
Divinity Pact

Leo Rhynehart is no one special. Average strength. Average mind. No special abilities. None of the Guardians of the temples accepted him for the Blessing of the Gods. Fate intervened. Random chance altered his destiny. And a Fool's Luck is all that keeps him going. Set in the world of Aether, heroes and adventurers known as Blessed explore the dungeons of this world, collecting magic stones from the monsters within. In this world, the balance of light and dark is maintained through Guardians, the ones who test those who would be blessed, and the Fae, those outside of the mortal coil. Leo has unknowingly thrust himself into the center of this conflict, lacking power, resources or even good standing, every moment he struggles to survive. ---------------‐ First time writing on this platform. Feel free to post *constructive* notes in the chapters. If it takes off, I'll see about finding a translator for the novel from English to languages used on this platform. Adult themes, foul language and violence advisory. If you are looking for a hero who always wins, This is not your novel. Leo is below average in everything, and relies on sheer dumb luck to succeed. The story plotline will move ahead in the later chapters, and hopefully develop into a fully fleshed world with multiple characters and novels eventually.

Aaron_McLeod_1690 · Fantasía
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28 Chs


A slim young man carrying a small gunnysack, with a long staff tied to the top, was led into the meeting room where Leo sat waiting. With a smile, he extended his hand in greeting.

"I believe you wanted to exchange for these items. I'm sure you will find them acceptable," he said in a friendly tone. Pulling out a set of basic leather armor, he began to explain, "While the armor won't be a perfect fit now, you can take it to any tanner or armor smith and have it adjusted in a few hours, provided you're willing to pay the fee. Chafing is a bitch.

"The staff was made by one of the elven craftsmen in the city, and the training would be with one of our factions trainers at the capitol." He presented a contract, detailing the training offered, with stipulations on redeeming it within one month's time, redeemable by the signatory on the bottom.

Leo nodded and felt a small grin form as he read the details, and inspected the armor and staff. "Here," he said, offering up the stone in trade. With a quick nod, the young man left the room quietly, the opaque fire stone securely placed in a pouch around his neck.

Paying the guild's fees for the auction services and the meeting room, Leo was left with a dozen gold coins in hand. Hopefully it will be enough for him to alter the armor to fit, and secure a place to stay in the capital.

Donning the armor in the room, and selling his former walking stick to the guild for a few silver coins, Leo quickly made his way back into the shopping area. To avoid arousing suspicion, he spent a few silver on a flask of oil and a couple other odds and ends.

As he was walking out of the guild, he passed by an attractive blonde woman about to enter.


As the young blonde woman saw Leo passing by, she felt that same strange feeling, as if she was in the forests of Alvanar again. Frowning to herself, she immediately turned to follow the young man, trying to figure out why someone who was obviously human had the scents of elven magic on him.

With a shake of her head, she cleared her thoughts for a moment. 'Probably not a good idea to stalk a human boy on a whim,' she thought to herself.

With that line of thinking, the young woman entered the guild to collect her provisions. She was due back at the capital in less than a week, and she didn't want the lecture if she happened to arrive late.


When Leo returned to the Rosary Inn to speak to Alexis, the server who greeted him was cordial and friendly. 'I guess clothes really do make the man,' he thought with a chuckle, still unaware of the events that morning.

He was quickly brought to a small suite of rooms, and left sitting in a sitting area turned into a study. Like always, the desk Alexis used had stacks of documents, notes and paperwork, as if the man lived her for years. The room was lit with small lanterns, and boasted a fireplace, casting a warm and cheery light even as it heated the room. A small chaise, a comfortable couch, and matching tables adorned the seating area.

"Must be some kinda skill to make it seem like you've always lived here," Leo mumbled to himself as he approached the desk at the far end of the room.

"Were you hoping to learn it?"

"Shi-" Leo jumped six feet in the air at the comment made by someone directly behind him. Turning around, Leo saw Alexis, standing calmly with his eyebrow raised.

"You know it's creepy to sneak up on someone like that, old man? Could've given me a heart attack," Leo gasped, trying to calm down.

"Ah yes. How surprising for me to be in my chambers and come out to greet you when you pay me a visit," Alexis responded dryly. "I see you've upgraded your gear. Though most adventurers leave their belongings in their room while staying in town.

"Was there something you needed, or just coming by to visit?"

Leo rolled his eyes at the obvious baiting. "I came by this morning, but you were busy. I was going to ask what use a solid red magic stone had, but the guild helped me figure it out." Alexis' eyebrows raised at the Leo's words, but he motioned Leo to continue. "I was wondering if you knew anything about the Blessed of the Battle God," Leo continued, handing Alexis the contract for training.

"Two days in town and you've already managed to hire a trainer? Impressive for someone of your status," Alexis commented as he read the contract. 'This has got to be sheer dumb luck,' he thought silently while reading it. 'I should take this kid to a casino and bet on him.'

Alexis quietly chuckled to himself at the thought, and returned the training offer to Leo. "Their familia is well known for their martial prowess. It's a valuable item.

"Why don't we train for a bit, and you can tell me what you did to earn this opportunity for yourself."

Going through the Body Movement Art, Leo began to recant his eventful first day in the city. Alexis laughed at his retelling of the sewers debacle, and the events at the guild. He sighed internally, however, at the news of Michael's appearance with a pair of thugs. After Leo finished recounting his experiences, Alexis paused in his exercise and turned to him.

"Leo." His grave tone immediately caught Leo's attention fully, as he gestured for him to stop and sit for a moment. "I need you to understand something extremely important about this world.

"This is a world where we balance life, death, good and evil. It is a constant struggle for resources and gain. And right now, you are simply another valuable resource to be used."