
A New job

Chapter 12: A New Job

April's Point of view

On a phone call.

“This is Mr Eugene, The Cofounder of Brain trust Model Academy, one of the top schools in Florida where you submitted your resume some months ago. We are thrilled to inform you that your application has been accepted. You can resume work from next week.”

“Oh my goodness, thank you so much, for a while I had totally forgotten about it.”

“If fine ma'am, congratulations once again.”

A breeze of relief blew towards April as she suddenly felt energetic again. Great excitement flooded all over her face as her heart skipped as though it was being tickled by the sweetness of honey.

“So finally, I now have a job in a school, even if this new job will require me to move back to Florida, there's no problem as long as it engages my mind and helps me forget some certain things I have been through here in the U.K.”