
Divine Rivalry: Sons Of Ascendance

Title: "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" Outline: I. Introduction A. Setting the stage: A surreal, luminescent forest bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly moon. B. Introducing the two main characters: Kuramoto, a determined young man in his early 20s with snow-white hair, and Higashi, a mischievous man in his mid-30s with chestnut brown hair. II. Character Introductions A. Kuramoto: 1. Description: Snow-white hair flowing to his waist, dressed in traditional samurai attire with a pristine white robe. 2. Personality: Determined and focused, with an unwavering sense of purpose. 3. Motivation: Seeking to fulfill his destiny as a warrior and protector of the forest. B. Higashi: 1. Description: Medium-length chestnut brown hair, wearing a dark hooded robe adorned with mysterious symbols. 2. Personality: Mischievous and playful, with a penchant for trickery and cunning. 3. Motivation: Drawn to the forest's secrets and mysteries, seeking to unravel its hidden truths. III. The Encounter A. Kuramoto's Determination: 1. Kuramoto stands tall amidst the ancient trees, his Katana sheathed by his side, ready for action. 2. He senses an intruder in the forest and prepares to confront them with unwavering resolve. B. Higashi's Mischief: 1. Higashi lounges on an ancient tree stump, a sly grin playing on his lips as he observes Kuramoto's approach. 2. He delights in the opportunity to play a trick on the unsuspecting warrior, eager to test his wit against Kuramoto's strength. IV. The Confrontation A. Clash of Personalities: 1. Kuramoto confronts Higashi, his determination unwavering in the face of Higashi's mischief. 2. Higashi taunts Kuramoto with cryptic riddles and illusions, testing the warrior's resolve. B. Unexpected Alliance: 1. Despite their differences, Kuramoto and Higashi find common ground amidst the chaos of the forest. 2. They join forces to unravel the mysteries of the forest, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. V. Unraveling the Mysteries A. Journey into the Unknown: 1. Kuramoto and Higashi embark on a journey deep into the heart of the forest, braving its hidden dangers and challenges. 2. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets and long-forgotten legends, piecing together the truth of their intertwined destinies. B. Bonds of Friendship: 1. Through their shared adventures and trials, Kuramoto and Higashi forge a deep bond of friendship and mutual respect. 2. They come to realize that their differences are what make them strong, and that together, they can overcome any obstacle. VI. Resolution A. A New Dawn: 1. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the forest, Kuramoto and Higashi emerge victorious. 2. They stand together, united in purpose and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. B. The Journey Continues: 1. With their newfound bond as allies and companions, Kuramoto and Higashi set off on new adventures, eager to explore the wonders of the world beyond the forest. 2. Theirs is a journey filled with mystery, magic, and the enduring power of friendship. "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" is an epic tale of two unlikely allies brought together by fate and bound by destiny. In a world where light and darkness coexist in perfect harmony, Kuramoto and Higashi's journey is a testament to the strength of friendship and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Hyumino_ig · Fantasía
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59 Chs

My loss.

Recap: Yin awakens his powers recieved through absorbing Jin's demon burst.

Yin tries to fight Kuramoto but will he win?

"Come forth!" Kuramoto bends his body in a basic martial art stance while taunting Yin to attack first.

"I will not hold back!" Yin rushed forward as he went in with a punch with his right hand

"Hiya!" Yin punches Kuramoto to his chest, But Kuramoto blocks the hand with his left hand deflecting him to a different direction.

"I will be defending for now, Go along with full strength!" Said Kuramoto as he turns his body to the direction of which Yin went flying.

"If you say so! Haiyaa!" His shirt ripped to shreds as the sun reflected its rays onto Yin's ripped and shredded abs.

"I never noticed, But that power upgrade advanced your physique as well, you were skinny when we first met, now youre strong, be proud of your strength."

"Aw, Its a pity that I still can't defeat you." He jumps upwards, rotates to the front as he uses his rotational momentum to deal more damage to Kuramoto.

He goes in for the kick, "You are very easy to read!" Kuramoto tries to deflect but as no one might have guessed, Yin uses his second leg to get Kuramoto off his feet.

In one sweep of his leg, he gets Kuramoto off balance.

