
(Part 6)


Fenghuang and Shentong walked out of the array in front of the Heavenly Palace. Shentong eyeing the surroundings questioned "Are we late?" Fenghuang ignoring him walked away "I don't know about being late but Feixing might have had his both fists ready to hit you like maniacs." He said. Sudden chills went down Shentong's spine. "How cruel…" he called walking over the stairs.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and his mouth went a gape. Fenghuang looked at him worriedly "What's wrong?" he questioned. Shentong whispered in happiness "The spirit… has been born and she is Princess Yue Xianwu…!" Fenghuang looked at him with his expression widened. "Who?!" he questioned again however, Shentong had already ran across the stairs towards the gate. Fenghuang followed him shortly.

Emperor Zhijun eyed Feixing who kept bowing in front of him. Soon the elder spoke up "Shentong… still isn't here. Could it be he was playing? Then, I'll surely say it wasn't a very nice joke…" he mocked. Feixing bowed lower in front of Zhijun. "Your highness, just wait for a while. He will be here shortly." He pleaded. Soon the heavenly Supremes spoke up "For how long will he make us wait! We have other affairs to handle! My lord, he must be playing. You must punish him!" said one of them. "To think, someone like him would make us wait and even the Emperor! It's unacceptable!" said another.

Feixing who couldn't take it anymore wanted to hit them so badly but he still bowed. Zhijun looking at him spoke up "Feixing Wang… stand up. No need to bow anymore…" he called. Feixing stood up while turning around to take a look at the door. He could make out Shentong and Fenghuang running towards them. "Those two idiots…!" Feixing sighed a breath of relief.

"Hello everyone! Here I am!!" said Shentong as he dashed inside the heavenly palace fanning himself with an abnormal speed. "Brother Feixing, Quit bowing!" he said as he pulled Feixing from him collar slightly chocking him in return. "The one who needs to bow is right here..." Looking at the emperor he bowed "Greetings your highness 'the emperor'" he greeted with a smile.

He stood in front of Emperor Zhijun opening his fan he stated "Your highness, the Emperor, I Shentong has arrived to answer all your queries regarding the situation in the Inferno city!" Fenghuang stood beside Feixing. "What happened?" Feixing asked curiously. "Nothing… the time we arrived back. The spirit had already been born in the Inferno city. And, guess who it is?" Fenghuang eyed him waiting for his guess. Feixing who had nothing in his mind nodded in rejection.

"A 1000 years ago… the first princess ever executed in the history of Heavenly City. Princess… Yue Xianwu. The last crown princess of the Yue kingdom…" Feixing stared at him dumbfounded. "Who…?" He asked once again. Fenghuang without replying him back stared at Shentong.

Shashou with a smile asked "Could you tell us everything regarding the spirit and the demon Sovereign of the inferno city." Shentong nodded replying "Just like I told everyone, I dreamt about a spirit's arrival in the demon Inferno city. The spirit will aid the Inferno city's Sovereign. At first I never knew what kind of spirit will be born. However, I do saw… its power it is able to topple this whole heavenly city!" "What?!" asked the heavenly Supremes in utter shock. Zhijun looked at Shentong with a serious gaze which was enough to shatter a normal human's soul.

"By the way, the spirit has already been born in the Inferno city. I too knew it a moment ago, all the demons have been informed with the news all around." he continued.

The Heavenly Supremes gasped in shock. "Already… born?" they asked together. Shentong nodded. Zhijun gazed at him seriously "And who is it?" he questioned. Shentong facing the emperor bowed once again "The one aiding him is a girl... and that girl is the last Princess of the Yue kingdom, 'Yue Xianwu!" he declared.

Soon the whole Heavenly hall went silent none able to utter a single word. Emperor Zhijun and Shashou stared with their expression widened. "How can it be possible? How can she be the spirit?" asked the heavenly Supremes with disbelief.

