
(Part 7)


Right in the centre of the Arcadia manor, on the top rested a veranda. Covered with Red and golden chandeliers it shined elegantly. Over the grills, red curtains fluttered from the slightest touch of breeze. The moonlit nightingales chirped lightly creating a melodic sound. Scent of red roses covered the air.

Further inside the veranda a majestic throne laid sculpted with a figure of a dragon studded with grandiose jewels which reflected on the lightest touch of light. On that throne Yeying sat. His fingers tapping on one of its arm and the other one twirling on the rim of a dark red glass.

The parasol over his head hiding his features. He gazed at the velvet sky while his silver vambrances clanked. The sight below looked magnificent just like stars gathered in a dark black sky creating itself in a big galaxy. Disturbing his luxurious time, a demon came running. Panting hard he spoke "My lord! Those heavenly crazies! Those heavenly…" he panted aggressively. Keeling low in front of him he continued "Those Heavenly crazies caught half of our people in the middle of the march. The ones who haven't returned for a long they imprisoned them in the heavenly Palace! Moreover, they aren't letting them go. They want you to come and retrieve them! That old hag is out of his mind!?"

Yeying still with his eyes closed sighed. "Zhijun?" he asked. His voice terrifying enough to make the demon in front of him kneel. "Yes! That fool of a king!" said the demon raging. A grin escaped Yeiying's lips. "I know what happened already… those were the missing demons right?" he asked. "Yes milord! After the return from the Demon march, they mistakenly lost their way and were caught by the Heavenly Supremes, now those sick humans deliberately frame them for killing and murders in the mortal realm!" said the demon.

Yeying sat silent for a while. "What happened to the array I created?" he questioned gravely. "Your highness the array was opened on time for the demons to come back. However, half of them lost their way in between the march. The time was less and in front of them was the boundary of the 2nd king, they dared not step in and made their way towards the village. And maybe after that they encountered the heavenly Supremes who caught them for no reason." "My lord… the demons won't dare to defy your orders and harm innocent. They would never do that!" he added. Yeying stared at the glass tracing his finger around the rim.

"Yes my king, everything he says is true~" said a women as she floated in midair her head bowed under Yeiying's presence Behind her Xianwu toddled. Just with a single look it was clearly seen that she was refreshed. Her long brown hairs were tied neatly into a braid, her bare feet had silver shoes in them and a moonlit cloak covered her shoulders. Looking at the sight around she stared at the sky which was studded with stars, as if a small bottle of silver glitter had been dropped on a dark black cloth. The demon woman knelled in front of the throne "My lord… just as you ordered I bought the young lady with me…" she said. Xianwu losing her attention from the stars stared at the throne hidden by the red cloth. She could hint the figure inside it as she called

"Sovereign Yeying?"

The demon woman looked at her in slight shock. "My lady… kindly be courteous towards the sovereign" she insisted. Xianwu confused like a little rabbit looked right and left surprised.

Sleeping as a dead for a 1000 years had caused Xianwu to forget the exact courtesy royalty once used. Even if Xianwu was a princess in the past, she never once used the same courtesy which others referred to her as. It was hard for her to think where she had gone wrong. Yeying looked at Xianwu who was perplexed like a little rabbit wondering if she had made the wolf in front of her angry or not. Seeing her adorable and confused reaction towards the demon woman words Yeying couldn't help but chuckle quietly. "It's alright!" he called. "There's no need for that. Come here…" he continued. . "You both should leave, everything after this I will handle it!" he claimed. The two demons made their way out of the veranda

Xianwu coming back to reality went towards him. The curtains covering the throne on its own turned up and knotted itself into a bow. Xianwu walked closer, trying to look at his face which was still hidden by the parasol. His vambrances clanked while his long fingers tapped the studded throne "How unfair has this world become… how come demons can have such pretty hands and hairs. Mine are still little kitten hands and a baby face from the past… this world surely did become unfair in a 1000 years" she thought with lines of depression covering her forehead. Xianwu with a gulp stood straight facing him.

Yeying stood up as he gently passed the glass towards her which she grabbed and spoke "Sit down… and drink." He walked towards the rail and stood in front of it. His long hairs gently fluttering with the wind and his expression still unseen. Xianwu looked at the glass as she pondered "I still couldn't see his face…" instantly her thoughts shifted towards the glass which was filled with a bloody red liquid.

She couldn't help but ponder "Is this blood?! He is a demon right? It's no big deal if it's something drinkable however I wonder if I can still drink it if it turns out to be blood. Should I even drink it? Or just try to drink it…?" she pondered hard. Yeying turned around to grab a look at her. He too was surprised to see Xianwu looking deeply into the glass.

Yeying with her behaviour again couldn't help but sigh helplessly with a smile. "Milady … no need to be so alarmed. Inferno city's Eden has lush Pomegranates which even grow under full night. This is a drink made from them. It really isn't blood." He responded clearing up the misunderstanding which flooded her brain. Xianwu who looked at him with a dotted expression couldn't help but nod. However, inside her heart she pondered "Yue Xianwu… you fought billions of demons in the past. Isn't it too embarrassing that you don't even know the difference between juices and blood… such an idiot." She scolded herself.

