
(Part 5)

Behind a beautiful red curtain, a figure cladded in a long dazzling black robe imprinted with Red roses, settled over a beautiful throne gazing at the stage below. Indistinct yet strong, its domineering aura resided around making even the surroundings shudder.

Over his left pointed ear, a crescent crown shimmered, connecting itself to two red gems dangling on each ear while black hairs dyed with sliver dye were grandiosely braided and scattered at the end of the throne.

Silver vambrances clanking with the slightest touch of wind he tapped his index finger covered by a jade red ring. Upon his waist rested a mystic blade which trembled slightly. A smile rested over the figure's lips.

Twirling a red glass in his other hand amid his middle finger was a brown hair strand basking in red light, tied firmly. A sliver glittered mask covering his eyes, over a complexion milky snow with lips redder than cherry.

Tapping his feet gently on the ground below he whispered, "There you are Milady, you have finally arrived… Come on in now… for I have waited for you since way too long…"

The moment those words escaped his lips tiny, translucent moonlit nightingales surrounded him while his jade red parasol twirled.

Making her way through the ever busy streets, Xianwu making sure not to rudely bump into anyone finally stood before a large grandiose hall. The Auction hall, it read imprinted with gold.

Surely, just like its name it was grand. Demons of all kinds coming inside and going outside. It was the largest hall Xianwu had seen since she entered the Inferno city. "Looks like it's here…" she whispered.

Fa ling hearing her voice too peeked under her hat. "I couldn't find lord thunder master anywhere here, I wonder if he's inside. Let's check it out. Here we go then Fa ling…" she whispered while climbing the stairs.

Soon stepping inside the hall and entering it, Xianwu was amazed by sight laying before her eyes. A large hall was surrounded by billons of seats all around where many demons settled.

Furnished by golden red curtains amid the seats a round stage was seen on which precious gems were one by one bought up for bidding.

Before the stage two demons seemed to gamble over the same bid item and behind the stage a black red curtain fluttered, before which many demon women stood courteously. Standing on the terrace above Xianwu could clearly see the Auction taking place below.

"What is this…?" she questioned in wonder. "Is this how auctions take place in demon realm?" she asked herself. Enthralled and surprised Xianwu looked around in wonder.

"The bet on this slave demon is settled by two bidders and the bidding is still continuously, rapidly progressing! Gluttony demon has bet his own heart from the other three while the destruction demon has betted a million incense paper over it! Now who will take the bet item away or is there some more offers towards it!?" commented a demon loudly.

The crowd cheered in madness. Hearing those voice Xianwu gazed at the stage before her, amid it she could see a demon female ruthlessly tied with shackles in both her ankles and wrists trembling with a slightest gaze at the two demons before her who betted ruthlessly. "Are they betting over a slave?!" Xianwu pondered in shock.

"I bid my second heart over it as well!!" shouted the gluttony demon as he gushed his hand inside his body and plucked out his other heart. "Wohoo!!" the crowd cheered louder. "The stakes went even higher! The gluttony demon raised the bet to his second heart! What is the destruction demon going to do now?" commented the demon creating frenzy.

Xianwu shocked by the grotesque sight gulped in fear. "What in the world is happening here…?" she thought while clutching the rail tightly. Fa ling who was shocked by the sight as well hid deeper in her hairs. "What will you do now? Haha!!" asked the gluttony demon proudly.

'What am I going to do? You better ask this yourself, you freak! That slave is mine! I bid 1 million more incense paper!!" claimed the destruction demon. And, with his bid the audience once more cheered again. The gluttony demon looked sideways in embezzlement.

"No way…?" he stuttered. "Here you go demon folks, we have even a higher bid now! 2 million incense paper over two hearts!! Now what is gluttony going to do? He only has three hearts! What will he bid now or will he forfeit!?" claimed the demon.

"Say… what will you bid now? Or are you scared?" asked the destruction demon.

The gluttony demon trembled in fear. "No way? I will lose? No way!" he stuttered in disbelief.

Suddenly, a demon woman came down towards the stage whispering in the demon's ear who commented. Xianwu stared. "Now what is going on?" she thought puzzled as Fa ling hid deeper inside her hairs.

Hearing the demon woman the demon soon spoke up, "And, folks! This will be the last chance for this bid. If the gluttony demon bids higher the slave will be his and if not! The bid will be handed over to the destruction demon. Clear you heads everyone! For it's time for the climax!!" he cheered.

"Wohoo!!" cheered the crowd. 'The last bid…" Xianwu thought in relief. Looking at the demon woman who came behind the stage, she saw the demon nodding and standing straight once again.

"Behind the curtain… is it owner of this hall?" Xianwu wondered. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted with a scream.

"No way!! I won't lose I want that slave! I bid my daughter and my wife!! I even bid their future with all the valuables I have!!" the gluttony demon shouted.

"Huh?!" Xianwu gasped in shock. "Here you go fellow demons!! Gluttony bid the fate of his own daughter and wife!! How many years will he bid for their future?" asked the demon.

"Ten years! No! Twenty years!!" gluttony demon raised his bid higher. "HAHA! What kind of father and husband he is selling his own daughter and even wife?" Laughed a demon while the others cheered in the crowd.

"Not only that! He even bid their future!! Haha!!" laughed another one.

"He's insane for a slave!!" cheered the others.