
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Mama Boar

Draven was deep in thought as he continued walking along the shore. He began to take more notice of his surroundings to see if there were any other signs or further proof to solidify his claim that he was still on earth. But no matter how much he looked around there was nothing. He was looking for plastic bottles or soda cans, really any kind of trash that wouldn't normally be too difficult to find but his path was clean.

"Maybe this is some kind of parallel universe type of situation where this earth isn't as developed but there is magic, and monsters and humans evolved differently? Or what if I'm the only one who looks different, and the rest of the people look like regular humans? They might think I'm a monster or at least a demi-human." Thinking back on all the fantasy stories he has read there was a good chance he would be looked down upon as a demi-human, and knowing humans realistically that was bound to be the case as well since humans are known to not like people that look different we can't even get along with people that have a different skin color how could we get along with humans that are part creature or animal?

He was traveling at a noticeably slower pace now, partially due to the many thoughts still clouding his mind and partially due to his fear of being rejected when he does finally see someone. Ultimately, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he couldn't live in the forest forever and needed answers, so finding some form of town or people to talk to was a top priority. If things go bad, then they go bad there was no point in freaking out about it now.

He had been stress eating the clam meat he could easily grill them in seconds between his fingers as he summoned fire, but he was beginning to get tired of the taste and they weren't very filling he wanted something juicy to chew on. Just thinking about the small boar, he had seen when he initially woke up caused him to start salivating. He was always a meat eater but since becoming part Dragon his appetite and cravings seem to demand him to find and consume meat. He decided to take a detour and see if he can't find another boar walking around as animals tend to not stray too far from water sources there was a good chance, he would find something decent to eat. Leaving the immediate area of the shore he continued to walk in the same direction but from within the forest. After every 20 minutes or so he would stop and take a moment to carefully listen for any grunting sounds. It took a few hours, and the sun was beginning to set before he finally heard what he was looking for.

Carefully he approached the area where he heard the grunting sound coming from and to his delight, he saw a decently sized boar grunting away as it rubbed its tusks up against a tree. Draven was practically drooling just thinking about the tasty meal it was going to become. While daydreaming he stepped on a twig alerting the boar to his presence. It quickly turned around and after seeing Draven immediately started to charge him.

Draven was surprised as to how quick it could move, he had to be careful to not get impaled by its tusks and the boar was certainly trying to do just that as it swayed its head toward him with each attempt. Not wanting to continue to dodge for the rest of the evening Draven grew out his claws and after sidestepping another charge he sliced into the back of its neck. This took Draven by Suprise again as he was fully expecting to decapitate the boar, but its hide seemed to be much thicker than anything he has killed before. 

"SQUEEEE!" It shrieked he was not able to decapitate it in one swing, but he had severely wounded it and blood was profusely pouring out of the gash he had made. Not wanting it to needlessly suffer any more than it needed to Draven dashed over to finish the job. It was already swaying from left to right as Draven sliced once more with all his strength this time successfully severing the head.

Beep User has slain level 4 Juvenile Ironhide Boar. After looting its XP orb Draven created two pillars with hands made of earth that picked the boar up by its hind legs and lifted the animal into the air to allow it to bleed out. He had never skinned or butchered anything before but if he was going to be living in the wilderness for a while then it was time he started to learn. Extending his claws again he made a cut going down the middle of its chest. He then started cutting pelt free from the fat and muscle underneath while pulling the pelt almost ripping it from the carcass.

Draven took his time and was fully absorbed in his task. Unbeknownst to him the boar he had killed belonged to a sounder and had walked off on its own and Mama boar who had heard its shriek had just arrived and she was pissed. With a loud roar she made herself known as she charged. Draven barely had time to turn around as the giant boar came crashing into him. He was thrown several feet through the air as he skidded on the ground for several more before coming to a stop.

Mama boar who was as big as the average car was already charging him again as Draven was doing his best to stand up bewildered as to how such a large creature was able to sneak up on him. He quickly jumped to the side and checked its level.

Adult Iron hide Boar

Level 12

Hp: 150

Mana: none

"Shit this thing is level 12." He had a hard time cutting through the hide of the level 4 boar. He wasn't sure if he would even be able to scratch this one. Draven formed a large half-moon blade made of wind and launched it at Mama Boar. Draven was used to this attack slicing monsters in half, but the boar charged straight through dispersing the wind as it smacked it in the chest. Draven had to jump out of the way to dodge its charge. Before it could turn around, he used earth magic to form 4 large hands to come out from the ground and latch onto all four legs to keep it in place. This lasted for roughly a second as it tore through the earth with a bit of effort.

