
DJ's Marvel Academy

26 Year old Damien James hates his life, and one day he gets an anonymous text of he could leave world for Marvel's will he, find out. -------- I will try my best to upload at least twice a week. Also write in the comments if the chapters are too long. Sorry for changing the name late, but it feels better to me. *Disclaimer* I Do No Not Own Marvel or Naruto or any Third party refrences.

Rad_da_Boss · Derivados de obras
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13 Chs

4 Shift

DJ, Gen, and Miles walk out the theater still drinking soda.

DJ: Ah, man I haven't seen a good movie in a long time, too bad you were scared Miles.

Miles: Whaaaaaat!? I was not.

Gen: Oh yeah I definitely saw you jump a couple times.

Miles: 'voice cracks' THAT IS A LIE!

Both DJ and Gen laugh

Gen: So, what you plan on doing for your first weekend at Marvel Academy DJ?

DJ: Don't know, probably my usual.

Miles: What's that?

DJ: You'll see, hopefully mom and dad sent it already.

Gen and Miles look at each other with raised eyebrows.

The next day Gen and Miles are walking down the hall towards DJ and Miles' room and as they get closer they hear drums being played. As they get closer, the music gets louder. They get to the door and open it, they stare in shock at what they see. It's DJ playing drums along with a song he is listening to with his bluetooth headphones, he doesn't notice Gen or Miles because he's turned towards the window.

Gen: No way.

Miles: Mom would love him.

They nod at each other.

(A/N Think you know who their parents are?)

Both of them go up to DJ and tap him on his shoulders, and DJ jumps and stops, he turns to them and pulls his headphones down.

DJ: Oh uh, sorry guys was it too loud?

Gen: No we're used to it actually.

DJ: Really?

Miles: Yeah, our mom plays the drums so, yeah we are completely used to it.

DJ: awesome.

Gen: So, is this what you do on the weekends?

DJ: Yup, I like music and the beat of said music it just relaxes me.

Miles and Gen: Mom would love you.

DJ looks at them in surprise.

DJ: Really, who are your parents anyway?

Miles: Miles Morales

Gen: and Gwen Stacy-Morales.

DJ: Gwen Stacy, as in the Mary Janes Gwen Stacy?

Miles: That's the one.

DJ: That's awesome I love their music in fact that was one of their songs I was playing.

Gen: Yeah we know, we used to sit in on recording sections so we know almost all their songs.

DJ: Lucky, I'd give anything in order to meet my favorite band.

(A/N What a guy can't like music made by women, I like Pat Benatar music and I'm 20 yr old does that make me a weirdo? I didn't think so.)

Miles and Gen: Anything!?

DJ with a nervous look, looks at us.

DJ: Haha oops!

(Flash back to after DJ was sent to the marvel world in the white room)

Right after DJ left

Old man: You know even though he had a miserable life and didn't murder anyone because of it, I'm gonna give him a reward, I will allow his powers to evolve, let see what comes after the byakugan….'he looks over some notes' Oh yes that's right the tenseigan and the Jougan in both eyes, okay boom, his chidori will have two evolutions one shall be lightning blade and the second will be Kirin, okay I'll increase his super strength by 140 tons after a period of time, I'll sage mode will become Ultimate Sage Mode, and that healing jutsu of his I'll allow it to become Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu(A/N Translation-

Mitotic Regeneration the Hundred Healings) And finally a secret 6th jutsu that will be unlocked on his 16th birthday, but I'm not gonna say it out loud, I'm gonna let it be a surprise, Excelsior!

Old man winks at "US".

(Back to present)

They are walking down the hall.

DJ: What do you want me to do?

Gen: We've been thinking you should enter the King's Game.

DJ: What's that?

Miles: Once a year the school has a competition to see who is top dog for each grade.

DJ: Ah I see, wait does that mean when I fight those three kings, they were the  kings of their individual grades?

Gen: Right on the nose.

DJ: Wait that would mean that there is a fourth king who is he.

Miles: Actually that's the thing it's a she the queen of high school our grade, and she is-

???: YOU!!!

They turn their heads and see a beautiful long-haired blonde girl with diamond blue eyes with a strong demeanor, strong independant feminine personality, and a great bust size.

Gen: Turk's little sister.

Miles: *whispers to DJ* C-cup.

DJ raises an eyebrow at Miles and shakes his head.

The girl charges at DJ throws a punch, but DJ catches it and gently tosses her over his shoulder pinning her to the floor.

DJ: Okay, princess listen up (A) Turk challenged me and (B) he lost fair and square so think before you act.

???: Get off me peasant!

DJ: Okay wow that's rude.

Turk down the hall

Turk: Angelina stop cease this at once!

He runs toward her, DJ lets her up.

Angelina: But brother there is no way a mortal could defeat you!

Turk: Well this man did.

DJ: Man? What happened Turkey you grow a conscience?

Turk: Yes, please accept my apology.

Angelina: Brother he just insulted you are you just going to sit there and let him do that.

Turk: Yes, we had our battle here one I lost therefore he has been given permission to say as he wishes.

Angelina: But I can't allow this!

Turk: Stop this meaningless argument, grandfather would be ashamed of you, did forget that he had also lost to a mortal before.

Angelina: But that was rigged.

Turk: He still lost, now apologize to Sir James immediately!

DJ looks around and points to himself.

DJ: Was I just knighted?

Turk: In a way yes, I have knighted you as a protector of Asgard.

