
Chapter 4: Sign here

Roman's Point of view

“You've got nothing to explain.”

Don Roman fires back at her.

She declines backwards a little as her eyebrows raise in trepidation.

“Sweetheart, please listen to me,we can solve this amicably.”

She beckoned on Roman.

“No!”he fired back at her,

“we have nothing to talk about, I have been patient with you ,is been two years now, two fucking years and there's absolutely nothing to show for it.”

He continued…

“Please I want you out of my life for good.” He pressed on standing firm to his words..

“First thing tomorrow morning, you are coming to see my lawyer, you must sign the divorce papers.” He commanded.

“I'm done… can't you get it , I have had it up to here.” He said, demonstrating with his hand pointing under his throat.

“My brand, my reputation, my empire; what will become of them all if I'm no more?” He asked as he hurriedly continued his speech.

“My posterity and lineage will be swept under the carpet if I just fold my hands and watch me and my entire achievements get covered with thick mud.” He concluded.

Tears filled April’s eye , it was as though her world was going to crumble. She burst out in tears as it came from a broken and contrite heart. She sank into the recliner as she looked so confused..

Roman walks out of the room saying

“I will be using the guest room, you can have it, stay here all night.. but make sure you don't come looking for me , goodnight.” He slammed the door angrily as he dashed out of the room.

“Someone should talk to me , I'm dreaming, wake me up, I'm losing my mind.” She screamed as she lifted her eyes in disbelief.

“All my years of hardship- how I lost my parents at a very tender age, how I went through hell in my Stepmother's house , how she mistreated the living daylight out of me, I suffered and almost wanted to give up.”

She soliloquised with her lips shaking furiously as if she was venting her anger on something.

“Are mine even talking about my high school years, Hmm!!... my life has always been in abject penury- when I thought that going to school would change everything , but instead it worsened the whole thing.”

“Yes of course, I should have just stayed single, my mom would have just snuffed out life from my nostrils.” She wished…

“When I thought finding love and being with a man of substance could make me happy and give my life and marriage the sweetness it deserves- But No, I was wrong all along , and lastly just when I thought it was over, another obstacle gets in the way.” She said as she slowly began to question herself.

“I'm not running from my responsibilities at all,she justifies … As a matter of fact I do love shitty diapers and the inconveniences babies bring to a home.. but in my case it refused to come.” April said, pouring her heart all out to herself since nobody was ready to listen to her.

She cried out vehemently, slamming the door;breaking the glasses around her and ending up stabbing herself on the arm. Blood puffs out profusely…as one of the maids badges into the room as the noise ejecting out from the room was quite alarming, April has totally gone wild, one of the maids was able to help her with a tourniquet that could stop the bleeding for a while.

Everyone in the mansion was alerted and immediately Roman did something shocking, meanwhile he was with Nancy in one of the guest's rooms unknowingly to April.

“Everyone return to your room, I will handle it from here.” Roman commanded.

Everyone fled to their various engagements immediately.

“ Now listen, don't let me take drastic measures on you, you are disturbing the peace of my mansion, can't you save it for tomorrow after you must have signed the divorce papers and leave my life for good…” Roman lashes out.

“You can control yourself, can't you? he asked…. “Or how about I lock you up here so you could have enough time to eat by yourself.”

“Hmm.!!! Come to think of it , your bipolar disorder must have really done a bad job on you, you no longer think straight, your brain feels so empty…. kindly control yourself before I kick you out of my mansion this minute.”

“And If you like to create a sin here, you will be responsible for your actions , I owe you nothing and whenever you're ready the divorce papers are resting right there in front of you.”

April falls down on her knees begging

“Please Roman, don't do this to me, what will people say about this, please remember what we shared in the past , the vows ,the promises-we made before the sacred altar that fateful day.. In Case you've forgotten I still remembered the steamy moments we shared on bed , how you penetrated me gently.. Please don't throw away these memories.”

She said as she grabbed him by the leg and bows down almost gonna clean his feet with the tears from her eyes..

Don Roman stares for a minute without altering a word, he looked at her as he frantically removed his leg immediately.

“This trick won't work this time, I know where it's headed to, you think you can manipulate me with those crocodile tears,” he said pointing towards her eyes.

“I have passed that stage over and enough of all these caricatures and well rehearsed displays of yours..

You had better just stand up and remain calm , for my final verdict awaits you tomorrow.”

He said trying to tease her into calming down a little whilst she grazes herself for the big morning tomorrow.

Roman was going to lock the door but on a second thought he left it open and disappeared from the room.

April was all alone as she managed to put herself to sleep but her eyes refused to close.

The next morning, Roman and April are seen at the Court before his lawyer… With tears April pulled out her pen and signed the papers…

Roman compelled her to do so , she had no other option than to let it go and move on with her life.

The lawyer witnessed everything as both removed each other's ring and departed to the mansion.

Roman was impatient for her to come in completely into the mansion; he started right there at the sitting room.

