weird individual, they had quickly distanced themselves. This had led to teasing and the spiteful name of Luna 'Looney' Lovegood.

Things had escalated from there. They had begun hiding her things. Shrinking them. Cursing and hexing them.

The girls were the worst. The boys, being eager to please prospective girlfriends, were not far behind.

Luna had quietly accepted it all. She didn't like it and would cry herself to sleep, but she didn't raise a fuss.

This had led to tonight's terrifying ordeal. She had entered her dorm... that was the last thing she remembered before she woke up naked in a cold empty room with a trapdoor in the floor surrounded by several older boys who were all drooling over her shivering naked form.

Not for the first time in her life... Luna wished she had died with her mother.

She could hear the boys, who appeared to be Slytherins, arguing over her. One of them was clearly larger than the rest and dominated them. They backed down and the boy turned towards her with a smirk that chilled Luna to her bones.

The boy approached her and Luna scooted back her bare bottom scraping on the stone floor, she was too frightened to pay attention to the pain.

Luna closed her eyes and prayed to Merlin that someone would save her.

There was a sudden silence that filled the room for a mere second. Followed by a gust of wind that seemed to blow one-way and then another.

A low rumble sounded from behind the boys. Luna kept her eyes closed, she didn't want a visual memory to accompany the imminent physical memory.

Luna could hear only the sound of the rumble and the wind. The smell of the room suddenly changed to that found in a toilet. Luna remained silent with tears streaming down her cheeks from tightly shut eyes.

There were several thumps and then suddenly, the wind increased in strength and began overlapping it's directions. There was a loud hissing and snarling noise. Luna couldn't identify it beyond animal, and she still had no desire to open her eyes and find out.

Suddenly a deep growling voice filled the large room, it's pattern seemed young for such a deepness. "Miss, you can open your eyes. Your safe now."

Luna kept her eyes shut tightly. "Who - who are you?"

"Harry, Miss. Harry Potter."

Luna had heard the voice of the Boy-Who-Lived... "Harry is a boy, young like me." She argued.

The voice chuckled causing the wind to pick up again. "I am having a little problem with my body today."

Luna's fear was finally overcome by her curiosity and she peeked through squinted eyes.

Standing mere meters from her were two dragons. She instantly recognized the reddish brown Norbert who was now the size of a minibus, but the large black dragon the size of a heavy goods vehicle caused her to back up more... Unfortunately she had already hit the wall. That's when she noticed the dark emerald green lightning bolt that reached from above the dragon's right brow and stretched to the bottom left of his right eye.

"Harry?" Luna gasped.

Luna saw something that no one had ever seen... A dragon with a sheepish grin giving a sheepish wave with a front claw. It was still a slightly terrifying sight.

"I'm having a wee problem turning back into a human... So, I am going to transport us to the Hospital Wing and Norbert is going to guard these... things." Harry spat causing a slight puff of smoke to come out his nose.

Luna just nodded, then remembered. "Harry... I'm naked!"

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot with the whole dragon thing." Harry said apologetically. Luna was suddenly standing in the hospital wing dressed in a jeans and a t-shirt, similar to what Hermione wore.

"Thank you Harry. But you forgot my underwear." Luna smirked as she shifted uncomfortably and Harry looked like he was blushing... hard to tell on a pitch black dragon.

By this point, Poppy had been alerted that someone had entered the ward and had come to investigate.

"Ok, wha- sweet Merlin is going on?" Poppy screeched as she grabbed Luna and started backing her into her office as she aimed her wand at the extremely large dragon.

"Hi Poppy!" Harry grinned.

Poppy had spent a lot of time with Harry, she knew his mannerisms, and that scar was a dead give away.

"Harry James Potter! Have you been messing about with the animagus potion?" She screeched.

"No! Honest Poppy! I went to help... Erm..."

"Luna?" Poppy offered.

"Yeah... I guess, but when I reappeared... I was like this... dragonish."

Poppy sighed the sigh of exasperation. "You will have to wait until Minerva gets here. For now let us deal with Miss Lovegood." She said turning to the young girl.

Luna had suddenly remembered the events that brought her here began to shrink back only to find herself enveloped in a loving embrace.

Joyce held her tightly as she sank to the floor with Luna in her lap as the young girl cried out her fear and anguish.

Harry curled into himself resting his large head on his forearms. Poppy approached the young dragon/boy.

"Harry, what happened?"

Harry growled and snout began to glow as a flame of anger built in his throat. He physically calmed himself and the glow faded. "I don't know how, but she wound up naked in Fluffy's old room surrounded by older Slytherin boys about to do... things to her." Harry said with clear disgust.

Poppy was growling now. She cursed and stormed into her office. Joyce stayed seated on the cold hard floor whilst Luna wept.

