

Tracy Alfred, who was a graduate without a job to care for herself and family. She was a central of every day topic in her home because of lack of job, her father wasn't helping the matter as what he does is drink himself to stupor and her mother who is tired of clothing her force her into looking for a job. Her life change from pauper to billionaire wife, when she meet with the young billionaire, Martin Cornelius.

Aramhidey · Ciudad
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16 Chs


Martin looks at her affectionately, the beautiful smile she puts on now makes her look so hot; yeah, he must admit she is a gorgeous woman, her courage, sophistication and timid behavior is what he loves about her. Just the thought of her made his heart ecstate.

She was simply stunning. No one could deny her features were carved by angels.

His mind dive back to the first time they meet; how bold and rude she was compared to her behavior when she discovers he's her boss. A sly smile finds its way off of his lips. His promise to deal with her ecstasy, a victory joy his heart.

He is going to show her his demon side." He smiled

Tracy was astonished by her boss' unusual smile. If she can remember properly, he is not the type that displays a smile on his cold face. 


But, his smile makes her uneasy.

"Sir," Tracy called slowly. "Your schedule for today; you will be having a meeting with the CEO of SAL PHOENIX company. Mr Cornelius wants you to attend a meeting in his absence and a–" Tracy stopped talking when she sensed he wasn't listening to her.

She waves her hand to his face, in an attempt to come to his attention but quickly stops.

What can make him so lost in thought, but he wasn't bothered, she can see that', should she ask him? What if she gets fired again? No, she can't risk getting fired anymore. Is that any of her problem?. She thought, before calling him carefully. "Sir."

"You look beautiful." Was what came out of his mouth.

Her face drops and a strain expression appears on her face immediately.


She raised her eyelid, giving him a scrutable countenance.

A sudden pang of conscience hit Martin, and he bit his inner lips in regret for what he just said.

Perceiving himself in a blunder, he attempts to correct it. He might have seen that there was a great disparity between them.

"Get me a glass of coffee." He said, sternly.

"Okay, sir." Tracy replied disdainfully.

She stood briskly like a chase squirrel, and walked hastily but steady out of his sight.

Martin wholeheartedly endorse her beauty. He watched the alluring lady as she walked through the door. Her beauty was hard to ignore

Not less than a minute, Tracy walked in with a tray of coffee.

"Sir," She called, and dropped the tray on the table gently.

He didn't spare her a glare nor did he look up from his computer before saying. "What is my schedule for today?"

Before she could reply, he spat out angrily.


"What kind of sour coffee did you make, this is fucking bitter than a gall." Martin yelled, glaring at the cup of coffee, he could see Tracy unfathomable, hazel eyes contrasted exceptionally with ferociously in it.

His expression darken as he looked at her, the incredible look she pulled right now made him feel a great compulsion to laugh.

'Why would he be so rude at all times?. The coffee is not bitter!.' Her mind told her but she declined.

"No." She blurted out.

"What?." He asked, his voice echoes through the office.

"Nothing." She murmurs and her stomach rumbles.

"What did you fucking said." He bangs his hand angrily on the table.

Tracy flipped back in fear.

This is unfair, totally unacceptable!

Why would he treat her like a slave?. merely because she is in dire need of money, this is a cruel act, technically he is a cruel man!.

"Am sorry, sir, I didn't say anything." She stuttered as those words came out of her parted lips.

"Get me a better coffee." He said, his voice was hoarse with anger.


"Get it ready, will you?. Was the answer he uttered so savagely that she started to leave for the office kitchen. 

She came out with another glass of coffee in a tray. And dropped it without uttering a word.

Martin, who had been engulfed in the computer, picked the glass. Without hesitating, he gulped at once and spat it out simultaneously.

"I made this coffee with the best recipe, I added cinnamon, collagen, agave, lime and a lot of sugar." She said, amiably. She intends to make him annoyed, perhaps, for payback. She adds a little pepper, making the coffee spicy.

"Ooh! You dr-."

"What the fuck is this?.

He interrupted her, with an almost diabolical sneer on his face. His tongue was presently on fire.

Tracy, when she learnt her boss had lost his tongue for the spicy hot coffee, showed her humor by grinning joyfully.

"Glass of water." He gritted his jaw tightly in anger.

To pretend like she did not hear him talking, she arranges the files and starts working on them.

"Get me a glass of water." He yelled.

He regret yelled because he almost choked, he pinched the middle of his brow to suppress the pain.

Tracy almost laughed, when she saw that pain got him.

Just like fate is by her, she finds no water in the fridge.

"There isn't any water in the refrigerator." She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"What the heck is the meaning of this, I asked you to make coffee not pepperoni"

He was interrupted by the loud beef of the telephone.

"Who is on the line?" He asked straightforwardly.

"Wouldn't you at least greet, did you get in a fight with your brother?." 

"Father!" He called.


"I want you to attend a concession meeting at YAL MASIN company in my absence."

"But dad, my schedule is seriously tight today," He responded. "You should have told your scourge son who wanders aimlessly round the street to attend in your absence." 

"That bastard!" Mr Cornelius restored it from the other end.

"Did you give me your word?." He asked afterward.

"Okay, Dad." He cut the call.

"What is my schedule for today?. "You are having a meeting with the SAL PHOENIX company this afternoon…" She was still reading when he cut her off

"Cancel that, make arrangements for the concession meeting I am having." He muttered, dropping his forehead on his palm.