
Divine Odyssey - The Price of Adventure

Be careful what you wish for or you might get it all. This statement is the best way to describe a boy's situation as he gets what his heart desires but at the cost of what he already has. How will he deal with this and how will he move forward

Melancholymike · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

Echoes of Regret: Between Realms of Darkness

In the aftermath of touching the gate, he found himself adrift in an indescribable realm, a place beyond the reach of any sensory perception. His senses, once his guides through reality, were now null and void—no sight, scent, sound, touch, or taste remained. Darkness enveloped him, a darkness that surpassed the mere absence of light, a realm incomparable even to the abyssal cavern he'd traversed moments before.

He was neither wholly alive nor fully connected to his physical body, teetering between existence and oblivion. His consciousness floated in this enigmatic void, where thoughts and yearnings echoed endlessly, reverberating in the desolation of his mind.

"I failed to protect them. It's my weakness that led to this."

He grappled with remorse, with a relentless stream of regrets cascading through his thoughts.

"If only I possessed more strength if only I didn't grasp for childish dreams... I wish I were stronger and more capable maybe I could have made a difference, saved her."

His voice echoed within the confines of his consciousness, a solitary lament unheard by any but himself. The echo of his unspoken wishes reverberated in the silent expanse, a yearning for power that might have altered the course of events.

Then he saw it, a vision of what had led him to this point. It was as if the universe had chosen to cast him aside, playing with his hope of survival before wrenching it away, snatching the budding relief and joy, replacing them with a cruel reminder of loss, of what could never be regained. He knew he wasn't dead, yet the gate's touch had led him to an exclusive hell, a place of torment for failing to survive despite the sacrifices made for him and the ideals left behind.

He could vividly recall the perfection of life before these events unfolded. The memory danced before him, tauntingly intact.

*Thump**Thump**Thunk* The sound of fists relentlessly striking wood echoed through the dojo. With the determination of a relentless machine, the boy continued his barrage, the wooden pillar splintering under the force of his fists. The fusuma, the sliding door to the dojo, rumbled open, heralding her arrival — his nanny, a constant in his life, a figure akin to the sky or the air, always present and always nurturing.

"Tatsuya Ryūto! How often have I told you not to train at this time of day?" Her voice held a hint of reprimand.

The boy halted abruptly, responding quickly, "You said training. At my level, this is merely a warm-up. So, am I doing anything wrong? How else can I hope to match Mum? That way I can join her outside." His voice reduced in volume as each word came out.

His gaze met hers, brimming with the innocence only a child could muster.

Dressed casually in house clothes, she exuded effortless charm that seamlessly blended with her inherent grace. Jet-black hair cascaded in loose waves, lending an air of spontaneity to her appearance. Her wire-rimmed glasses perched lightly on her nose, framing her face with subtle intellectual allure.

Adorned in a cozy, oversized sweater in soft pastel hues, she emanated comfort and ease. The casual attire complemented snug, well-fitted jeans, embracing her slender frame while allowing unrestricted movement. Completing her ensemble, comfortable sneakers echoed her practical yet stylish demeanor in everyday life.

Her obsidian-black eyes shimmered with warmth and intelligence, hinting at depths of understanding and empathy. Her inviting demeanor exuded a friendly energy that effortlessly drew others toward her.

Despite the modern clothing, she carried a timeless elegance that transcended passing trends. Her poised and composed aura, coupled with her modern attire, creatoed an intriguing blend of sophistication and approachability, making her presence both captivating and relatable.

With a sympathetic gaze, she reached for his hand, saying, "Let's prepare dinner; your mother will be home soon." With a smile on her lips, they walked to the kitchen, bringing a smile to the boy's face.

Although sometimes she'd look at him with a hint of pity, her efforts to uplift him were different from typical childhood woes.

The secluded home nestled amidst the serene beauty of Kathmandu, near the Nagarjun Forest Reserve, was the charming haven of an affluent family comprising two women and one child. Despite its isolated setting, the house emanated warmth and comfort, shielding its occupants from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

The exterior, is understated yet elegant, seamlessly blended with the lush natural surroundings. Surrounded by verdant greenery and blossoming flora, the house embraced the tranquility of its environment. Its modest size fused traditional Nepalese architectural elements with contemporary touches, exuding an organic aesthetic.

A concealed driveway wound through dense foliage, leading to a gated entrance that discreetly guarded the family's privacy. Towering trees and foliage acted as a natural shield, preserving the house's seclusion.

