
Divine Blade

Xander, a purposeless and lost individual, has spent a significant portion of his life as a solitary soul, enduring the perils of warfare as he faces his own battles and ultimately meets his demise. Reborn in a world of fantasy teeming with magic, incredible phenomenon and formidable monsters, he assumes a new identity as Lucian, the son of a noble. Determined to rectify the mistakes of his past and embrace a more fulfilling life, he vows to improve himself and surround himself with those he loves. However, amidst the jubilation surrounding his newfound life and personal growth, a lurking malevolent force broods in the shadows that threatens to claim all he worked so very hard for. Once again, Lucian tussles with his position in the world, contemplating the necessary course of action to undertake in order to safeguard what he holds dear. Release Schedule: Monday Wednesday Friday Moving up to three chapters a week! This novel will also be featured on Royal Road!

Kaiser0407 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


Drowsily, my eyes slowly pried themselves open. Flashes of light held me at knife point as blades of luminous blinded me, causing me to narrow my eyes. My brows furrowed as I frowned. I tried to heave my body upward to sit upright, but a cramping pain left my body immobile and stiff as a rock.

"...Careful now, you should stay laying down for now." A calming and light voice whispered to me.

With my eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness around me and the foggy bleariness clearing up, my eyes shifted to focus on a figure angelically watching over me. "Mother..." I let out a weak whisper.

A pleasant and affectionate smile split her face as her onyx eyes dreamily focused on me. I felt a comforting and delicate warmth burning below my head. I realised she had rested my head in her lap.

Slowly, my looks left my mother and I began to gather a clearer picture. Though much darker than this early afternoon, this was still the library. Dashes of cantaloupe poured through the windows and brightened the otherwise shadow-infested room. Towering shelves replete with books of different varieties rippled in my sight like waves, my mind still marginally affected by my previous sensory overload.

How many hours have passed?

I tried to muster a voice from my mouth, but I seemed to be straining myself and so my mother urged me to remain silent, simply stroking my head to comfort me.

I then noticed we were positioned directly next to the desk I usually read at, the book I had been reading remaining open at where I had left it.

My mothers impressionable smile filled with roses only further continued to gleam as I refocused on her face. I didn't often see my mother due to how busy she was, much like father, so her looks always captivated my vigilant eye.

Finally, I mustered enough strength to let out a croaky cry. "W-Where's Mary?"

Mother looked surprised, almost as if she didn't expect me to have enough strength to talk, but soon recollected herself and after a brief pause answered.

"Wow. You finally get to see your mother which is usually so busy and all you can ask about is where your maid is? I'm heartbroken. I didn't know my son was so callous." She teased me, giggling lightly as she poked at my squishy cheeks.

I could only roll my eyes at her wittiness to which my mother scolded me for.

"Mary's currently preparing you a bath after I asked her to. You know, she was the one that found you here and told me about your situation." She added after finally answering my question.

"I see..." I could only utter those words.

"So then, my little Lucian," she began, "What on earth have you been up to in here by yourself?" Her brows furrowed as she playfully tried to make herself seem angry and imposing.

I almost let out a hearty chuckle at the sight.

"Are you asking me because you don't know, or are you asking me because you know and you just want me to confirm your suspicion?" I asked.

"My, my. For such a small child you sure do talk quite big." She pointed out and I had only just then realised my slip up.

Is my cover blown?

I gulped as my oesophagus clamped and I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"I'm asking because I know," she finished.

I dismissed trying to answer her like a child as I deemed myself too far gone. In the first place, if she knew what I was doing here, I could probably play it off as me just being a genius and learning from the books I read whilst I spent my time here.

"I was reading..." I began and then paused.

"Go on~." She urged me on as her eyes sharpened.

"I was reading about mana and runes, mother."

"And you did what with that information?" She further pushed for the whole explanation.

"I...I began applying it. I have been for close to a year now. Thanks to that, I've now created my first layer of mana around my rune."

My mothers mouth dropped at the words I spoke.

Huh? Did I do something wrong?

Her face creased as she began moving it closer to me, her eyes seemingly awe-stricken.

"You...you what?" Stumped, she only managed those words.

I assumed she was asking about my first layer of mana rather than me reading the book itself.

I repeated, "I created my first layer of mana."

Flabbergasted, she froze like a statue.

What did she think I was up to to end up in this state if not forming my first layer?

"...Are you lying to me boy?" She questioned, but soon dismissed her question herself and slowly tugged at my crisp shirt-sleeve and tenderly pulled it back. Her eyes inspected my dormant Sigil and then closed.