Xianwu stared at the glass in wonder. "It's been so long… I wonder how's everyone is doing right now. I wonder what they might… well…what right do I even have now to think this…?" a brokenhearted smile took over her face. Waving those thoughts away Xianwu walked towards the rail staring underneath. The sight left her in awe. She could hardly describe her experience. The Inferno city looked magnificent from above. "So beautiful…" she gasped. Yeying beside her smiled. "My lady… here I thought you would have seen things a lot more beautiful than this?" he questioned. Xianwu unable to grasp his words faced him surprised. "What do you mean…?" she questioned back.

"Princess Yue Xianwu… I'm glad this sight is as per your liking." He said. Xianwu was thunderstruck.. "Princess?!" she looked at him with a shock. "How did you know…" she tried to ponder however, the same words left her mouth. Yeying smiled lightly. "My lady… I've known more than you think… to tell the truth, I've known the oldest of histories. Knowing about you wasn't something unexpected…" he explained. Xianwu stared at him, instantly her expression calming down "Of course… he is demon sovereign. He would know a lot better than anyone. The past and the present. Who am I to question? At my time, even I knew everything… but how strange, never in my life have I heard about him…" she thought in wonder.

Staring at the city below she questioned "Say… are you unhappy to get me as a spirit?" Yeying slightly tilting his head questioned back. "Why do you ask?" "I'm not someone worthy enough to be praised… even more than that I'm even considered a being worse than a demon itself. So if you also dislike me… don't worry, it won't a big of a matter." she replied. Yeying smiled answering "My lady… I've never met you before… so I never know your past however… I can answer your question if I get to know you more in the present."

Xianwu slightly surprised couldn't help but chuckle "Really?" she asked. Yeying nodded. Looking at the city below Xianwu repeated "Your city is really pretty, I'm glad I got to see it!" she smiled. Yeying stunned for a second nodded. "My lady… you're indeed really lucky. We rarely get any visitors. Moreover, you might be the first visitor in the Inferno city. Due to the poisonous air in the Inferno city, any Heavenly Supreme if steps in will have his body rot away in a couple of hours and any mortal which steps in will instantly die. However, you being a spirit had made you indeed quite lucky." He explained. Xianwu who listened carefully couldn't help but feel proud of herself "Really! Then I'm glad… I get to witness it all!" she responded.

The two of them stared at the sight below until Yeying spoke "Lady Xianwu… do you want to see the heavenly city?" he asked.

This question was like a stone to her heart. Her whole body froze as memories of past gushed into her brain like a terrifying waterfall. For an instant she couldn't find the words to reject his offer so she tried to get herself out of this conversation "Being a heavenly supreme was a thing of the past and now… I don't think I have the courage to go there again. The Yue kingdom had already fallen into ruins a 1000 years ago. My family and relatives are all gone. I- I don't think I have the right to even think about going there. And even if I go how will I show my face…?" she confessed.

In reality, Xianwu was scared. She had no choice but to face everyone however, she lacked courage. The past was her biggest mistake and her biggest fear. No matter how far she tries run away from it, she could never get away with it.

Yeying looked at her with his expression puzzled "My lady… the Yue kingdom is still in place… and the one ruling the city is King Yue Leiren. It has never gone in exile." he corrected. Xianwu with her eyes widened gasped. "The Yue kingdom… is still in place…? And little Yue Leiren is ruling it?!" she thought in shock. If it's true… then just a peek is fine. I want to see it! Can I?" Xianwu couldn't help conceal her emotions. Yeying looked at her with a faint smile "Princess Yue Xianwu… you don't have to hide anything. If you want to visit the Heavenly City. You can. Whenever you want." he offered.

Xianwu stared at him her expression turning into a blank one. "Were demons… this much kind? I might even doubt humans on their kindness." She thought. Looking at him she requested "Yeying… don't call me that anymore. I am not a princess anymore. It was a thing of the past. Don't be courteous, I am now just a spirit. Not worthy of titles. Please call me Xianwu." She smiled. Yeying stared at her unable to reply back.

All of a sudden an array began to shine in the middle of the veranda. The two of them turned around to face it. It shined darker and darker. Xianwu stood behind Yeying. Instantly, three similar figures stepped out. Feixing, Fenghuang and Shentong. As usual instead of coming out intact Shentong had already fallen on the ground hitting himself hard. Fenghuang on the other hand laughed hard "Haha!!" Shentong sneered "How many times am I going to be humiliated like this?!" Nevertheless, Fenghuang laughed louder. Seeing Yeying's sight Feixing rushed towards him.