Entering the house revealed a cozy, tastefully adorned space. The living area exuded warmth, decorated in earthy tones and plush furnishings. Large windows bathed the space in natural light, offering breathtaking forest views. An open-plan layout seamlessly connected the living room to a spacious kitchen and a rustic dining area equipped with modern appliances.

Spacious, thoughtfully designed bedrooms mirrored the occupants' personalities, filled with personal touches and comforts. The child's room was a vibrant playground, adorned with toys and colors, fostering imaginative adventures.

The heart of the house lay in its outdoor spaces, an expansive veranda overlooking a well-manicured garden where the family congregated for meals and quiet moments. A swing hanging from an ancient tree offered the child endless joy.

A serene meditation space was tucked away, providing solace amidst the natural beauty. The house also housed a dojo and training rooms, where he honed his martial prowess.

Despite being secluded, this charming abode near Kathmandu offered the comforts an affluent family sought, blending luxury, comfort, and privacy against the breathtaking backdrop of Nagarjun Forest Reserve.

His family was affluent and caring; his mother was an ecologist devoted to studying and preserving the forest's diverse flora and fauna while also pursuing writing. His nanny, a tutor and martial artist, imparted knowledge beyond academics.

Although he lived a privileged life with a loving family, a yearning for adventure and friends his age remained unfulfilled. Forbidden from leaving the compound without explanation, he trained tirelessly, driven to surpass Rize's expectations and explore the secrets veiled by his family's seclusion.

His mother Kaori Ryuto, and nanny Rize Utukata, both martial artists, imparted combat training, employing pseudonyms in public. The aura of mystery and their strength hinted they were anything but ordinary, leaving Tatsuya determined to unravel the enigma surrounding them.

It was one of the reasons why he trained so hard, he had a feeling that they were in some sort of danger and that was why they had to hide so in the end the trigger that would solve all his current problems and give him what he desired was to become as strong as possible.

At least if the novels he read were anything to go by.

The aroma of miso soup wafted through the kitchen as Tatsuya and Rize worked side by side, donning aprons embroidered with playful designs. Rize deftly sliced vegetables with precise, practiced movements, while Tatsuya carefully measured ingredients, trying his best not to spill.

"Remember, Tatsuya, it's all about the finesse," Rize teased, nudging him playfully.

He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Isn't it more about the flavor? If that's the case, I've got the taste-testing part covered!"

"Ah, the young chef is confident!" Rize chuckled. "But trust me, precision in cooking is as important as mastering martial arts."

Tatsuya pondered for a moment, then quipped, "Well, you have to admit, the art of using a kitchen knife isn't too different from wielding a sword, right?"

Rize laughed, shaking her head. "Maybe there's some truth to that! But remember, we're not in a sparring match; we're cooking!"

As they continued, Tatsuya couldn't resist a sudden curiosity. "Hey, Rize, do you have any interesting stories about my mom from your younger years?"

Rize paused, staring at the boy with a smile that hid malice. "Are you calling me old little boy..." Tatsuya's hair stood on end as he sensed danger and he immediately cut in before it could escalate. "Most guys seem to like mature women these days. Besides I only know your age because of your license I actually thought you were 19 or something."

She stared at him for a moment before smiling again "Oh do you really mean that?" He smirked slightly at the comment, she was always weak to flattery but the change in topic had saved him. " The story... About mom."

A nostalgic smile graced her lips. "Your mother? Oh, where do I begin? Once, during a research trip, we ended up stranded in a tiny village with the quirkiest traditions. Kaori, being her adventurous self, participated in their local dance festival. You should've seen her! She danced like she had been doing it for years, bringing joy to everyone, it was quite amusing to see her like that."

Tatsuya chuckled. "I can't imagine Mom doing traditional dances! But she always talks about those expeditions as the most thrilling times."

"Your mother is full of surprises," Rize said fondly. "She's strong, compassionate, and fiercely protective. Just like you, Tatsuya."

He flushed, quickly focusing on stirring the soup to hide his embarrassment. "So, umm... how long until the soup is ready?"

Rize laughed, ruffling his hair gently. "Patience, young chef! But keep this up, and one day, you'll cook a meal that even your mother will admire!"

Together, they continued their banter and cooking, infusing each moment with warmth and laughter as the savory aroma filled the kitchen, creating a cozy atmosphere

Tatsuya and Rize were engrossed in their cooking and cheerful conversation, the front door softly creaked open, and a gentle voice called out, "Tatsuya, Rize, I'm home."