An icy hum slowly vibrated around the room as deep exhales sounded from her. Her bosom rose and fell as mana hoarded around her and a delicate atmosphere conjured.

Long lashes flapped as her iris came into view once again. "Do you feel that?" She asked, her lips pursed in anticipation.

My body shuddered at the bitter frost thawing through the room as if incorporeal snowflakes encapsulated my being. I could sense the mana gingerly interacting with my body, neither attacking it, nor shielding it. It instead awaited a response.

I wasn't certain if I, with my newly formed layer of mana, would be able to send out as little as an impulse to alert the awaiting judgelike aura my mother invoked. However, I felt like this would be the only legitimate way I'd be able to prove it to her.

Gradually, I gathered my focus inside myself as my mothers eyes watchfully observed my every move. I could feel the first layer practically quavering in anticipation as it awaited my command. Meticulously, I gathered an influx of mana from the first layer, not too great but not small enough to be discounted either. My Sigil on my right shoulder blazed in a fuzzy gold and in one quick action that forced me to gather my entire concentration, I expelled the impulse that aggressively exchanged with my mothers active mana.

Her eyes yet again widened with shock. "...I-I didn't expect you could actually manage it!" She blurted aloud.

I could only raise my eyebrow in confusion as she looked down upon me, still rested in the comfort of her lap.

"You see, I could feel your mana signature leaking out quite clearly due to your reasonably weak mana control, but I never expected you'd be able to dispel an impulse to actually prove it." She explained as I could only regard her with a deadpan expression.

She really forced that effort out of me just because? Oh well, at least I managed to test it thanks to her.

Her smile brightened as she looked at me, her cheeks filled with a blush of pink. "I see... That explains why you ended up like this. I originally thought you were simply experimenting and fell asleep, but to my surprise. My boy is a mage at the age of two!"

She mindfully raised me to her lips and kissed my forehead.

"Are you not angry, mother?" I asked, still cautious about the possibility of being sent of to some lab for people to experiment on me.

"Of course not, dear. I'm the proudest a mother could ever be. My little boy is a mage at such a young age! You have to be the youngest to ever awaken in human history!" She lauded me with compliments, allowing my achievement to truly settle into my mind.

In this world, I had achieved something really incredible.

As the knots of pain loosened their previously tight grip around my body and my vision settled, I raised my head from my mothers lap, positioning myself to be sat upright.

Worried, she leaned closer to me and with a frown asked, "Are you okay, darling? If you wish, you can rest for longer." Her offer, whilst tempting I have to admit, wasn't what I needed right now. I needed to swiftly become accustomed to my body flowing with mana.

"How long have I been here?" I turned to ask her, moving to rest on one knee and then to both as I started to get up.

My mother followed suit, rising from her crouched position, as she replied. "Since Mary found you, roughly two hours. Before that, I'm uncertain."

Her voice soothed my still slightly aching ears as she continued to speak, moving next to me and slipping her hand to intertwine with mine.

"Let's get you to your bath, shall we?"


"Lucian!" A relieved cry split the calming silence I had maintained with my mother as she escorted me to the bath. It was Mary. Her eyes were red with worry and dried tears as she leapt towards me and embraced me tightly.

I felt bad for worrying her.

"M-Mary...I...can't breathe." The words quite literally choked out of me.

Apologetically, she loosened her grip and placed some distance between us, her face clearly in my view for me to study.

Her cheeks were roughly reddened, almost beetroot in colour. Her small nose sniffled with snot and her chin formed creases as she bit back her top lip to stop herself from exploding in waterworks.

"...I'm just so glad...so glad you're okay, Lu." She said as I now slipped my arms around her and patted her head.

"I'm sorry, Marry."

A sharp sting then broke apart our reunion caused by my mothers clap. "Right then, you two. You've said enough, now let's get ourselves into the bath."

My mother promptly began stripping herself of her frilly black dress with highlights of gold throughout.

Ourselves into a bath? They're going in with me?

Mary rose from her knees and also began undressing, strapping a towel on her shoulder as she headed for the bath leaving the two of us with a wave.

Baffled, I remained stationary. Mother then crouched in front of me, only a towel covering her figure.

"You need help to get undressed, my little mage?" A cheeky grin plastered on her face as she poked my nose with a "boop" sound.

I wafted my hands in front of my face as my cheeks deepened in shade from embarrassment. "I'm quite capable of that myself, mother." I said, matter-of-factly.