Poppy could be heard barking orders into the Floo in her office, they couldn't tell who until she emerged with Minerva.

"Harry, did you set Norbert on those upper year Slytherin boys?" Minerva asked. She had been forewarned about his dragon state, but still managed to pull up short as she exited the office.

"Yes, why? Has she eaten them yet?" Harry asked with an air of nonchalance.

Minerva eyed him warily. "No, why?"

The affected air of calm and apathy was quickly replaced by a rage that caused Harry's snout to light up again.

"BECAUSE THEY WERE GOING TO RAPE LUNA!" He roared, his wings snapping open causing the magical room to expand to accommodate them.

Minerva was torn between terror at Harry and her own rage and disgust for what happened to the young blonde girl.

"Holy Mary, Mother and Joseph!" Xander exclaimed as he appeared in the room with Hermione and Neville.

"Wow, Harry?" Neville asked in awe.

"Did you take the animagus potion without us?" Hermione asked as she glared at him with arms crossed and foot tapping ominously.

Harry was still enraged over the attack on Luna and just growled angrily.

"Silence Hermone!" Minerva admonished harshly. "Now is not the time. Xander, there was a sexual assault on Miss Luna Lovegood here. As per your instructions, Harry saw to the safety and security of the castle and it's inhabitants."

Xander, like Minerva, was torn between two emotions. He felt the same rage as Minerva, but also pride in Harry.

He put the pride away, he would express it later.

"Minerva, go call in Nym and Kingsley. Where are the little fuckers?"

"Language!" Minerva admonished.

"I'm justified." He growled back. "Where are they?"

"Harry has Norbert guarding them in Fluffy's old room." Joyce said quietly. Luna was now dozing quietly, having sobbed herself to sleep.

"Ok, Harry, I need you to change back so you can help me with Norbert." Xander said turning to the large dragon.

"Can't we just let her eat them?" Harry whined.

"Only if the law fails to provide this young girl with justice." Xander said firmly.

Harry clearly sulked causing Neville to chuckle at the amusing sight.

"How do I change back?" Harry asked worriedly.

Xander frowned. "How did you change in the first place?"

"I found out where Luna was being attacked so I teleported straight there. When I arrived I was like this, I teleported Norbert in straight away."

"Xander, I think his change was emotion based. He originally refused Minerva's request to call Norbert off." Joyce offered. "He is also very angry over what Luna went through."

"Right… emotions… Willow 2.0." Xander sighed. "Harry, close your eyes and try and relax. Think of something happy and relaxing. Then try thinking about changing your body, think of your human body." Xander instructed.

Harry shuffled his large body slightly before closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and expelled it causing everyone to get blown back along with the beds in the infirmary.

"Oops." He said with a sheepish chuckle.

"Just get on with it." Xander groused as he helped Joyce and the now awake Luna off the floor.

As Harry was lying there curled up, he tried to think of his favourite moment. Fortunately, he actually had some since Xander arrived. He really wanted to think of the dragons in Romania they had visited… but he figured it wouldn't help if he was trying to turn into a boy again.

He finally picked the day that Xander, Joyce and Minerva had adopted him. He settled down and focused on relaxing in the feeling and how it felt to be hugged as a boy by-

He was snapped out of his attempts by the doors banging open and something crashing into his tail and backside.

"Oh my!" Albus exclaimed as he picked himself up off the ground.

Harry turned around in a surprisingly fluid motion for a creature his size. "Do you mind? I'm trying to focus here!" He said indignantly.

"Harry!" Hermione admonished.

"What? It's the hospital wing, Poppy always says we should be quiet in here." Harry groused as he turned back.

"Could I enquire-"

"Later Albus, we're a little busy. If you're gonna stay, then be quiet, otherwise, you should leave." Xander interrupted. "Carry on Harry."

Once again, Harry settled down. Fortunately he was able to relax easier now that he had his memory. Eventually he realized he couldn't feel his tail, the room felt bigger. He opened his eyes and found himself looking up at Xander.

"Very nice Harry, you didn't even morph, one second you were a dragon, the next a boy." Xander said proudly.

"It didn't appear to be an animagus transformation." Hermione said thoughtfully.

"We aren't trying to be animagus." Neville said. "We're magimagus."

"And you think that might be causing the difference in how we transform… or will?" She asked.

"I dunno, I just watch and copy what Harry and Xander do." He shrugged.

Hermione just rolled her eyes.

Neville was saved from Hermione's ire as Minerva returned with Kingsley and Nym.

"Aw man! Did we miss the Harry-Dragon?" Nym whined.

"Later Tonks, you can play after we've dealt with the bastards." Kingsley admonished firmly.