"Im still not as skilled as you, but Im not as bad as you either!" Kuramoto releases his leg as Yin, without a second to waste quickly uses his released leg to pump himself back up.

"Spirit blade, was it? Thanks Jin for these abilities." Said Yin as a blade made of water vapour from the air forms into a hot sword with a texture barely visible since its basically air.

But the sword had reached an amount of warmthness it could slash through water.

"This burns a lot, but since Im the creator, its heat isnt much effective for me."

"You talk a lot for a Main Damage Dealer class." Kuramoto disappears and reappears about 500 meters away from Yin.

"You went too far, That might have killed me." He laughed covering his mouth, "I went too lenient on you as I see, Let me go 80% up on you!"

Kuramoto notices his status changed.

The 10000 levels he got from absorbing the demons had disappeared, it had come to his normal amount of exp and abilities.

"All are still 99 (+20000) but it was (+50000) before, This sucks! Doesnt it?"

While he was still the strongest player to exist till now, it was far too weak.

"I am level 1000 now, As I can see. Well, Yeah." He thought, He closed his eyes activating the mixed skill he got from merging the two eyes.

"Its effect is stronger than before. Divine senses!" Cube shaped lines appear throughout the world, Even if his eyes are closed, he can sense who and where the person is.

"This skill is useful, unlike the previous version, it allows me to see the person's stats and his future movements." He senses that Yin disappeared out of the blue, his future movements had already been predicted by Kuramoto, Kuramoto quickly moves away from his previous location, right after he moves, Yin appears in that location and self destructs.

"His moves are fast, He can self destruct 2-3 more times as he IS kind of immortal."

"Move!" Yin appeared behind him again as if he could trace Kuramoto down no matter where he went.

"I have to use it, I guess."

"Use what?" Said Yin, Kuramoto slightly grins "Caught you!" He disappears and reappears a lot of times cutting down a part of Yin each time.

After about 5 seconds, His attack had finished.

"Im basically, an all rounder! Mage? Guess who's the mage? Me! Damage dealer! Solo player? Me! Assassin / support? Me!"

"Youre talented, but that wont stop me!"

"Wait wait, this was supposed to be a light spar, wasnt it?" Said Kuramoto as he tricked Yin into showing himself, Kuramoto opens his eyes as he dashes towards Yin at a super high speed with his fists clenched as in going for a punch.

"Basic attack." The punch was released, but Yin had managed to block it.

"You cant take this for long! Can you!?" He kept punching and dashing towards him each time Yin backsteps away.

"Take this! Take this! take this! take this! take this! take this!"

This is when Yin realised, The said legend that was popular in another world which name started with A, If that legend is true, It is Kuramoto, The legend who killed the titans, a red dragon and a dracula, king of the vampires himself, alone.

"The man that was only in legends from the books my mom used to read me back when I was a child. If that man was real. Would he look like him..?" He asked himself.

"Time out." The system notification popped up above them.

"We have been fighting for half a day, You managed to reduce my health by 5%, this is your win." Said Kuramoto, "You have improved, If I could, I would make you an immortal being who resides in the heavens with me." He added.

"No sir, This was my loss! And.. if possible, I would like to die a mortal death."

"And, might I ask the reason why?"

"I would like to engrave myself as legend to earth's history, so even if I die, I shall be remembered by everyone throughout the world."

"Ah, I see... That is indeed commendable."

"Yeah, Thanks sir, Let us go back, we need to clear this tower and return to our planets as well.

"You said it." They return to the Inn where Usagi and Yuna kept asking them where they went and why there are so many injuries.

"Aw, come on! Where did you go!"

"Yes! Tell us!"

"If you are finished nagging, Im tired, let me sleep.." Yin drops down on the floor unconscious.

"What happened!?" They both were shocked.

"He is just tire-" as Kuramoto tried to finish his sentence, He also dropped down on the floor unconscious.

"Aaah! Wake up!!!" Yelled both of the girls but there was no response..

End of volume 2.

this is the end of vol 2, I will see you in the 3rd volume next month's 15th! be well, stay safe!

writing this book till today has been a journey between me and my will to write and my will to not write, But I have over comed this thanks to you all, I will be better!

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