
Divine alchemy system

After having his family destroyed by the wang clan, Richie is forced to survive on his own, thankfully, he has his Divine alchemy system to help him become the best alchemist ever, watch as Richie goes from humble beginnings to a powerful god which none dare offend using his system of unknown origins, He was chosen for a reason and that reason as of yet, remains unknown.

Daoistgzbyet · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter 18: cultivating, once again

- now, fuse the yin qi with the yang qi so that the explosion compresses the qi outwards-

- now quick, spin your qi around in a spiral shape at exactly 1kph-

-good, now do as the cultivation technique tells you-

The system was giving out a flurry of commands to Richie, though it didn't overwhelm him at all, whilst the commands the system told him to do were quite exhausting, they were also effective, Richie could feel his qi core bursting with new power, and it was only getting stronger.

With each action, Richie's qi core expanded and the quality of his qi improved, this process repeated until Richie felt like he was going to burst, his qi core simply could not expand anymore.

- now push all of your qi into the outer edge of your core, as fast as you can-

the system commanded.

Boom, Richie, once again reached the 1st sub stage of the first realm. Three times already, he had gotten to the 1st sub stage of the first realm for the third time! something he never thought was possible for him.

"Woah, this took way longer, an entire hour" Richie exclaimed, it seemed reinforcing your cultivation to such a point to which you feel like you would explode is very time consuming.

- obviously it would take longer, you're not just aiming to advance in your cultivation, but to repeatedly reinforce your cultivation to the point of which you're mana core almost explodes-

-Though, if a person with a normal cultivation technique were to try to reinforce their cultivation to your level, not only might they overdo it and explode their body, but it would take an astronomical period of time, I'm talking like 5 years-

- you have me to thank for making sure you didn't explode whilst reinforcing your cultivation-

" ok i get it, due to how fast I cultivate, I am able do reinforce my cultivation to this level without using too much time" Richie realised

- at least you're not as hopeless as I thought you were- The system muttered

" what was that?"

- nothing, nothing at all-

Richie then spent the rest if his day cultivation with the 'proper' foundation, surprisingly though, when Richie cultivated how the system instructed him to do, he no longer felt the excruciating pain of creating so many yin-yang reactions in his body, this might be because of his limited knowledge in regards of yin-yang reactions.

At midnight, Richie had reached his original cultivation, the 4th sub realm, though, he still had to advance to the sixth sub stage if he wanted to not die.

" say, what is a hyper sensitive muscle memory anyway?" Richie asked the system

- it allows you to act on instinct in dire situations, by allowing your muscle memory to become more sensitive and powerful, you will be able to react quicker in battles and work better when concocting, though your muscle memory must actually have learnt the thing you want it to do- the system explained.

-You know, you really talk like a kid-

" I'm 11, obviously"

- you're eleven?! your whole family is dead, how do you manage to stay so calm! That's

just not logical, your supposed to be stupid, your eleven-

The system was obviously shocked at Richie's age, he looked like 17, he had deep maturity in his eyes, if not because he was so small, people might mistake him to be much older.

" I'm fine, my family didn't matter to me anyway, I know who I am"


Richie's mother was a rogue cultivator, someone who didn't have any background, his father, the just recently elected head of the Hong clan fell madly in love with her, they had a child only a year after meeting, something which should have been right out of a fairytale.

This child was obviously Richie, however, one day, with his mother, Richie at the age of only 4 was exploring the nearby areas when suddenly, she was killed, nothing even happened, she just died on the spot, shortly after her death, her stomach opened up and much to the horror of Richie, some sort of dark beetle crawled out and devoured her body before Richie's eyes, he was frozen, It was too much to handle, seeing his mother die before his eyes. Only due to his father being nearby did he rescue Richie and bring back his mother.

Both Richie and his father mourned her death, for days they cried, his father, shortly afterwards asked all around for what happened to his wife, none knew.

It took Richie 10 days to stop mourning his mother, he loved his mother, she was so caring all of the time, taking care of Richie was her number one priority.

she was selfless and full of love, to see his mother die before his eyes had deeply traumatized him, but, he would eventually get through it.

he had to, something worse was coming.