

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · Realista
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85 Chs


The reality of whatever contrary occurrences that put us unrest is the product of the contrary thought program, of which its implication is simply wrong mindset. Finding out the truth in all you do is what connects you to freedom and makes you live life, even when there are challenges, you will not even observe them, because you will see them as the normal thing that makes up life. Whatever you don't accept, troubles and steal your peace and joy and once your peace and joy is gone, depression sets in and the moment depression is in on the seatbelt of your life, rest seizes. All these are the strategies of the old serpent who has become a monstrous beast, buying and possessing every system, to take charge in order for him to perpetual the final evil that will close life to time, and open time to life, such that time no longer controls life, life controls time.

The truth is you cannot expect God to take charge of your affairs when all you want from God is to have Him pay you for working for Him. When He pays you, He has nothing to do with you, but it has never been His intention to pay you and lay you off, He sees you as His heritage and wants a perfect relationship with you, so you could have all of Him. I just wonder what you need when you have all of God. The mighty but few armies who will be in charge of the Giant Divine System, will be men who will work with God, not for God. Men that have all of God resident in them, to pull down stronghold with the sword of the spirit and the weapon of truth that will defile falsehood in the time we are in. if we don't work with God, but for God, we could also like go on strike like the NLC and TUC does. What the entire system need is truth, and what the entire system has come to love is falsehood, which is coded in the Word "idea". I am not an advocate of the word "Idea", but of the word "Insight". We the children of light does not dwell on idea, we dwell on insight, don't mistaking the eye of idea for that of insight. Is like calling darkness light, it is simply maximum error. This Giant Divine System must not be built in error; so all dependency will be upon the undiluted truth, straight from the mind of God, it has nothing to do with our skills or qualification. It has everything to do with God's manifold wisdom to cut across of tiers of lives. Can't you see that all the system need is truth? And truth can never be found in the foundation of idea? Why have our leaders up there not standing and building on the foundation of truth? Are you sure we have men standing for God again in our place of authorities? The answer to these questions will reveal that there is arising, a David is spring up from the seed of Divine, as symbolic Joseph (11) to preserve the lives of humanity in the days of famine, famine of the scarcity of the true word of God and even the family of this symbolic Joseph does not know him. The code pointer is 11, the location pointer is Y-RIVER, while the raider that rest in the heart is the middle and the pointer to finding the symbolic Joseph is minority. The pointer to reaching the heart of the symbolic Joseph is LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, and this pointer that will reveal the heart of the name connected to a name that reveals call to death (Matthew 16: 24, 25) typifying that the family has a symbolic Divine seal, but the definite pointer is the number (12) typifying the symbolic twelve tribes of Israel which implies there must be a symbolic Joseph, whose role is to preserve the lives of his people in the future, even after revealing his dream, causing so much chaos that led to his own hating him and selling him out, but never gave up his dream, but the end reality, was that God sent him forth as his eyes, to watch over his own, to protect them in the time of famine and dryness. This reveals the nature of the symbolic Joseph who will operate with a Divine sealed code (11), where 1 is Vine, and 11 means Divine, meaning His spiritual is Divine and this his nature, as concerns his assignment to execute Divine program in this end time. This Divine assignment has nothing to do with his background, qualification or skills, it only has to do with the hand of God, purely the work of grace, to salvage humanity from falsehood and deceptions of the devil, who is causing a mind twist and executing his agenda of mind-controlling men.

You can never have rest in your secular job. You will only have rest in fulfilling your divine mandate and this is why, even when I am not sleeping, I still have true rest, because I am awake for the course of my Divine mandate. I had been with my family, I think, they would have start thinking I am not normal, but I thank God, who separated me and took me far away from my family into his very heart to learn of him in Jesus' Operating System (JOS) where I started my Divine schooling with the family of Mr. Clement Onah who happens to be my University mate's uncle whom through him I was able to connect to God fearing family. In His program for my life, it was designed that my friend Onah Jonah Onah and I would always cross path. We first met in the University of Agriculture, Hostel Block B kitchen where we were cooking, but something connected and that was music. I was singing and he was also, and we got into each other and since then, till now we have been into each other. Our second encounter after a very long period of time, leaving school, was when I got a job with Nigerian Film Corporation Jos, this time around, it was not music that connected us, but life and he now connected me to our friend who was mate in the University, Abel Anyebe whom we visited one Sunday in his church and that was how I got connected to Divine Word Christian Centre, which was a perfect path to my destiny as it regards my Divine program, pointing to the spiritual birth of the church. I want to use this privilege to appreciate my friend Onah Jonah Onah and his uncle Mr. Clement Onah, for been part of my Divine program. While I was with them, I learnt a lot, patience and how to relate with people, helping me to break out of my reserved nature of staying to myself.

Back to continue the sequence of what we started!

Can you see the clearer picture now? So what God was showing Adam with the symbolic Divine way revealing question in Genesis 3: 9 was simply the WAY, which is the ancient path where the good way is, which implies outside the good way, there are ways and this was how religion was birthed from law, so all the multitude of religions we have all around us, all over the globe was as a result of law and that is why they still dwell on law and carry out the mandate of law, instead of the mandate of God. This act of carrying the mandate of the law now became the new path which runs on an android like platform of operating system (symbolic) of what I call by Divine Revelation Knowledge, the New Age Movement (NAM) which is only a code of the Anti-Christ (the true revelation of the word translate alternating current (AC)). How do I mean? I mean when you pronounced the acronym from the realm of the spirit, what you will have is MAN, which implies 666. Don't you get? Don't set your eyes to looking for the literal number 666; it is simply a nature, so the reality is not on the literal presentation, but in the revelation character of the beast. Do you still think I am being self-delusive or self-promoting? I don't need you to believe who I am in I AM, for I do not bear witness of myself in Him, the work I will do in Him soon will bear witness of me in Him and the depth of the knowledge of His word to finish the mystery of God and complete the work of wisdom will also bear witness of me in Him, and the confirmation of His Word with signs and winders in the days of my prophesies in Him will also bear me witness in Him, and importantly, My Father, Divine Love will bear me witness, at the fullness of the time, He will call me up after finishing my Divine program in Him. You need to key into this Divine life, by keying to His Divine Word, for that is where you can find the truth now. I don't need you to believe me, because if you do, it is an error, but I beg you with the name of the Almighty God, believe the one who has sent me to secure humanity from this evil days, I may not have a church, but that will not stop my witnessing in I AM, because my church is built on an invisible Divine Giant System, and the program is already on, almost completed, and when it is completed in the light of the Father's love (17), it will amaze you what will start happening around the globe, history would have never had such recorded. Accept the truth today, else a time will come and it will sure come when you will not expect and at the time, you will look for Divine and you will not find him, he must have returned back to his Father.