She simply stood and began heading inside to the bath, her head turning back to face me. "Hoho. You sure must have read a lot to develop your vocabulary for such a small child. I always knew my son was going to be a genius." She covered her snicker with her palm.

Her words seemed conceited, but I was glad she thought so highly of me and herself. Seeing my mothers cocky smile, I realised how cute she was.

I breathed a sigh of relief and slowly began undressing.

Though faintly, I sensed mana coursing through my body. It was a revolutionary sensation, much different to how Vi felt when I manipulated it through armour. I felt my body become much sturdier and my mind much clearer. The needles of pain were now all but gone, my body revitalised through the essence of life breathing through me.

"This is quite the feeling..." I muttered and hurriedly followed them into the bath.

"Ah, there you are." My mother said,

"Come in! The bath feels amazing." Mary beckoned me over.

Steam diffused throughout the room, moistening my skin before I even arrived at the water. The continuous pouring stream of water glided like a makeshift waterfall and cascaded into the overflowing bath, a sweet, herbal aroma intensifying as it did so.

My feet slapped along the smooth white tiles glistening in the lambent exuding from the ceiling, the tiles surface damp, causing me to be overly wary of my foot placement.

Upon arriving at the edge, I slowly submerged myself in the pleasant and snug body of water as it pressed lightly against my body.


"It's nice, isn't it." Marry added to my sigh of relief, a toothy smile donned on her face.

"Mhmm. It's nice." I agreed.

"That's enough of the pleasantries for now. Lu, it's time to get back to our discussion" My mother suggested, inclined to return to our past conversation.

"Ma'am, I'm not sure if Lu will understand such words." Mary referred to my mothers mannered form of speech.

Mother only regarded her with a chuckle and a devilish smile as her finger travelled across her bottom lip. "This boy is full of surprises, I assure you. But the fact that you don't know that means this little rascal has been hiding things from you."

"Really!?" Mary burst out in heartbreak, her pouty frown returning as she condemned me with her eyes.

"Hahaha..." I could only scratch the back of my head and laugh innocently.

"Mary," my mother started, "what I'm about to tell you, you shouldn't disclose to anyone currently. It will be best for Lucian for the meantime."

My mother looked over to me and I nodded. I assumed she was talking about me awakening as a mage. Over the short time I've had to think about this, I also came to the conclusion that I should hide my awakening as a mage for now, until I feel confident in my abilities at least.

Mother then resumed as Mary nodded along. "Lucian has awakened as a mage. He has successfully created his first layer of mana around his rune."

Mary's crimson eyes struck me as bewildered. Her face grew pale as she looked at my small body. "...R-Really? But how can that be? It doesn't make sense. Even master Zorath only awakened at the age of eight and he was considered a genius."

"That's not important right now. As his maid, I thought you should know and I want you to begin his formal education starting from tomorrow onwards. This boy is capable in many more ways than I would ever expect." Her onyx gaze matched mine as she looked at me with concern.

"Lucian. Your third birthday is coming up, you realise this, right?" My mother asked, shifting her focus and attention to me.

"Yes, what about it?" I replied to her question with my own.

"Your father will be present. He has freed up his schedule to see you and your progress. For the meantime, he won't know you've awakened. Which is why this will be the perfect chance for you to impress your father. On your third birthday, you will show him that you are already a mage at such a young age and so Mary will help you prepare."

"Why do I need to show my father that I'm a mage? Does he not see any value in me right now and is the reason he hasn't seen me at all?" Worry started to brew in my heart. I couldn't imagine if my father, who has never even led a conversation with me, was to hate me.

"Of course not, silly. Father and I love you regardless. However, at the same time your father wants you to prove yourself. You see, the Zorath family are only first generation nobles. Your father claimed all of this through his efforts as a powerful mage and has given us this life. He wants you to prove your worth and grow up with the minimum amount of help and things to teach you the essence of hard work and be better than those spoiled noble kids in the capital. This will be the perfect way for you to do so."

I see. I never expected my family to be a noble family that had just been established, especially with the wealth we have, but it seems that my father is just that impressive. I wonder, however, will he be a stern and disagreeable man?

"I understand. I shall do so as you wish, in that case." I astutely replied, standing up from my previously relaxed and submerged position.

"Good. Mary, can you do what I said."

"Of course I can. It is my duty to fulfil yours and Lucian's commands."

And so, the next three months of my life were decided. I had a single goal in mind and that was to impress and announce myself to my father on my birthday.