Tatsuya's eyes widened in excitement, recognizing the familiar voice. He rushed to the entrance, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Mom!"

Kaori Ryuto stepped into the kitchen, shedding her outdoor attire to reveal a relaxed yet stylish outfit. Her hair, resembling Tatsuya's purple locks, cascaded gracefully over her shoulders. Her warm smile illuminated the room, radiating a blend of maternal affection and an air of wisdom earned through her experiences.

"Welcome back, Kaori," Rize greeted, setting aside the ladle she was holding. "Dinner will be ready soon. How was your day?"

Kaori's eyes twinkled with a mixture of exhaustion and contentment. "Busy as usual, but rewarding. I missed being home with my two favorite people."

Tatsuya wrapped his arms around his mother in an affectionate hug. "We missed you too, Mom! Rize was teaching me how to cook!"

Kaori chuckled, ruffling his hair lovingly. "Is that so? I can't wait to taste your culinary masterpiece."

Rize and Tatsuya exchanged a glance, the mischievous spark evident in their eyes.

"Actually, we made miso soup," Tatsuya announced proudly, leading his mother to the kitchen counter.

Kaori's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "That's wonderful! Let me try it."

As Kaori tasted the soup, her face lit up in genuine delight. "Delicious! You two make a great team."

Tatsuya beamed, filled with pride at his mother's approval. "Thanks, Mom! Rize helped a lot."

Rize smiled warmly, though a flicker of envy briefly flashed in her eyes as she observed the heartwarming interaction between the mother and son. "It was mostly Tatsuya's hard work," she acknowledged, her tone tinged with a hint of admiration and concealed jealousy.

Kaori turned to Rize, her gratitude overflowing. "Your guidance has been invaluable, Rize. I'm grateful for your care and dedication to Tatsuya."

Despite the appreciation in Kaori's words, a faint pang of insecurity nestled within Rize's chest. She nodded graciously, masking her emotions behind a composed expression. "Thank you, Kaori. Tatsuya is family to me."

As the trio shared a moment, the warmth of their familial bond contrasted with the subtle undercurrents of emotion swirling beneath the surface.

The atmosphere in the Ryuto household during dinner was warm and cozy. Tatsuya, Kaori, and Rize enjoyed a peaceful meal together, the tantalizing aroma of traditional Japanese cuisine filling the air. Midway through their meal, Rize's phone chimed with an unknown number flashing on the screen. She excused herself with a polite smile, stepping away to answer the call in private.

Returning to the table, Tatsuya, curious about the sudden interruption, queried, "Who was on the call, Rize?"

Rize offered a casual smile, intentionally concealing the details. "Oh, it was just an old friend catching up. Nothing important."

As the meal concluded, Rize took charge of clearing up while Kaori accompanied Tatsuya to the living room to set up the gaming console. Offering to help Rize with the dishes, Kaori joined her in the kitchen.

As they rinsed and washed, their conversation naturally drifted towards Tatsuya. Kaori expressed pride in Tatsuya's progress with his studies and martial arts training. Little did they know that Tatsuya, utilizing the background noise from the television, was positioned strategically nearby, eavesdropping on their conversation, eager to glean any hidden information about his family's circumstances.

Kaori and Rize's voices became softer, their words tinged with a sense of nostalgia and longing.

Their conversation took an unexpected turn toward Tatsuya's father, Liang Xianwei, a figure shrouded in mystery for the young boy. His connection to the influential Yuánfú Héshāng clan, a powerful group of cultivators with extensive business holdings, intrigued Tatsuya.

He had always longed to know more about his father and the reason behind their secretive lives.

"Liang Xianwei...," Kaori began, her voice carrying a mix of affection and melancholy. "He was a remarkable man, wise and strong, with a charisma that could captivate anyone. His lineage, the Yuánfú Héshāng clan, they're a force to be reckoned with in the realm of commerce and cultivation."

Tatsuya's ears perked up at the mention of his father's clan. He knew that his father was an enigmatic figure, elusive and kept secret from him by his mother. The discussion confirmed a part of what he had always wondered about his origins and the reason for their secrecy.

"He's growning up so much like him, hasn't he?" Rize sighed softly, scrubbing a dish with a thoughtful expression. "His determination, the way he trains tirelessly... and that crimson eye of his."

Kaori nodded, her eyes distant as if she were lost in a distant memory. "Liang Xianwei couldn't leave the clan for me. It was too risky for us both. But he never stopped caring for Tatsuya. He sends gifts and keeps tabs on us, even though we've had to keep our distance."