Tonks blushed a little but straightened herself up and gave a sharp nod of understanding.

"Xander, Minerva says there was a sexual assault?" He asked.

"I was out of the building. Harry handled the situation. I condone and approve of his actions. Miss… erm…"

"Lovegood. Luna Lovegood." Joyce supplied.

"Right, Luna was the victim."

"Ok, with everyone's approval, I will leave Tonks to take good care of Miss Lovegood. Xander could you help me retrieve the perpetrators?"

"You'll need Harry. He left Norbert guarding them." Minerva pointed out.

"Very well, it will give me a chance to get his statement as well." Kingsley said as he gestured for Xander and Harry to lead the way.

Harry just looked at Kingsley like he was nuts, and teleported all three away.

Nym led Luna and Joyce to a corner of the hospital wing where Joyce created some comfortable seats and Nym warded the area for privacy. Joyce sat on a two seater sofa with Luna hugged tightly to her side as Nym sat in a comfortable arm chair opposite with her dictor-quill and pad taking notes as it floated next to her and she gently quizzed the young girl about what happened.

Minerva teleported Neville and Hermione back to the apartment, they were no longer needed and someone could get them if they were.

Nym sat back and sighed.

This was going to be a very depressing case. It was bad enough that the young girl was forced to go through this ordeal, but it didn't sound like there would be enough to take it to court. Or even charge the boys with.

From the way Luna described things, the boys found her naked. They didn't abduct her. Sure they could stretch things and claim they prevented her from leaving, thus causing her to be their prisoner, but it was a huge stretch.

Then there is the fact that the boys never had the chance to lay a hand on her. The castle and Harry were perfect security and safety systems… of course, there was no telling how Xander would have reacted… he might have just killed the boys on principle. He had a very vicious streak.

But the lack of physical contact left a huge hole in their case. They could easily claim that they had no intention of hurting her.

According to Joyce, the boys were Slytherin, they could likely afford to bribe their way out.

The best they could hope for was to collect the evidence and present it to Madam Bones and Xander. See if they could dispense reasonable justice.

"Ok, we have the boys in custody thanks to Harry and Norbert." Nym said, finally. "But I think we need to question the whole of Ravenclaw house. Somewhere in there are the only people who could access Luna from her dorm room… unless you think a staff member or House Elf could do it?"

Joyce sighed. "No, you're right. I can't believe things have gotten this bad that the students could abuse each other this way." She said with a hint of anger. "I don't think I'll be going to sleep for centuries again."

"We can eliminate the lower years. They would have to have disillusioned Luna to get her past the portraits and armour." Nym pointed out.

"True, and none of them have cloaks like Harry."

"It's late, I think we should summon the fourth years and up to the Great Hall and begin questioning. See if someone will snitch, hopefully them being tired will force them to turn on each other."

"Sounds a little harsh… but deserving. We'll run it by the others first." Joyce agreed.

Kingsley had the same worries about this being too weak to take to court. Xander had decided to exercise his rights as owner or of Hogwarts, Lord Hogwarts, King of the Goblins and Hogwarts Chief of Security. He threw the boys in a dungeon till they could determine the appropriate punishment.

They were now standing in the Great Hall with the upper Ravenclaw students seated at their table. Minerva had been in favour of Nym's idea, surprisingly. Albus was the only one who believed they should assign the would be assaulters detention and forget it happened.

Harry and Joyce had to be forcibly restrained after Albus made that suggestion.

Joyce was now settling Luna into a new room in the Apartment after Harry was adamant she would not be staying in the Ravenclaw dorms again. Minerva was attempting to contact Luna's parents.

Albus, Xander, Fillius, Kingsley and Nym were standing on the raised dais in front of the staff table, surveying the scene. Fillius was livid when he heard what had happened. He was wholeheartedly in favour of any and all of Harry's suggestions.

Albus was beginning to fear a bloodbath, and he was powerless to stop it. Even his position as Chief Warlock held no sway at Hogwarts anymore. Not since Xander had reclaimed its sovereignty.

Kingsley, as per agreement of the adults, stepped forward. "Students, I am Senior Auror Kingsley Shacklebot." He said sternly. He projected himself, as Xander called it, as a 'hard ass'. "Earlier this evening, one of your housemates, Miss Luna Lovegood, was found naked in a room on the third floor. She was about to raped by several upper year Slytherin boys when the castle security set in and she was rescued."

There were several gasps from a few students. Particularly the muggle-born.

"We have the assaulters from the third floor in custody and they will be dealt with. However, Miss Lovegood was abducted from her dorm room, which means one of you must have stunned and abducted her and left her on the third floor. If you come forward now, willingly, we will attempt to persuade the courts to be lenient. If not, then we will be relentless… with you all."

