

Humans deceive, steal, and kill and still expect so much from the world. Human are nothing more than a virus, of that I am certain, for the betterment of the world, humanity must die.

BloodyGhoul · Fantasía
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17 Chs


The man came back almost as soon as he left carrying what appeared to be a blanket. "I believe this is the girl you were looking for." the man said, tossing the blanket to the ground.

Zack could hardly control himself, your safe, was all he could think, your alive and safe thank the gods. Zack slowly crawled to Aria with tears of relief streaming from his eyes. He gathered her up in his arms and held her close to him as if to protect her from the world.

He could feel her soft breathing, it was ragged but at least she was alive. Zack removed the blanket, that wrapped her small body and looked her over. She had no visible wounds beyond some cuts and bruises.

Zack shook Aria to wake her up, the girl slowly opened her eyes and stared at Zack. Reaching up she placed her hand on his face, it was small and warm and made Zack want to cry all over again. "Your here," she said in a small voice. "Im so happy your okay" the look in the girl's eyes made their reunion bittersweet for Zack, he could see the girl was under a very strong drug. She had no idea what was happening at the moment, to her the world was little more than a dream.

Zack sat Aria up in front of him ignoring the anger he felt towards the people for doing this to her and the anger he had at himself for letting this happen to her. "Focus Aria I need you to focus." Aria lucidly nodded though her eyes were empty and wandering. "You need to r-" Zack hadn't got to finish that sentence before Aria warm blood touched his face. In the next instant, Arias's head had been missing from her shoulders.

Zack couldn't even find his voice to scream or the tears to cry, all he felt was a wave of uncontrollable anger. The anger welled up from deep inside him bubbling like lava, eating away at his every feeling of loss or sadness replacing everything with pure untainted hatred and anger. The only thought in Zack's head was revenge, and he swore he'd have his, even if it meant he'd have to become the Devil King, even if it meant he'd have to destroy all human life, he'd get his revenge.

Zack looked at the man who killed Aria, the smile on his face was sickening as if killing a little girl was the greatest feeling in the world. Placing Arias's headless body on the ground Zack stood and walked towards the man. The smile on the man's face faded, showing nothing but fear, Zack's head hurt slightly as did his back, but he paid it no mind, reaching forward Zack saw that his fingernails had grown and sharpened into long black claws, not stopping to think Zack grabbed the man who killed Aria by his neck and brought him closer to him.

"Die oh foolish one who knows not his place, be banished to the pit of hell to burn for your crimes for all of eternity," the man began to kick and scream, trying to force Zack to release him, Zack merely smiled in the man's face and finished his spell. "Explode" the man was quiet for a moment seeming almost relieved, he began laughing but was cut off when his neck blew up, covering Zacks face with bits of meat and blood.

Zack heard several people gasp and scream behind him, but he didn't care about them. Stepping past the freshly made corpse, Zack walked over to Arias's body and picked it up then grabbed Arias's head and walked over to a tree and carved a message into it. After he'd finished he dug a hole and gently laid her body and head inside of it and buried them.

No one attacked Zack as he did these things, not out of respect but out of fear. The aura around Zack made it known that he'd kill anyone who interfered. Standing Zack let out a deep long sigh and after a few moments turned slowly around.

He hadn't noticed but a lot of people had shown up and all of them were dressed the same, in the armor that soldiers of the kingdom wear. Zack no longer felt angry or sad, he felt nothing at all anymore, he felt empty.

Looking at the men that stood before him in fear he could only act on what he thought he should do. Stepping forward he walked toward the men, some took several steps back and some charged at Zack, the one who attacked him met with a swift death. some tried to run but Zack would not allow that and killed them without hesitation. Those few who didn't run or rather were too scared to move stood there as Zack slowly approached them and killed each and every person he came close to.

When Zack finally got to the last person he didn't kill him instead he simply told the man to run, not because he thought the man deserved to live but because he needed at least one person to tell the king-to-be what happened there.

Looking as the man left Zack had only one thought left that he could grab on to. "Evil," he thought aloud. "All you disgusting humans are evil, I'll purge you all."

And with that Zack walked off into the dark woods leaving no trace but a large number of human corpses and body parts. And a tree that read, here lies the past regret of a former human.