Tatsuya's heart raced with a mix of emotions—curiosity, confusion, and a pang of hurt. His father was an influential figure from a powerful clan, yet his existence was shrouded in secrecy. He wished to know more but dared not reveal his eavesdropping.

"Kaori, Tatsuya is like a son to me," Rize suddenly interjected, her voice tinged with a mixture of affection and apology, catching Kaori off guard. "No matter what happens, I will take care of him as my own."

Kaori, initially confused by Rize's apology, accepted it with a nod. The conversation drew to an end, and they returned to the living room. Tatsuya was engrossed in his video game, seemingly unaware of their prior discussion.

With Tatsuya now sound asleep, Kaori and Rize quietly left his room, stepping back into the serene tranquility of the living room. Kaori glanced at the clock, her expression revealing a hint of concern.

"Rize, I have an appointment early in the morning. I'll have to leave at dawn," Kaori spoke softly, her voice carrying a tinge of regret.

Rize nodded understandingly. "I'll take care of Tatsu, don't worry. I'll make sure he's up and ready for the day," she reassured Kaori, a warm smile on her face.

"I'll try to be back early from work," Kaori said, an undertone of assurance in her voice. "He's been doing so well, I just don't want him to feel lonely."

"You're doing everything you can, Kaori. He knows that," Rize said, placing a comforting hand on Kaori's shoulder. "We're all here for him."

Kaori returned the smile gratefully, appreciating Rize's reassurance. With a brief nod, she headed towards her room to prepare for the early morning ahead.

The soft golden rays of the morning sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over Tatsuya's room as he woke up. He stretched, feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead. Quickly, he freshened up in the bathroom and changed into a clean set of clothes.

Emerging from his room, he was greeted by the aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. Rize was already in the kitchen, preparing a hearty morning meal. The clinking of dishes and the sizzle of cooking filled the room.

"Good morning, Tatsuya. Did you sleep well?" Rize asked with a warm smile as she placed a plate of steaming food on the table.

" Morning, Rize! Yeah, I feel great today," Tatsuya replied, settling down to eat the delicious meal prepared by his nanny.

As they ate, Rize engaged Tatsuya in conversation, sharing snippets of what his mother had said earlier and discussing Tatsuya's eagerness for his special training.

" You know, your mother mentioned something about your training, Tatsuya," Rize mentioned casually, taking a sip of her tea.

Tatsuya's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yeah? That's awesome! I've been looking forward to it," he said eagerly, a rush of enthusiasm coursing through him.

But suddenly, as he finished his sentence, a wave of dizziness swept over him. The room began to spin, and the edges of his vision blurred. He instinctively reached out to steady himself, his heart pounding in confusion.

"Whoa, what's happening?" Tatsuya managed to say before his voice faltered. The world seemed to fade into darkness, and his consciousness began to slip away.

Faintly, amidst the encroaching darkness, he heard Rize's voice, soft yet determined, cutting through the haze around him. "Your training begins now."

A few hours later

As Tatsuya blinked away the haze, the metallic interior of the helicopter came into focus. Rizes face greeted him, a warm smile brightening her features amid the thrum of the rotor blades.

"You woke up early," she remarked, her voice carrying over the helicopter's noise.

Tatsuya's senses gradually returned to him as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He felt the softness beneath his head and glanced down to find a cushion supporting him. "Where are we?" he asked, his voice tinged with drowsiness.

Rize leaned in, securing him as the helicopter continued its flight. "We're on our way to a special place," she explained, her words carrying a sense of mystery.

Shivering against the biting cold, Tatsuya mentioned it, and Rize immediately took action. She grabbed a blue cloak from a guard across the cabin and draped it around him, the warmth and weight instantly comforting.

"Thanks," he muttered, trying to get a better look outside. As he peered through the window, his eyes widened at the towering peaks of the Himalayas below, their snow-clad magnificence awe-inspiring.

The helicopter's descent began, and Tatsuya watched as the jagged mountaintops grew closer, the winds swirling snowflakes into mesmerizing spirals.

As Tatsuya stepped onto the platform carved into the heart of Kailash, his breath hitched at the sheer vastness and grandeur of the Himalayas stretched before him, a breathtaking panorama of towering peaks and majestic valleys. The air was crisp and thin, causing him to shiver even beneath the warmth of the borrowed fur coat.

Turning toward Rize, his eyes held a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Why are we here? Why am I out of the house?" he asked, trying to contain his excitement, although a trace of concern lingered in his voice.