There was a heavy silence, no one moved, eyes were shifting. Passing back and forth between those they suspected were guilty… or those they suspected they would rat them out.

"You have five minutes to decide. Then we become… pro-active." Xander announced grimly.

Harry watched from behind the staff table under his cloak. He figured Joyce knew where he was as she was currently hyper-aware of the castle. She had warned them that this was not possible for her all the time as it wore her out quickly and could only be sustained if she was absorbed back into the castle.

Harry wanted to be there to ensure the culprits were caught. So he had snuck out and was now watching as Kingsley spelled an ethereal clock in the air that began counting down five minutes.

Several girls had looks of fear. Those were more to do with the realization that it could have been them instead of Luna. This brought home the realization to Xander that regardless of the legal ramifications, he would have to expel the attackers for the safety and peace of mind of the rest of the students.

Some of the students, both male and female, had very angry expressions. This told Xander that he had to expel the perpetrators for their own safety before they were killed by their own housemates.

The clock ticked down 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

"Disappointing." Kingsley said with disgust. "Now we will see if there is any honour amongst the rest of you. We offer the chance for you to come forward as witnesses. To reveal the criminals amongst you."

There was no chance for pause as Penelope Clearwater shot to her feet. "I don't know who did it, but I offer my memories of this evening and my confession of innocence and ignorance under veritiserum." She said proudly.

Harry was touched and quite proud as several other students offered the same. It seemed there was a touch of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in the house after all.

"Thank you Penelope, and the rest of you. That will be very helpful." Xander said warmly, despite his grim face.

"Can anyone point out the culprits?" Kingsley asked. "We will be questioning you all to find out more information, so you can do so in private if you wish."

Harry didn't want that. He wanted the people named and shamed. He wanted anyone protecting them to realize that he would never let this happen again… he realized that he was talking about his intent to prevent it.

The students gasped as Harry threw off his cloak and was suddenly surrounded by Fluffy and Norbert.

"I have a better idea." He said as he stormed to the front of the dais, marching straight through the staff table. "I say we set the dragon and the cerberus loose on these cowards. They will sniff out Luna's scent."

Norbert and Fluffy could sense the anger in the room, they were immediately on guard and ready to defend or attack as needed.

"Mr. Potter!" Albus roared. "Such actions are neither necessary or conscionable. Attacking your own classmates is an abominable suggestion!"

"Anymore abominable than them attacking Luna?" Harry demanded. "I think you are all forgetting one very important point."

"And what exactly is that?" Albus said glaring at the young boy.

Xander and Kingsley had long since decided to follow Harry's lead. They trusted him to know the limits of how far he could safely go.

"Luna Lovegood was naked when she woke up. What else did the fucking bastards do to her whilst she was unconscious?"

There were several gasps of realization amongst the students. One girl rushed to a corner and threw up.

Harry's anger was poking at the two dangerous animals behind him. Both were fond of the young human. An angry Harry made for an angry Norbert and Fluffy… their growling began to increase and Norbert's snout was smoking and glowing.

"Mr. Potter! Language!" Albus admonished. "That will be twenty points from Gryffindor for such coarse language and another twenty for threatening fellow students with dangerous animals."

"No, it won't." Xander said quietly. "School rules are not in affect at this time. We are playing by the rules and laws of the country. Illegal acts were committed.

"Furthermore, Harry is right… on all accounts."

"You can not seriously be suggesting letting these creatures hunt through the students?" Albus demanded.

"Why not? We can get the answers one way or another. Norbert and Fluffy can easily do it. So can I." Xander shrugged.

There were sudden cries of fright and surprise. "So can I." Came a deep gravelly voice.

Albus paled and turned slowly to come face to face with the huge form of Harry as a dragon. Norbert and Fluffy seemed tiny by comparison and a much safer choice than the large black dragon that was towering over them all.

"I CONFESS!" Came a high pitched scream.

Everyone turned to see a tall boy with shaggy light brown hair. "But I swear! I never touched her like that!"

Two other male students stood up nodding and claiming their parts.

"Is that all of you?" Harry demanded.

"If there are others and you tell us then we will consider it." Kingsley added.

The three boys exchanged a look of fear and seemed to come to an agreement. "Audrey and Janice helped too." The second boy said nervously.

Audrey and Janice looked outraged. But only because they had been ratted out.

"You stupid idiots! If you had kept your mouths shut we would have been free!" Audrey screamed. "You really think they would have let that little freak set those creatures on us?"

"Yeah, it's also illegal to use veritiserum on us without our parents permission." Janice added.

"You really think you could have stopped me?" Harry asked menacingly as his neck stretched out towards them and his head hovered over the other students.