
Surviving the Demon Bear

"F**k, then why are you talking? Just run." Ash's expression also changed as he felt the ass-tearing demon bear seem to lock him. He didn't wait any second and ran, with Adam also following from behind. 

The demon bear, also seeing them, roared with fierce light in its eyes, but there was a hint of human-like excitement as it started to run toward them at full speed.

Both Ash and Adam were running fast, even though it appeared Ash was a little faster. His physique improved quite a lot in the last two days, reaching the level of a fit and healthy adult. But the demon bear was also extremely fast; even with its gigantic body, it wasn't slow, as it was slowly catching up with them.

Damn, this sick bear is fast; it's catching up!" He looked back and saw the bear following him, its eyes always on his rear, and couldn't help but feel horrified.

Both of their faces became pale with fright, as they could steadily feel the demon bear was catching up, and they were still a bit far from the village.

"F**k! F**k! F**k!" As they cursed, the demon bear seemed to catch up with them and jump between them, shaking them to the core. 

The demon bear seems to have taken a liking to Ash's ass as his first target seems to him and is not caring about Adam.

"Why me?" He cried, seeing the bear directly attacking him. But just as the giant paw of the bear was about to hit him, Ash's pupil seemed to contract, and with barely an inch to spare, he moved his ass, saving himself.

The demon bear's claw swiped past him, creating a small gust of wind as it missed. The bear seemed surprised, but Ash was drenched in sweat—he'd just come within an inch of death. He knew that a single hit from this creature would be fatal.

But thankfully, he wasn't entirely helpless. His 'Eye of Myriad Manifestation' seems to allow him to see the bear's movements with remarkable clarity, even though it was remarkably fast.

His concentration was extreme; although he was in a shit situation, he was calm, maybe because he had already died.

The demon bear again moved his paws as his first attack to torn ass failed, leaving it with only a way to fight directly.

The bear thrust its paw forward like a trained soldier, its speed astonishing. But to Ash, the movement appeared in slow motion, and his mind processed each detail with heightened clarity. With minimal effort, he dodged the gigantic paw—a powerful blow that could easily have punched a hole through a tree.

The demon bear grew angrier, having missed twice already, and was about to pounce on Ash when a large pebble came flying from behind and struck it squarely in the back.


Both the demon bear and Ash turned in surprise to see Adam, who had thrown the pebble to distract the beast.

Ash was stunned—not only had Adam chosen not to run away, but he had actually risked his life to help. There was no time to dwell on it, though, as the bear, now even more furious, turned its attention toward Adam. Ash knew he couldn't let that happen; together, they had a much better chance of survival.

He also quickly picked up a big rock from the ground and aimed it at the bear's eyes, as they were the most vulnerable part.


Just as the bear was about to attack again, another rock flew through the air, this time striking it squarely on the head. Although it missed the bear's eye, the impact caused enough pain to make it grunt in irritation.

Adam also grasped the moment and backed off to create some distance and quickly picked some rocks. Then from both sides, they showed the demon bear in pebbles.

With his superior control and enhanced observation abilities from his eye, Ash maintained a rhythm, timing his attacks precisely. He aimed for the bear's eyes every time it tried to lunge at Adam, who struggled to dodge the demon bear's attacks.

The continuous attacks only made the bear angrier and more ferocious. It roared loudly, the sound echoing across the area.

It seemed to have gone mad, leaping toward Ash and ignoring Adam entirely. Ash, though a bit tired, felt his concentration sharpen to an unprecedented level. Every unnecessary thought vanished from his mind; the only thing that remained was the instinct to face the demon bear and survive.

The demon bear attempted to crush him with both paws, but Ash had anticipated the move and quickly sidestepped to avoid it. Frustrated, the bear unleashed a flurry of furious blows, but each time, Ash evaded them at the last moment.

After staying on the defensive, he decided it was time to go on the offensive. He concentrated, waiting for the perfect opportunity, and gripped a sharp, pointed rock tightly in his hand.

Just then, Adam threw another rock, which struck the bear right above its eye, momentarily disorienting it. Seizing the chance, Ash leapt forward and drove the sharp rock directly into the bear's eye.

Blood gushed out as this time the rock penetrated its eyes, causing it to feel enormous pain like it never wanted to feel again.


He quickly shouted, and the both of them ran for their lives. As the bear demon was confused, its mind was going berserk in pain, and its vision became blurry as its other eye was also injured.

Even half-blinded, the demon bear continued its mad charge toward Ash and Adam, ignoring its injuries. The two of them hurried back toward their village, and for a brief moment, they felt a surge of relief as the village gates came into view.

But just as they began to relax, the bear appeared behind them, lunging forward. It was too late to dodge, and for a terrifying second, Ash felt the cold grip of death.

Then, suddenly, an arrow whistled through the air from within the village, tearing through the wind and piercing the demon bear's thick skull as if it were paper. The bear collapsed instantly, dead.

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