Grasping both of his arms he asked "Xiao ye… are you alright?" Yeying looking on the ground nodded. "Yes… brother Feixing…" he answered. Feixing with a sigh of relief stood a little back. The parasol hid Yeying's expression. "What brings you here?" he questioned. Immediately, Shentong interrupted in the middle of their conversation. "Princess Yue Xianwu!" he called. Xianwu who was hiding behind Yeying peeked at the three of them. "It really is her!" gasped Fenghuang. Shentong gazing in surprise complimented "She's even more beautiful than the description written in the books of stellar library!"

Yeying spoke up "Lady Yue… no need to worry. These three are my brothers. You can trust them." Xianwu slowly came out. Feixing and the other two smiled "I'm sorry that I didn't noticed you. Kindly forgive me." Feixing apologised. Xianwu tilting her head accepted his apology. Feixing Soon, remembering his words told "Xiao ye, There is a problem in the Heavenly Palace. Yue Leiren has caught your demons from the demon parade march and has captured them. Saying that they murdered innocent people of a village. And, now the Heavenly Emperor wants you to come and retrieve it. Also, the news of Lady Yue Xianwu's rebirth has also reached his ears. Now only you can set things right." Xianwu shocked pondered "Yueren?!"

Yeying sighed with an evil grin. "Heh….? So it's an invitation from the heavenly Emperor himself huh?" he whispered. "And if you won't come to retrieve them Emperor Zhijun will burn them with their Embers. Then even if you try to reconstruct them, they will never come back." continued Fenghuang. "Maybe… they really forgot what I did the last time I went towards the heavenly palace… aren't they even a little bit of scared?" he asked. "They are… but if it's the emperor's order than no matter who or where, it will happen. Don't forget! The Emperor isn't scared of anything" told Shentong.

Shentong eyeing him worriedly questioned "Xiao long, what are you going to do now?" Yeying turned around as he spoke "Brother Feng, Brother Shen and Brother Fei, I want you take Lady Yue to the heavenly Palace first. I'll come back later." he asked. The three of them looked at each other and nodded. Fenghuang instantly started drawing the array again. Xianwu a little shocked tilted her head in rejection. "Yeying…" she called hastily. Yeying unable to show his expression gave his hand as Xianwu grabbed a hold of it while he consoled "My lady… kindly trust me. I'll come to you. It's true whatever happened in the past and meeting me so abruptly right now. Won't give you the permission to trust me. But kindly trust me just once. I promise I'll come…" he assured.

All of a sudden a moonlit nightingale appeared over his middle finger. Pointing it closer towards Xianwu it made its way in between her palms. Xianwu grasped it in wonder. "Until I come to you, this nightingale will protect you…" he assured. Seeing his kindness, Xianwu couldn't help but stand strong. She nodded with a determined look. "Sovereign Yeying, I trusted many people before… but one by one even my most beloved ones betrayed me and I died, but now I'm here again. So I won't say I'll trust you after all it hasn't been long since we met… but I'll wait." She said facing him one last time. Fenghuang had already completed the portal while Shentong called "Lady Xianwu! It's time to leave!" Xianwu grasping the nightingale tightly looked at Yeying one last time as she stepped into the array "Yeying Long… I trust you. Don't let me down. You really have to come." She thought. Feixing turning around spoke up "Xiao ye… I'll be waiting for you. Don't be late!" he advised. Soon the array vanished into thin air while remaining golden sparks surrounded Yeying.

Turning around, Yeying gazed at the city before he spoke up. His voice menacing "How long are you going to watch?" he asked. Soon behind him a shadow appeared "Hmph… As expected of you to test my presence so quickly." He replied. "Cut to the chase, what are you here for?" Yeying asked coldly. The voice slightly annoyed by his behaviour angered "Hey! Why are so cold? Aren't you the one who called me here in the first place?" the voice reminded. Yeying spoke up "I have something important to ask you. Did you divert my people from the returning array on the night of the demon's march?" his voice was tacky and dangerous.

However, the voice behind him felt no fear "Well tell me, who you think I am? And why would I of all people do that? I don't have that much of free time in my hands to divert your people's ways." He replied. Yeying sighed. "Well if that's so then you can leave or will you stay?" He ordered and asked at the same time. However, the voice snickered "Yeying Long… who do you think I am? Do you think you can call me or toss me whenever you want? If you don't mind it, let me remind you I can topple this tiny city of yours in a second." Yeying with his statement replied with a murderous intent "Oh really…? Then you are welcomed to do so, but, if you lose something precious instead. Don't blame me." He threatened.

Yeying walked away leaving the shadow behind. "So what are you up to now?" he asked. "Those little rats have forgotten my last visit 800 years ago, I'm going to thoroughly remind them once more." Yeying replied. "Haha!" the voice laughed. "Well then! I'll follow you in the meanwhile. Have fun! But, be careful I don't want to go there and attend a funeral for you!" it joked and with that the shadow dissipated into midair. "A Funeral… huh? Don't worry, I have already received one before. A thousand years ago..." He whispered in the lightest pitch with an evil grin taking over his face. "Now~ let's take care of the Heavenly city…" he said disappearing into thin air.