"(THE PRINCESS WHO WITHSTOOD 777 HEAVENLY ARROWS) is back impossible!!" said the other Supremes in a protesting manner.

"Is this all true?" asked Zhijun conforming again. Shentong looked towards him "Yes… all true!" he replied with overflowing self-confidence. "Liar!' suddenly a voice barged in. "All of this is a lie! She died with every single being hating her, possibility of her being reborn is impossible even if she was prayed to be reborn for a thousand times she would never come back in this world!!" as the rage and the power of his words showed, the sentence was directed by YangYang himself.

"What YangYang says is entirely true, rebirth can only come from a thousands of years of unlimited prayers, for someone who was hated and whose history is now not even remembered by people around the heavenly realm, for her to be reborn like that is unbelievable..." said Shashou backing YangYang's statement in disbelief. Zhijun quietly listened to the debate in front of him. His demeanour not willing to give up as he waited for more answers from Shentong. On the other hand Shentong looked at Feixing and Fenghuang with a deep sigh. "How to make these stupid people believe…" he thought.

"That… Yue Xianwu? That traitor! That killer of millions lives?! How come is she reborn?" said a heavenly supreme in shock. The whole hall started gossiping around. Feixing who was still shocked whispered "Unbelievable…" Fenghuang continued "Unbelievable right…?" Shashou who stood there in disbelief murmured "How come…? After billions of prayers can someone be revived? Is Yue Xianwu really back?"

"And who told you that…?" asked Zhijun. Shentong replied back "Yeying Long… the demon sovereign of the Inferno city told me." he answered. Zhijun stared at him with a grave expression. "How did she come back?" the heavenly Supremes questioned each other in wonder.

Feixing at the right moment stood up. "If his highness and the Heavenly Supremes have difficulty in believing our words how about we call them here to see with your own eyes?" he asked with a sense of trust. "Call? Who? That demon? In the heavenly palace, such impudence!" shouted YangYang in anger. "Don't be so angry… after all it was your sense of distrust in us that made us offer this choice." Said Fenghuang joining the conversation. "Not to mention, be it Heavenly or demonic realm, we are Yeying long's sworn brothers… so no matter what for his case we will never lie!" said Feixing with a serious tone. Zhijun's calm expression turned into grave one.

"Heavenly Supremes Feixing. Fenghuang and Shentong… you are given permission to be his well-wisher, but that doesn't mean you disregard all the rules of Heavenly palace or the heavenly Sky city. Yeying long before was a part of the heavens but now he is a demon, he keeps a low profile kills Supremes and rules the depths of hell, for you to wish for someone to give him aide is no more than betraying the heavenly realm. Don't you think?" he asked. Feixing, Fenghuang and Shentong bowed their heads.

"Fenghuang, Shentong and Feixing Wang… you 3 are connected with the Demon Sovereign because of his close relationship with you in the past. However! You are strictly forbidden to get too close to him. You have no right to think of aiding him. Your connection with him right now should be enough! I won't like it one bit, if matters regarding the Heavenly realm goes into his ears. The demon Sovereign's name should not be called in the Heavenly City ever again! Am I clear?" he asked. "Yes your highness we dare not think about such heinous act…" they replied politely not to flare his anger. "Now to wrap things up… let the reborn spirit be set aside for now, However do you three repent on your mistake…" Zhijun asked. "Yes…" the three of them replied. "What mistake?" thought Shentong slightly angrily. Zhijun nodded in response.

The three of them instantly bowed "Yes my lord! Never would we dare to even think of betraying the emperor. Kindly rest assured. All our moves are under your eyes!" they replied together. Zhijun nodded. "Very well then, the spirit and its origins are all clearly known. There's no need to interfere in the affairs of the Inferno city. With this the meeting is ended!" he exclaimed. Shentong eyed him annoyingly standing up. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard. All the heavenly Supremes turned around to take a look.