DJ's eyes widened then looks at Gen and Miles.

DJ: Can he do that?

Gen: As the first born and crowned prince, yes he can do that.

Angelina: I still will not accept this we will settle this in the King's Game!

She turns and walks away.

DJ: Is she always like that.

Turk: Not really, she tends to establish dominance, and you are in her target range, good luck, Sir James you will need it.

DJ: Why?

Turk: I hate to admit it, but Angelina is a lot stronger than I.

DJ's eyes widen.

DJ: How does that work?

Turk: I couldn't tell you my friend.

DJ: Can't back out now, looks like I'm competing in the King's Game.

Two guys from out of nowhere.

???: Alright!

???2: Finally, a match worth betting on.

One of them pulls out a cell phone

???:{on phone} Yeah yeah the new guy is in, put me down 4 to 1 shot the new guy wins.

Soon a blonde girl goes through the middle of them.

???g: Sorry about my twin cousins behavior, they have no manners anyway, I'm Reina Richards, and these two idiots are Sam and-

???: Josh Storm, geez Reina you always gotta take the fun out of everything.

Reina: Only because you two take it too far.

Sam: Oh, come one Reina you know you want in on the action.

DJ holds up his hand.

DJ: Hello, uh yes what is going on.

Josh: We are betting you'll win the King's Game.

DJ: How do you know I'm gonna win?

Reina: Sorry I was watching your match with the three kings yesterday.

DJ: But I never saw you.

Miles: Oh right it's because she can turn invisible.

Reina: Yeah that's right, I told them that you were crazy strong.

Sam: And so we figured that if you entered the King's Game-

Josh: You were a shoe-in to win.

DJ: And you're betting?

Sam: Yeah that's our way of life.

DJ: Just out of curiosity who is competing?

Josh: Oh just the ones that sign up, but it's usually the same ones though.

DJ: And what of my grade?

Sam hands him a sign up sheet.

DJ: Wow, there's a lot of people that want to be top dog figures Angelina, would be first, who's this second guy Benson Banner?

Miles: Oh, yeah that's the teen hulk, he's got real beef with the asgardians.

Turk: Indeed all because of our grandfather's fight years ago he believes his grandfather won fair and square while my sister and I believe it was rigged.

DJ: Makes sense.

He looks over the sheet.

DJ: Anybody got a pen?

Gen hands him one.

Writes on the board.

DJ: Let's have some fun.

Gen: Oh, just so you know they have preliminaries in a month.

DJ: Gotcha, so when is the actual Game?

Gen: 3 months.

DJ: That's actually perfect, train everyday until then, nothing better than that, and that starts today, see you guys later.

That evening in the school gym DJ is training shirtless, let's just say DJ is shredded.

(A/N Yes he is jacked, no he is not a Dwayne Johnson size person, he's actually really slim, just really toned in certain areas)

DJ stops and looks around him.

DJ: Come on out I know you're there.

Female voice from the shadows.

??F: So you're not only seeing, but sharp that's good.

She comes out of the light, a tall curvaceous beauty with black hair.

DJ: Did you need something?

??F: No, not really I just wanted to see the new kid and what he's got, that's all.

DJ starts training again.

DJ: So, you got a name or should I just call you hot stuff.

She chuckles a bit.

??F: I'm Jenna, Jenna Coulson.

DJ: Yeah, Mr. Coulson did say he had a daughter that goes here.

Jenna: That's me, so you really are gonna participate in the King's Game?

DJ: Yeah, what about you, I didn't see your name on the sign up sheet.

Jenna: Well I'm not really interested in being Queen so I avoid the whole thing, but I do like fighting though.

DJ turns around to her.

DJ: You uh- you want a spar for a while?

Jenna: I thought you'd never ask.

So they spar for a few hours, countering, blocking, and avoiding strikes. Later on they are starting to get a little out of breathe.

Jenna: Need a break?

DJ: What you kidding I can go all night, why can't take no more?

Jenna: In your dreams Shift.

DJ: Shift?

Jenna: Yeah, I think it suits you, cause you shift from one side to the other in the blink of an eye.

DJ: Shift huh, I like it.

Jenna: Now don't forget to write it for the hero names at the preliminaries.

DJ: Right, so you up for another round?

Jenna: Bring it on hot shot.

They go back to sparring, this went on until morning.

Miles walks into the gym seeing DJ and Jenna training.

Miles: Hey you two, did you forget that we still have school-

Gen comes up beside him.

Gen: And that class starts in an hour, hurry up you two need a shower.

DJ and Jenna look each other over.

Jenna: I guess we did get little carried away.

DJ: Yeah, our bad 'he scratches the back of his head' we'll pick this up later.

Jenna: Sure thing hot shot 'She's walking  away' thanks for a fun night.

Miles and Gen look over at DJ, he looks back at them.

DJ: What?

Miles: Nice.

DJ rolls his eyes.

DJ: All we did was train.

DJ walks over to them.

Miles: Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.

DJ wraps his arm around Miles.

DJ: Well then good morning your majesty.

Shows them heading for the exit, with voices echoing.

Miles: Ha ha, very funny now could you please take a shower you reek.

They go through the doors

Gen: I second that.

They've left the gym.

Almost lost this chapter, but is up more hope you guys enjoyed it.

Yes this chapter is like a tribute to Stan Lee, go back to the first chapter and see if you can hear Stan Lee, this chapter to.

RIP Stan Lee

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