

Humans deceive, steal, and kill and still expect so much from the world. Human are nothing more than a virus, of that I am certain, for the betterment of the world, humanity must die.

BloodyGhoul · Fantasía
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17 Chs

The Demon Kingdom

Zack stared at the magnificent view of the city before him.The streets were swarming with people of all kinds, dark elf's, devils, dragon kin, and so many more. Everywhere he looked there was something new he had never seen before, magic vehicles were everywhere even though in the human country there were hardly any. And most amazing of all was the fact that all the races here seemed to get along greatly.

Zack stared at the sights from the boat until mila nervously nudged his hand, lightly patting her head zack followed her line of sight and found that twelve or so men in black uniforms were approaching the docks brandishing odd weapons Zack had never seen.

"Guess we've been spotted huh Mila" The dire wolf stared at Zack for a few seconds before returning her gaze to the men on the dock, a low growl escaped her while she took up a stance low to the ground that Zack recognized as her defensive stance. "Easy girl let's talk to them first,"Zack said in a calm voice. "After all it's our first time here, I'm sure they're just checking us out."

Mila lifted her body but didn't take her eyes off the people on the docks. Zack smiled and began docking procedures. The people on the docks immediately swarmed the ship, prompting a deep low growl from Mila.

"Hello sir," said one of the men who Zack figured was in charge. All the men wore the same uniforms, except for the man who spoke. They wore all black combat suits, with magi guns strapped to their hips and blades tied to their arms. While the man who spoke wore the same uniform but with a red stripe going horizontally across his shoulder, and instead of a blade he had a second short sword tied to his hip.

"What do you want?" Zack asked not willing to care about kindness. The man scoffed at Zacks lack of respect for him, 'miserable little brat' he thought but answered Zack anyway.

"You're entering the kingdom of Falmuthe flying the colors of a human kingdom, further more you with your appearance are clearly a human yourself, so..." the men surrounded Zack as if on cue and aimed their odd weapons at him. "might I ask who you are and your business in our peaceful little kingdom."

Mila crouched low again letting out an ominous growl that made several of the men shuffle back a few steps, making Zack think they were rookies at best. sighing Zack looked at the officer in charge. "Rest easy my friend I'm not human," Zack dropped the light magic cloaking his wings and horns. "As for the ship you could say I commandeered it for a better cause."

The men surrounding Zack seemed stunned, but not by what he said, Zack couldn't quite be sure but he could have sworn that the men were staring at his wings and hair. One of the men went over to their leader and whispered something to him. The captain sighed and looked at Zack. "Ok so what's a royal such as yourself doing outside the academy."

"Royalty?" Zack asked without realizing it. The captain raised an eyebrow questioningly as if to say 'you didn't know?', but instead of saying that he asked Zack to follow him.

Zack reluctantly gathered the few small items he had and followed the captain off the boat.

The first thing Zack noticed was the lack of filth in the city. He'd seen a lot of citys and yet none were as clean as this one, there was a distinct lack of trash or sewage in the streets a complete contrast to the human kingdom. the second thing he noticed was the lack of violence, while everyone in the demon kingdom spoke with each other in different manners and acted different toward each other, there was a sort of respect to their actions. To Zack it was like looking at cats talk to birds or mice, but as unusual as it was he couldn't help but enjoy the way they lived so care free and with such bright smiles.

' This is the kind of kingdom i want to protect, im sure Aria would have been happy here.' Zack thought smiling slightly. 'Lets see whats in store for me here.'