A tall, boarded man with a platinum armour walked in with heavy steps. . His physique strong with his red eyes giving a flare of pure fire. In his one hand lied a long thick sword and with the other he tightly grasped iron rusted chains and dragged them ruthlessly. "How come the meeting is ended already? I have yet to arrive… don't you think so? Your supremacy don't you think it's too early to conclude everything? " he grinned mockingly.

"To think my sister would come back in a way like this after a thousand years is surprising enough to even shock my wits!…" Pulling the chains behind him. Demons came crawling into the palace. The Heavenly Supremes with the sight backed off. "Demons?!" they asked in shock. The man walked inside pulling the demons. Up to more than fifty were lined one after another. Male, female and even kids and other beasts. Some handcuffed, some feet cuffed and some cuffed with chains on their necks.

Feixing, Fenghuang and Shentong looked at each other anxiously. "That witch came back again. Haha! Even after dying once she didn't learn her lesson and came back by being a spirit of the Inferno city?! How laughable!" he mocked. "King of the Yue kingdom "Yue LeiRen" (Moon Thunder Blade), what calls you here? Furthermore I don't think this is the route the interrogation mount?" asked Zhijun as he gazed over the demons behind him.

Leiren sighed as he glared at the demons. "What brings me here...? are the likes of these demons!" he growled in anger while picking up a demon he busted his head on the floor. His expression of a calm man changed into a crazy one. "Arhg!!" the demon screamed. The Heavenly Supremes backed off by the tyrannical sight. "These bugs where ever they come from, cause a great mess, Just by their looks I feel like burning them into ashes!" he roared in anger while slamming another's head on the nearby pillar.

"Calm down Yue LeiRen, this is the heavenly palace, not your interrogation grounds." Reminded Shashou. "Ahh… right I remember" he said as he laughed creepily at the demons even causing them to tremble. "By the way could you belief after this long that traitor will return, that cursed witch." He said while looking towards Shentong. Shentong glared him back at the same pressure. "Leave that matter aside for now and tell me where these demons come from?" asked Zhijun. "They are from the demon's march. They were taking over the bodies of innocent mortal's and making them do heinous crime. Stealing, murdering and what so ever…" explained LeiRen.

"You freaking Supremes' what do you know? We were at the night of the demons march, we didn't kill anybody you liar's" shouted a demon as he proclaimed his innocence.

"The demons march? Hasn't it been over for days now, you should've returned to the inferno city back…" said Shashou as he interrogated. "We would have gone, if we hadn't been lost on our way back!" proclaimed another demon. "After we lost our way we were caught by freaks like you!! As for killing we ain't did that, Sovereign told us to behave and we did!" he continued.

Shentong looked at Feixing and Fenghuang worriedly. "You filthy beings you dare say that I lied! Are you that obedient to your sovereign? This disgusting sight of you makes me want to kill you all!" shouted LeiRen as he pulled out his sword. "Stop!" ordered Zhijun. "If everything has come to this… then the demon king of the Inferno city is called out to settle all issues once and for all!" he ordered. Shentong, Feixing and FengHuang. With Shashou, YangYang, LeiRen and the other Heavenly Supremes present pondered in surprise.

The demons under his fear trembled unable to stutter a single word. "Why not call that king of theirs? And, I also felt an urge to meet that witch?!" Leiren asked keenly. With his call, the heavenly Palace went into shock. Zhijun looked at the demons and gently blinked his eyes with an ordering tone he ordered "If Yeying Long wants to retrieve his demons… then, he should come here on his own to get them!" with his order the whole heavenly city fell into another frenzy. Heavenly Supremes, like runaway brides left the heavenly Palace and guarded their own manors creating many barriers and activating billions of protection talismans all around the city. . Local civilians locking themselves in their homes. The roads which were brimming with laughter and all kinds of activities had died down to only a deserted sight. The entire heavenly Sky City with a single order went as silent as the grave.