

After I see Buff beating Andrè up at his own engagement party, Leo dives for Buff's hands and jerks his hand free from Andre's neck and then Aaron pulls him from behind.

Buff seems to calm down a bit after rationally seeing what he has done to Andrè.

Andrè now has just one eye open, half open anyway and the other one purple and very very shut.

I pity him at that moment.

"You bastard, I haven't even started with you!" Buff shouts and jumps at Andrè again but for Aaron's fast grip that holds him tight, Buff would have gone ahead to maul Andrè once again.

I breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

As we are about to leave, Aaron leaves Buff because he has calmed down.

But Buff sees Anna by the corner, watching without doing anything to save the man she was about to get married to.


Buff looks at me at that split second.

I was never able to hide my feelings from Buff so he knew from my face that the lady hiding is Anna.