Next was fire knowing a fire arrow wouldn't pierce its hide he threw a ball twice the size of a bowling ball at its face. This time it reared back and shrieked but after shaking its head a few times the flames dissipated leaving an even angrier Mama Boar standing with the fur on its face singed. Looking at its health that attack had only dropped its health by 5 points and even Draven didn't have enough mana to spam it until the boar died.

Mama Boar charged Draven once again but even faster this time and it wildly shook its head hoping to impale Draven with one of its tusks. Jumping to the side Draven was running out of ideas. The only weak spot Draven could see was its eyes they were small when compared to its huge head, and he wasn't confident enough to cast an arrow and hit his target. Meaning he had to get close and stab it with his claw.

Draven prepared himself to this time taking a wide stance to easily dodge the next attack without having to leap away. Mama Boar didn't disappoint as it charged him head-on once again with her head flailing in every which direction. Draven sidestepped out of the way and quickly jumped onto its neck sinking in his claws for support they went just deep enough into its fur for him to be able to securely hold on.

The giant boar began to thrash around trying everything it could think of to get Draven to fall off as it jumped into the air and spun around in different directions. Draven held on for dear life but knew he had to make his way to her head as he slowly inched forward using his claws to climb up its neck and closer to its head. Its left eye was finally in reach and Draven extended his claw as far as it would come out on his index finger and thrust it into her eye piercing all the way through Draven then cast a fire spell to shoot out through his index finger and then poured as much mana as he could into it while imagining a balloon of fire expanding.

"UIEEEEEE!" It squealed as Draven poured every drop of mana, he had left to fill its head with as much fire as possible. After what seemed like an eternity the creature buckled and fell forward its face and head had begun to burn from the inside out.

Beep! You have Slain Adult Iron Hide Boar level 12.

Draven collapsed next to the creature panting for breath he had never emptied his entire mana pool in one attack like that before and it drained him he was struggling to stay awake. He activated mana regen and quickly started to feel much better after the external mana entered through the pores of his skin. Draven waited until his mana was half full before storing both boars in his inventory not wanting to be found by another pig behemoth. Draven made his way back to the river and made camp for the first time. He made himself a small bed of leaves up against the river bank and placed a bunch of bushes once again in front of where he was sleeping to hide himself a bit. After setting up the juvenile boar again he finished skinning and cleaning it. Being able to use water magic made this process pretty easy. He then sliced off large portions from its back and put the rest back in his inventory for later as he started roasting the chunks he cut off. It didn't take long for the meat to finish before devouring it and it was incredible. The meat was very juicy. Draven couldn't get enough of it he ended up eating half of the juvenile boar before he was satisfied.

"That hit the spot," he said smiling while rubbing his belly which was now a bit extended. He then ate the 2 XP orbs from the boars, one novice rank and one Iron Rank XP orb.

Congratulations User has Reached Level 9

Congratulations User has Reached Level 10

Congratulations User has met requirements to reach the next Rank.

Initiating advancement to the next Rank.

"Son of a… aaargh" Draven yelled in pain as the familiar uncontrollable muscle spasms fling his body left and right began.

10 minutes later after enduring excruciating pain, Draven was able to sit up again his body trembled as if it had gone through great changes.

Beep! The user has successfully advanced to the Rank of Iron.

Further, XP cannot be absorbed until the User has obtained a Class.

Excess XP shall be stored until Class has been obtained.

Djinn DNA 4% installed.

Due to the User's level further installation is not possible.

Ancient dragon DNA 4% installed.

Due to the User's level further installation is not possible.

Loading Raiju DNA… 1%...2%...3%...4%

Due to the User's level further installation is not possible.

Raiju DNA 4% installed.

All Main Specimens have been introduced.

The user has gained Affinity to Lightning Magic.

The Djinn system has received an update. The system will now be rebooted.

Draven stared at the screen in disbelief. "What the hell was a Raiju?"

Beep! Djinn system upgrades were successful.

Beep! A Raiju is a lightning beast who often took on the form of a Wolf known for its incredible speed. The Raiju could increase its speed even further by transforming its body into pure lightning.

"Holy Shit, did my system just turn into the Pokedex?"

Beep! Unfamiliar with the term "Pokedex"

"Never mind!" Draven said wildly. "Where is my father? Where is the nearest town? Why am I here? What world is this?" Draven listed all the questions he had been suppressing this whole time in the hopes of finally getting some answers.

Beep! Unknown.

Beep! Scanning map data. No signs of civilization are currently discovered. Location to nearest town unknown.

Beep! Unknown.

Beep! Unknown.

Draven collapsed on his bed of leaves as tears began to stream down his face. He had gotten his hopes up to find his Father and they were crushed instantly. First, he had lost his mother and now he didn't know if his father was still alive all the emotions, he had kept in check were rising. Draven didn't bother wiping his tears as he allowed them to flow freely until he finally fell asleep.