
Divinity : I'm the power

A girl opened her eyes in front of a cave, forget about her identity but she has not aware about her powers. Her fate has being written her existence as the most powerful person of the world. How she will know her true identity and difficulties she will face. Love, betrayal, friendship, family, pain, strength.. to see all the tracks.. stay connected!

Xao_Yin · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Good bye to little monkey

After a heavy night of protecting the monkey, all have slept well and the next day started with same routine. Just there is a one more person added with them to fulfil the left over space. Within few days, That little monkey has become the part of their family and the surprising thing was he can see Ni Ni too. May be because of his innocent and pure heart, or there is something else that is hidden from everyone's eyes... still a question, but thing is both Ni Ni and the little monkey is feeling good with each other and both are enjoying the company as well. While Xiao Yin keeps practicing all the day, at that time little Ni Ni and little monkey, finds new new ways to disturb her.. But above all this, everything was going so good. And in this way 2 months came to an end, no one ever felt it that they had been living here for 2 months. The place has become like a home for all 3, even the creatures like butterfly, birds, bees, fireflies, little animals like rabbit, squirrel has been become a part of daily gathering and everyone has become used to of each other.

After having the day meal, when little monkey was playing with kites and butterflies, Ni Ni and Xiao Yin was sat under the tree, Xiao Yin suddenly noticed a thing and asked Ni Ni, " Have you noticed the monkey is still of same height and of same size, as he has met us. As per my calculation, he has to grow up now, but he is still same, like his age has been stopped to increase further. Don't you think the same. And second thing is he can see you, but other people or animals/ beasts can't. Why this is so?"

Ni Ni -" You are just overthinking the thing, there is nothing wrong about him or related to him. You know very well that butterflies, little birds and bees, fireflies can see me, they why not him. He is obviously a little strange but a good heart always differ from other one, may be because of this he can see me.. If this is the point then you won't have to be able to look me because you are also a human being, but you can see me.. Right. then he can also see me, what's the big deal. And the another thing you are saying that he is still same, there are some beasts who take time to evolve, so many take time of 5 to 10 years to take a mature body.. you can take an example of me, you know very well that I'm still of same size and shape as I have met you first day. Am I wrong?"

Xiao Yin - " Yeah may be I'm overthinking about him, but he is a little child and after 1 month we have to go back, we can't take him with us, he has to find his family and secure and protect himself by own."

Ni Ni -" Obviously we all have to separate one day, and you are right he also have to go on his own way, we have to talk about it with him, Just 2 3 more days, when we will feel he is all right and now can take care of himself, we will say him to go back from where he has come. Happy now"

"Ahmmmmmm" Xiao Yin replied with a smile.

It's been 2 more days and the little monkey is fine enough. Xiao Yin as like her daily routine has awakened so early in the morning and exercising and practicing martial arts & cultivation. Ni Ni and the little monkey is looking her from the window of the house. Ni Ni looked at monkey, and the monkey bends his head a little towards right to give a gesture to him that what he is looking for.

Ni Ni says to him, " You have been healed now. I know it's being really pathetic but it's all of end of yours to live here. Now you have to go back to your family, they have been waiting for you. This is really wrong, without informing anyone you are living here for approximately 1 month. They have been finding you and moreover if they will know that you are here, it can cause Xiao Yin unsafe. Not only her, if any other cultivator or any powerful beast ever will get hint that you are here, alone without your family they can harm you. and with you, you will also make endanger to your family member's life too and you know it very well. I'm worried that if something like this will happen even me can't help to save you, and if we talk about Xiao Yin, she is not much powerful yet, you can also make her in trouble. Don't repeat the history again. Better to go back where you have come from. It's a request or I have to send you by force."

" It's okay there is no need to make a request or use the force, I'll go by myself today. You are right it's enough for now, I just wanted to spend some of time with her and I did it. She healed me as well as gave love to me. That's all." The little monkey says.

" Okay I have a plan for it....." says Ni Ni

As he ends his words they see sun is rising and Xiao Yin also has ended her morning practice. As little monkey saw she is free, he quickly runs towards her and jump over her lap like the very first day she was holding him in her lap.

Ni Ni says to her that today he and the little monkey will go for finding the food stuff, and luckily Xiao Yin agreed. So Ni Ni and the little monkey went to forest while Xiao Yin utilised the time and used it in reading books. As both came back from the forest, Ni Ni says to Xiao Yin that " We saw the family of little monkey's in the forest, We have to say bye to him, so that his family won't go somewhere far again." Because it was the matter of his family, Xiao Yin makes an agree. Ni Ni refuses her to come with them to see off the monkey, to comfort her he says, " Monkey can feel connection with you and if you will come with us may be he disagree to go with his family, so you have to remain here. I'll go with him and safely hand over him to his family."

Xiao Yin knows that he is saying correct so she also agrees. They all eat the food together last time and Xiao Yin says a warm good bye to the little monkey, huggs him tightly last time and gives him a beautiful hand made necklace, that she put it on his neck. Ni Ni and little monkey goes to the forest and after an hour Ni Ni comes back alone. Xiao Yin who always do practices and spend time in reading books, today is sitting at the door, looking for them in hope may be they both will come back, but sadly Ni Ni was alone. Holding her tears she welcomes the Ni Ni and first time she chooses to sleep over doing anything. Yes the bond was of only 1 month but this one month made a strong connection between them, but as they have to choose their own ways one day, so it was that day.