
DJ's Marvel Academy

26 Year old Damien James hates his life, and one day he gets an anonymous text of he could leave world for Marvel's will he, find out. -------- I will try my best to upload at least twice a week. Also write in the comments if the chapters are too long. Sorry for changing the name late, but it feels better to me. *Disclaimer* I Do No Not Own Marvel or Naruto or any Third party refrences.

Rad_da_Boss · Derivados de obras
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13 Chs

3 Challenge of the Three Kings

Sitting in his dorm room DJ is meditating on his bed which he has been doing for two hours already. Miles whispers to Gen.

Miles: Think we should wake him.

DJ opens his eyes which are in sage mode now.

DJ: No need.

Miles: That's cool, so how did you do that?

DJ: It includes chakra.

Miles and Gen look confused

DJ: The energy which flows within humans, this allows me to essentially draw in more chakra, and life essence that I take from living organisms and that empowers me in speed and strength.

Gen: Wait, I thought you already had super strength?

DJ stands up.

DJ: Oh I do, it's just that Sage Mode ten folds it, my base strength is 70 tons, but with Sage Mode it increases to 700 tons.

Miles: How long can you hold it?

DJ: 3 hours. My chakra reserves are through the roof, I have so much, that my endurance and stamina are through the roof.

Gen: Wow okay, but what about your eyes what's their purpose?

DJ: I call it Byakugan which translates to white eyes and also hundred eye, they provide me with a wide range of view and I can see all 64 chakra points of my opponent and I can turn them off immobilizing the enemy.

Miles: You do know that those three are insanely strong right?

DJ: Fantastic.

DJ starts walking to his door.

Gen: Wait you need a costume school regulation you can not fight without one.

DJ turned with eyebrow raised.

DJ: *sighs* fine, but no tights.

Later at the gym

???: Do you think our challenger will show up?

???2: by the all father if he does not appear, I shall ignite fire upon his A-

DJ hangs down from nowhere

DJ: don't get your tights in a twist I'm here.

???: you have accepted our challenge.

DJ: 'mocking tone' That's correct your majesty.

???: You dare mock me prince T'Chaka of Wakanda?

DJ: Yup.

T'Chaka's Father named him after his great-grandfather.

T'Chaka: Prepare to taste defeat...

Activates suit and takes fighting stance

T'Chaka: Wakanda forever!!

DJ: sorry the feet are not on the menu.

He zips up his hoodie takes out a bandana with eye holes puts it on his face and pulls up the hoodie over his head and takes a Panther style fighting stance.

DJ: Let's have some fun.

He activates his byakugan, and keep in mind that his Sage Mode is still active. They charge at each other

T'Chaka throws a punch DJ blocks it and spins

DJ: Rotation! 2 palms 'took out T'Chakas left wrist making his hand go limp' 4 palms 'hits TC's elbow it goes limp' 6 palms 'makes TC's whole arm go limp' 8 palm ' takes out the knee DJ stops rotation and breaks TC's right arm using panther style ' forfeit you can not win.

T'Chaka nods

T'Chaka: I agree, I forfeit.

Joey: I'm next.

Suits up in an iron man suit.

DJ: Fine by me, let's dance.

DJ takes boar style stance.

(A/N Research Animal Kung Fu Styles Boar is extremely brutal, it uses brute strength and can allow a person to break 6 in" thick concrete so it can indeed shatter bones)

Joey rushes DJ, throws a punch, but DJ catches it and slams his free hand over Joey's arm destroying the suits arm, then backs off.

Joey looks at it.

Joey: Do you know how much it cost to make this? It's going to takes millions to fix this.

DJ: Why not go for a billion.

Using both fists parallel to one another and completely destroys Joey's chest armor.

(A/N: Using super strength and Sage mode, yes the armor just shattered)

DJ: you will die if I hit you with no protection.

Joey: I forfeit. You're up Turk.

Turk: Prepare thyself for battle.

DJ: Prepare to be crowned.

Turk Summons his outfit which is color switched from Thor's, his chest plate is red,  while the circles are black, and the cape is real silver, and his weapons are jagged dual daggers and they lit on fire.

DJ: Oh...Yeah. Bring it princess!

Turk: Insolent fool.

He jumps up with his daggers pointed down, but aimed at DJ. Just as Turk Is about to stab DJ in the eye, DJ vanishes and reappears behind Turk. DJ lowers his left hand

DJ: Chidori! 'it squeals'

DJ hits Turk In the back on the top left of his shoulder, which sends Turk flying.

Turk: You flea you dare touch me with your impure hands.

DJ looks at his hand.

DJ: okay, (A) rude and (B) you are far from Thor.

Turk: You dare mention my grandfather's name, for this insolence you DIE. Divine Flame!

A fire vortex envelopes him. DJ nonchalantly takes out a bottle of water and drinks it.

DJ: Anybody else hot in here or is it just me, oh well.

Turk: Insolent bugs deserve to be squashed.

Turk flies through vortex covered in flames. DJ charges at Turk, to which Turk slices all around DJ, but he blocks and evades each attack…

DJ: Rotation! 2 palms, 4 palms, 6 palms, 8 palms, 12 palms, 16 palms, 18 palms, 48 palms, 64 palms 'he turned off every chakra point' you're finished.

DJ jumps back then dashes forward grabbing Turk by the face using both super strength and sage mode and slams Turk into the hardwood floor. DJ removes his hand and Turk is out cold.

DJ: Who's a bug now?

Sage mode dissipates.

Joey: How did he beat all three of us.

They look over at DJ and they see him doing something to him. They run over.

Joey: Hey what gives you won.

DJ not saying a word keeps doing what he's doing, shows his hands are glowing green he goes up and down Turk's body. Turk opens his eyes and sits up.

Joey: What did you do to him?

DJ: I healed him.

T'Chaka: How is that possible?

DJ: It's one of my powers, here give me your arms.

DJ grabs T'Chaka's arms and begins healing him. Miraculously they are healed.

T'Chaka: This is very interesting.

(A/N I know that the healing jutsu takes a while to do, but I don't want them just sitting there, I want the story to press on.)

DJ then healed Joey. DJ then starts walking to the exit Gen and Miles are waiting for him as they are still a little shocked at what happened.

Turk: You why did you help us after we insulted you?

DJ turns walking backwards

DJ: Okay first my name is DJ, and secondly I can't have weakened comrades walking around now can I?

Their eyes widen. DJ walks out with Gen and Miles.

Miles: That was awesome I've never seen a fight like that before.

Gen: Yeah, no one has ever beaten the three kings.

DJ: well 'pulls down hoodie and unzips it and takes off the bandana' there's a first for everything, hey I'm gonna skip training today, what did you to want to do Miles?

Miles: Hmmm, oh right we were gonna go to the movies you wanna come?

DJ: What's playing?

Gen: Freddy's Return

DJ: Yeah why not tomorrow's Saturday, and I have been wanting to see it sure I'm in.

Miles: Alright let's go!

Were the fights to short or was it okay, cause you know the same kinda happened in Naruto in the fight with Pain.

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