
Diving Deep

I start walking back to the house and then some figure appeared in front of me out of nowhere 
 “Aa..... “ I screamed but there was no sound coming out!! I'm terrified, I step backward then I fell on the ground trembling I look again at the shadow in front of me what is this?!! it was too dark to see probably 
 The shadow approaches “ Aaaah... it's ok I won't hurt you “

BlackOrnella · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter (1) stumbling

(oh my God I need to finish juggling then go take a bath and clean the dishes... What else )

This is my basic thinking All the time listing my Chores for the day and helping my family's needs don't forget to prepare meals for my lazy brother he's so picky eater,f**k I hate my life always doing the same damn thing... looking down to my past 11 years I didn't accomplish anything my father doesn't have the money to send me to college I got an ok grade so I couldn't get a scholarship so all I got is a shitty part-time Job no boyfriend since I have to uprise to the Society standards

(shit how much time is left?) I raise my hand looking at my watch

I need to lose those stupid fats and show them that I'm gorgeous my body doesn't define me... Those bitches all they care about is gossiping and trash talk people I hate my community they called me a SPINSTER!!! ... F**king ignorant always judge us you need to be thin but not that much your skin must be bright your voice must be calm and quiet DON'T LAUGH OUT LOUD... smile all the time!! Enough... that's creepy... You need to be cute and a little dumb aaaow disgusting that fake!!! Bitch are we f**king dolls

I'm Alana 29 years old I have never dated so yes I'm still a virgin and it's not a shame I'm waiting for the right one I decided to lose weight so I start my journey a month ago after finishing my part-time job and since it's late at night I juggle in my backyard with a strict diet

"Finally I finished " looking at my phone tracking my steps progress while hearing my favorite song standing in the middle of the yard suddenly I sense a movement I flinched

" who's there??" turning my head left and right to be able to make sure no one is there

" Maybe I'm tired... Let's head back in "

I start walking back to the house suddenly a weird figure appeared in front of me out of nowhere

"Aa..... " I screamed but there is no sound coming out I'm terrified I step backward then I fell to the ground trembling I look again at the shadow in front of me what is this it was too dark to see probably

The shadow approaches " Aaaah... it's ok I won't hurt you "

( what is that a man's voice )

When he got closer to me I get the chance to see him (is he wounded??!)

The man standing above me was bent a little holding his stomach as he bleeding with one hand and the other started to reach me I was stunned frozen in my place couldn't move a muscle he reached to me but before he touches me his eyes pupil turns back and he collapses on the floor

Suddenly all that power that prevented me from screaming is gone my voice is back I crawled back several steps away from him then I stand up running towards the door

(I need to get my parents... No, calling the police stupid, my phone where is it??) I stopped before entering the house searching for my phone then I noticed that my phone is beside the intruder

The man lay on his back "Cough...cough... Aaaah"

Omg, he's bleeding his condition is so bad I need to help him I approach him carefully and sit beside him "Are you okay... Shit, he's still unconscious " (what would I do think... Call the police...) I take my phone I call 911

Beep Beep... 911 what's your emergency?

" t there's a m man..." ( omg what's wrong with me stuttering )

" is everything, okay ma'am? "

"Yes. I mean no..F**k ... sorry for swearing back to the point I need help this man is bleeding so bad I don't know what to do...

" calm down ma'am so there is a wounded man and he needs medical help?"

Breathing slowly to steady my heartbeat "Yes that's correct"

" Can you give me the address and I will send an ambulance to you please stay in line with me "

The man moves in pain I panicked I hang up the phone and move closer to his side "Hay do you hear me... Sir who did this to you... Shit, he's in major pain" And what's wrong with his clothes is he an actor or something!

What a crazy world we live in it he was a really handsome man, with bored shoulders long legs pointed nose and long lashes, a silky brownish hair away from his beauty the weird thing is his old style is he one of those people who loves wearing the 16th-century clothes (wait a minute, is that a dagger!!!... Nevermind is he still alive )

I put my left ear on his chest to hear his heartbeat ... BADUMP... BADUMP... BADUMP

PHEW (thank God his heart is beating )

" Alana... " he put something around my neck

I turned my head quickly to face him in surprise I looked straight at his gray eyes "!!! How could you know my name ?"

Suddenly he grabbed my head and claimed my lips passionately (is this a dream or a sick joke ) what's going on... what is that glow coming from him is so bright I can't see anymore I shut my eyes so hard and the only thing I could see is darkness.


this is my first story I shared publicly and I hope you enjoyed it I wrote it for fun I'm so sorry about any mistakes since English, is not my first language please be patient with me and treat me kindly... let's have this ride together and just have some fun with it

...Sometimes stories are imagination mixed with some truth...

BlackOrnellacreators' thoughts