“Now listen , go upstairs pack every grain of your belongings , I don't want to see anything that looks like you, everything I mean nothing should be left behind.” He commanded.

“I believe the parts of my fortune willed to you and the money I gave you is just enough to get you a house and help you survive at least for the first six months.” He concluded.

April quietly moved slowly upstairs as she packed her things and left the mansion immediately.

Roman instructed everyone in the mansion never to let her in as she was no longer his wife.

Frustrated and heartbroken,April relocated to the United Kingdom to start up a new life there… She settled for an average residential building as Don Roman didn't want anything really reasonable to her- Apart from money, expensive golds and one of his cars.. She moved into her new apartment and that was when the real solitude hit her badly. Everyday she's forced to strive in a world of loneliness, completely void of love, …her daily routine has always been sleeping , eating and thinking.

The following day, she decided to go find something to do that could at least keep her busy and make her forget the past..

She drove around the town in her white Toyota Camry searching for a job that could engage her mind even if the pay was quite meager.

She finally approaches a mall but it seems there were no vacancies , she tried a couple of places but none yielded any positive result.

The day soon gets dark as he heads back to her apartment , on getting there, she discovers that thieves had just broken into her apartment through the ceiling. They made away with all her valuables including the expensive jewelry and little properties that were worth thousands of dollars.

Her eyes dimmed as if she was gonna kick the bucket,she screamed out for help but nobody came to her rescue. The whole apartment was filled with agony and pain, she wept out her heart until it was just enough to fill a glass of wine. She was like in the middle of nowhere, a graveyard was way better than her state at that point in time, she could literally hear her voice echo signaling that she was all alone.

“No I can't take this anymore, I must end it once and for all.”

She said as she rose up from the ground and dashed into the kitchen. Just as she was about to grab the knife, there was some sort of razzmatazz from her flatmates,

it was a fire alarm, everyone was running helter scatter trying to stop the fire. April frantically opened the door and ran out of the house to see what was happening. On getting there, it's was a gas explosion that seems to be happening far off but has already started spreading to their apartments.

It was almost at April's entrance door ;a few steps away from her car, lucky she dived into her house from the window to collect her bag and some vital documents…

One!,two!! ,three!!!, Go , Boom!!!!

The Car exploded…..and everyone around it melted like ash …

April was almost lucky she ran out swiftly through the back door without looking back but however, during the explosion ,she was already some meters away but still ended up sustaining minor injuries.

The victims were rushed to the hospital, for April she was unconscious and deeply asleep.

The Next morning , the agencies in charge of cases like this came to the affected area to investigate more on the situation and provide some remedial actions to it.

April woke up in the morning with so much pain on her forehead and legs , she looked to and fro looking for someone to talk to but no one was responding. She limped through the door as she staggered almost halfway through the exit door.

A Doctor sights her from behind, walks towards her as he breaks the news to her that she happens to be a victim of a fire outbreak..

April opened her mouth in shock and disbelief. This countenance was followed by a very strong question that produced a strong punching response.

“ What about my car and belongings”

She asked, raising her brows..

The Doctor replied

“Oh the Toyota Camry that escalated the whole fire,” he assumed, nodding his head.

“I'm sorry we lost it, it exploded and more than a hundred people were annihilated due to this.”

“And my bags and Valuables.”

She asked, almost gonna scream her balls out..

“Madam, I think your luggages is in safe hands, is it in the other entrance room?” He said pointing towards the room.

April precipitously grabbed him by his shirt as she screamed out her eyes as if she was almost gonna strangle the innocent young man.

“Did I end up talking to a monster in human form?” The innocent Doctor asked himself looking astonished and clueless of what to do.

When he saw that the young woman was pressing on and refusing to let go, he screams out to alert the security before he gets devoured by a human monster.

The securities and other hefty men rushed towards April and restrained her almost immediately.

She was quietly carried to a different room, they sat her down and decided to engage her in a little conversation to find out what the problem was.

She was speechless throughout and couldn't alter a word, the only thing we could see were tears and just as they were about to make her speak she demanded to use the toilet.

On getting there she quietly grabbed her luggages from the other room, went into the toilet and changed into something else and in a few minutes there were no traces of her footprints anywhere in the hospital.

Night was drawing nearer as she sluggishly staggered her way home, she was literally wandering around the town with no house, no car , no lover; her world was nothing far from death .

The only thing that came across her mind at this moment was to commit suicide and end her tragic life story once and for all.

She strolled her way through with her bags and luggages until she got to a restaurant; diagonally opposite was a small canteen,she ordered for a bottle of sniper. The trader gave a conspicuous look at her and handed over the bottle of sniper to her.

She hides it in her dress , this was when the trader noticed that she was indeed up to no good.. so he decided to alert one of the cars that drove into the restaurant at that particular point in time.

Inside the car was Brighto, late 30s, a regular customer that comes to the bar , he was highly influential but a very emotional being. The trader alerts him of the lady in red as he packs his car and pays full attention

to her.

April secluded herself to a different spot away from others in order to comfortably carry out her secret act.