
The Actual Target

Hundreds of space shuttles dashed into the Rena's atmosphere. Since the human space force was preoccupied with the Abyssal battle ships, they faced little difficulty to enter the planetoid. 

It seemed like the reason Abyssals went to such lengths was for Astor Clan's safe landing. Varian found it unbelievable.

What can the dregs offer for them to make such a sacrifice? 

But that didn't mean it was a cake walk. Even though human space force was busy, they had some trump cards left. 

"Fire!" A stern voice roared.

The voice seemed to come from hundreds of miles away, but everyone in the battle field, including Varian heard it clear. 


Varian felt the air still for a moment before everything turned red. Then his ears went deaf as a huge screeching engulfed his hearing. 

It was as if the sky itself was split. The world trembled for a moment. 
