
Divine Rivalry: Sons Of Ascendance

Title: "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" Outline: I. Introduction A. Setting the stage: A surreal, luminescent forest bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly moon. B. Introducing the two main characters: Kuramoto, a determined young man in his early 20s with snow-white hair, and Higashi, a mischievous man in his mid-30s with chestnut brown hair. II. Character Introductions A. Kuramoto: 1. Description: Snow-white hair flowing to his waist, dressed in traditional samurai attire with a pristine white robe. 2. Personality: Determined and focused, with an unwavering sense of purpose. 3. Motivation: Seeking to fulfill his destiny as a warrior and protector of the forest. B. Higashi: 1. Description: Medium-length chestnut brown hair, wearing a dark hooded robe adorned with mysterious symbols. 2. Personality: Mischievous and playful, with a penchant for trickery and cunning. 3. Motivation: Drawn to the forest's secrets and mysteries, seeking to unravel its hidden truths. III. The Encounter A. Kuramoto's Determination: 1. Kuramoto stands tall amidst the ancient trees, his Katana sheathed by his side, ready for action. 2. He senses an intruder in the forest and prepares to confront them with unwavering resolve. B. Higashi's Mischief: 1. Higashi lounges on an ancient tree stump, a sly grin playing on his lips as he observes Kuramoto's approach. 2. He delights in the opportunity to play a trick on the unsuspecting warrior, eager to test his wit against Kuramoto's strength. IV. The Confrontation A. Clash of Personalities: 1. Kuramoto confronts Higashi, his determination unwavering in the face of Higashi's mischief. 2. Higashi taunts Kuramoto with cryptic riddles and illusions, testing the warrior's resolve. B. Unexpected Alliance: 1. Despite their differences, Kuramoto and Higashi find common ground amidst the chaos of the forest. 2. They join forces to unravel the mysteries of the forest, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. V. Unraveling the Mysteries A. Journey into the Unknown: 1. Kuramoto and Higashi embark on a journey deep into the heart of the forest, braving its hidden dangers and challenges. 2. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets and long-forgotten legends, piecing together the truth of their intertwined destinies. B. Bonds of Friendship: 1. Through their shared adventures and trials, Kuramoto and Higashi forge a deep bond of friendship and mutual respect. 2. They come to realize that their differences are what make them strong, and that together, they can overcome any obstacle. VI. Resolution A. A New Dawn: 1. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the forest, Kuramoto and Higashi emerge victorious. 2. They stand together, united in purpose and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. B. The Journey Continues: 1. With their newfound bond as allies and companions, Kuramoto and Higashi set off on new adventures, eager to explore the wonders of the world beyond the forest. 2. Theirs is a journey filled with mystery, magic, and the enduring power of friendship. "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" is an epic tale of two unlikely allies brought together by fate and bound by destiny. In a world where light and darkness coexist in perfect harmony, Kuramoto and Higashi's journey is a testament to the strength of friendship and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Hyumino_ig · Fantasía
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59 Chs

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After hesitating quite a lot, She finally agreed to make a contract with Kuramoto.

"So, Now that it's all done, Let me introduce you to the others with powers like you."


"Hey, Veronica, I know that you're here, deactivate your ability."

"You know me pretty well, Don't you?" Appeared Veronica behind him.

"So, Who is this?"

"Oh right, I haven't introduced you guys yet."

"Then do it."

"Veronica, This is Sherry, Sherry, This is Veronica."

"Nice to meet you." Bowed down both in respect to each other.

"Both of your abilities specialize in close combat, and equipped with our new equipment, Rifle, You guys will be both suitable for short and long range."

"Rifle? Isn't this the thing you showed me earlier?"


"Here." He takes out a rifle from under his desk.

"Woah, So this is what you use for combat?"

"It also has a daggar attached to the head of it" said Kuramoto proudly.

"Can we test it now!?"

"Yes, You can."

"Alright then!" They both go away excitedly.

"Now that she is in a good mood, I think our contract should last long." He said with a smug on his face.

"Hey sherry, Do you know how to use it?"

"No, I do not."

"Okay, Let me test it, I saw him training how to use it earlier."

"So, You push this item called a magazine up with bullets and bullets casing stacked inside it and put it inside the rifle, and turn this safety lock off and fire the trigger." Appeared Kuramoto, saying this behind sherry.

"Wo-Woah." Exclaimed Sherry.

"Sorry sorry, I apologise for surprising you."

He said, moving away.

"So, Now that I told you the instructions, Try it."

After numerous failed attempts, It finally succeeded on shooting a bullet.(BANG)


Kuramoto clapped with a pleasing smile on his face.


"Thank you!" She rushed to Kuramoto and gave him a deep hug with her breasts pushing against Kuramoto.

"Uh, Maybe I shouldn't say anything at this moment" he thought and stood there for a moment, after a long pause, she finally gets off.

But by then, Kuramoto had already melted from the heat produced by the hug.

"Wha- what do I do now!?"

"Veronica, You burnt him."

"Shit! Can you do anything about it!?"

"I can, I specialize in ice magic, maybe I can cool him off." She said, walking towards him and putting her hands, palm facing Kuramoto and a deep sigh starting her magic.

"It will take some time, Practice for now, I will practice the rifle later."


She started practicing aim for the rifle on a nearby tree gradually moving farther and farther away.

"Oh! Uh where am I!?"

"You're laying on my lap for now, and you're Kuramoto, Our master."

"Oh! I just remembered" he raised and sat down on the grass in a rush, embarassed about what he did.

"You should rest for a little longer, I don't really mind."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am" she replied looking away blushing.

"Okay then." He laid back down and started sleeping.

"Hey, Get up now, It's almost night."

He woke up with his vision blurred with a slight picture of sherry infront of his face.

"Ah is it that time already?"

"Yes master."

He gets up and crouches over to the ground asking sherry to get up

"Hey, Get up, Your legs must be in pain now, let me lift you up and place you in your room."

"Oh, please excuse me then." She gets up on his back.

While walking, Kuramoto asked "You're pretty heavy, what's your weight?"

Sherry smacks his head with her small fist embarassed about the question, "Just keep walking! Stupid.."

"As you say." He keeps walking towards the building.

"Where is Veronica by the way?" Asked Kuramoto.

"Oh, She should be in my room, We have decided we are going to live together."

"That's great, another vacant room, I will be able to invite more people and get large sums of money!"

"Seriously? All you think about is money?"

"Come on, Money is all that matters, Since I'm building an Empire out of scratch, I need it."

"Fair point." And that, was the end of the conversation.

After finally dropping her infront of her room, He returned to his room.

He undresses his protective gear and hangs the blades and Kuroka in a stand and wears a white bathroom robe and goes to shower.

After showering, He comes back and goes straight to bed.

"This feels so good!"

"Now, SYSTEM" The screen appears before him.


He clicks on it and the air particles form the rifles in mass quantities suitable for everyone to equip.

"Now our machinery is advanced, there is no way we will lose to that lame name guy."

"I have already slept on her lap, So I don't have any sleep right now, What should I do...?"

"Ah! I have an idea, Let's knock myself out from an impact and sleep."

He summons a rock and smashed it on his head and knocks him out, resulting in a deep sleep.