Rize gazed at him, her expression a blend of concern and resolve. "Tatsuya, there's something important I need to show you. It's time for a different kind of training," she replied cryptically "Something that will shape your future." Her voice was calm, yet there was a weight to her words.

Rize gazed at him with a reassuring smile, her black hair dancing in the cold mountain breeze. , her tone betraying a hint of secrecy. "You've grown stronger, Tatsuya, but there's more to learn beyond the confines of our home."

Before Tatsuya could delve deeper into her enigmatic words a figure emerged from the helicopter, a stern-looking man, clad in a thick jacket and sunglasses, approached them. "Miss Utukata, the path to the monastery awaits," the guard announced, his voice clipped and serious.

With a nod, Rize ushered Tatsuya toward a path leading away from the helipad. They trekked through a winding trail, flanked by ancient trees that seemed to guard the path like sentinels. Tatsuya stole glances at Rize, her composed demeanor revealing nothing about their purpose in this remote location.

As they ascended, the air grew colder and thinner, making every breath feel like a struggle. Yet, Tatsuya pressed on, his curiosity and determination driving him forward.

After what seemed like an arduous climb, they reached a plateau, and Tatsuya's eyes widened in awe. A small monastery stood perched on the mountainside, its architecture blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Prayer flags fluttered in the wind, adding vibrant colors to the serene white canvas of snow.

Rize gestured toward the monastery, her gaze holding a mixture of pride and anticipation. "This, Tatsuya, is where your new journey begins." Her words echoed with a profound sense of purpose, leaving Tatsuya to ponder the mysteries that lay ahead in this mystical place atop the Himalayas.

Tatsuya felt a rush of emotions — excitement, fear, and a sense of fulfillment. He was finally getting what he wanted, to experience the outside world, he wished his mother was here to see him off but he knew she had her hands full with her job. He glanced at the towering peaks around him, feeling both awestruck and apprehensive about the journey that lay ahead.

As the wind carried echoes of ancient whispers through the Himalayas, Tatsuya took a deep breath, steeling himself for the unknown adventure that awaited him, surrounded by the mystique of the majestic mountains and the enigmatic guidance of Rize.

Rize's voice pulled his attention back. "Are you ready for an adventure?" she asked a glint of excitement in her eyes, adding to the mystique of their journey.

A few guards, their faces unremarkable but their purpose unmistakable, strode toward Tatsuya and beckoned him to follow while clad in armor-fitted azure leather attire.

Their request for him to follow was accompanied by a sense of foreboding.

As he readied himself for his inaugural trial beyond the monastery's walls, they presented him with a new ensemble, a gift from Rize herself to be equipped in the monastery.

In the secluded confines of his changing room, a package awaited, courtesy of Rize.

A delicate card nestled within with two blank papers, declaring her thoughtful gift—a white attire designed for camouflage, fur-lined for warmth, yet lacking the protective armor of the soldiers' garb. He looked over the clothing while setting the papers aside.

His new fit lacked the armor the soldier's uniforms had but still offered protection from attacks.

He also received a package containing his new gear. Within the package lay pouches, holsters stocked with weapons, and a set of mysterious accessories—a ring and pendant—alongside a note instructing him to imbue them with his blood.

With a swift cut of his pinky and a ritualistic swipe, these artifacts pulsed to life, revealing their latent power and secrets. The mundane paper transformed into a map and a cryptic letter, guiding his path and purpose.

As he absorbed the instructions, a sense of urgency gripped him. Memorizing the details, he quickly recollected himself and acted quickly. Tatsuya shredded the letter, disguising its remnants amid the refuse, a precaution against prying eyes.

Concealing the enchanted artifacts beneath his attire, he met his escorts, ready to embark on this orchestrated expedition.

He didn't have to carry any extra supplies because the card explained that they would be carried by those who would escort him.

Rize, upon seeing him, teased, "So, now you're a fledgling expedition leader." Surprised by her nonchalant reaction, Tatsuya pouted, unexpected of her.

"The combat gear suits you too well," she remarked, observing his adept arrangement of the harnesses and holsters.

"Did you appreciate my gift?" she inquired.

"Yes, it was informative. The attire makes me feel like a dashing fugitive," Tatsuya replied, masking his concern behind a veneer of levity.

Rize's tone shifted. "I expended much effort to ensure only the finest. Follow the instructions meticulously, as this trial could determine life or death."

Rize's subsequent warning, however, carried weight. "Remember, it's a test akin to life and death. Keep your guard up and trust in what you've learned."

