
Ch. 30 - Hunting Skills

Another week has passed since Luccyan and Rouge had arrived at Wano's parents.

In the meantime, his name and deeds became known throughout the country.

The citizens considered him as a hero, many made petitions to erect a statue in his name.

Whether or not Luccyan had become a star across the country.

In that time Luccyan took advantage and used it as an excuse to train, and absorbed various skills and techniques from Oden's subordinates

From Kanjuro, Luccyan copied his Akuma no Mi of the paramecia type, his fruit was already well known for giving his drawings ability to come to life.

He had also copied the drawing skill with the brush, but he did not trust the quality of Kanjuro's drawings. [N / A: In the series, Kanjuro's drawings were a huge shame for others.]

De Raizo Luccyan copied the ninja skills, Enton no Jutsu (Smoke Technique), Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique),

From Ashura Doji in addition to the master level fencing, which Luccyan had already copied from Kawamatsu, the rest was far below what he expected.

He had only a few thief skills and an Outstanding Resistance.

Of all the people with whom Luccyan "trained" few of them had their own skills.

Of the three strongest of the red sheaths only Kawamatsu had his own ability, but as he had not shown it to Luccyan, he did not know what she looked like.

Only Kin'emon and a few others had good skills.

But luccyan didn't care much for that, after all it was not just the Kozuki family who have good skills to be copied.

Luccyan had not forgotten, the prisoners now living in that country.

But he had no prey, as his prisoners they could not escape even if they wanted to.

With Toki's help, luccyan changed Wano's laws.

Many daimyos have lost their powers.

To tell you the truth, the position of daimyo was practically abolished.

Wano's country soon became the Wano Empire.

Her queen was Toki Amatsuki, as being Wano's rightful heiress, she held the word across the country.

Hiyori and Momonosuke became Wano's prince and prince.

The followers of the Kozuki family, who

They did not abandon Toki after Oden's death, and with the new laws they took important positions throughout the Wano empire.

Kin'emon would stay north of Wano, Kawamatsu stay south of Wano, Kanjuro stay east of Wano and Raizo west.

They would be in charge of commanding, protecting and placing order in each region assigned to them.

Do you wonder why Ashura Doji is not chosen to run one of the four regions?

Luccyan, who knew about the main plot of One Piece, remembered that Ashura Doji had abandoned the Kozuki family after Oden's death.

But as the situation now had changed because of Luccyan, Ashura had not deserted.

So he couldn't trust Ashura.

Gradually the country was getting back together, it was visible that people were healthier and happier.

The main street that was crowded when Luccyan arrived, became even more crowded.

Elderly people chatted in the square while playing various play games.

Children ran after each other smiling happily.

This vision made Luccyan think that he wasn't even in One Piece, a cruel world where the nobles and celestial dragons reigned over the weak.

His current state was one of achievement, for the first time Luccyan had a kingdom in his own hands.

Although he was not the one who managed it, his wife would not deny his opinions if he wanted to speak.

Luccyan also had his inner world, but today he did not have time to visit it.

In the future this world would be their base and that of their wives, they would take them on a Tour through the beautiful unexplored landscapes of their world ..

To be continued...