
Chapter 1: Clouded with thoughts

April's Point of view


“Does money,… luxury and riches …..

really matters ?”,Mmmhh!...

“I doubt if they do”, April asked herself; she was in the kitchen frying some eggs when a bag full of thoughts emptied on my head.

She laments quickly in her heart..

“My world is gradually crumbling,...

how do I fix this before it's too late?”

“Do I still have a chance?”

“Is there something wrong with me..,”

Pauses for a moment

“I think I'm beginning to lose it but wait a second.”

“Must I always be greeted each day by a bunch of maids,.... gigantic mansions, luxuries and the entire surroundings heavily guarded by a truckload of securities.”

Deeply engrossed with her thoughts she continued.

“Yes, …,”

“this might be the life every young lady like me would crave for,but,…is it fulfilling?”.

“People might say it's worth it but I vehemently believe I'm the one to be blamed for my misfortune.”

She questioned herself.

“Of course,...what now?, I could remember that fateful day I held my Husband; Don Roman as we walked through the Isle in my very white glamorous gown, it was so lovely to behold, the lovely kisses we exchanged, the warm smile, how I embraced him passionately, our unending love.” “That same night,on our very matrimonial bed we had our first sex,” ….. was it steamy?”An inner voice whispered.

“Yes of course, I enjoyed every bit of it.”

“But now,... what changed?....

After two years,

Two damn crappy years..

I still feel incomplete.”

“ Despite all the Wealth and Affluence my husband possess,”

I still feel secluded.”

“Do I need to see a therapist”?.

“ I pray this cup passes one day.”

“Maam..,Ma'am…,Ma'am,.....the eggs are burning,I think they are overcooked.”

One of my maids alerted me.

“Oh my goodness!”, I shouted with my eyes wide open, mouth speechless as I looked at both the almost roasted pan and my maid.”

“ I didn't even notice it,

the mansion was almost gonna explode.”

Tears slowly covered my face, my heart melted away like candle wax , there was a deep burning sensation from my chest ,my brain was beginning to convince me that there was something definitely wrong with me .

Frantically rushing upstairs, I entered my room and broke out in tears.

I was almost going to put a blade across my throat and end it once and for all. My eyes went round the four corners of the room then finally fixed its gaze on Roman’s picture which was gorgeously resting on the wall.

I drew closer and reached out for it. Just as I was still in my desolate moment, a soft knock is heard at the door..

“Who's that?”..

My husband walked into the room with his countenance not sitting well at all; looking all roared up giving me this condescending look.

I was almost gonna ask what the matter was but I wanted to allow him to take a shower first.

There was no trace of a smile on his face, it was as though he was bankrupt or encountered heavy loss in the company or something.

He took off his clothes backing me as he dashed into the bathroom .

In anger he shuts the door.

It was at this point I knew something was definitely wrong.

Even in my weakest moment,I had to brace myself to approach my love to know what the problem was since he wasn't even paying close attention to my facial expression.

When I got closer to the door and in a soft and calm sort of sexy tone I asked

“Love, what's the problem ?, is everything okay…”

I guess he was drying his body, my eyes went up and down still waiting for a response but there was none from his own end, so I asked again gently.

This time he banged the door really hard yelling


I almost got a heart attack ,

I was sort of confused for a moment as my right hand held my chest firmly as though it was gonna fall out.

My husband has never raised his voice at me or gotten physical with me since we got married.


I processed everything and was really scared and almost heartbroken.

I staggered my way to the table in my room as I slouched my back to the chair.

My husband came out very furious as if he was gonna kill a lion.

He possessed so much anger with his aura. I had to adjust myself a bit to my seat in order to understand what was going on.

In a short while,what seemed like a couple misunderstanding escalated into something drastic .

He yelled at me with so much inner pain saying…

“If only you were at the meeting with the board of Directors of the Media committee you would have witnessed the sort of silent humiliation I went through because of you,”.... just because my company decided to partner with theirs then one of the Chief Executives had the effrontery to ask me if I had a next of kin or a successor they can equally include to the lifetime contract worth billions of dollars.”

“This was when it dawned on me that I was living a life of very little or no plan.”

He lashes out at me

I was speechless for a moment, my eyes were already dimmed and heavy as if I was putting on Gucci bags.

I truly understood my husband's plight but I couldn't do anything to help it rather than seat down and get drowned with thoughts.

After two seconds he continued….

“ We have been married for almost two and half years yet it still feels as though we just recently got married.” “You're just 29…., your boobs are still firm and succulent, you still radiate beauty but have failed in fulfilling your marital duties to me and my entire empire…”

“ If not for me but for posterity's sake, what do you want people to say,.... my reputation is at stake and I can't let you or anyone make me go through so much humiliation.”

Roman roared venting his anger on me.

He banged his hands aggressively on the dressing table and turned back afterwards facing the wall.

He was literally breathing fire, you could see the smoke through his eyes,....my tongue ran into my belly,

I couldn't even look him straight up into the face or alter a word.

I was ashamed of myself, I hid my sorry good looking self in my shells.

I remained quiet for another minute just to make sure he's all calm before altering any statement.

“Enough of the sugar coats I whispered to myself, “ I'm barren, yes… , a barren mother fucker.”

An awful sinister voice laughed at me. Even when I tried to reject it the voice kept on coming. It was so strong that I had to scream out voraciously.

Roman heard my scream from the bedroom pavement , he turned back only to see that I had collapsed to the ground.

My eyes shut… lying unconscious like a feeble little mouse.

I almost kicked the bucket as I watched my husband that was overly off the roof boiling in wrath rushed towards me,- his hands were fidgeting,and in a no distance time we arrived at the hospital.

Scrupulously they carried me from the general ward to the Emergency ward. My husband was already too fast to say it was an Emergency situation and that I needed professional hands.

“Doctor, can you explain to me what the f*ck is wrong with my wife?”

He lamented …

But thanks to Doctor Brown who totally understood the situation at the moment, considering who was involved – Don Roman “The Big Fish” he leveled up in the very aspect of care, commitment and patience.

Dressed in white coat with a neck wearing a stethoscope he passed a white paper to Roman ; without any hint of what it was I remained clueless on my sick bed.

My eyes opened a bit, but I was drowned by fear. My glance felt like an appeal,-To who exactly?, To my husband of course for all the pain I must have caused him.

However , If I must ever overcome this dilemma then I have to remain strong and resilient to pull through.

I Smiled for the first time as I peeped through the walkway and guess what? .

Standing right before the Doctor's office was a tall pretty young damsel with an almost revealing dress, succulent breasts and a face void of a smile.

She prowled through the walkway area.

“Who's she?”

She seemed promiscuous, her face was a little bit familiar but I was just too nervous to remember, But ..

One thing was certain she was up to no good and at this point Roman was in the other room waiting for the Doctor's report.