She bent down and hugged him as if it could be the last time and wordlessly smiled at him as she released him to join the rest of his party and began the journey.

Their parting was swift, but as they commenced their trek through the harsh terrain, Tatsuya couldn't shake an uncanny feeling.

His astute observations of his escorts revealed a nervous tension, hinting at concealed intentions. They weren't elite soldiers but apprehensive, a revelation aligning with the letter's ominous forewarning.

It became clear: he was bait in a treacherous game, manipulated to ensnare his elusive mother.

Rize, caught in a covert bargain, had orchestrated this trap to give them a higher chance of surviving.

But within this convoluted plan lay a lifeline—a village marked on the map where he could seek refuge, alongside the mystical artifacts aiding his escape. He didn't know what Rize had planned to help herself and his mother but all he could do now was to pull his weight and escape.

Rize had given them a false assessment of his skills. This was evident due to the low level of strength among his escorts.

The misinformation along with their belief that he was ignorant of the current situation would make them underestimate him and give him a way to turn the tide in their favor.

As they disappeared into the horizon a figure appeared behind Rize in a blur, the speed sending a small gust of wind outward and a burst of snow.

His physique gave off an oppressive aura as he walked in front of her, blocking her view of the departing group. The smile on her face was replaced by a stoic indifference. The tension in the air hinted at impending turmoil.

"Woman, I have upheld my end of our deal by sending that runt of yours on his little adventure. Now it's your turn," the hooded figure declared in a cold, aggressive tone.

"I understand, sir, but I would appreciate it if you refrain from insulting my child. I'll do my part as soon as everything is ready. Besides, even if it isn't, would you kindly take me somewhere appropriate to rest and wait? It's rather unseemly to keep a young woman like me waiting out here in the snow," Rize retorted with a hint of mischief.

There was a brief silence before the man responded, "Everything is already set. And I don't need an etiquette lesson from a traitor. Shall we begin?"

"Yes, we should," the woman replied.

Both parties disappeared into the monastery and emerged in what appeared to be a logistics room, filled with computers and technology for maintaining a small localized network. The room bustled with soldiers and workers running and managing the machines.

Amidst the relatively low light in the room, one thing stood out—a circular diagram filled with geometric patterns and characters resembling East Asian writing, glowing with an icy blue light at the back of the room.

Rize was escorted to a logistical worker who handed her a phone. "Setting this up was as difficult as you said. The poor reception here was resolved by creating our network, but breaking through that woman's cybersecurity was a challenge. Who secures a personal cellphone with such high encryption just for social interactions!"

"Shut up and set up the connection for the call!" the hooded man roared.

"Y-Yes, sir!" the worker stammered, typing frantically for a few seconds before giving the green light to begin.

"You already know the routine," the hooded man remarked as he took the phone from Rize, signaling to start the call.

The call was answered.

"Hello, who is this?" The voice from the speaker rang out, it was Kaori.

"It seems you've been having quite a cozy life after betraying your family and the pavilion, Romina Dubrov. From continuing your studies in Russia to joining their army and then retiring early to become a tree hugger in Nepal is quite interesting, you were able to completely reinvent yourself to create a new identity. Isn't that right Kaori Ryuto?" The hooded man spoke a grin started to manifest in the shadows of his hood.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" the venom-filled voice replied from the other end of the line.

"Before you ask questions I think you should hear something?" The man spoke. He stretched out his hand to get the phone closer to Rize

" Kaori... it's my fault. I didn't cover my tracks well enough when I went out to get supplies last time and I led them right to you. There should be something on your office's computer that can help you get out this safely please hurry..." Rise said with some genuine remorse as she was suddenly cut off.

"You heard your friend. We have her and the child in our custody and if you want them returned, you should come alone with your valuables. And if you try anything funny like say: running away or calling for help... well I'm sure you can imagine what will happen."

"Wait pl..." *CRACK* The hooded man crushed the communication device in his hands and gave the newly made scrap to a subordinate as he began to speak.

"Your acting skills are quite impressive. You went a little over the top at the end of your dialogue but it still had the desired effect. I'll have my subordinates clear the device's history so she can't trace this base or use information from the call since that will be cleared too. All that's left is to prepare and wait. It should take a few hours for her to arrive.

So when it's done you can go on your way with your child and live a carefree life like nothing ever happened."

As plans for violence began to unfold within the monastery Tatsuya had his problems to deal with.

As they walked and climbed through the snowy mountain The young boy could sense the tension within the soldiers around him intensifying like a drawstring for a bow slowly being pulled taut. As if the archer was building up the energy, watching and waiting to release it in a shot that could mean the end for him.

He gave them a false sense of security by acting as ignorant, curious, and childish as possible to lower their guards. It seemed to work as they answered his questions in an increasingly lax manner but that would let him forget that they were a threat to him that could show their true colors at any moment.

They made very good progress, crossing to the other side of the mountain in a short period, and starting descending the mountain to reach their goal. Which seemed to be a camp of some sort close to the base of the hill.

The trip was put on pause when he asked for permission to ease himself behind a rock formation that would grant him privacy. he went to the spot and subtly took out the map after checking that he wasn't being watched.

He quickly looked at it to orient himself and plan his next move. He noticed quickly that the point they were at now was almost like a forked road. if he kept on going straight he would end up at his fake destination, the soldier's camp but if he turned a followed the side of the mountain he would start heading in the direction of the safe point.

The cherry on top was that there seemed to be a cavern marked right on the path to the village which he could use as shelter on the way, now all he had to do was to get away from his 'escorts'. He could take them out but the problem was if the camp had a way of detecting his disappearance. He glanced around in idle thought until his eyes widened.

He came back out and started heading towards them as one of them called out to him.

"Hey, are ya okay now? We are almost there. All we need is one last push." The man grinned with Tatsuya doing the same. Over the few hours that he had spent with them, eating, talking, sleeping. He had come to realize that not all of these people were inherently evil and that was why he was genuinely sorry for what he would have to do.

Yes, he was about to end their lives. His lack of contact with people, early combat training, and receiving ethical lessons from martial artists who were used to blood and battle had all but guaranteed one thing, he would feel no regret for doing what he had to to survive.

It was for that reason that he stabbed the nearest soldier in the neck and slashed another one's throat without hesitation. The others were dazed by the sudden brutal efficiency of the kills as throwing knives flew out from his coat and found their targets in the chests of three more soldiers. This was enough to snap the others out of their trance as they deflected the thrown knives with their respective weapons and charged with one thought lingering in their minds. They were now fighting for their lives.

One soldier came in with a diagonal sword slash which Tatsuya reacted to and weaved past, going in for the kill before being interrupted by a thrust from a spear which he ducked under and grabbed before pulling his opponent in with his Qi-enhanced strength and stabbing him in the kidney with a dagger.

He jumped back as the swordsman tried to cleave him again flicked out more knives as a distraction, and dashed behind him to a blind spot, only to be intercepted by three arrows piercing the ground where he would have stood if he hadn't sensed them. He glanced to the side to see the glint of another arrow being nocked by the archer. He pulled out another dagger to dual wield and ran towards the swordsman before abruptly changing course towards the archer to the surprise of the swordsman, he quickly realized what the boy was aiming at.

The archer was now in the position to cover his openings and blind spots while being able to create openings to take out the boy so the best strategy would be to take him out first. The swordsman enhanced his legs with Qi to gain the speed to bypass the boy and foil his plan.

Once he was ahead of him he spun into a low horizontal slash to bisect the boy who jumped up to avoid it only to see an arrow flying toward him.

The swordsman started to feel the joy of victory as he saw an arrow get closer to the boy's head but one thing unsettled him as the arrow almost made contact, why was the child smirking?

Just as the arrow seemed to make contact with his skin a flash of purple Qi pulsed out from his forehead to deflect the arrow leaving him with a clear path to decapitate the swordsman. The archer's eye widened in terror as he saw the events unfold.

"He can already physically manifest his Qi? What a monster!" The nameless archer thought to himself as he rapidly began to fire off arrows which were nimbly avoided by the boy who bobbed and weaved through the trajectory of the arrows with disturbing ease as he closed the distance and used the rock that the archer was using as cover us a platform to jump off of and throw knives into his back to incapacitate him and quickly stab a dagger through the back of his head to put him out of his misery.

He stood up for a few seconds, simply gazing at the aftermath of the short battle as he caught his breath. His clothes had some blood splatters but other than that they were undamaged. He looked down at the camp to see no visible reaction but he couldn't be sure from this distance. This motivated him to quickly loot the fallen soldiers and gather all the supplies as he decided on how to implement his next plan.

Sooner or later the other soldiers would realize there was something wrong and he wouldn't have the element of surprise on his side if he fought again. When he had gathered every useful thing he could find he took off the glove of his right hand to reveal an ornate ring, one of the artifacts he had received today, and unlike the necklace he knew how to use this one.

The space ring was a marvel, an artifact of mysterious origins that held a connection to a concealed pocket dimension, undetectable by ordinary means. Its capabilities extended beyond mere storage; within its confines, objects found sanctuary, their weight inconsequential to the user's senses. Furthermore, it boasted an impenetrable security feature—accessible only by those bound by a contract with the ring itself.

Its secrets lay shrouded within the veil of impossibility, a realm where the laws of reality seemed suspended. To those uninitiated or not aligned with its magic, the ring's contents remained a veiled enigma, impervious to intrusion or unauthorized access. As a conduit to a hidden world, it whispered tales of boundless potential, safeguarding treasures beyond the grasp of the mundane..

This would allow him to take the supplies and bodies of the soldiers for utility and to clear up his tracks. He finished cleaning up the scene and started heading back up to the spot he had stopped at to take a look at the map for one reason. A plan that could give him a large head start if it worked and the item that would be the crux of this plan was all around him, snow.

Snow, often hailed for its serene beauty and the joy it brings, holds within its delicate flakes the potential for peril. While it adorns landscapes in an ethereal white, it harbors risks that, when harnessed, could become a tool for survival. An avalanche, a natural and treacherous phenomenon, is a grave consequence of excessive snow or ice accumulation in elevated terrains.

At higher altitudes, layers of snow and ice accrue, gradually shaping unstable structures unable to bear their own weight. Inevitably, these formations succumb to their burden, triggering a cataclysmic collapse, unleashing a devastating wave of destruction.

During their journey, Tatsuya's group cautiously navigated, consciously avoiding any actions that might disturb the snow, acutely aware of the catastrophic potential an avalanche posed. However, amidst the danger lay an opportunity—one that Tatsuya, with his newfound knowledge and skill, could potentially wield to his advantage. As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison.

As they were traveling his group had stayed close to rock formations to not disturb the snow and cause a disaster but now it was something he could use, after all, one man's meat is another man's poison.

Ascending the mountain with deliberate steps, Tatsuya carefully navigated the jagged rock formations, each foothold strategic in his ascent. The timing was crucial; he calculated the position of the sun, casting its late afternoon rays upon the horizon, a constant reminder that his time to escape was slowly running out.

With a profound breath, he propelled himself skyward, the leap daring and precise. Suspended at the pinnacle of his trajectory, a radiant glow enveloped his leg, a concentrated reservoir of Qi pulsating within him. Gravity took hold, hurtling him earthward like a meteor. As he descended, the latent power surged out from his leg upon impact with the snow, triggering a cataclysmic blast.

The thunderous explosion reverberated through the mountain, shattering the surface layer of snow into a cascading avalanche. Amidst the chaotic rush, Tatsuya emerged from the resulting smoke, perched atop a craggy rock. His eyes absorbed the sweeping destruction before he sprinted toward the mapped cavern with determined vigor.

Yet, the surreal triumph abruptly shattered into searing agony, The once bustling noises vanished into nothingness. A suffocating darkness enveloped Tatsuya's senses, an abyss devoid of light or sound, where his existence seemed suspended in an endless void. The word "DEVOUR" echoed relentlessly, a haunting chorus reverberating through the empty expanse of his mind.

He tried to move, but his limbs still felt paralyzed, as if bound by an unseen force. Panic began to well up within him, a primal fear clawing at his consciousness. Every attempt to call out, to move, to see, met with silence and an impenetrable blackness.

Time lost its meaning in this void. Seconds felt like eternities, and an eternity felt like a fleeting moment. He attempted to recall what had led him here, but the memories seemed shrouded in a thick fog, distant and fragmented, slipping through his grasp like elusive shadows.

In the midst of this disorienting darkness, a glimmer of something stirred within Tatsuya—a defiance against the overwhelming silence. He gathered the fragments of his willpower, pushing against the suffocating void that threatened to consume him.

Then, as if a distant light piercing through the deepest darkness, a faint sensation touched his consciousness—his power, a fragment of his determination, a will to resist the ominous command that echoed within him.

Summoning every ounce of strength he possessed, he concentrated on that glimmer of resistance, a silent plea within the pitch-black void, hoping it would serve as a beacon to lead him out of this ominous silence.

The light seemed to shine brighter until it overwhelmed him. The light started to fade as he felt his senses returning, hearing the gurgle of water underneath him and the sweet smell of peaches in the air.

He felt the numbness fading as his eyes remained closed preparing for whatever would come next.